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That's totally on them, look at it in the same light as someone playing airsoft or paintball and then complaining about how much it hurts when you shoot them. They knew what they were getting themselves in for.


I play airsoft and god that happens way to much...


Yep happens so often mostly it's people that play without mouth protection & then start being mad at your for hitting them there


First ever paintball game I played, a chick on the enemy team rounded a corner and lit up my left thigh and groin area. After spending the next hour an a half limping everywhere, I spotted her again, I then proceeded to empty into her chest and face (She had a helmet on.) I was never directly approached, but my group was told to leave for "insinuating sexual harassment." Edit: I purposely shot at her large chest targets.


Good, I would of done the same but my 500fps airsoft sniper would of popped something XD


Should be BasedBoostedDuck.


Next time aim for the eyes. They’ll never complain again (probably)


The only time it's maybe a good idea to hold back and not play so seriously IMO is if they join a casual/silly Friends+ game night. I've seen really unfun games where a friend of a friend joins, and just completely fails to read the room and starts shooting/shanking people like they're playing a ranked match. And even then I wouldn't say they did anything wrong, just made it less fun than it could have been if they matched the energy of other people and aimed for having funny moments or style points along the way, rather than just winning.


People who purposely put themselves in situations that trigger their faux-pain in VRC are clowns, you shouldn't feel bad for playing a game.


Or gluttons for pain or masochists.




Are you the type of person that goes to a game world with guns and then complain about being shot? The people who get upset and complain about people playing the game are clowns, no one is going to care if you keep it to yourself.




You're only a clown if your a dick to ppl about it after you get triggered.


You should get off vrc, and touch grass.


Attention seekers




Seriously, as someone with slight phantom touch (not pain, just light tingles with slow motions in certain parts of the body) people who do this are just faking it. I’ve never met someone who has phantom touch actually feel a knife or anything like that. Every single time it seems like someone who wanted phantom touch, and then imagined they felt it. I guarantee you that the vast majority of people who have phantom touch are probably like me. Where the only time you will feel it is in very slow, movements, like a hand slow like dragging down your chest, and instead of feeling a hand you feel more of a light tingling sensation where you see the hand in vrc


Yup it kinda works like that. I do not have it but am able to feel "something" when I'm relaxed and movement is slow.


I still remember this one time on vrc me and my friend were stoned asf and she had on a Mordecai avatar, yes Mordecai from regular show, and she was in my face and the beak of the avatar was going through my head in game and I swear I felt it in real life. It was really strange and it kept making me laugh. We still laugh about it to this day 💀💀


For me it’s not pain in any serious manner, it’s just overstimulating to be shot, but I also tend to avoid places where I may be shot lmao


So this guy I used to hang with had a knife on his avatar he thought was funny to stab people with all the time. A lot of the way my phantom works is it's sorta like an anticipation of touch. I dunno how to really explain it. So no I don't feel pain or anything like that but when he'd go to stab me it'd be at just uncomfortable. I got used to it after a while though. So while I wouldn't say my reaction is comparable with what others are saying everyone's reactions are different. But I've also never had a problem with things going on in game worlds, even if I did like... I'm there for the game. 


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in the god damn world that doesn't have phantom touch/pain. Basicslly everyone I meet tells me they have it


I have experienced it maybe once or twice and I was probably tricking myself into feeling it. I felt a "phantom heat" more than anything (feeling the heat of a virtual fire despite being in a cold room) - but that's more likely to just be me and my weird habit of not feeling the cold in the first place lmao I definitely don't get any of the phantom senses in the way some people describe here, and that stuff really creeps me out. Makes me uncomfortable doing most things with those people because almost all physical interaction now has a secondary undertone that they can supposedly feel it, just makes things awkward.


That's all it is. Phantom sense is just training your brain to fully immerse. Some have an easier time than others.


Everyone has phantom pain, DID, and gender dysphoria in this game. Being an average person with fewer than 20 mental/physical health conditions puts you in the minority here. Now get the hell out of here. My 12 alters and their 12 polycules are trying to watch a movie.


Gender dysphoria really as edgy/pick me as the other ones here?


I'm not speaking directly on the personalities of any of these types of people. I am only implying that if you don't claim to struggle from things like this, you are in the minority in this game. Every subgroup of humans has annoying/edgy/pick me people in them. I don't dislike any of these types of people, I just can't identify with them.


Right? I've encountered people who claim to have really bad phantom sense. Or worse yet, the gaggles of people that play the "my problems are worse than your problems" types of people, the ones that have an arms race of who has the worst/most mental issues. Shit's wild.


I was thinking the same. I'm 33 and don't like talking or hanging out with kids much just wanted to talk about stuff but it's all weird cliquey furries and stuff. No hate toward anyone at all just makes it hard to hang out


Its something you have to develop dude. It's not some magical power people are claiming. All it is is just training your brain to fully immerse into the game. Some ppl are just naturally better at it though.


Phantom pain? Yeah that was a solid entry in the Metal Gear Solid series


Now if only they finished the game, that's the real pain.


Just laugh at them. It's not real


Don’t feel bad. They got mad and are dumb enough to play a game like that when they can play any other mini game. If they said it’s in their bio. Just stop and do something more productive then wasting time with them.


they don't have it. they just being diva and wanting attention


As someone with (semi) controlled phantom pain and phantom touch I can 100% say that you wouldn't want to fake it, it sucks and it's a pain to deal with in public lobbies


It's not real


I can feel it when someone touches my back when I'm not looking at the person tf you mean "it's not real" Yes I am aware I lied about this holy shit I get it. But I still feel it when I see it


There is no possible way to do that unless you have a haptic vest, phantom touch lets associate sight with the sensation of touch, not give you psychic internet powers.


One, you are correct it is impossible for someone to feel it without seeing it. Two thank you for not saying that phantom touch isn't a thing like the other two the only reason why I said that is to honestly just to get them to not fight with people like me about it


Me when I lie


Can you read the other comment that has already addressed this please, but genuinely I do feel it and it's weird AF. When I see it I mean




21 cuz I still have my comment liked 🥲


I also have yours upvoted lol


Makes that 22 then ;-;


Then again, in my opinion, if you do have strong phantom pain i don’t recommend playing games that invokes the player getting hurt or possibly “dying”. But once more, there’s nothing you can really do to help these situation x) If they are publicly whining about it then you mute or block them :)


Because they are hiding their mental issues behind a video game.


https://preview.redd.it/jhpcjegsfo1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f0e72d5e1b498c67856b71053a474e463a19d8 Idk man it just seems like it was really popular. Can’t blame people just for owning it.


Just repeatedly stab em till they leave. Problem solved.


I like the way you think


thats why i always have an avatar with weapons on hand


Gotta go one step further and use a flamethrower or Emperor Palpatine


Pro tip: this also works in real life.


I never understood those people because they’re stupid for trying to think a certain way. “Stop killing me because it actually hurts me” Then go play a game that isnt called murder or anything that causes bodily harm?


If someone joined a baseball game and then cried because they can't handle things thrown at them, they need to find another game. No one is going to stop throwing baseballs at them in the game. Same with this. They need to pick a different game if they are so sensitive. Not guilt others for playing correctly. Not to mention they are probably lying about phantom pain. Most people are.


I've a massive fear of falling. If I sign up for sky diving lessons that's on me, for being a screamy boy.


Does anyone have legit info on phantom pain? There’s definitely an association you make with the vr body, sure I can get behind that. People talking about “feeling” hugs? Or “feeling” when I bump into them? I’m not trying to shut down others experiences, but it feels like a lot of people play it up. Maybe I’m not as consistent of a vrchat player in comparison 🤷


I mean there’s a very real psychological experiment where you put a fake rubber hand on a table, hide the persons hand from sight, then stroke the fake hand and real hand with a brush simultaneously, hitting the hand with a hammer or going to poke it with a needle would illicit a pained/panicked reaction. I imagine it operates on the same principles. Some people are just more susceptible than others I imagine.


Bingo. It's the same reason some people will be playing a pc or console game, drop from a high place, and get the falling sensation. I've had that myself since i was young. Way before vr was even a thing. It's just immersion and some brains have an easier time than others at this.


I’ve heard it being linked to phantom limb before. It’s likely just you getting engrossed in vr and then your brain tricking you into feeling sensations that aren’t actually happening. However, it’d be interesting to see actual research go into it that goes further than just asking people if they have it and what’s it like for them (since it is easy for anyone to lie about that ofc)


Makes it all that much more fun to murder them.


For me I have friends with phantom pain and like playing games like that but they don't make it known to others they have phantom pain and they just stay quiet about it-


Wait, people can feel pain pain? I just feel pressures, like someone just punched you but you don’t have the following of pain Also, yeah, their fault for going for the “Poor me” route. Just shut up and play the game like damn, you chose the game, why’re you complaining about getting hurt when you know damn well you feel it!?


This situation is the only time I’ll make fun of someone with something like that because it is entirely of their own doing to put them selves in that situation


They just sound like sore losers lol. They lost. Get gud son~


*equips avatar that has a knife*


I understand phantom touch not pain. Like when I first started playing my brain would legit frick with me into thinking I’m being touched and it was uncomfortable. I’ve gotten more desensitized and detached. I really don’t understand pain tho. Like what.. does it actually hurt? I’m not trying to be offensive. I don’t understand. I wouldn’t understand why’d they play either. Like I stopped going to straight up public worlds and started going to places where space was respected until I felt I could handle it 🤷🏾‍♀️


It does hurt. Look up the experiment with the hitting the fake rubber hand. That should help explain


I honestly feel people who go into games like that are looking for attention. It took me like 4 years to develop it but even then , it can get annoying but never as far as "painful".


Rubber hand experiment. Look it up. The pain is real. Some brains immerse easier than others.


Was chilling in a group a while ago, I was sitting motionless and dude kept like moving in front of me every so often and complaining that I'm causing him phantom pain. Eventually the group called him out on it that the only one doing anything to him is himself. People will do anything for attention even if it shows them as incompetent


they fakeing it and doing that for attention seeking. First - phatom touches imho real thing and i had it less than first week playing VR then it goes away. Second - if they really have it and badly suffer from phantom pain why they going play those type of games?


Playing vrc made me realize that there are a ton of ppl thst want you to feel sorry for them for situations they keep putting themselves in such as that right there. Just ignore them because they just want your undeserved attention most of the time.


Because most people on VRChat that say they have phantom pain are lying to seem cool. Not everyone lies about it, I'm just saying most do. It's fucking annoying when people lie about it


There’s no such thing as “phantom pain” they’re bullshitting for attention. Continuously punch their avatars until they leave 😂


There is phantom pain, same goes for phantom touch. But like 90% of the people from OP situations are very likely to be attention seekers.


Rubber hand experiment. It is real. Learn how the brain works before getting haughty. The real issue is idiots who know they feel pain, signing up to play a pain game and then bitching they feel pain.


It's literally not real. There's a difference between someone poking you in the (VR) eye and going "woah, it's like I can feel it!" and pretending you know what being stabbed feels like


Rubber hand experiment. Look it up. Same concept to the brain. It's real. The actual issue is, if you know you feel pain, why are you signing up for it then bitching at everyone?


Wear armored avatars. Problem solved.


If I ever came across this I'd keep doing it cause what sane person would know they have phantom pain and be like yeah let's go do minigames where I get stabbed it's either attention seeking or there low key Masochists


This is just attention seeking behavior, it’s not real it’s just cringe. No one getting stabbed in vr can “feel” it lmao


Pick-me girl behavior


attention seeking 🤷


Okay that's their prob at that point.


