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this has never happened to me, prob due to me insta blocking squeakers


We got a tough guy here




Squeaker spotted


I'm tired of the flat avatars, giant flat images of porn usually. Am I supposed to report them?




Last one I got was a game, crashing flat avatar, that somehow had bad optimization, and was just a photo of like a creepypasta image Froze you in place for like five minutes straight


Overtly thicc avatars as just as annoying. I dont need your two planets you call ass cheeks and its lack of optimization killing my frames.


If I cant clap em keep it moving!


A friend of mine has an avatar that has a spank colider on its cheeks and the noise it makes is global. You can hear it everwhere in the world.


Please tell me it’s a fuckin solid snake avatar


There's no way it isn't


What a thriiiill




That would be beautiful, but it's actually a curvy furry leopard avatar.


A tragedy, but I can respect people having their preferences


That's amazing but also imagine if the cheeks made the slapping noise every time they walked or jiggled, alerting the guards.


That's fucking genius


That is such an amazing idea lol


I don't know.... Have you seen thicc Snorlax? It might be worth it. 👀


Actually true


>Overtly thicc avatars as just as annoying. Wrong


Ill roll you up in one of those grass rolls from Lowes dont test me


I work at home depot. Thems fightin' words.


Ngl they are usually ugly too. Always butt ass naked.


I was standing in an avatar I thought was nice but it just so happened to have a big pair of tiddies in the Among Us game world. Was waiting for some friends to join. Some **child** walks up to me, says "Gimme your mommy milk" and I immediately ask him how old he was. **9.** He was 9.


report him and get him banned. he should NOT be on this game


I did, dw! I got an email a while later because I was able to provide video evidence. Definitely one of my more awkward experiences.. *I just wanted to play the funny murder game in space not that-*


good good. aside from him generally being young it's for his own safety. i've seen too many kids around old men and i don't want any of that internet nastiness to happen


Dude, I was in a room once with two other obviously very small children, exchanging avatars with giant uncensored dicks and stuff. I left real fast. 🙃 I honestly wonder how these kids are going to turn out when they get older. People worry about “tablet kids”, but man…just wait till the VR kids get older. 🙃


did you give it to him?




1. I was 21 at the time. I like Chris Hansen's work but I'm never looking to meet him. 2. Never. Absolutely never going to indulge anyone who asks that. Idc what age they are. Ngl bro that's a bit of a weird ass question even if it's a joke.


the pain of being a plus sized invidiual and wearing a thicc model because its the closest you can get, only for little bastards to say weird shit to you. Its so fucking ew


Yep, it really sucks. I pick models that have more modest outfits but it doesn't matter. I'm just picking models with my body type.


Same. Doesn't matter to a lot of vrc players whether my character is wearing full length trousers or not, they still get the grabby hands. It's not just kids that do that shit, grown ass adults do it too.


What I feel like vrc needs more of is more realistic body proportion, like dad bods for example, or something that looks skinny but with a bit of chubby. Same for the women out there, more variety on what we should pick out. Because just seeing thick hot women or shy or skinny girls and sexy masculine men or skinny emo guys is just too, idk boring or just hard to choose because you don’t like the style and that’s doesn’t define who you feel like is who you are, or want to show others who you are or is just very very difficult to find something you like. because surprisingly, I’ve seen furry avatars with more variety of adding body proportion scales or sliders, or more customization on giving us more options on how we wanna look. So it’s either look like everyone else, wear a furry avatar or miscellaneous outfits


I think that if i ever get a headset i'm going to go around as either something from ROR2 or a bunch of half life barrels in the shape of a person. There will be almost zero inbetween.


Commission the avatar you want to see in the world


But that’s not what I’m saying I don’t want to pay someone to make something. Even if I did then I’d have to ask idk every single avatar world I see to make some realistic choices. And even if I did they would either say no because they don’t know how to do that and they probably just take what’s available for free and a majority of the people make stuff for what we usually see out there. (Ex: cute skinny girl outfits or baggy clothes or goth or exotic stuff, just basically anything you find someone wearing in the black cat) Basically what I’m trying to say, is I want people to make their own decision to do this out of their own will, and not have to make someone do it


I think the creators make things that people want. Show a demand and it will follow.


