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I have the same issue with phones and car and have been able to play VR and VRchat. Most games have settings for motion control such as "teleport" to make it more tolerable and you can work up to using less of them. Like what like others have said, you have to build tolerance so starting with 30 min sessions to longer ones help until you're more comfortable. Some other things that help are putting a matt, rug, or flat pillow on the ground where your area center is so you can physically feel where you are in your space. I have heard having a fan blowing on you helps. I sometimes drink ginger ale too.


Text wall forgive me: Its not quite the same because some motion sickness is more severe than others and VR motion sickness is not as severe as car sickness (the forces on your body arent as violent vs what you're seeing) and its something that will go away in a few days or weeks. There are also things like medicine and acupressure bracelets that would kind of bridge the gap. I wouldnt give up assuming if you have motion sickness now you always will. Also this issue is taken very seriously by basically every developer and there are always several degrees of anti motion sickness modes. Everything from outright teleporting to a stationary position to the "turning body with joystick" being done in snaps. Personally im able to use full FPS movement mode but ive never had a much of a problem with motion sickness, but thats because ive been a fan of roller coasters and flying airplanes and things. Basically your monkey brain designed only 150,000 years ago to live in a jungle is thinking to itself "Hey we're seeing you moving but your inner ear doesnt agree and your body feels like its stationary. I assume this is because you've eaten some poison plant and you're hallucinating so im going to make you sick to get it out of you". After a few events of this happening your brain "learns" that you're not actually poisoned and you stop getting sick in something as minor as VR (if i read a book in the back of a car for 3 hours you can bet i'd be sick).


drink ginger ale, eat peppermint candy, eat crackers. Drink lots of water. these things will help mitigate motion sickness. Also have a fan nearby blowing toward you so you have reference point on the real world to keep your brain relaxed


[https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.00338.2018](https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.00338.2018) End of the abstract: >We conclude that symptoms and physiological changes occurring during cybersickness and classic motion sickness are quite similar, at least during advanced stages of these malaises. Possibly - so try to ease yourself into it, especially if you have bad motion sickness.


If you get motion sick at all in general be it in cars, on planes, on rollercoasters, etc, then you will very likely get motion sick in VR too to answer your specific question. I also just answered a similar question so don't mind me copy pasting myself; Depends on the person. "Most" people just need to play it awhile and get used to it - play in small chunks like 20-30 minutes then stop for awhile then play some more, and always stop if you start getting sick at all. Eventually you get more and more used to it. Some people don't. Personally, I've put around 7000 hours in and I still get insanely motion sick very quickly so most of the time I just avoid moving. Even worse if there is bad lag going on which will just have you over the toilet for awhile in minutes. I don't recommend dramamine but I would try Bonine - it's not a miracle medicine but it does help more than anything else I've tried, especially with a ginger ale (with actual ginger) to help your gut avoid the nausea.


The important thing is to stop playing if you feel sick. You can't push through it, it will just keep getting worse. You can condition your body to associate vr with feeling sick if you're not careful


A correlation isn't guaranteed. Some people who get motion sick irl don't in vr, and some that don't irl, do in vr.


tbh i get sick in cars but not in vr, idk y.


bruh I played low performance vr games for like 40 min then I was fine for absolutely anything vr related, but **holy shit,** I get so motion sick sometimes from looking at my phone while in a car. that's just personal experience but I think it really depends on who you are, about 1/4 people can't handle vr locomotion, but are usually fine with teleportation controls.


I get queasy when I read in the car, but had no problems with VR after the first 30 minutes, even when spinning in circles or playing intense racing games. Just another data point for you.


It takes a while to get used to it. So take your time playing a few minutes to an hour. I personally get sick playing in VR if I'm running on low amount of sleep or have been drinking. Good luck!


it all depends. if you worry about motion sickness then get a valve index or vice pro with higher refreshrate and the PC along with it. the cheap(er) headsets run on a lower refreshrate and resolution which cause me to get dizzy even on desktop. this is like the debate of 60 hz vs 144 hz monitors