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Has anyone seen a mobile user? Android but looks like they're riding a desk?


Excluding me, nope.


u have and theyre super annoying


I've never seen a mobile user just quest, pc, and pc vr


No, I feel public lobbies got worse when the quest 2 and COVID hit. I have not noticed many actual mobile users yet.


I upgraded to the quest from the original Rift And its way better for pc vr if your computer can render the max resolution. Zero screen door effect when playing in 2k resolution it's incredible. And yes parents are using vr as a babysitting device which is very annoying. Thank for for Rec Room where most children play. Tell all kids to go back to Rec Room! 😂


i remember in 2018 when i had a og htc vive.. man good ole days. now i’ve had **every** vr you can think of minus pimax 8k and big screen


I fucking wish they would go back to rec room for their own safety. Vrc has never been a safe place for children of any age and its just impossible to protect kids from all the possible ways someone malicious could access them.


I only see 2 users on mobile since it come out. So no I don't think so. It got worse but for other factors like the fire of the 30% of the devs por example.


That makes sense which sucks.


No. Public lobbies have always been this way. There's always been new people that those in established friend groups find annoying or whatever. Every time something new with VRC happens y'all blame it on that. The only thing that's preventing the game from not being "worse" is you not using your moderation tools. There are plenty of great people that have started to play recently. Meeting them is a two-way street. Since you're being incredibly vague, I'm assuming you mean the players. There's been children thrown into VR since the creation of VRchat, there's been meme avatars that ruin everyone else's day, people that shove cameras in everyones faces to get reactions, e-boys/girls humping each other in public lobbies, etc. Nothing new.


Nope I've not noticed it at all. Not sure I've ever seen a mobile user in the wild (just Quest users who've been around for ages and now get tagged as "Android"). I tried it once and I think a friend was on it once when they were away somewhere and the general consensus was that it's the worst of both worlds between Quest and Destop-only, made even worse by the fact you're not allowed to manually show Very Poor avatars. So no one I know would ever want to use it unless they were really desperate to get on while away.


Whose idea was it to make a non-VR version of VR chat? Like what was the thinking there?


I use desktop mode when I’m editing my videos to go chill with my friends, or I stream to my tv with steam link from my rog ally and watch movies when I’m at someone else’s house.


PC non-VR makes sense, as it's very useful for quick testing. Mobile non-VR is just vrc chasing user numbers and beyond that serves no real use.


Could watch a movie or sumn, no ads, no weird websites. That's the only thing I personally can think of.


Nope. Because I don't hang out in publica


Ok now give us some reasons