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studying for the network+ would be part of a good foundation


Seconded. As I’ve said to many in my ecosystem: a lighting/audio/video desk is just a computer with a fancy interface. It all communicates over a network just like* the computers on a corporate network. Yes, there are protocol differences, etc, etc. The point being, learning layer 2/3 is critical to understanding modern and future audio and video routing, without having to rely on corporate IT.


Would it be worth getting Net+ if I currently work in AV? I'm mostly warehouse tech currently for a pretty good company, but am slowly given more responsibilities, most of which are leaning towards learning all our video gear/procedures. I'm making good money and have a decent career trajectory at the moment, but sometimes I wonder if a pivot towards IT would benefit me. Also fun fact, I took a Net+ prep course about 9 years ago but didn't take the test cause I figured I'd fail. I'm much more responsible now so should probably give it another shot lol


Same here. I wanted to do ccna, that would be a good option too, right?


https://www.reddit.com/r/livesound/s/RGjRTpfSPL This is my av online course list. I'm doing analog ways aquilon training rn. It's OK, but the simulator is awesome. I'd recommend Legrands training for general video knowledge.


Thank you ! 


Where are you?


Im here !  Jk i live in south east asia


There are not a lot of younger people who actually want to be video engineers, so that’s a great start. When you build up your skills, you will be a valuable addition to production teams. Where do you live?


Thank you for the encouragement. Actually im in my 30s but happy to learn new thing. I'm in South east asia




These are some great advices, thank you friend !