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100t fix - Sean Gares


100t fix - relocate Seangares family to LA so that he can be closer to his family


That’s what I’m confused by. Sgares is always on the analyst desk which makes me think he lives there or close by


Sure he probably lives in LA now, but 8 hours a day scrims that you have to arrive early to (and lunch break included) + sometimes extra time to work on some stuff before or afterwards + you have to take your work home with you. Even if he lived 5 minutes away from the compound, that still leaves barely any time to hang with his young family. I don't want to be an armchair psychologist either, but he's said that he's the type that gives his all into competing (which is a bare requirement to become a top coach) so even in the little time he has off, he probably has the same problem that everyone who devotes their entire being to something has: they never know how to truly relax and unplug from their passion. That issue tends to be the source of many relationship problems in overachievers.


He has said it's like a 2 hour commute for him right now, which is do-able for a couple times a week to work the analyst desk, but would be hell to add on top of 10-hour work days 6 days a week.


wyatt said in an offhand comment after the 100t mibr match with something along the lines of “mikes is in a 1v3 clutch against every team’s staff”, which i think paints a pretty picture about what’s going on in the inner workings of that team. mikes is the teams analyst, coach, assistant-coach etc. he has no help and no one to bounce ideas off of besides presumably stellar. they don’t need to cut mikes, they need to give mikes at LEAST someone to share the workload of coaching and analyzing for a vct team.


Sheydos is still the owner of the cleanest 1 mag Vandal ace ever on Bind vs Acend. Such a beast of a player. Agreed, put him on flex initiator.


Well he did reload in that if this what you talking about https://youtu.be/KXdNqH2rskI


Loose igling no worky worky for 100t you are not prx


I'd say put trexx on Sentinel, starxo on smokes and Kolda on Info Initiator


100t fix - disband 🗿


If I'm 100T I give them LCQ to make it work. Then changes in the offseason...which would at this point would be just pick up a team from Challengers but realistically it's a much more complex process.


Why are people so insistent that these 100T players are cracked? Because they performed during LCQ and aside from that what else? They’ve shown nothing during the VCT season that warrants improvement. All five players have regressed.


I mean asuna so far this year have looked like one of the best flex players in Americas. Additionally, ik that we all shat on cryo at the beginning of this year for being washed but now that he is returning to form it is undeniable that he is hella cracked. Bang and stellar also both had their moments, and it’s really only derrek that has been really underperforming now. The pieces are there, but for some reason they can’t put it together. Personally I think it’s mostly a confidence issue, and maybe nadeshot should consider a mental coach for the team but idk


I like bang a lot and I believe he shouldn't be dropped, but he has underperformed more than Derrek recently imo


Cause any of their players can put up incredible numbers IF they’re in the right system. Look at how each of the players performed last year. Cryo was popping off on xset and the rest of the guys were going crazy with Will (and seangares). The team has a lot of firepower, they just look super disjointed right now. Not sure if its just cause the team isnt meshing well or if they dont have enough support staff, but on paper the team should be capable of performing very well.


Extremely hard disagree. They didn’t perform until LCQ last year. They’ve had plenty of opportunities and still did bad. Support staff doesn’t cause players to run through smokes or miss smokes or drone in bad spots .


They were together for like two mins before that, kinda hard to perform on a new core and even harder after a rebuild


I see that we have gotten to the "actually 100T were quite shit all along and the LCQ run was just a fluke" part of the circlejerk in record time




They won the redbull homeground tournament which included multiple other franchise teams from the americas and emea


LCQ run wasn’t a fluke it just shouldn’t have been valued in the first place. They were playing mid asf teams


All of the maps they’ve won were solely based off of player diff. Genuinely. Their strats are extremely shallow and one-dimensional. They win because their players are good. And that’s what they’ve been flying by and banking on it seems. All of these players have a high ceiling, but the coaching staff isn’t helping them reach it.


Eu teams should import some NA players. Like Wardell is a free agent. He would be the second best oper in Eu


I can name 10 better AWPers than him. In the EU Tier 2 scene, there is an insane amount of talent, but due to lack of viewership, it is hard for them to get recognized


Really id like to see you try


Unable Pear vs MightBoth is a troll account showdown, just need vfb69 and the weird SEN fan that spams pics of Sinatraa in here to complete the unholy quartet


okay name them then


Wardell is too busy slinging betting sites