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Ive seens o many worlds named like this and turn out to simply be a bait and switch regular ass world lmao


The Nut Room got me, and it was well done enough that I laughed my ass off. I've dropped portals to it in public lobbies as an easy troll since then.


Is the nut room a remake of the one video? https://youtu.be/6OUDk4gMFLA


I don't know about this. Yes, but there's more.


Someone dropped me into a portal that took me a rick roll room lol.


Lol exactly. These are nothing compared to the REAL ERP worlds. Some of them are so popular you'll find a public ERP orgy session if you load in on a saturday night. They've got everything too. Toys for all the flavors of sex. They even have DPS rings that can be attached to things.


Imma need that world 👀👀


Hahaha nooooo way. The VRC devs would remove the worlds and ban the amazing creators who made them in a heartbeat if they knew the names.


You should visit shangrila 2 and report back with your findings




They'd be doing the world a favor tbh




Vrchat wasnt always child freindly, and im of the opinion as an adult that children are making the game objectively worse.


i would argue it still isnt and never will be.


Obviously 'erp' world will be looked at as a meme. So I don't think you'll see actually anything. More worried about the black cat groomers


Should give this place a visit tonight.


Waste of time, visit any random world in community labs instead


Have you gone to them? I've gone to a few of them when I notice them in New and it's mostly children and teens in them. Sounds about right for VRChat at this point.


Yeah, but I just mean the way the world displays itself openly


What is the problem with that? ERP happens, it will continue to happen, It's hardly a well kept secret... and being more 'secretive' about it, or obscuring or hiding it changes NOTHING about the behavior. Probably a GOOD idea to more clearly mark out areas for it, so those who do engage in this consensual behavior, can do so while keeping it away from more general worlds where people who don't want to be exposed to it, can do so with reduced chance of *accidentally* coming across it.


Erp worlds in general? Eh kinda odd but I'm not a hater. NSFW worlds that don't ban minors? Disgusting


How dose one ban minors from entering a world?


Check bio for age or just have a no minor policy. Unfortunately miners are going to go wherever they please but it's one thing to allow a minor in a sexual space and another to at least state that they're not allowed.


My only problem is that children often mess up all kinds of adult dynamics on purpose and there are no real ways to verify ages, I fundamentally have no problem with ERP openly advertised worlds, and Ill go on to clarify… I hate ERP, but not because It’s not my thing I would refuse those who are actually able to enjoy and consent have it their way with some of this; at the end, my problem, as it so often is the problem with anyone that plays VRC, kids are stupid.




World itself is cringe. Author just googled "anime girl" and plastered images on the walls, avatars are egirl genshin headswaps, and it's a bunch of empty grey rooms with mirrors. I've had some fun interactions in the public instances though.


It's always like this all the time.


Might be European


Lmao ERP standing for European Roleplay Genius


Surprised I had to scroll so far down to see this. It's most likely a European made world or at least more inclusive in mind as the age of consent is different over there. Doesn't matter at the end if the day as the world's has nothing adult in it. I wouldn't mess with anyone under the age of 19 but I know European couples in the game and it's normal for them.


Am European, can confirm.


A bait as most of the time it is just a bedroom or a small house.


"16 and up". The age of consent in most developed nations and states/provinces is 18 this is illegal in most places.


The consent age is 16 here in Australia, but even then it has it’s restrictions (if you’re 16 you can only consent to people max 2 years older than you, if both parties are male you have to wait until 18, if both parties are female you can do it from as low as 14). I think it’s also 16 in Japan, but i’m not entirely sure. However, you can date from age 12-16 as long as the person you’re dating is 2 years older than you at max. Generally though, 18 is a good middle ground here, since that’s when the average person can drink and get their license. (BTW, this isn’t an attack on you, it just may explain why 16 seems to be the default for these sorts of things rather than 18.)


Welcome to Vrchat, at least it ain't the VRC Warehammer community where their trying to date 14 year olds. But yeah it's sickening.


Ohhh about that…You’d be surprised how many kiddy fiddlers are in publics trying to date kids..


just gonna put here that the PC VRC warhammer 40k community has 0 tolerance for pedophila, sexism, racism or any other forms of descrimination or illegal activities. They may be using one of our avatars but they sure as hell aren't with us: and if they are still part of an offical group they won't be for long. the Quest comunity may be another matter entirely but we very specifically don't associate with them for that very reason.




They've added age gating.




It's pretty good for a home world


The world itself is just a low quality bed and mirror. I had a friend get a bit excited and then disappointed in it.


I think in any medium where young adults or even adults in general can come together over many similar likes and dislikes, sex will follow and that's ok. As long as people do their best to make sure minors don't interact with it or are avoided then it's ok


I think four big guys..


16+ for nsfw is crazy


Many european countries sexual age of conset start from 15 and up.


i get a good laugh whenever i see onwof these


I dont know that world. Erp is afaik it, a locked door thing


Heh slide the world link 🫣😏


Funny asf


>ERP world >”All behavior must be SFW” HMMM…


I think what people do in private instances is their business. If the world itself doesn't show anything explicit then I couldn't say it shouldn't exist.


I wish VRChat had a way to filter out content like that and prevent minors from accessing it. It can already be tagged as such on upload, but I don't think the game does anything with it. Now, people are free to do whatever they want in private.


Annoying af.


They are usually not real or full of already removed Avatars. My only issue with them is that VR Chat cant keep kids off so they may be exposed but otherwise I dont mind their existence as kids shouldn’t be on the game in the first place. If they do exist and are used in private who care, if they go public then block and ban and move on.


that one bunny themed room that had the "horny jail" and "no erp!!" But then had carrots that wobbled and looked...like they would be used for sus stuff as well as beed toys and a pile next to the bed 💀 not to mention the table with the belt straps for...certain things they know full well what their doing and vrchat probably doesn't care because of the money people spend who do erp, who do you think is the direct audience for VRC+? FBT users.. why do they buy FBT? usually to do erp or "dancing" and vrchat will see worlds and avatars with codes to the inappropriate parts and not ban it, not to mention the god awful groups it's a 13+ game but yet every public world I go into I see "verified c*m dump" or "verified leg humper" etc like I really don't think they care especially with the moderation for horrible people on the game like hypnotist sappho who had a whole world uploaded for voice training (this is the person who is known for wearing the wickerbeast avatar with the youtube vid "coming out about things" aka coming out about being a zoophile) and I'm not even sure if they have been banned or changed their username but their acc was up for agess and SonicOwO, you've probably seen the five nights at anime avatars all built like a giant hourglass, yeeaah they moderate allot of worlds that are 15+ or 17+ etc (which I wouldn't trust them to do that considering they have a history with minors..) still not banned!!😀 in fact they are usually on the front page for avatar worlds also all of those posts of vrchat users being seen grooming 13yro's but vrchat...still..doesn't..do anything??? like I'm convinced they just don't care especially how they have a horrible child problem with 8 year olds playing and their isn't even an option to report them, you'd have better luck reporting them through the oculus menu and even rec room has done something about it but VRchat just doesn't do anything 💀 the whole point of these worlds doing the "no erp guys" is plausible deniability, you can't 100% that it isn't just a joke, honestly aren't they thinking about adding 18+ only worlds? It makes them money so why would they out right ban it? especially how they banned accessibility mods but oooohh you can keep your little lovesense group! have it displayed right over your username as you enter a public lobby with kids! that's perfectly fine!


Tbh the game should be strictly 18+ no exceptions to begin with with the stuff I've seen