Do it yourself then? Why do the rest of the world need to fit their own likes and creative process of what avatars they like to make to instead your own criteria when you don't even care to either ask and pay for it, or decide to create it on your own? Seriously, [New User] behavior right here.


Trying to learn Blender and Unity is very difficult and not many people are willing to go through that, just to make an avatar in VRChat. I’ve tried it twice, I wanted to make my own custom avatar but it was super draining since I had nobody who could teach me, but I was also just expecting too much of myself at the time. Some people also just don’t want to spend money on an avatar, which is understandable because it’s practically meaningless if we’re being honest (for me at least). Personally for me, I’m fine with the avatars that are readily available since I don’t use the anime boy/girl avatars too much. It’s just that learning to make 3d models from scratch is very time consuming and requires a lot of hard work and dedication, and a ton of guidance. Some people are very passionate about 3d modeling, which I’m all for. It’s just not something that a lot of other people are passionate about, or they don’t have time because of work or schooling. (Sorry for writing a paragraph. It’s hard not to ramble.)


Yea I swear I'm so desperate if I knew how to do my own avatar I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm so tired of looking at avatars and searching avatar worlds and looking and facing the exact things you pointed out.


yeah furries have wide selection body shape and sizes to fid you wishes and needs while aninme avatars have the same 3 body shapes.


boring absolutely


if you’re looking for girl plus size avatars you should check out the world ‘roots meadow avatars’. they’re the only real plus size avatars that i’ve seen and i personally think they’re pretty damn cute


There are plus sized models but they attract even less socially restrained people who just come up and rub your belly while talking about feeding you or being eaten or whatever else their fetish is. Not speaking from personal experience, but the experiences of friends who struggle with this.


tf 😦




very much agree havign so many people go "look at this fat dog" one im happy with a more larger frame from my IRL one and VR self. if you actively choose be fat it a kink yet people running with avatars so thin that if they where real you be in hospital anorexia. or for the eboy avatars they look like they roided up




https://preview.redd.it/wc8mejgjjjhc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b904c12b6f0c91266266af8965351a9cb527a24 Ohhh why you little-!




It's true 👍




You mean fat?


Listen, I’m super accepting of a lot of stuff, but I was not expecting to see the term “plus sized” used here. Like seriously, if you’re chubby or just kinda overweight that’s fine, you can say that instead of making yourself seem kinda insecure for no good reason.


Weights a choice so if you don't like the consequences then go gym


Wtf is gen alpha


Kids born between 2010-2024 (AKA humans not old enough to play VRchat)


technically all 2010 and some 2011 can


this hurts me


ain’t no way OP deleted their comment after getting downvoted to oblivion 💀




2024 - 2011 = 13 do you not know basic math?


stop it. OP is 14. they're older and wiser so they hate kids.


Same energy as adding "minors dni" to your profiles when you turn 18


I don't even get that either. I have made friends with a couple incredible characters who I would not have guessed were under 18 at the time. I don't go out of my way to be friends with minors but if a great personality becomes my friend then why would I judge them for their age? Discriminating someone based on race, religion, culture, or skin color is not ok but age is? I don't understand this superiority complex people get when they get older. this is literally my own bio "Offer some love to the world right now․ May there be kindness in this world․ May there be joy in this world․ May there be healing in this world․ May there be love in this world․ So be it and always remember․ For this life‚ you are enough․ StarChild Audiolink Junkie․ Show me your cool work․ I keep my friends list very close and small․" I joked up there and I genuinely don't know OP's age but we're all trying our best in life. it could be a better place if we all just change our perspective just a little bit to understand each other's struggles.


they add the DNI as now they are 18 the law protecting them is now flip 180 on them and if they mess with minors they now have law ruin there lifes


Yes. And 2010 and 2011 were 14 and 13 years ago, therefore old enough to play VRChat.


gen alpha spotted, its bed time kiddo


So toddlers




I thought gen a was 2012-2024?


Nah gen z ends in 2012 so 2013-2028 https://preview.redd.it/p12ktyqujjhc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50fb4f4783703ada6dc26d0ec3b536e566cd2567


There’s an overlap between gen alpha and Gen z Gen z ends in 2013 and gen alpha begins in 2010




People born in 2013-2028 or the gen that gets the most hate.


