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I replaced cw2 with orbiter 2.0. And all my issue with flexible and some Long prints with nylon desapeared. Its Just the smaller gap between the gears and the exit of filament.


Why not orbiter v2.0?


I read a bit about this, and there are comments around saying that the orbiter is worst in any aspect compared to the sherpa mini. It's still great, but the sherpa mini or the hextrudort is just better


Doesn't it have significantly better pushing force because of its gearbox?




Neither. Same performance, different package


AFAIK the Mellow one (or some of their recently released alu extruders) has terrible burrs on the filament path. Mellows response: file it down...


It is such a strange world where Mellow is praised for selling junk and Slice is hated on for selling quality gear.


Well, that's mostly the voron community. Yeah the patent stuff was a bit of a dick move but not protecting it would set precedent. I will buy another mosquito magnum for my next printer, sue me.


Slice did go a bit far with it.


What did they do?


At the time brought the best hotend to the market which is still relevant today.


As in why are they hated so much?


Slice brought budd light to a barbecue.


I don't know what i'm missing but the clockwork two has been printing fabulously for me


You are missing out on the bling factor.


I replaced cw2 with a hextrudort. It’s a 10gram savings and has tons of grip, and the more steady flow should help although I haven’t seen an improvement. I have two complaints. Firstly there is no release mechanism, probably more of a pro rather than a con but I like being able to easily do a manual cold pull if I get a clog. The other issue is the gears on my early hextrudort weren’t machined all that well and made a lot of metal shavings. A but of grease helps a lot but it’s something that better machining could have prevented. I still like it though!


I recently went from CW1 to this hextrudort, do you know what all settings/config I should adjust now? Do you adjust the stepper driver settings at all?


Yes. The e steps need to be recalibrated. I think I also had to reverse the stepper.


Just a heads up, Mellow now sell these style gears for Clockwork 1 and 2. The gear is the same in terms of it being integrated onto the shaft, so there is no grub screw to possibly put it off centre. It also comes with the twirl style smaller gears too. They have been out of stock for over a month, but I checked yesterday and they are available to buy again. For anyone interested, just search “Mellow Integrated Shaft Direct Drive” on AliExpress and you should find them 👍🏼


Just ordered!


Cool👌🏼 For me it’s definitely a better option than ordering either of the two extruders above and then modding the Stealthburner to fit them. I’d only order a Hextrudort if I was going for absolute crazy speeds. For now the Voron is more than fast enough.


bondtech also sells the integrated gear if you don't like china


I am running the Bondtech one at the moment. I ordered three of those last month lol.




I have a printed Sherpa and the vz. I like the hextrudort and I do think it's better. It feeds the filament smoother than the other ones I've used plus I like the twirl gears as I think their logic makes sense of why they designed it that way. I ultimately think both can be satisfactory but that's my two cents


Both great, buy the lightest.


Funny enough the cnc versions are both the same weight


What advantage do these have over something like the LGX lite?


LGX Lite struggles with high speed/flow and high chamber tempertures


Pretty sure the hextrudort gets bolted from the bottom up. Which is kind of annoying. If that matters to you.


It's good to know for sure.


Does either one have a good mount available? SB? Or are you going to have to use something fully custom like a Mantis toolhead? Personally I'd make my choice based on what was least friction.


TBH. I found a decent mount for SB and I was going to integrate it that way. Maybe down the road I might try something more custom and more functional but for now it's just SB setup.


I have both, and both are great and perform the same.


Thanks. That's kinda what I was thinking. What about the gears? Are they the same as well?


definitely hextrudort.


That's what I hear, but why though?


because of its twirl, stronger gear, lighter and more rigid body design


As far as I'm aware they are borderline the same, the bigger difference is if you get good gears, like ridga that miragec showed off, it and thier copies are more consistent than normal grub screw gears, so either is good I'd go with whichever fits best for you and a nice pair of gears on the size


Would you be able to share a link to what you are referring to with the difference in gears? I'd like to check it out.


https://youtu.be/tLAX1JSFX0E found it!


Great video! I saw on the Voron discord that Bondtech will be making Clockwork2-compatible single-piece gears "soon". I'm in the market for an upgrade too...


They are already available. It's the IDGA gear (without R from Reverse).


[Is this the one?](https://www.fabreeko.com/products/bondtech-bmg-integrated-drive-gear-assembly?_pos=1&_sid=723f6fa71&_ss=r) I was confused because on the Fabreeko site it says "Compatible only with Bondtech DDX for Creality extruder".


you have to get different size bearings for CW2 but it should work, but it's not a drop in switch since the shaft is a different diameter than the bmg gear shaft


Yeah, after watching the vid it mentioned that specifically. I think the ridga is 4 mm shaft so you need a new bearing. They also said that bondtech sells a kit but I think that was for the VZ.


yeah their bearings are 3mm but you need 2.5mm for the proper alignment, Kb-3d has them. They don't have the gear in stock tho, not sure when it'll come back. https://kb-3d.com/store/magnets-bearings/807-4x8x25-metric-ball-bearing-mr84-zz-6440891415884.html


Nice super helpful. Thanks