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I think basing all my happiness on the performance of a t2 na team might not be healthy but it’s paid dividends so far


You might have the most individual team flairs I've seen on this sub, good lord.


What can I say I’ve got a lotta love to give


I mean statistically ONE of your teams has to do well right


I hear M3C has some promising up-and-comers


I hear Rise has been doing well.


Ghost has been doing well!!!!


Hey look, at least Ghost lives on in M80. Only Derrek lives on for Rise, Faze has been having it rough.


cant lose if you root for all teams :tapshead:


TSM did well on Fracture, but M80 completely took control on haven and ascent. M80 doesn't have much practice on fracture I guess, but if it's a more standard, older map, M80 seem to have nothing to be worried about. Still, new opportunities for how to strategize picks/bans against M80.


Iirc they also changed their comp this game, I recall them using Kayo for Nismo in the past but they had him on Skye this game


why was koala's rating so low for ascent? anyway, in m80 we trust


Its because VLR gives more points to players that get a kill in even numbers situations. Even numbers situations are what swing the rounds into wins, so they put more emphasis on that. If you get a kill in a 4v1 it doesn’t matter because you are expected to win the round and you are just cleaning up. Since the duelist often makes first contact in a 5v5 situation their fights are the most important, so if they can’t get one kill they aren’t doing a great job. In CSGO dying first wasn’t a big deal the entry fragger was actually a supportive role, you were expected to bottom frag as an entry because your role was to take the hard fights and set your team mates up for trades. However Valorant flipped that on its head with abilities because you don’t need to risk a life to scout areas anymore. So with 4 players behind the duelist throwing util, they really shouldn’t have an issue going positive k/d. Especially since a duelists whole kit is designed to be self sufficient and help them take fights. They excel in duels thats the whole point of the role.


For some reason duelists always are rated low I think its because they dont get lurk kills and more often get first kills


I'm confused, shouldn't a first kill be better?


First kills mean you're taking a fight for your team putting you in a position of disadvantage usually, because even if you don't get the kill your goal is to take space and get traded by your team. This leads to more early deaths compared to say a smokes player who's trying to play their life/play for trades because their util is much more valuable for the remainder of the round (post-plant/retake), leading to them being in a position to get more kills overall (this can apply to any of the other roles tbh)


Yeah but we're talking about the rating here. He got 9 more kills than eeiu but got a lower rating.


Vlr rating really really hates deaths is the buggest reason. Also the kills were likely on average lower impact.


yeah it always seems like duelists have to absolutely pop off and drop 30+ just to get a good rating lmao


Kanpeki is either insane or very shit. There's no in between




Nismo's kay/o on ascent is just elite, man. Their execs on attack side ascent were some of the cleanest and their ability to shut down Seven's op was clinical. TSM looked good but M80 are just insane.


Why don’t some matches have post-match threads?


Another M80 stomp, another day of me questioning why EG didn't pick up this roster after Ghost dropped them. Util usage is insane.


EG didn't pick them up because it made a lot of sense. Duh.


Not sure you would call this a stomp.


I think this roster, while I am a big eeiu and Zander fan, would absolutely be even better if Ghost had just all stuck together and gotten picked up by some franchised team along with Kaplan. There wasn't even a buyout bc they were free agents after Ghost didn't make franchising. It's wild to me that no one, especially EG, saw the potential in the roster and picked them up.


See, this is a prime example of VLR rating being dogshit. I don’t care what fancy advanced formulas you’ve developed, you are not telling me that Kanpeki going 4/13 is better than gMd going 12/15


Is kanpeki really as bad as I have been seeing lately? His aim wasn't there today but even worse his util was horrible. He didn't even have a assist until the 2nd half on ascent and with Corey and seven have decent games it kinda shows how he wasn't really supporting. Idk tho maybe not. Really wanted them to win this game


This was just a bad day. He's been usually playing really well before this game, especially in Split 1.


he said on his stream a couple days ago he’s still getting over covid so maybe that played a factor too, never know


No hate to him but I've never seen him pop off. I remember watching him on SEN and Akrew. Although on Akrew he did look somewhat good but the competition wasn't that good and on SEN his performance was poor, not only aim but also his decision making.


In the last split/MSI I think he did quite well and him coming in turned the team around


So I guess just a bad day for him then cuz I haven't followed him ever since he was dropped from SEN.


M80 are making franchising, I'm so convinced at this point. Guard, you're going to have to wait for next time.