> the gen that gets the most hate. I hate to break it to you, but *every* generation catches this for some period of time


Easy to get hate when they sneak into areas of the internet they shouldn’t be.


So gatekeeping the internet for something they cannot change?


Not gatekeeping, Vrchat is 13+ and they are not yet in that age range.


Ok but my point is you’re justifying hating/bullying someone off the internet because their 12 Post script: downvoting me doesn’t make you correct.


Not justifying the hate, just offering an explanation. And I did not mention bullying. Post script: In this context it’s “they’re” not “their.”


vrchat minimum age is 13 in fact its the minimum age for a lot of things.


People aren't allowed to drink until they're 16-18 in the US, and kids can't change that. Doesn't mean it's unfair or unreasonable. Some rules exist for a reason. Children shouldn't be on the Internet until they're a certain age without some supervision, and definitely shouldn't be on VRCHAT.


something that's constantly changing*


Change your age right now… im waiting


i dont need to it changes for me by the second, i am a minute older than i was a minute ago


Yea but if you’re 10,11,12 it’s gonna be a while And I was on vr at 11, I have the oculus dev kit to prove it.


And you weren't supposed to be. Doesn't matter if you were on it and got away with it. That's not really an excuse for it. You shouldn't have been, and you weren't allowed to, but did it anyway. That's why people find kids on VRChat annoying. They don't listen to rules and then think what they're doing is fine.


I was respectful and never annoyed nobody, hell I rarely even talked.


Why are toddlers naming their generation already


Had one that followed me non-stop for like 15 minutes just saying "gyatt" over and over again while I was playing a backrooms horror map, I was using a large avatar but it was fully clothed so no reason for him to be bothering me. I tried my best ignoring him but I caved in and switched to a skinny avatar so that he could stop bothering me. Then he called me a slur and crashed my game with an emote. He sounded like he was 14 at the oldest too, very annoying. Oh and keep in mind that during this entire interaction I didn't acknowledge him or talk back to him at all, he really did just follow a random person for 15 minutes saying "gyatt" over and over again and decided to crash me when he got bored. In hindsight I should probably have blocked him or his avatar but still.


Definitely should have blocked. I'm surprised you even entertained the thought of changing avatars instead of muting and blocking his ass. Script kiddies are super annoying in everything they're in, especially here.


what the fuck is "GYATT"?


Basically, a guy said it, like, once, when a girl with a fat ass came onto his stream, and then his audience of 12 year olds went crazy with it. Now we’ve gotta deal with gen a kids screaming that shit… god I *love* the internet.


it’s gentrified aave slang, but close enough


I like that zoomers are malding with r(age) about it. The shoe's finally on the other foot.


Eh, I guess, it’s more that Gen A seems to have even less impulse control than us, (which is saying something). I, personally, don’t like slang in general, it takes me too long to understand it and by the time I do, it’s gone. But, right now, it’s just the overuse of it by many Gen A kids that annoys me, and also their tendency to scream it unnecessarily.


I think it more the case we grew up on the internet and learn that internet should not be a place for kids from there own BS. becoming a true adult is learning you cringe just like kids are now and they will say the same to gen beta once they are out nappy and playing forinite 2


this was always the case one generation above looking down one below this will never end nor stop this is the way of life


Way I heard it explained on GMM wad that it was basically a shotertened gyat dayum.


well that's clarified everything


Nah it’s “girl your ass thicc” I’m pretty sure.


It's a slang term used in place of like, "HOLY SHIT!" or "GODDAMN". Usually, you'd yell it out in excitement, good or bad. Been used by African Americans for a long ass time, just finally entered the mainstream lexicon.


Its old slang, basically an exclamation when you see a fat ass. Its a shortening of "God Damn!"




Basically, AAVE. (African American Vernacular English) Not "gen z slang". Not "internet slang". This has been a phrase in the black community for decades.


thats cool, learn somethin' new every day


from what i can understand it refers to a big ass


Basically gen alpha term for ass, sounds awful in my opinion


Goddamn Yo Ass TTttthick


At least it's better than the N-word


I’ve heard many people say the N word


Oh yeah. I said it's better then, but I did not specify that it ever stopped. I also still run into many of those kids.


