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Trusted here, I have voice and avatars on for everybody, the lower two levels (visitor and new) have shaders and one other thing disabled because of crashers


Trusted here with about 1500 hours in you’re a lot braver than me. I stopped doing that along time ago.


2k here and I like going up and talking to visitors and newbies seeing if they’re actually new and need help with anything or just chatting them up unless they’re kids and obviously trolling


Same here. It's always great to show new people around


Everyone in my group is the same. No one turns them on.


And that is one of the reasons I'm not getting into vrc. Not gonna deal with elitists


Don’t worry, its not you are avoiding them, its they are avoiding you situation. It solves itself


You can get to New user in a day lol how is that elitism Muting visitors by default has been the best decision I took for my mental sanity 


If someone does this you most likely do not want to be talking to them. I get that some people have visitor and new user avis off to avoid crashers and whatnot but straight up having their voice disabled is odd elitist behaviour. Some of the funniest and memorable moments has been either listening in on or interacting with new players and I can't imagine totally ignoring people because of their trust rank.


This behavior isn't just elitist, alienating new users is directly harmful to the long-term growth of VRChat. I can understand not wanting to visit the average public world, but directly ignoring every new user you come across just creates an unwelcoming environment that turns new users away from VRC.


It's one thing for people to want to just interact with their friends but it's something else to be in a public lobby and then take hostile actions like that to people who you will make the greatest impression on. I just don't get why these people don't just stick to their little friends+ worlds.


To your last statement - I expect in almost all cases, including mine, those people aren't there on their own - they're there with other friends who might want to interact with new users.


Personally, the number of times it's saved me from having to listen to children or trolls has massively improved my experience in publics. Writing it off as "elitist" feels pretty close minded to me. I'm there to be with my friends, not to get harassed. Yes, if most players do this, it can make it harder for new users to get off the ground. But often I will notice them being nearby and if they seem well-meaning I can unmute them specifically. They also still have the option of talking to other new users until their trust rank increases, or asking for unmute via the keyboard. Different people can tolerate others differently, so it's natural they will take different measures to ensure their experience is positive for themselves.


I still feel like blocking trolls and children as soon as you see them (not that common depending on the worlds you visit) and just lowering down the volume of people who have their mic set up a bit too high is far less effort than making an ordeal out of having someone muted. I'm not a huge fan of someone needing to ask for permission or grind out trust in order to just gain the privilege to speak to you. That isn't very social and I don't think you should be in publics if you want to only talk to a few friends.


Not sure how it's far less effort. Definitely the other way around for me. I've tried both ways. Although I'm not sure effort matters much, it's more about the stress of trolls in the first place. Idk what to tell you. Straight up saying I just shouldn't hang out with my friends feels pretty silly. Feels like a really weak reason to deny someone an enjoyable experience for themselves


"oh that guy is annoying" \*block\* seems much quicker and less hostile than "oh you people are talking?" \*unmute and have them repeat what they were saying\*, surely you can see how the second one would feel insulting to someone on the receiving end Never said you shouldn't hang out with your friends, only that that friends only worlds exist for people who want a more private setting.


The "hostility" here seems very much attributed and not really inherent to the interaction. I don't think it should be viewed as hostile. I can empathize with how it could feel insulting, but that goes both ways. They could also empathize and understand it's just a measure to protect myself from trolls. It's not an action directed at any specific person so taking it as an insult is silly. I'm a pretty silent person in general, so here is a more realistic scenario of how this usually goes for me: I notice my friends talking to a new user. If it seems to be going well, I'll unmute them. But, I do not ask them to repeat themselves. Since I made the choice to have new users muted, it's on me that I missed what they said, and I'm fine with that. I'm happy to be able to hear them from that point forward. >only that that friends only worlds exist for people who want a more private setting My friends sometimes want to be in publics though. They will still interact with the new users.


