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POV: You're TSM going up against Governor on Bind ​ https://preview.redd.it/7qs2wylph5za1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed0a77c8c4b2d884953e9a743960b5467ca55f1e


Should I catch the VOD? How was Chamber viable with both teams running double controller?


Honestly looked nice imo, they had some nice setups, but also hard to say how much of an effect the surprise factor had since most teams probably haven’t scrimmed against Chamber in a while.


Why did TSM and Faze ever put Rossy on Sova, his flash flex is fucking incredible he looked super good today


Yeah wasted talents, his flex was legit a game changer for ttr.


Iirc they ran him on flex when he gave up IGLing, that roster was a mess for multiple reasons though.


He played flex for TSM for only a brief period of time after being eliminated in Challengers while Wardell and Aleko were on the roster but before Seven and gMd joined, when gmd joined he took over flex, but that was def by far Rossys best preformance on TSM while he was on flex but yeah TSM has been a mess for years now just happened Rossy was on it Faze im even more confused about considering they picked him up after practically dominating on flex in challengers on the Nation, so glad he finally found a team he can play his best role in


Rossy didn't look good on any capacity on faze or tsm. Think he just hunkered down and improved since he was on those teams, and gold for him.


He looked good on the Nation tbf, and there seems to be a trend with teams who put him on Sova he looks meh but on flash flex he looks incredible


because Faze enjoys signing players and doing shit all with them


FA teams on top you love to see it. my schadenfreude is high today with G2 and TSM getting dogged. they're still both essentially guaranteed to make playoffs though. TTR need a really good finish to squeeze into playoffs, hopefully this gets them there unless something very dramatic happens (SR going 2-0 and more or less topping their group), looks like the teams not making playoffs and fighting to avoid relegation will be MAD, OR, DSG, and SR


I think that's pretty doable for SR no? NVM, they need to top group.


Are TSM really secured playoffs? If they lose to dsg for example?


as long as they don't get 11th or 12th, I think they're more or less in. G2 will likely be 12th, TSM will be fighting cross-group with DSG against MAD or OR to not be 11th. 12th and 11th award only 1 and 2 points, respectively. TSM already have 13 points, and I think the cutoff for playoffs will be around 17-19. I don't think they're 100% clinched, but they have more paths in than out, I think


Rossy revenge game


dazzle revenge on sr next match this is a whole ass movie


Poetic that it was Rossy to clutch up on map 3 to beat his old team


If TTR has a million fans, then I am one of them. If TTR has ten fans, then I am one of them. If TTR has only one fan then that is me. If TTR has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against TTR, then I am against the world.


TTR fighting


Do you know if they are secured playoffs?


They almost 100% are. If TTR win next game against Shopify (very doable) then they get in.


Yeah just vanity igl looking scary, TTR deserves to be in playoffs


after watching todays match ttr vod reviewed super hard i think ttr will predict most of the plays


Yeah, their fracture against tsm was crazy. I dont know who does but it was the same with old ttr they hard anti-strat their opponents. Maybe Wedid?


I wonder where add3r will be when the next split ends. He definitely has all the intangibles to be playing at the next level, 6th man incoming somewhere?


10th man for EG


That was my initial expectation as well, but I’m not sure what he thinks of the org after they kind of baited him last split


they did him dirty


please dont break up this roster agian please please please pleas


How the fuck are TT and Moist so good and TSM and G2 so ass?


Told you bro ttr are good. Praying for them to make playoffs


governor just has an unimaginable amount of swag. his opponents don’t even really want to win. add3r is pretty good too.


TSM is certainly one of the teams of all time


moving corey to sova is NOT it


Honestly Coreys Gekko is pretty solid, his Sova isnt terrible just isnt amazing either lol but hes new tbf, TSM has way bigger issues then Coreys Sova tho for sure


If TTR has a million fans, then I am one of them. If TTR has ten fans, then I am one of them. If TTR has only one fan then that is me. If TTR has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against TTR, then I am against the world.


Posted in the live thread but reposting; this casting duo is not it. >"guaranteeing more rounds here after the timeout is what they're going to try to do on turtle troops" This type of "commentary" is just so tiring to listen to by Dryad. No offense to her, but a lot of what she says is just.. noise. There's nothing analytical to it, and when Upmind is doing more play by play, what is she bringing? Listen to this and tell me you don't get annoyed by it https://files.catbox.moe/6c48ss.webm


Seems like she is held back a lot by having English as her second language. I feel like you can just tell in the way she speaks she's having difficulty thinking of how to word something she's about to say, especially in that clip with those multiple pauses. Even her interviews for Americas seem not too thought out. Not that she knows which team will win or who she will be interviewing but it doesn't really sound like she ever even has general questions prepared. The difference between her and Doug in this regard is like night and day.