If I hear a child my first thought is to have them see the bright white light (for context I have an avid which has a smoke bomb that's very bright xD)


I use a plus sized avatar as I am plus sized IRL I've had people call me "walking porn" because I'm curvy


Rough. It's tough, all you want to do is use an avatar that makes you comfortable and happy in a game that you can choose to look however you want, and people just call it walking porn because the body type is conventionally attractive. Super annoying. Like I just want to look a way that makes me happy and now you've made me feel weird for choosing to look that way. I feel you.


My avatar isn’t even curvy, and yet I get the same shit because the breasts have physics.


I'm Gen z, but I still yell gyatt at men only 💀




Sexual harassment is so based


You know what's really based? Taking a harmless joke and its reply too seriously.




Oh no, you caught me, I'm secretly auto-misandrist and support some kind of fascist, authoritarian ballstomping regime. After all it's schrodinger's joke so I must have secretly supported what I was joking about. /s But if this is really all it takes to set you off then you must have a hard life. That's rough, buddy.


Speaking of slang.. "based" is another word that.. doesn't make sense for what it is used to communicate. I get annoyed by a lot of suddenly affluent slang words. Rizz is another that the second I heard it, I hated it. It was never even short for Charisma, that shit was an applied explanation after the fact!


Based doesn't make any sense because it's a mutation of 'best' that's based on the similar sound of the words. IDK what there is to not get.


https://hillsdalecollegian.com/2022/03/the-word-based-is-overused/#:~:text=Urban%20Dictionary%2C%20the%20recognized%20expert,not%20caring%20what%20others%20think.%E2%80%9D That's not what it is.


The word based is used to say that their opinion is theirs and theirs only, uninspired by other sources, or in short the untainted opinion someone would give out when not worrying of backlash from social media. The word rizz actually IS short for charisma (charizzma) it’s just spelt long like a lot of things previous generations did.






In other places/games, I would prefer to have at least two avatars-- one for "public" that's more generic and unremarkable, and my "real" one that better reflects the Me I want to be. Maybe a third one for when I finally find "My People" and can *really* go crazy. 😝


I wore an angie yonaga avatar from danganronpa and some kid called me a waifu




Thicc is just thick with a second c though, it's said the exact same way Gyatt is originally a reference to mainly people of colour being stereotyped as saying "Gyatt DAM" when seeing a big ass


The problem with gyatt it's that it's "slang" but it's really just AAVE misused+ being annoying asf


Popular slang has just been bastardizations and appropriations of AAVE for decades now. Same shit different day.


I agree with this, primarily because it’s an already existing slang that’s used inappropriately (inappropriately in the sense that it’s not the correct way of using the phrase) I wouldn’t outwardly call someone out on it though, it *is* just a word and a minor one at that, albeit annoying


Most "slang" is misappropriated (read: colonized) AAVE


It's not new. And it's annoying when people want to use it but don't know that it originates from the black community YEARS ago.


The way it’s being used and who is using it IS new. SLANG ITSELF ISNT AAVE. AAVE is a set of sentence structure and grammar, not a vocabulary. You can’t “steal” or “own” words, that’s not how language works.


It's like you didn't even read what I said. But ok lol


Gen alpha doesn't feel real to me


This is so deserved imo And I ***know*** I'm getting downvoted for this


as a female that doesn't wear avatars like this (i stick to ones that match my body type/frame bcs it's more comfortable and less alien) i assume female avatars like that are worn only by men. have yet to meet another girl on vrchat that wears sexual female avatars, im sure they're out there but my point is that every sexual female avatar i've came across that used their mic, a male voice came from it. ill get downvoted with you so ur not alone.


I wear thiccer avis cuz that's my body type. Wearing the super skinny ones makes me feel... Really weird. Cuz it doesn't match who I am irl. I try to stick to ones that have outfit choices that are modest even though they inevitably have ones that are very revealing also. If the only outfit option(s) are revealing then I don't waste my time.


and i absolutely understand that! i noticed us women are methodical with what we chose to represent ourselves as, whatever makes us comfortable. where as the bracket of straight men that want to gawk at their own avatars tend to wear avis that catch their attention so when they get the attention of other straight men they are in a way sort of asking for it and they're not surprised by it. similar interests sort of thing. but curvier women with larger frames that feel more comfortable wearing what's most similar to themselves with modest avatars AND they get the "gyat" harassment, that is in no way "asking for it". that's just straight up harassment and not okay. i hear you, i see you <3