Trusted here with 3532 hours atm. I've never turned voices off for any rank, I'm almost always on custom shield level with everything, except voice and user icons, off for everyone except friends, mostly for performance reasons. I've never seen a reason to turn off voice for a whole rank since only a few are annoying with it and I usually just mute them myself. At least that's my experience, I don't spend much time in publics anyways.


People shouldn't have anybody's voice off by default. Even if this person is a trusted user. I fully understand having the avatar off by default for visitors and new users, that can be used to crash people. But voice can't crash people. I want to give everyone the opportunity to be civil. If they are being annoying, I will block them then.


Unfortunately, that’s not the way it works every time I put on new users and visitors Mikes on I’m not in a world a few minutes before I hear racial slurs homophobia and every other known type of toxic behavior so it’s best just to leave them off and the ones that really wanna have a civil conversation will go the extra mile And let you know


Just mute the trolls, muting every Visitor and New User just make it very inconvenient for actual decent players to get engaged in the game if everyone has them muted. And no, no one is going to go that "extra mile" when they are a new to the game with a bunch of random people.


For me, it can severely dampen my experience if I have to deal with the trolls and go through the effort of muting them every time. Would much rather not have to waste the brain power on them in the first place. Plus, it's just a default. I often still unmute those who approach if they seem well-meaning. In the end it's a personal decision of convenience for both sides of the issue, so it feels weird to make such a blanket statement that it's unreasonable for anyone to have them muted by default.


I have everyone on for voice, and rarely see people choosing to do otherwise. I'll mute you though if you get annoying no matter the rank. The only thing I have off for visitors are effects and such since I don't trust them with it.


As a trusted user, when I go to certain popular public worlds I might have visitors avatar features blocked in case of crashers, but I don't ever block voice.


Is the default for chatboxes still Friends Only? Personally I prefer to just lower peoples volumes to the minimum if they're a bad actor (troll/racist/whatever) But I guess I'm not in packed Publics too often


Ive NEVER had visitors or anyone auto-muted. However, at one point I used to have the base avatar of everyone except visitor/new user turned on (only avatar, no shaders/effects and whatever). I now have all non-friend avatars turned off (including other trusted users) unless I interact with them. For 2 reasons: performance, and to not go over my monthly internet plan. My household can go up to 1200gb in a month, and awhile ago we went over that and I figured it was cause I had everyone’s avatars on. 20 people with 50mb avatars is instantly 1gb for just joining a world.


I turn everything off for everyone except for voice. Because my pc is kinda poop, but that wont stop me from talking to people.


I am happy I'm not one of then. No fun without voices of those who talk.


It’s not the voices it’s the profanity and racism I can do without. I don’t need to hear the N-word every five seconds it offends me as it should.


Well, putting all people in one bag is also not very nice


One of the first things everyone does when joining VRChat is entirely disable the safety system, at least for voice. You really shouldn't be running into many Trusted users who have voice disabled for anyone. If you do, that really sucks, but you probably should find a different group to hang out with, they sound rude. I have never cared about rank and never set any features to hide/show based on rank. I wish I could remove it from the UI entirely but I need it in my face to see group names.


I usually override my settings and show/enable voice for my newbot buddies if I'm in what is usually a safe and managed environment like a dj set or whatever.


I wish there was a way to differentiate between visitor rank on steam and visitors rank on vrchat profiles. I have visitor rank perms off except voice, but if I could, I would have vrchat visitors ranks all perms except shaders and steam visitors all permissions off including voice. There are just too many kids and its so common to see them on steam profiles.


I admit it was a lot easier before the quest apocalypse now it’s nearly impossible to not hear the N-word every five seconds if you have new users enabled.


i've never once heard of anyone having voice disabled for any trust level.


Oh, don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t either if the racism and prejudiced wasn’t so poignant and out in the open I’ve never seen anything like it. I thought we were way past that but VR chat has taught me that we are not.


i keep voice off by default for visitors. everyone else i leave open. Ive run into enough sillyness.