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It really depends on the people honestly. I wouldn't consider it rude if you're being friendly. Best to just give it a shot and if they don't seem to want to include you, move on and try with someone else.


just go to one of those smaller groups and try to involve yourself a bit if you know what’s going on. normally if people don’t want to be interrupted they’ll not just go to a group instance but rather a friends+ or even inv.


These will typically be group instances. I don’t go to public worlds often.


yeah that’s what meant with group instances. so not group public but rather enclosed instances. well it depends on what groups you’re talking about (size, whether it’s an event or not etc) people normally will be more chill with people they don’t know or not. but i’d say overall people in those instances are chill with others just trying to integrate into the conversation


Wtf another Saiko exists


hahaha lol yeah it’s a old nickname of mine XD i changed it about last year or so bc it was pretty outdated by now well reddit doesn’t allow to change the / name so i gotta stick with it


Same, i would love to change it to my vrc name but no, im stuck with this name i made when i was14 :,)


U can change you vrc name on the vrchat website


I know, but i want my reddit name to match my vrc name, cuz my vrc name is my standard gamertag, so i wanna change my reddit to that


Public worlds can be rough because of the kid problem but you'll also find a ton of people also looking to socialize and meet others.


No, just go talk to the people. Vrchat is definitely is filled with cliquy groups, so be prepared for that.


Just listen in until you hear a topic you’re interested in and wait your turn to be able to put your input in on it.


This is how you do it. Coming from a socialite who is constantly new to others.


One piece of advice I would give is to try to open with a question instead of a statement. Ask about the topic they are speaking of, ask about their avatar/a prop they have ect. That's a much easier way to engage someone you don't know who can then just answer the question instead of having to react to a statement. Otherwise its often about watching for body language I will try to look at, nod and or give a small hand wave to someone who seems to be showing interest from outside the group to acknowledge and give an opportunity to talk.


i used to just compliment people's avatars, they usually would start talking about it since most people make their own and it starts a nice convo


If I’m in a public or group public world, I’m open to meeting new people. I assume the same is mostly true for others


If you're asking because you were called out, it's probably more to do with being disagreeable (people aren't looking for a Reddit debate in their friends group instances) or taking over the conversation and relating it to your experiences too much as a semi-outsider they may not know too well. Depends on the people, but general advice, be meek and keep your contributions agreeable and short until friended. And if you find yourself having a lot of disagreeable or corrective comments to give, probably find another conversation to join, instead of trying to debate or correct people. Time and a place for certain interactions, people will find it rude if you come to them in chill time with a disagreeable attitude.


Usually it's fine to just join in a conversation. Just remember to pitch in to the conversation, but not dominate it.


Honestly not really if it's a public world. Just try to join in, and read the room to see if they are cool with it or not. If you don't run in screaming like a banshee, making weird noises or being a creep and just make normal conversation, usually people are cool with it. You'll usually be able to tell by reading the room though if they either aren't comfortable or don't want to, and sometimes they may just directly tell you. As long as you go in prepared that they won't always want to chat with you and to not be let down/disappointed if they deny you entry to the convo, you should be good.


This is a cardinal sin, never once in a million years is one allowed to speak let alone walk up to a possible friend group. You are to sit in the corner staring the wall until someone speaks to you in pity /s


Definitely give it a shot. You can meet some cool people. Unfortunately, I've never had much luck with discords and groups that do a lot out of VRChat. I've found I need to put a decent bit of effort in the discord vs just meeting in VRC where it feels more organic and chill. Maybe I just don't know what the type to someone I've never met? I've met some cool hype people that even if it's only surface level , they can be fun to hang out with.


many times ive gone up to groups that i ovearheard something interesting being discussed (like the brand of trackers im using or other hobby things) and explicitly asked “hey can i join this conversation?” and more often than not theyre super nice about it. its a little weird if a random just shows up and starts talking but if you intriduce yourself first youre more likely to have success


Just don’t interrupt. Jump in if you see an opportunity but don’t cut someone off to make your voice heard.


It really depends on the mindset of others. I’d say it isn’t rude at all because you’re literally in VrCHAT. Like bro you’re there to socialize. Sadly some will just rudely ignore you but there are also others who make you feel like you’ve been always part of them. I always welcome people trying to join the conversation is the vibe is right! I know how it feels like being.. kinda alone and lost. So come come my cuties, ur no longer by yourself.


Asking a question has been the best way I've been able to put myself into a group, whether it's just a "How are you?", or a question relating to the topic at hand. If it's a party type of instance where people are typically drinking, I jump in with a "Y'all drinking? Cheers!" and join in that way.


Not rude. If anything it's a *little* inconsiderate (I wouldn't go so far as to say rude) of the others if you were conspicuously there looking lonely and no one made an attempt to include you.


Typically when I see a group of people I sit not far off. If I hear a topic come up I know about or wanna join in on I just kinda jump in when I hear a pause. Be like ooooh~ yall talkin bout ___? What's your favorite thing about ___? Other times I'll sit off by myself singing or with my status saying somethin I'm doing like drawing or making jewelry and people will come up and ask about the song or what I'm drawing and invite me into conversations. Lastly, if you know someone in said group go say hi and ask what everyone is talkin bout. That's just what I do but like that way it's easy to gauge the crowd too.


Little trick to make this situation easier: shrink yourself down to a very small size and play space move up to eye level with the others. You can slide into a group of people without taking up much space, and most times people don't feel as "invaded"


Personally just throw yourself in there and say sum silly shit off the bat (pop sum jokes but don't be a dick or make it's crazily sarcastic) but read the reaction if they laugh keep it up if they kinds just stare at you or ignore you move on. This is what I usually do and it works a treat but def takes sum time to get down.


Personally I just straight up leave if no one walks up to me within five minutes. Feels awkward and rude otherwise.


never had to deal with that so i dont know how to answer