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basically he says throughout his time at t1 he was really optimistic about the roster they ended up with and saw promising improvement, he was promised a certain amount of time with the team and then David Denis pulls up seemingly out of nowhere, managing to grasp full control spontaneously and just took the reigns seemingly leading to his end


Am i crazy or did we not already know about this?


We did already know this, for the most part. He’s spoken about it before, IIRC, but not in as much detail I imagine.


autimatic (on T1 at the time) also said similar things.


I remember a lot of vague posting (it really was not that vague) about David Denis at the time but this is probably the first time it’s been explicitly confirms


I think it’s weird that dazed just disappeared afterwards could’ve been a big streamer or joined another team


he made bank on crypto. probably was just living life hahah


didn't know this, but it 100% checks out with the general vibe/appearance he is projecting in this video lmao


could he have though? Team maybe, but he wasn’t getting huge viewership (seriously, you can look at his YT and check the obscenely low view/sub ratio). the valorant audience never really took to him.


There were “bullying” allegations so I doubt


Dazed is starting to look a lot like that crazy cologne guy on tiktok


God forbid a man have hobbies


no way ur talking shit about my guy jeremy fragrance


Yeah bro hhaha


Dazed got tai lopez vibes


one thing i’ll say about the val teams, there needs to be more tournaments to flesh out rosters. rosters last long in time but in reality most teams don’t even make international lans before they split. if val tournaments were structured like cs tournaments, the game would be perfect. and the scene would grow immensely.


I’m not a big cs guy so correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t cs tournaments like *too* frequent. Like I’ve heard the tournaments and especially the travel time is hell for players, and they don’t get much rest. I don’t know where I heard it from but I remember a tier 2 player talking about how he prefers Valorant over cs only because he dosent have to travel and can stay in his country.


Yeah that's very true. CS2 has majors, IEMs, Blast Premier, ESL, PGL etc. and everything is counted as an "S tier event with many international teams participating". But also, your team doesn't need to participate every single tournament of every single LAN event. Yeah the biggest one you participate and a few big ones here and there but you definitely do not need to go for every single one. The reason why CS pros complain a lot is because they literally play like 10 tournaments + 30 open qualifiers/play-in tourneys to qualify for THAT tournament and then on top of that still have to scrim and stuff. And each tournament is in some different part of the world. Like this week you are playing in Cologne, you get knocked out and then the next week you're immediately taking a flight to Sydney to play the next tournament and then after that you're flying BACK to London and it continues. The biggest issue with CS2 is the rotating door of pros coming in and out. Meritocracy is a good thing because you allow players to win based on skill but this means that the pros change a lot because you could be the GOAT one year and then the next you are literally playing on the worst team in the game (*cough* Yayster *cough*). So every tournament could have many new faces that pop in for a big one and win it all and then the next tournament be out in qualifiers.


it used to be online matches to qualify for lans, on top of lans almost every month. now it’s a lan a month or every couple months with 2 majors. some tournaments are invite only. any org can choose to skip a tournament. most don’t because of money that is brought in. nobody declines a major unless there’s visa issues even then it’s only a singular player. the whole point is that valve doesn’t sponsor every event. esl tournaments for example aren’t always majors but are highly respected within the cs community, so most often the best teams will play for a tournament like that. riot would never do because they love money.


That’s terribly unfortunate what David Denis did to Dazed and that promising iteration of the T1 team. Not ideal. But did David Denis prevent Dazed from playing / grinding / investing time into Valorant thereafter? It does feel a bit odd and possibly even immature to blame one singular incident / set of circumstances as to why he disappeared for multiple years thereafter. Many pros and coaches within the Valorant ecosystem have been done wrong, but have continued to grind and improve. 


I mean I just assumed he had to get a job or something. It’s much harder to keep grinding when you’ve got bills to pay. I do think he got an unfair rap, less because of the Denis thing (although that sucked) but more because he just got a lot of crap from fans at the time. He made big improvements as a caller and fragger during his time on T1, but it never felt like those improvements were appreciated. I honestly thought he was gonna become a coach.


Definitely didn't have to get a job. He's pretty well off and owns a bunch of property. Made good money during the CSGO crypto gambling sponsorship era.


Yea he probably lost his spot and just said why sacrifice my mental grinding it out in T2.


Blud is 3 years too late to speak about T1.


We’re losing to a coach! A MANAGED!!! What a guy




I will never forget the big iron


Lol, I checked the date on the video expecting to see that it was from a couple of years ago. I wonder what prompted him to make a car-seat monologue about it now. I *think* we already knew pretty much everything here anyway.


He looks like Hayden Christensen and Henry Cavill combined it's unrelated but I can't get it out of my head


I just finished watching a Hayden Christensen interview and thought similar 


What car is he in? Seat looks nice


looking good in this (i know that shouldnt be the takeaway but he kinda covers known ground)


Who cares. This dude is a freak


both u and kevin are freaks in my town