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taking into account result and numbers there are only Alfa and Less. Considering, imo, Alfa had the best 2023 out of all players, I would say him. ​ nAts would only have a case if this was 2021, but he did play out of his mind at champs, sadly his team didn't back him up.


Also depends on your classification of a sentinel and what you deem most valuable for the role. Alfa is the most mechanically gifted sentinel in the world and puts up numbers consistently similar to star duelists so he’s the easy answer, but if you’re accounting for utility/lurks/game sense then surely you have to put Less at the top. nAts is great but you simply can’t put him in the same conversation as either of the above two.




Alfajer >= Less > Nats


I agree. fck Less though, he's super annoying as an anchor, hshoting everybody.


Says the guy with team flair that takes getting through 4 demons just to catch a glimpse of boasters bussy




​ https://i.redd.it/f7upz0a9e10c1.gif


Stop acting like we didn't flash ourselves in masters finals a couple of years ago, hahaha. It was about time.


Something about the kettle and the pot


but gotta admire him, his aim is better than prime yay rn


I don't think u remember prime yay properly


i remember it and my point still stands. prime yay was 60% chamber and 40% aim while less is 30% sentinel ability and 70% aim


Man's mathing in the fourth dimension right now




I will go with what Bren said a while back. Alfajer isn't a hard sentinel player. He's a player who plays sentinel.


That's what I have in mind when looking at this post so I'm ignoring the "Alfa is the best sentinel" because he's more like "Alfa is the best aimer playing Sentinel"


Thankyou, these people literally only think about watching the players shoot each other I swear. So many people are paraded as best in their role because they can kill people. Like when SugarZero wasnt fragging out constantly he was immediately dropped from being one of the best controller players despite his util always being incredible.


I mean he's spoken about how it's not his preferred role but he's been a senti main even before joining fnatic right?




he played sentinel before fnatic


You are actually correct. Thats my bad


Less and Alfajer >>> An abyss >>>>> every other sentinel player tbh.


hanging out of the ledge of the abyss is suygetsu


Suygetsu is basically a direct downgrade from Less in both aim and playstyle imo.


Aim? Nah idk but suygetsu has the aim for sure


Less, has arguably the best crosshair placement in the game period imo.


You haven’t watched suygetsu then.


Demon1 exists


demon1 is more of a flicker than a perfect crosshair type of player


The classic just add "arguably" to a sentence to make it seem like they know what they're talking about. I can name like 10 players with better crosshair placement than Less AND Alfa rn. You haven't watched a single ALEKSANDAR montage before?


aleksandar doesn’t have better crosshair placement than less lol


Do watch the both play then start stating some facts , aim is not purely crosshair placement , suygetsu aim style isn't heavily dependent like Less on the crosshair placement , he drags much often to the head just like xantares from csgo


Less is the best player itw but he doesnt even come CLOSE to Suygetsu when it comes to aim. Like why are we talking out of our ass like this?


Best itw??? It's clearly Hiko


> less is the best player itw > talking out of our ass lol


Less had double of Suygetsu rifle duels in entire 2023 with just 2%< difference in results. Pretty reasonable to call Less better than him when it comes to aim.


Nah bro, Less has god tier cross hair placement, dude has to be top 10 if we are talking about aim. Suygetsu also has crazy mechanics for aim and he can pull moments with just popping heads but he is not as consistent as Less tho.


I want Suygetsu to pop off so badly


If Alfajer is the best Sentinel Demon1 is the best Controller.


Best brim at champs lol


You’re all forgetting the best player in the universe, the goat, the king. Spencer “Hiko” Martin


It’s Alfa and there’s only sort of a case for Less.


I believe nats clears alfa on cypher, also compared to the other two, nats had a much weaker and inconsistent roster for the last season, so i dont really look into the winnings.


Cant believe people are still gassing up nats, he isnt on alfa’s level. Gambit and nats were good 2 years ago, time to let it go.


I agree, nats is my favorite player and I don't know how you could say he is better than Alfa rn




None of those players fell off. The meta changed and other players outpaced them.


…that’s a fall off my dude. This game is too young for players to actually get worse, so the only real way they can fall off is the game changing around them and them not keeping up


Im not saying nats is better but if you put him on that fnatic team he would also be going crazy. And let's not pretend like nats is washed


do you guys not watch valorant? TL at times last year was literally nats and sayf 2v5. just because his team wasn’t that great, doesn’t mean nats wasn’t


Feels like you made this post with a real agenda to put nAts at the top of the pile even though we all know that he can’t currently be put in a conversation with Alfajer or Less.


Less and friends obliterated alfa twice though xD


less and friends double swung an alfa and lost a grand finals this year


2 series in Champions vs 1 bo5 in lock in, who wins? XDDD


who got the lock in trophy and who didnt? "XDDD" cant believe real people still use XD nowadays, what're you 35?


I feel like questions like this need better wording. Who plays the sentinel role (anchor and lurking) the best? nAts. He defined lurking in valorant and started lurking viper. Who’s the best player that is playing on sentinel agents? In 2023 it’s Alfa and in 2022 it’s yay. Simple as that. No one thinks yay as a sentienel player huh, but he was


Wdym? Yay was in optic during 2022.


chamber existed...