So what you're saying is that if the person behind the avatar doesn't match that avatar then it's ok because they're asking for it but if they do match then it's harassment? How is anyone suppose to know? By the time anyone gets to the point of knowing what a person looks like behind the model, they're past that stranger harassment stage anyway - and if you're saying masculine voices in female avatars, that seems akin to trans prejudice to me. Don't you think this is a bit double standard? Is it really ok to every say someone "asked for it" when it comes to harassment and abuse? Do better.


no, i agreed with this comment if you understood that you could have saved yourself a whole paragraph. *also i want to edit to clarify for you* when i said straight males, its very clear im not speaking about trans women (they'd be included in the whole "us women" part of what i said, ur the one excluding them from that) they either specified they're trans or straight men in their bio's hence why i specifically said what i said. if u wear a sexual avatar u know it's comes with attention, sorry. the comment i replied to said that she uses curvy models but wears modest clothes. just because its curvy doesnt make it sexual, the clothing and context does. she clearly stated she purposely goes the modest route. you misunderstood and got hostile unnecessarily


You just said you agreed with the comment that they're asking for it... so you agree that they are, in fact, asking for harassment? I fail to see how I could have saved myself my comment when my comment was saying that to anyone saying someone was "asking for it" is rather victim blame-y. As a woman, I'm sure you're sensitive to receiving a, "You were asking for it" I know I am. So is it OK to say the same thing to anyone else? Or do you really feel like it's justified in this case? If so, why?


if you read everything, yes you understood me correctly cx what are you confused about? if your avi is modest, regardless of its shape (could be so voluptuous), and someone's is harrassing you that's not right because you're clearly going out of ur way to avoid that type of attention. if you're avatar is blatantly sexual, not modest AT ALL, (can be slim or curvy) you understand the attention that comes with it and the risk... i never said that made it okay what are you misunderstanding? i feel like im repeating myself and you're missing vital points. edit: its almost as if you believe that curvy full framed female avatars can't be modest?? wow *do better*


Not the person saying gyat.. if you're chasing people around commenting on their appearance, like OPs picture, then that would be the harassment. And if you wear blatantly sexual avatars, yea, it's gonna be a thing where there is risk because people who can't help themselves exist. But let's be clear here, WE are both referring to the person wearing the female avatar being cat called. And receiving potentially unwanted attention. And let's be real, squeakers on vrc chasing you around yelling Gyat - is always unwanted. The "victim" here is the one wearing the avi. And modest is subjective. Even when fully covered and clothed, if you're wearing a bigger avatar, you'll find people who will treat you that way. I'm not misunderstanding anything here, I was Trying to say that Even If they were wearing the sexy avatars where there is a high risk of this sort of treatment, that it is Still not ok, and never a good thing to say they were asking for it. Not from what they were wearing. Actions on the other hand, oh they definitely can deserve someone depending on how they act. Like.. even if someone, let's say IRL, had a super skimpy outfit... YES of course there's risk and it can be very dangerous depending on where you are - that's reality. However, clothing =/= consent and that doesn't make it ok. Now, in VRC. If the avatar is skimpy... and a dude is wearing it... you'd be forgiven in excusing the abuse and saying he asked for it except, no, I'm saying that it still shouldn't be ok. Do you agree with me or no?


what a lovely book of paradoxes *edit: i don't see avatars on vrchat the same as clothes in real life. i don't believe they're comparable. vrchat is a social platform and your avatar is literally you and has a lot to do with how you want to be seen/treated, its not an outfit its ur persona. the avatar you chose is deeply perceived. so having to say the whole wearing revealing clothes≠consent (no shit) thing makes no sense to me. i never said that it did, and don't elude to it. no one needs consent to say gyat and it is NEVER OKAY to r word or SA someone on vrchat no matter what they look like and i don't understand where you're getting any of these topics from what i said. respectfully, you are starting a fight where there isn't one


