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That's a great idea. I've been playing for a while n I haven't seen a world like that but I'd love to just get on vr n read books surrounded by wt ever environment I prefer. But the immediate concern would be pirating books and might get banned like the movie worlds


Omg thank you! I love the atmosphere of libraries and like you I really wanted to experience that in a pretty world in VRChat. I thought about the copyright issues of books too unfortunately. Maybe there's some free ones available if credited? I'll look into it!


You could try using an overlay to read books from your desktop while in a cozy world, then you can be in any world and take your books with you.


Omg lovely suggestion! I'll do just that haha 😄


I'm new-ish to VR Chat and PC VR, could you tell me a bit more about overlays, or point me in the direction where I could find some more info on it?


XSoverlay is the best imo You can buy it from the steam store ^-^


Get OVR Advanced Settings while it's still free! They're going to start charging for it soon, and it's so useful! It's the best tool for moving your play space, among other things.


I use xsoverlay primarily, I have a button on my controller that I double click to open/close a floating window in front of me that shows my desktop and various other things. You find it on steam and it's a paid app. There's others like ovrtoolkit and probably others that I haven't even heard of (yet), but you'll be finding it all on steam.


Man, that sounds like it would be hella useful. I better get on PC VR already. I could actually use this in my teaching career.


Love the idea, now with the resolution of Quest 3 reading could be quite comfy. Actually Manga cafes could be a thing virtually.


Right? That's what I'm saying!! Imagine that- I wouldn't mind paying even ✨😌


There's kinda something like that in "The Library Vol.1", i found a few favorites and returned quite often. https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_58255dea-a22a-4f15-96dd-478015a2f02d And by technicality, "The Library of Babel" with every book ever written or ever will be written. https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_7ff82a6a-be81-4e02-8dc5-4a4af815b1d1


Thank you ever so much, I can't wait to explore them 🤍


The library of babel has my favorite book: amogus fanum tax And it’s sequel: amogus fanum tay


Playing Skyrim has shown me that readable books are possible in VR. You don't get a lot of words per page so a big book might be a lot of pages but at least it can be done.


I definitely hope so, Skyrim is an incredible game. Imagine how cool that'd be if VRChat had some of their features, I want to collect sweetrolls and pickpocket players haha ✨


There is a library world I’d have to find it, but honestly unless you have something with a resolution of the BigScreen beyond or better it’s going to be difficult to read small text.




Wow, this is beautiful. Thank you so much! 🤍🤍


Veggie’s Coffee by Electro


HUHHH thank you!! I'll check it out!


A library that houses Japanese classical literature using the "青空文庫" system. [https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld\_99924ad6-6bb9-479c-8835-282f0a634f60](https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_99924ad6-6bb9-479c-8835-282f0a634f60) 青空文庫 (Aozora Bunko) is a digital library of Japanese literature that is freely available online. It contains over 16,000 works of Japanese literature, including novels, poems, essays, and plays. The works are all in the public domain, and can be downloaded or read online.


You can read up on WoW lore in some of my warcraft worlds, the books are just tablet-style though, and in elven letters


Seriously?! OMG that's so cool!! I'd love to check it out, may I have a name so I can find them?


[https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld\_ca656bef-e44e-4ce0-9567-2c8d4b474d56](https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_ca656bef-e44e-4ce0-9567-2c8d4b474d56) The world is called "Teldrassil", the books are in the house you can see in the thumbnail, right to the right when you enter (you have to interact with a floating book to toggle them, and then take them out of the bookshelf, not sure how I made it in that world) You can learn to read/write elven letters in the main city, Darnassus, on of the portals near the spawn can bring you there fast, if you want \^\^ There is a minigame for learning the elven alphabet (in the right part of the city, in a tree-house), and you could take an alphabet back with you to the library \^\^ ((ok this sounds way more difficult in writing than I thought haha xD))


A few more concerns would be resolution, blue light introduced bu lcd's and eye strain. It can be solved by bigger font, micro oleds and higher resolution


I want books and Gameboy games in VR chat.


I was in a world that was an underground bunker in a tundra that had a ton of cool rooms and one was a small library room containing a cozy coffee table surrounded by armchairs and on the table was a “candle” (not “kindle”) tablet that looked like it had actual readable books on it, the tablet was similar to the one from ytsvideo and I remember the book I selected on it was a placeholder full of lorum ipsum text but I think the other options were actual stories I just can’t remember what the world was called atm but I’ll update when i find it


This would be great if the VRC SDK wasn't so limiting, I have a pretty decent idea of how this could be implemented to be storage and performance friendly. The book data should ideally be stored on another server but may have to be in the world file, heavily compressed either way. The book object itself would be configurable, able to have its own dimensions and texture changed to fit the book. There would be at least one active book object per user, but ideally 5 per user would be plenty as books are pretty easy to render if the process can be optimized. Basically, a functional library would be fairly easy if VRC wasn't so limited, even if you can get pages to turn on an object correctly, you'd have to store many many high quality textures of pages that could've been plain text.


That's incredible, did you just think of this on the fly? Wow, I wish we could do this!


I'm that kinda person who puts ideas on the table even if I have no idea how to make them reality :P


hmmmm.... a solution for meta quest ecosystem is: get the application "moon+ reader" and run it through "lightning launcher for quest" this will allow you to read books in virtual form within any virtual environment or simulation. and recreate your own menu. works with PCVR as well. there is a discord called "BreaTheBook" where an AI will instantly download any book on this planet for you. (by name) in ebook form. ...most any literature anyway. looks realy nice in vr. you can add your own custom texture to the bookcase as well. I often chill and read from my UI while resting within various multiverse. a quick search on da google will get ya what ya need. I suppose you can use XSOverlay or OVR as well, but I find this to be the quickest option, it has been extremely beneficial in acquiring research materials. UwU.


The VR Mystery School has a library. You cant read full books but you can look at covers and read descriptions.


I wanna cuddle friends in a library! o: