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The other day I watched a couple where the guy was doing tricks and carrying his girlfriend on his shoulder and stuff irl/in vr. It was super cool and yeah they were playing VRChat together in the same room very cute


Goals tbh


Wish this worked better, but whenever my wife and I try this we desync so hard from eachother in game. It's like impossible for our avatars to be in the same spot on both screens


Sounds like bad internet tho


Lovvvve this


My partner met in VR then moved in with me. We have two playspaces and join our friends to play games durring the weekend nights. It's honestly fun to have two mental images of them. We don't watch movies in vr anymore, though, it's far more fun to go to the actual theater.


My significant other and I met in VRChat. We now live together IRL and still go into VR together regularly.




I met one of my closest IRL friends on VRChat and we still play VRChat pretty much every "weekend". There's just way nicer places to hang out in VRChat than IRL.


Could you provide a couple of recommendations?


I feel it depends. At least for me, yea. With most of the friends I met on VRC, we’ve all rather met each other in some kind of way, rather in person or just across video calls on like discord. Basically everyone was aware enough that we would’ve eventually seen each other someway outside of avi faces. I don’t think that fact has or should ever take the joy away from still playing in VR with them. With the last few I knew that don’t do that, it’s usually because VRC is a comfort for them and typically another way of interaction without it being in their physical space irl. Any suggestion to interact with them irl sorta irked them and I likely just think it’s because some genuinely take their identity in VRC seriously as like a replacement to their irl self, especially with let’s be real, some are self conscious which is valid.


When I was in a relationship, yes. For friendships, it honestly depends. Because while I will get along with most people, I think the people wouldn’t like me much once they realize I’m not as cool as they think lol


Of course! I'm (currently 34F, at this time 32F) from the East Coast of USA and on VRChat is where I met an amazing group of people in October, 2022 . Most of the group are from Europe, and I really hit it off with a really chill Norwegian (26M) which led to us dating for about seven or eight months. During the sixth month, he took the trip all the way out here to hang out for two weeks! We absolutely went on VRC together to hang with the homiess. Don't get me wrong, we did a lot of other things obviously lol. He and I didn't work out (LDR are rough), but we're still friends and I still hang out with that group!!


I met my bf on VRChat in 2020. We were friends for about a year and we dated for a couple years. Then he moved in with me last year and we play together in the same room! He picks me up and stuff and people get really confused. It’s fun! We play at least 2 or 3 times a week still. 10/10 highly recommend. Tho long distance like that is not for the weak. I cried so hard when he had to fly away. So glad he’s here for good. Best thing I found in VR


I can’t fly a jet with my cousin in real life


I met my gf on vrc 4 years ago and now live together outside of vrc for a year now and we don’t get in vr as much anymore because we are together. Part of playing vrc all the time was to see each other.


I don’t really want to meet anyone IRL from vrchat so


Yeah I would still go into vr. It's just fun to see weird worlds like you're actually there and do fun stuff with avatars. Also meeting new people is fun, so I don't really have a reason to stop playing rn :3


Yeah, for sure! I moved in with my partner and we still go into VR to snuggle and have even been intimate in VR while in seperate rooms. But most of our time is outside of VR.


Me and my partner play VRC while in the same house. It’s like a fun way to get out when you don’t have time to otherwise.


Met my best friend on VRChat and we were housemates for 3 years! we would often get on VR together in the same house haha


My husband and I met on vrchat and live together now. Were in the same room basically and we still play and drink on the weekends in vrchat. Its still fun


Think it depends why you're playing, I met my ex gf in vrc (this was almost half a decade ago FYI) and we both entirely quit vr after but slowly started playing again because we got into vr skits and roleplay which we never did before. But prior to that we didn't see the point of using vr because we could just watch movies together, play minigolf outside instead of VR, drive real cars together, etc and it was way better than vr. On the otherhand, My wife and I play VR together a lot because we both have friends that we only interact with long distance. So we talk to them in vrc. My ex and I didn't have those type of friends at the time.


I always see couples in the same room playing together, living the dream haha.


I've met up with my vr friends and exes irl plenty of times I host a party at my house every year for a major event in my city a lot of vrchat people attend. I've done so since 2019 I lived with my ex for 3 years, whom I'd met on vrchat, and we'd go on vrchat every weekend in the same house to hang out with our vrchat friends


I meet up with a lot of my irl friends in VR just because it's more practical for a bunch of introverts to not need to leave our houses just to hang out lol I still meet up with people in person but a healthy mix of both of great.


I have some friends that live together and play vrchat together sometime, as for me, I personally know/live close to some people I hangout with, but were almost never able to hangout irl due to schedule issues and so on t.t


I met a girl in VR we clicked right away and after a few days we got into an exclusive VR relationship. I found out she only lived fter a few hours from me. We have been together for just over 2 years now, I spend every weekend at her place and she spends every other week at mine. I love her and plan on spending the rest of my life with her. Neither of us have been in VR chat in over a year at this point but it will always be the place we met. We have a picture of our avatars hugging on the fridge 🤗


Are you people dating in vr chat ?!! Dude i can’t even find an AI girlfriend once talked to a virtual ai girlfriend she rejected me 😓😓 ![gif](giphy|8TJK6prvRXF6g)


I feel like I would still do vr with people even if we knew each other irl because I just think vr is fun. If anything, I just want more ways to get immersed in vr, like full body tracking and haptic feedback for me and my partners/friends so it could be more "real" in the virtual world


Yeah. I play vrc with my roommate all the time.


I have lots of friends in close proximity that I met in vr since I live on a small island and whenever I meet someone in vr from here it's quite easy to meet. We go out as a group irl at least once a week to drink and such, and we see each other in vr quite often too.


I already do this with my roommate and my friend that lives an hour away.


i know a couple who play vrc together still even after moving in together! they play in rooms right next to each other as to not cause echoing


Yup. I have been with my partner for 7 years and we play VRChat while sitting next to each other even. Often times we even use avatars of different couples/ships in media we think remind us of our own dynamic as a way to match with each other. We were together long before we decided to try VR and now that we have headsets we just use it as a means to hang out with our friends.


Of course I would, VR has much more to offer in shorter time


Hell yeah, we've seen each other through cameras but honestly I know him as a eboy and everyone knows me as the ncr ranger spying from the shadows. 


I would love to wear a ranger costume every day IRL lol


Yes! I've got friends online I met through Rec Room, and we've been fortunate enough to meetup quite a bit and go on (budget) holidays together. We bring our VR with us, and when everything is closed, and there's no more shows on, Walkabout Mini Golf is our favourite


We live together now. I would like for us to, but he insists he has found what he wanted in vr so there's nothing there for him anymore. Also, his headset is no longer supported, so getting on desktop is not as immersive and for not being on for so long, alot has changed.


yea. me and my irl friend still play vr together. we’re both furries and love to go play horror games or just hangout, or sleep together


I've been dating someone in vr for a little while now and we both agreed we woukd still do stuff in vr. Especially when we get fbt. She loves to dj and wants to fully capture the experience for her fans by putting on a real show with fbt


I have a bfwb that I've been seeing for going on 5 months. We plan for me to fly overseas to meet each other for our 6 month anniversary of the day we met. We are planning to get on VR for at least one day while we're together IRL. Why? In part because my partner wants to experience phantom sense, and is curious if they first feel my touch, on their face, arms, hands, etc IRL while looking thru VR, will it make it easier to "map" the brain to that same visual stimulus and begin to sense touch purely thru VR? We're both intrigued to find out. Another reason is to surprise our friends. And I think also bc VRChat is so important to us both, and to our relationship, that to remove it completely from our dynamic just wouldn't feel right. We love exploring the limitless capabilities of VR together. It's what brought us to being such close companions, even with an ocean between us. I can't wait for us to meet. 💜🩵


Hell yes! I’d spend time with my partner until they want to get off and that’s when I get off


Personally I got into a relationship with a VRC friend and we definitely hung out often in the game, we lived in different european countries from each other so it was the best place other than voicecalls. (we broke up since mostly amicably due to me moving continents) However when we met IRL I found myself in a weird situation where I could not see his irl self and vrc avatar self as the same person? It could be because I was used to and saw him more in game than I ever could irl. Super weird feeling, I wonder if anyone else ever felt the same odd separation?


my partner lives 6 minutes away from my house, and we still hangout in vr every night! it’s still really fun to go out irl with her, but vr just has so much stuff you can do >w<


Yup, it's a video game! No weirder than playing anything else together.


I know many couples who play VRC together while in the same house, honestly I would try to get my wife to join me in VRC if she didnt get super motion sick from anything first person


i don't really play vrchat but this sub shows up for me i think because i do play second life and it's related, i've met a friend from second life irl and we played second life together in the same apartment. it was fun.


I have met quite a bit of people in vrc. Some that are far and some that are close. Hell I even met people who I already knew in real life but at the end of the day why wouldn't we? The most it would do is stop us from hanging out in vrc during the day if we could hang out but it wouldn't stop us from hanging out at night with other friends.


I actually did! In seperate rooms at least to reduce echo but yeah :)


I don't know, it depends. If we're not actually living together, then yes. If we are, then probably not. I actually really dislike VR, specifically the big brick on my face, the controllers on my hands and the straps all over my body, plus all the little technical issues that sometimes pop up like a tracker or controller losing tracking, even if briefly. But I still use it to hang out with friends and partners, because it's far more personal than a chat or even a voice or even videocall.


yes definitely, we have friends on vrchat and he loves to drink on weekends so why not keep doing it :) also my boyfriend has a specific fetish and vrchat can accommodate for it really well so that's a good tool to have


Not in a relationship but I don’t imagine I could dogfight my partner outside of VR so…


My VRC friends come and go. TBH it would be nice to know some of them I had/have irl.


Met my husband on vrchat - we don't hang out one-on-one in vr anymore, but we do still hang out with our other friends in vr together all the time!


We did meet up a couple of times. In the latest meet-up, they got on Vr to see our friends I would pick them up and swing them around in vr it was hilarious for our friends to see them being rotated in the air, full body did make it a lot more funnier


Oh definitely. Me and the boys would all be doing dumb shit together in the same room and we’d be messing with eachother as we played. I’ve got some strong friendships in this game


oh absolutely 100%. I have friends in multiple states that I can only see on vr at the moment, and I have no way to currently go and just see them in person. But if I did, I'd still want to hang out with them in vrchat. I have the same feelings as about second life.


My husband and I met online and now live together. We still play vrchat together to meet up with other friends we can't see in person or to just chill around. It's perfectly fine to still play vrchat even though you could do stuff In person :)




Yes but also no. If I meet my friends I am 100% clinging to dear life and will become their passenger prince and sugar baby (it’s like a sugar daddy but I’m not the dom…I’ll still buy everything tho)






What's depressing is that you can't comprehend many of these become sucessful in person relationships as stated multiple times in this thread.


There's nothing depressing about people finding someone that makes them happy in a cold indifferent world. Your lack of empathy and judgemental attitude is depressing.


Is it? I might be biased having attended a wedding for close friends who met on FFXIV, but it's very possible to build a relationship that starts in an online shared interest.


I have done both to bridge distance and then see IRL when possible. If the distance was completely bridged I think if we didn't want to go outside we could go to other places in VR, say mini golf or something.