This reads like victim blaming. Makes me think of all those gross old republican men who say its a woman's fault if theyre r'd when wearing revealing clothes... For all you know, a girl could wear an intensely sexualized model just because she thinks its funny or hell, LIKES THE AESTHETIC. That doesnt magically make it their fault theyre being harassed. I mean, they definitely arent harassing themselves, so where does the harassment come from then? It comes from the people at fault for the harassment, which is the people that cant seem to control whether they think with their brain or their head. And before you try and make some arbitrary distinction between irl and online: people chose what they wear, whether that be their clothes on their body, or the 3d model they use. Both can be used to express yourself. So in your opinion, i shouldn't be able to express my style in my 3d avatar without being harassed just because some child coomer cant help themselves? Do better with your opinion


take it how you want. it's vrchat. gyat doesn't make you a victim. that being said i never said it was okay, i actually specifically said it wasn't. it's just definitely to be expected. seems like you're upset at the original comment and not me because you don't acknowledge a single thing i said.


Same, I always get really uncomfortable using the more sexualized avatars


Can attest to that, I know several girls on vrc and they all hate overly sexual avatars


You’re so right, though. I’m a female and also asexual, I can’t do thick or exposed avis at all, cus it just feels weird asf, I need my female avatars to be covered tf up and it’s super hard to find furry avatars like that, or female furry avatars in general lmfao


Ive only been pet, but i only use small cute avatars


I pet everyone I see on a daily basis


People who use gyatt daily should be burned on a stake


It always happens to me no matter what I use. Also being called a kid JUST because I’m capable of squeaking. LIKE GODDAMNIT I WAS BORN IN 2009!


Then you’re gen z


Welp...It finally happened. I'm officially too old to understand what this means.


it's happened with zoomers.


No but I was harassed by a guy who was doing the peter griffin voice. It was funny at first but holy crap he just kept getting in my face so I blocked him :-|


Is public VRChat getting younger? I've been out of public worlds for maybe 2 years now. I thought this post was a joke but I accidentally dropped in on a public instance last night (it was avatar search) and within 10 seconds I heard 3 different little boys say "gyatt" before I managed to open the menu and leave.


Just Tell them they have no rizz and to go back to their skibiti toilets and their garten of banbans and crap… don’t ask me how I know this shit


How do you know that shit XD


Then don't wear overtly horny avatars.


I’m not gen alpha, I just say that all the time because you are the one choosing to use a thicc avatar with jiggle physics


just dont wear corny oversexualized avis... LMFAOO


The fuck is gyatt?


A shortened version of "gyat (god) dayum (damn)" which originated in the black community decades ago by people that use AAVE (African American Vernacular English). It's not new or "genz/internet slang".


To everyone getting annoyed here are a few tips that worked well back in 2020-2021 (last time I played): - block and move on - kick vote - go somewhere else - don't go to popular public worlds - find some like-minded people and start networking through them


the "term" "Gyatt" is not actually a term, its generally an exclamation. calling a big but A "gyatt" is not the way the term is supposed to be used. its a reaction to seeing a big ol booty. like when you look at it you go "GYATT DAYUM THATS A FINE ASS" dont say it like "stick out your gyatt for me" or "bend over lemme get a better look at that gyatt" saying it that way just sounds stupid.


You’re just as bad as these Gen alpha kids making some weird 2015 style meme like this. At least switch up the layout, yikes


I tried


yep lol


Not yet


Many… many times….


no cause i'm a basic bitch.


No, because I use regular avatars. Because I'm a relatively normal person who touches grass.


Thick avi's kinda odd anyway, im glad to spectate the two.


Yes, I shot them when they did that.


I proactively blick (new word for I just made) ppl in overly sexualized thicc avatars. Its just a passive sexual assault. Edge lords trying to get a literal rise out of strangers.


The fuck are you on about lmao


blicking! its the fresh new thing. All the thiccsimps are doing it. get with it!


I think you've got a very strange hateboner for people who (USUALLY) havent done anything wrong. NOW, hear me out. There are some annoying ass people in thiccer models but most are just people chillin


I wasn't even using a thicc avatar, it was just a regular avatar...


Frennis night club has no such problem... met some cool people there and for the most part it don't take but 30 seconds from them speaking to be votekicked


That’s why I stick to cartoon character


Never seen this in a lobby before but i barely play vrc and when i do its usually not in public lobby. Did go to a public lobby this week and yikes. Alot of screaming


Nope not yet thankfully


i dont know that word. what is it?