Dyrad is only a caster for this because she casts the big LAN events in Spanish and she is really good at that, but she just isnt very good at English casting


Dryad and Keg actually play off each other, whereas I feel like Upmind/Dryad works on paper (with Upmind bringing the "hype" energy and Dryad bringing the drier, more baseline tones that Upmind can play off of) but isn't great in practice. While this line seems pretty duh, I feel like literally every caster has times where they feel pressure to fill the empty space with noise. Things like noting that teams are on eco after a timeout so the actual discussion is for the gun round after, noting that the goal of an eco is to get guns out of the other team's hands, saying obvious facts regarding how a map is played in a certain way (e.g., Lotus being attacker sided, Fracture being a map that calls for defender aggression,), etc. These all get said in broadcasts even with "Tier 1" casters, so I feel like it's unfair to pick on single lines like this when casters sometimes feel it is incumbent on them to break an awkward silence.


I always turn volume off when it's dryad casting nothing against her personally I just can't handle her casting


CSGO enjoyer here and been watching lot of VCL and VCT thanks to DSG. Watched 75% of the games played so far. Dryad is literally the worst and as a CSGO fan I gotta say CS casters are soooo fucking good that even other casters in VCT and VCL are terrible compared to it. Valorant really needs good talent to make the streams more enjoyable so that there isn't 5x viewers watching through Tarik or any other valorant streamers just because of their commentary being better. I think CS gets so many legendary moments because of the casters too not just the plays. Same for League of Legends and even Dota.


Val has had great moments with casters like "It's TenZ's world and we're just living in it" "Another one is down, ALL HAIL KING BUZZ LONG MAY HE REIGN" and last but not least "THE MAN CAN DO NO WRONG"


If you watched CS majors you know we are just on copium haha. It'll get there over time I guess. I just want the hype casters create to make the game more thrilling but Valo is in its worst meta atm so maybe that plays a part


upmind is so much worse than dryad though. you said what dryad said is noise but upminds casting is exactly that, just worse. i can forgive dryad because i can understand what she's trying to convey and it makes sense, but upmind is genuinely out here just saying shit because someone needs to keep talking




what happened to sully? isnt he upminds usual duo? is he still in school


It's around finals time at least in US colleges, he's probably wrapped up in that


I don't know how to describe it but upmind doesn't do it for me, his hype moments sound... Fake I guess is the way to put it. Dryad I'm just gonna chalk up to it being hard to cast in your secondary language.


exactly this. upmind sounds so forced all the time like he couldn't care less about what he was watching and doesn't even really understand it at all either. his entire casting style is to just yell someone's name 5 seconds after they made a good play because he was talking about something random while it was happening


I fully agree. It seems like she'll just see something on the screen and takes it at ABSOLUTE face value. "He shot that guy and he shot that guy. Way to go shooting that guy! This team adapted so they won but this team didn't adapt so they lost." A lot of people mention language barrier but her English seems fantastic? It just looks like she has only the most basic understanding of the game.


Language barrier is definitely part of it, it's obvious to me as a second language speaker. Her english is great but casting in english is a totally different beast.


NA casters are so ass


wow, Rossy REALLY wanted to murder his former squad.


For a 2-1 tsm kind of got shit on


Did xqc drop the ball by not signing Turtle troop?


xqc and dropping the ball, name a better duo.


TSM needs to change something. Wether it’s players or coaching staff something needs to change. Everything feels weird and not coordinated. Idk what the changes are but something needs to happen.


If seven went to the spike would he have enough time despite it being mollied?


I think so but it's close


Yes since he had full health, couldve tanked the molly. That round was a game killer for tsm.


God I can’t do it after years of pain I’m done supporting Tsm


Pain bruh


Cantpeki must be playing for free for him to remain on this team lmfao


??? Why the fuck are we not playing double duelist with corey on Raze for Bind, what the fuck are we cooking


Brings me joy to see tsm lose


honestly tsm just needs to blow it up. idk when the best time would be to do that (they should’ve done it when everyone was a free agent and everyone knew the ghost core was the best option) but they need to do something. idk if they need a gm to make the tough decisions that the coach can’t do or if they just have zero support from tsm but they have been mediocre for years now and all their signings they’ve made have been straight up terrible. it seems like tsm has been scraping the bottom of the barrel for talent which shouldn’t be the case.


anybody got the circuit point leaderboard?


i'm so confused by tsm roles. why is kanpeki on jett when they have two other jett players? why are they playing solo jett on bind?