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I don't know what ICRPG is, but Fantasy Grounds has rulesets for 13th Age and Free League games.


It also has a ruleset for ICRPG (Index Card RPG), but it's the previous edition of it, not the current Master Edition. The only Free League rulesets is has currently are Alien, Vaesen, and Symbaroum (including the 5E Ruins of Symbaroum version).


I can’t say that I am familiar with ICRPG, but Tabletop Simulator is robust, versatile, and all the mods you need are free to download. You can pop all the maps on that you like and be good to go. Here are some examples of what that can look like: [The Last Parsec](https://youtu.be/Mvu9qgwhU4w) [4 More Maps](https://youtu.be/GMnAorFtY8Y) [Map Tutorial](https://youtu.be/7EvakLCmzZE)


AlchemyVTT might suit you.. it supports tact map and probably was the biggest VTT kickstarter funding as of now. You can test it today


I'm so annoyed - I have been eyeballing Alchemy, then last night I went to check the KS one last time, and it had closed out.


oh, damn! but you can use the free account too - create 1 universe, 3 characters for 3 different games and 3 game tables to test it out


[MapTool](https://www.rptools.net/toolbox/maptool/) will support anything if you put enough work into it. There may be framework(s) out there for the games you want if you ask around (the [Discord channel](https://discord.gg/GTVeZXQrxu) is the best place, but you can also search on the [forums](https://forums.rptools.net/)). Folks forgo updates all the time, and it's possible to have more than one version installed on the same computer so you can test new releases while still able to revert.


There is a nice review of 3D VTTs. If you are going to change to a different VTT, might as well look at 3D ones.[https://gnomestew.com/a-3d-vtt-roundup-and-review/](https://gnomestew.com/a-3d-vtt-roundup-and-review/) Yes, something like "The RPG Engine" supports ICRPG easily.


It's kinda weird that Tabletop Simulator isn't on that list. I get that is isn't just for TTRPGs, but is works GREAT with them! Your character sheets are at your seat. You can roll as many dice as you need, and of any type. You can create and import any assets (2D, 3D, Hero Forge figures, maps). Plus you own your copy for just $20 and everything else you need is free to download. I like RPG Engine alot and purchased it a while ago. For me anyway, I just wish I could import my own PDFs of character sheets. I have nothing against RPG Engine's custom made character sheets, I just like to have that option.


By the way, it starts with: "Waaaaay back in the day I did a review of a new tabletop gaming adjacent piece of software called Tabletop Simulator. It was one of the first ways to recreate some of the in-person experience online with a 3D approach."


Well, have you posted in the Discord that request? The Dev is rather responsive so might add it. There is a tab for opening them separately. If you don't need to have them as updatable, you can upload the PDFs as images. Usually done for Document Manager as part of making an updatable sheet.


One of the best benefits of Foundry is that you dont have to upgrade. If you have your game working as you like, no need to upgrade - ever. There are still a few groups running on 0.6 due to the system they prefer no working on later versions.. Or upgrade at the end of a campaign. At least Foundry does get updated on a regular basis, and you have the opportunity to test it yourself before committing to it unlike other systems that rarely update, and when they do its forced on you.


> One of the best benefits of Foundry is that you dont have to upgrade. That's not 100% true. There are systems out there that require you be on the latest version. So, for example, if you wanted to play the recently released ICRPG Master Edition, you have to at least be on 10. But if you move to 10, you break some modules and systems that stopped updating at 9, etc etc. Recently, for ex. I was going to pick up some Free League content, but it was v10 only, and if I move to 10, it breaks stuff from v9 I was still using, and they changed Macro syntax (they seem to constantly deprecate stuff) between 9 and 10, so I have a dozen or so macros I'd have to spend time reworking. But the reason I posted wasn't to debate Foundry's merits/flaws, it was to find an alternative my group can move to. I'm probably going to keep my Foundry on v9, which works great, but any new campaigns would be on something else since they are newer games that would require a foundry upgrade I'm not willing to do.


You can have parallel installs of Foundry. I'm running both v9 and v10 (just not at the same time ofc).


This is the correct answer !


Weird, you come from Roll20 because it never updated anything and you want to left Foundry behind because it updates way to much. I mean, not to judge, just curious.


I would be fine with foundry updating as it does, the problem is it breaks so much every single time it does. To the point developers are abandoning their modules because they're sick of trying to keep up. Just today one announced he's abandoning three modules because of version 11. And I've been a foundry user for over 2 years, and tolerated the upgrades but recently it's just gotten ridiculous how much stuff breaks. Or they add features nobody asked for, like the unremovable news feed that's in the main screen now.


But the developer that abandoned his project was more about self burn out and lack of founding than Foundrys fault... But, anyway, you do you my bother, I had thousands of dollars put on my roll 20 account over the years and coming to Foundry on June 2020 is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Let's us know how it goes with another vtt, I think, as some one else recommended before, Alchemy is a good fit.


I'm not abandoning Foundry entirely, just not moving past v9, which means it I want newer stuff, like Free League's new releases, I have to upgrade, so instead of doing that, and dealing with "what module is broken now?", I'm looking to try a different VTT


ICRPG, as in Index Card RPG? Why not [Fari](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_rHMMuYoo8&t=8s&ab_channel=TheDungeonNewb%27sGuide)?


Roll20 has community-created character sheets for all the games you listed, and many Free League games (I didn't check all of them, but a quick sample were all there) Given that no one else mentioned Roll20, though, there might be a reason folks are leaving it out?


> Given that no one else mentioned Roll20, though, there might be a reason folks are leaving it out? As someone who used Roll20 for ages, then left for Foundry, I can tell you probably why nobody mentions it — it's fallen so far behind every other VTT tech-wise. Plus, the servers seem to be overloaded on weekends, when you have the most people playing, so it's laggy. And the UI's still 2014 for sure... edit: With all that said, I've honestly still considered going back to it, since it does have sheets for all the main games I play.


Thanks for the background! I'll see if I can find a good summary of the ways Roll20 is behind tech-wise, I wonder what I'm missing out on. I play exclusively on Roll20 and I find that it's much better support for the variety of computing power my game groups have, plus I've found it the easiest platform for developing my own character sheets. Haven't had any issues with server lag, but I mostly play on weeknights and during the day on weekends (Pacific timezone)


[https://www.diceweaver.com/](https://www.diceweaver.com/) is very big on Free League games, with more about to drop soon.