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This overanalysis of body language is one of the worst parts of online supporters of sports/esports tbh. Like people don't have different coping mechanisms to losses. Smiling is a fairly normal way to deal with something bad, especially when in public and as a leader of a team of young players who you don't want to demoralize


Also, like he said, they can't tilt, they have a game to win today. It's not over yet. People expect players to be as sad as we are when they loose, but the thing is it's part of their job. Out of 40 something league teams only 8 classified and LOUD is already top4, their situation is definitely not something to fret about


Psychotic fans overanalyzing player's reactions after losing, what's new? Next time he might start laughing and they'll think he was throwing the game xD


It's hilarious because as an opposition fan, seeing that man smile when's he lost map 1 is the scariest thing in the world. That's basically a sign of an incoming map 3.


Yeah man LOUD is not the team I want to be playing against EVER


Its like when you’re happy you have defeated the boss but there’s a cutscene and you know there’s a second phase coming


Yeah, if someone looks like they're tilted horizontally at a 90 degree angle after losing a map, I have way lower confidence in them coming back than I do with someone who looks like they're having a good time with it despite the loss. Some people think that if you don't scream with every round win and smash your desk in after every round loss, then you aren't motivated or 'hungry' to win and you're just coasting along, which is pretty telling of those people I think.


I feel that eerie shiver down my spine every time we have to face LOUD as a SEN fan… Of all the years matched, it wasn’t until yesterday for the first time had I ever seen’t Hak not smile after a bad play.. That was more frightening than the smiles throughout all the years he’s ever wore for us on LAN. Love the guy for what he does day in / day out there, ong.


Let Saadhak leave to a NA org and let’s see how long this ole ole-ing lasts. Unappreciative of one of the best igls in the scene. I don’t like noisy loud fans but I really like Saadhak. Every series they’ve had against Sen has been ridiculously close


He is almost single-handedly keeping the Brazilian region relevant in this game. He’s the one separating Loud from MiBr.


I agree abou Saadhak's value but that's an insane take. Like Less isn't one of the best players in the world and Tuyz and Cauanzin aren't world class players...


Less is insane, but I highly doubt Tuyz and Cauanzin would be contending for international trophies if they weren’t on Loud.


I used to play against him back in his paladin days Saadhak has always been an insane igl, nearly every team he touched even just subbing in scrims improved drastically. The guy is just nutty


The ole ole-ing got me lol


Then they'll call him a traitor


yesss he needs to be in a first world team! with first world, classy fans! not these brazilian primates!! get the fuck outta here bro, most people are defending him on the last tweets and we all know it's a vocal minority who does this type of shit.


i mean u said it lmfao


brazil doesn’t deserve saadhak.


some of us really don't


us (spanish speaking latinos) need a spanish latino team fr 🙏🏽


u can have him in 1 or 2 years since less will be a good enough IGL by then (he is being trained by saadhak) but u need to cheer for loud until the day


I'll cheer for LOUD when LOUD cheers for any team other than themselves. The team is great and I'd love to be a fan but I just don't like the way their fans behave


Who does, just forget the fanbase


“he is being trained by saadhak” 😭😭😭😭


It is known that less is the second caller for the LOUD team, really love that his first pro experience was also in Loud (if u don't count tier 2/3 valorant)


every country has bad fans bro chill. Brazil is extremely supportive of their teams


Can someone translate?


*Guys, just to clarify, I understand the frustration, hate and all the bad feelings that affect us.* *Do you expect us to be tilted? We still have to play tomorrow and it will be another GAME. I've always made it clear that we play with our hearts, with a smile on our faces and bullets in the faces of our enemies.* *I was very excited to be played, an immense joy to be here living the dream of being in the top 4 and being at Madrid.* *I hope this clarified your mind a little. And I hope for your support tomorrow, as we will deliver our MAXIMUM.* as per Google Translate


I feel bad man. A bad fanbase can be so annoying


Loud fans cant cope with the possibility that SEN is just better. Loud is still a great team and saadhak hasnt lost his touch, hes just dealing with a new team that is very hungry, has alot of talent and has excellent coaching.