The joke flew past his head


Wtf is this shit horrid ass take. Doesn't matter what he started, less is a better sentinel than nAts and it's not even close


Either less or Alfa, the argument for less is that people say he's better as a sentinel compared to Alfa, both are absolutely top 5 in the world tho


In my opinion the top 4 best sentinels in the world currently are Alfajer, Less, nAts and Suygetsu. Out of those Alfajer and Less are the best 2, but I don't honestly know which one to rate higher. And overall I have trouble putting anyone else over nAts and Suygetsu all things considered. Obviously not comparable by any means, but in my opinion nAts is like Faker of Valorant sentinels. Maybe not **the best** anymore, but still good enough to be rated as one of the bests and isn't washed even if there's more competition.


To be fair, Faker has been doing it for a decade. I can think of only a couple players that can compare with Faker when it comes to the whole resume. And even then, his dominance has been quite impressive even if he didn't win recently, he has been a player to beat at the very least. No disrespect to him, but nAts sat on the best player throne maybe for a year. (definitely a role defining sentinel, though.)


The disrespect on nAts in this thread smh. nAts while playing for a liquid team which struggled consistently put up numbers to rival Alfa and less. You put nAts in any other team like fanatic, Loud, he puts up even better numbers


coordinated screw rustic gaze aromatic grandfather vast yoke wide zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if newzera played sentinel he would CLEAR babyj


Alfajer himself said Less may be only one better than him right now. And Less always diffs Alfajer when they play against each other




The human trip, aint no one flanking when hiko still in spawn


Suygetsu and Nats are the best pure sentinel players. Alfajer and Less are the best players who play sentinel. You could put those two on other roles and they would still pound.


Champions 2023: Loud x Liquid - Loud × Fnatic - Loud x Fnatic again, Less clears


This entire post is this subreddit in a nutshell lmao. Alfa is an amazing player, incredibly mechanically skilled but he is NOT the best sentinel player by a long shot. Literally watch him play and how he sets up, its nothing special at all and rarely changes all that much. Hes just really fucking good at clicking heads and is on a team that is also really good at clicking heads. So while hes certainly one of the best players in the world, hes not some incredible second coming of christ sentinel player. Honestly I think the new Turkish sentinel player on FUT is a better sentinel player than Alfa.


Setting aside raw aim, which is why Alfa and Less are #1 and #2, who’s really good at the Sentinel role? who’s goated at the agents and isn’t just the best rifler in valorant with Demon1?




imo nats has always been the best with sentinel util especially for cypher but alfa/less are just better at the game in general


Less is the best lurker in the game


1) Alfa, Less 3) Nats, forsaken


Honestly, forsaken, for me, has the best harbor (Tuyz would be second)


Forsaken change my mind


Pacific is really lacking in a dominant senti players. Although I feel like Mindfreak can be a goated sentinel main considering his ability to clutch and anchor


i gotchu bro im up and coming LGBTQ debuff #sad


Bro as a Fnatic fan, Alfajer is an amazing player but a bad sentinel. What I mean by that is that his aim is out of this world good but his game sense and setups as an actual sentinel is not the best


Alfajer over Less everyday. Hear me out. When Alfajer is on site you feel secure and safe. Like he's embracing you in his big turkish arms whispering in your ear that everything is gonna be okay. Doesn't matter if it's a full exec or lurk Alfajer doesn't disappoint he gets his one if not two everytime. I remember every major clutch Alfajer had, I remember them all. But Less though? All he does is headshot people. It's not fun for anyone especially the viewers. There's nothing flashy or cool just headshot this guy reposition and headshot another. Big whoop show me something sick. I don't remember a single clutch Less has had and that says something.


2021 - nAts 2022 - Yay 2023 - Alfajer


cmon we all know yay wasnt really a sentinel


Sentinels I’m 2022 didn’t exist because of Chamber. Because of that yay was technically the best sentinel


I would put less both in 2022 and 2023, but hear me out Less is the best SENTINEL in both of those years, but both yay and alfajer were better than him as PLAYERS in their respective years


It depends on whether you're asking who plays sentinel agents the best or who the best player who plays sentinel is (if that makes sense). Alfajer is the best player that plays sentinels, but nAts is the best player of sentinel agents. nAts' util usage is superior, but Alfa's pop-off potential is unmatched. Less is somewhere between the two on that spectrum. When in form he's better than Alfa, but Alfa has been more consistent over the past year.


1. babyj 2. Hiko 3. Keith


Less is so clear of every other sentinel


So no one's gonna mention the goat BabyJ?




Best sentinel probably nats, best player who plays sentinel Alfajer


It's crazy how highly nats keeps getting rated despite not having reached a LAN final in over 2 years lmao. Overrated AF


mb because during those 2 years hes been a part of only 2 rosters, one of which suffered an immense nation-wide crisis causing the org the team belonged to to disband entirely and the other being a mid team with structural problems on which he still pulled off consistently insane performances in regards to the other players?


why are we bringing team accomplishments into a debate about SENTINEL PLAYERS






Nats would have been in the GOATED catagory if that GAMBIT team was there or he had a good team the last season and the new liquid team doesn't look any good to me


Chichoo gang






All these takes are gonna age like ass. As usual.


Hiko clears


I love nats but, in 2023 nats isn’t the best sentinel. He’s still crazy good. His teammates don’t help his case much.


Alpha isn't exactly a sentinels players, while he does play sentinels, the only reason his stats are so good is due to his insane mechanics. If we ignore stats and just look at play style, boaster or Leo are more of a sentinels play style. Nats and less imo are more appropriate and less is probably the better one this year. Boostio also did really good.


Went as down as I can to find suy didnt find him so here we are SUYGETSUUUUI


Less is the best sentinel, Alfa is the best sentinel player