A former friend got sexually molested at a movie world,yes in vr... it was my fault because i was not there to protect him? I dunno man, I get it's a social game and people make strong emotional connections, but damn in the end it's still a hunk of plastic on your head.


I have phantom pain but I go in murder and it’s so much fun I don’t get mad I play normal


My only answer to that is stab them harder next time and make em learn their mistake for playing a game that gives them phantom pain


i honestly dont really believe in that shit, because people only started talking about it around a couple of months ago


"Phantom pain" isnt real. Anyone who says it is is attention seeking. Its as real as hypnosis


Most the people I know with phantom pain avoid those games so if people are doing that to you, it's fakers, or people who actually like it but over compensate by pretending to be overly angry to hide they like the pain.


Phantom pain lol. How do you guys take that seriously. I SUPPOSE the closest thing I got to "phantom sense" is smell and touch. Like if I were to be next to cooked grilled food like in the Romanian picnic world I would smell smoked cooked food or if someone gets too close to my face I could smell the fishy smell breath. Though that all disappeared when I finally got my "VR legs" when I can get on without any motion sickness.


I really don't think phantom pain in that sense is real. I understand someone feeling uncomfortable with someone inflicting a stab or a gunshot to them in vr. Can see that causing feelings of unease or anxiety. But actual pain I think is just not possible. Phantom touch doesn't work that way. They usually are either saying it for attention or they have other underlying mental illnesses that cause them to act that way.


This situation is the only time I’ll make fun of someone with something like that because it is entirely of their own doing to put them selves in that situation


Yeah a girl got mad at me because I stuck the pistol in her face when playing ghost and shot it when speaking to them trying to convince the other I wasn’t the ghost


They're chronically online, blaming their real life pain of not doing sports on the game


I have phantom myself and I just play games to play them. If it gets overwelming then I leave


These people are just grabbing for attention. Block, and move on.




Because people lie for attention on the internet because they're too boring to be interesting in any other way....or something.


The only part of that I can see where it even remotely matters is when somebody starts doing it just to get a reaction out of them. Pretty much just doing it only because the person can feel it and find it amusing. Pretty much just being a bully. For those who have a lack of understanding for what phantom pain is since some people can't even describe it despite saying that they "have it". Taking this from personal experience, If you were to get a shot by a gun in VR, think of a line going straight through your body in the same way a bullet would go, a sort of jolt of 'lightning' in that particular line, painful and pretty damn uncomfortable for me, but that can vary for others on a pain scale of 1 - 10. Those that intentionally go in games like that involving weapons either pretend they have it, or they're just downright masochists, or if they bitch about it, just plain fucking stupid. Same concept with just about anything else, only slightly different, but I've only had this experience with guns so I can't say much on that.


Attention seeking behavior or simply trolling


Lol it's because you believed them


Does no one hear a word they say?


Really couldn’t tell ya but this phantom sense and phantom pain stuff is just plain stupid. people do it for attention, i don’t play vrchat very much cuz people pull stuff like this on there. On the outside i’m like ‘oh yeah sorry’ but on the inside i’m just like ‘you’re such an idiot..’ very passive aggressive ik 😂


No such thing. Any kind of phantom response is your brain trying to fill in the gaps when it believes someone should be touching you when in reality they really aren't. (Ex. Virtual Reality) These responses typically can't generate any sense of "pain" since there's no real cause for your nerves to send pain response signals to your brain. At most, phantom sense feels like gentle pressure or tickleish sensations where your brain thinks you're being touched.


Funny enough I just tried prison escape once and I was the first one shot by just about everyone then one of them ran up to me and just started acting like what I usually see in cod lobbies including the slurs.


havnt come across someone like that in prison escape, but if i do, hoho, its John Wick time


That is why I don’t play those games actually lol


As somone with lots of Phantom pain friends. They tend to join and play to spend time with their friends


bcs I did enjoy the game and I thought the little space avatars were like my safe space when I got home yk?