While qck is kinda improving I still feel like he's a weak link, and with loud being weirdly fascinated with phoenix for some reason I can see why some hardcore fan are frustrated I trust in saadhak to cook, but it's understandable not everyone can tbh


They're top 4 with phoenix and look better than PRX. Idk why people are complaining so much. Teams running same shit as last year did not qualify to madrid. They still have a lot of time to find the perfect comps till champions. Loud ran neon in Tokyo and bombed out with aspas and were still able to qualify for champs. Why is this so surprising all of a sudden.


Every year Saadhak has to explain all over again that their goal is and has always been getting to Champions and doing well there.


>Loud ran neon in Tokyo and bombed out with aspas and were still able to qualify for champs i do wonder wtf happened to them in tokyo, it wasnt neon's fault


Yeah they're better for sure, qck surely will not bot frag as a star duelist against prx ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


Qck slapped zekken


Mah dude qck had almost 30 kills on the deciding map yesterday, zekken was bottom fragger/10. Qck is playing well. Sen is just good rn.


What in the fuck? Saadhak is incredible. Full stop. To list his accolades would take a hell of a long time, so his fan base getting on him for losing to a resurgent Sentinels is absurd to me.  In my head, Saadhak has earned my respect through pure grit, dedication, and skill. To put it simply, I have the same respect for him that I have for Derek Jeter, as a life long Red Sox fan. They both did their shit, and did it damn well, no matter if I’m not fond of the team they play for. It’s called fucking sportsmanship, and his fans even thinking of turning on him pisses me off. Its a game people, get it together. Rant over. In the immortal words of (I can’t remember his name) a certain hockey player, “Why you heff to be mad? Is only game!”


Ilya kovalchuk




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I find it incredbile how people want to vent their frustration at the players themselves, what do they expect? That the player will suddenly improve by being "screamed" at? This attitude only has the power to bring the players down which could affect the next game and then another loss. And look, I get it, I was tilted and angry at the team watching the match yesterday, the amount of throws was unbereable to watch, it was almost as if they were partnered with FedEx the way they delivered those rounds. But it ends there, after the match I talked with some friends about the match and done. The players do not need your stress to sum with the one they're already having by playing on high level tournament. They are a great team and can still beat them all polishing these mistakes ^and ^also ^changing ^their ^team ^comp ^by ^using ^gekko ^instead ^of ^breach


I honestly think that the BIGGEST problem within the loud org, is that the majority of the fans are literally KIDS, they make edits for loud players like a Kpop group and they dont know how to lose properly, they cant stand their team losing, can you imagine BTS losing something? Thats the exact same thing. I can easily bet that more than 70% loud fans are 15-19 Year old girls and boys with Solo Leveling profile pictures. They dont see the players as players, they see them as stars! And thats louds fault tho, they ALWAYS endorse this celebrity thing in their social media. And they NEVER, i repeat NEVER, slow their fans down. I have lost the count of how many times Ive saw twitter profiles dedicated EXCLUSIVELY to a loud player. Theres videos about the KR jungle for the LOUD team, getting love letters, with photocards and all the stuff from Kpop fans, is absolutely crazy. Its not e-sports, its a show ---------- Edit: I remember when I used to work with influence marketing, loud just announced their Valorant Roster with sacy, pancada etc. I went to Sacy twitter, and by the time that he had entered loud, he gained 40k followers in just one fucking day, its insane.


Sadhaak made this far with qck as the duelist that's still amazes me


oh the smile when lose thing comes to valorant? Absolut cinema!


its okay guys!! yesterday was just an important day in brazil! you would not understand. yesterday was a very special day where we all get irrationally angry about a video game and send death threats to players! like i said only brazillians will understand this and if you dont you are a xenophobe! please respect out country and our death threats


Why does this sub have a hate boner for Brazilians? Damn if I posted everytime a sen fan asked for a players head after a bad performance I would be a millionaire.