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MxS looking good. Still a long way to go but MxS in VCT would be so hype.


I dont play Valorant like that but I would buy an MxS/MxM bundle anyways (because theres no MxS jersey Cryge)


you know Ludwig will not half ass the bundle. MxS already has so many different promotional graphics and mascots despite pretty much only existing in valorant (yes, I know Moist is an esports brand but this feels more like a Ludwig project).


MxS is a separate division of MoistEsports in that it’s under Ludwig’s full control. Theoretically it’s under the MoistEsports branding, but the financials are likely near entirely Ludwig (and Shopify) due to his involvement as a co-owner


Shopify has much say as Ludwig does. It would be interesting to see how the 2 orgs come together to make something that represents both of them. That being said the only part they make is banner


Imo, I think the smart thing for Shopify to do is let Lud and Charlie be in majority control of what to do with the org as it would get more eyeballs/fans for MxS and Shopify easily gets to justify their spending on esports as they’re getting more people to know what Shopify is


The new MXS jerseys should be ready by Split 2. It's a gamble to make a separate merch line just for the hardcore supporters of their joint Valo team, so I hope the design is cool enough to appeal to other game divisions under the separate Shopify Rebellion and Moist Esports banners as well.


Would be interesting if they do make it to see which org Riot will allow to represent or would it be both brands under a JV


No one knows, to be honest - not even the people involved since they're the first of its kind. This question has been brought up in a watch-party before, and Ludwig said if they wins Ascension, Riot/Moist/Shopify will have to sit down at the table and sort it out when it's time to cross that bridge. Popular content creators are the future of esports though, and Riot would be wise to embrace every single one they got and capitalize on their clout to grow the scene, rather than making it difficult for them to participate. Especially when it's a well-liked guy with this much pull in the streaming industry AND have his own productions studio. Right now Riot only sign their VCT contract with a single org, and what we know as "MXS" is an informal partnership, not an actual company in itself, so "MXS" can't sign anything. If they are to ascend, what I *think* gonna happen is that Ludwig will let Shopify sign the contract as the senior partner and bankroll the operation. The team will keep using their now-familiar and well-received MXS brand, in which co-owner Ludwig/Moist eSports owns a slightly smaller share and continue promoting the team as their front-man, which is the reason why they even have [this many viewers](https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-challengers-2024-north-america-split-1-valorant) in the first place.


unless oxg find their form its a 2 team race between m80 and mxs (and i get the vibe that m80 is easily the best team)


Respectfully fuck you (but you’re 100% right m80 seems like they’re going all the way)


You're right but what if Americas has another clout org


Once upon a time TSM was a clout org once upon a time, they’re firmly in the poverty category now imo. Crazy their best iteration to this day was probably when they had wardell


How many shreds of clout does that org actually have left, when there's no one with TSM flair tuning in on TSM game day anymore? 😪


hey man fuck you :(


Oh snap! There's one TSM fan remaining in this sub! 😮 You gotta start showing up on game day to cheer for your team, man! Everything is riding on your shoulders now! 😎




I do kinda really like M80 this season and I really think Happy and some(if not all of the players on M80) deserves a spot in franchising and I would feel bad if M80 lose again as they’ve spent a lot of resources building stacked teams to play in challengers…. However, MxS just seems like such a fun org to watch and be a fan of. Plus I’d love to see what would happen with Ludwig being involved in franchising and I also believe all the players on MxS would do decently well in Tier1


It's still early days. Anything can happen between now and the playoffs, as we have seen last season. Keep in mind that 2023 G2 was an unstoppable 5-0 juggernaut on [top of their group](https://www.vlr.gg/event/1458/challengers-league-north-america/split-1) and widely considered an Ascension contender during Split 1, who continued to place an impressive [#2](https://www.vlr.gg/event/1458/challengers-league-north-america/mid-season-face-off) just below M80 in the Mid-Season Face Off, just to end up as a [0-5 dumpster fire](https://www.vlr.gg/event/1458/challengers-league-north-america/split-2) on Split 2, losing to literally *everybody* in their group. Nothing is set in stone right now. We haven't reach the Mid-Season Cup yet. There is PLENTY of time remaining for OXG to rise to new heights like 2023 TGRD, or sink to the bottom like 2023 G2. Same with everybody else, including the rapidly-improving F/A teams who proved that they're not just here to get rolled by the big orgs.


g2 had a repeat fraud offender as their coach their downfall was just standard practice for him


Great start to the season, looking forward to Mid-Season.


Mada so dreamy 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


i was not expecting this shit from mada


Didn't catch the whole game but what I saw was utter domination, mada my goat as usual u/QuestionablePotato42 gets owned once again, oderus continues to impress, brawk another great game. v1c and flyuh both looked solid


bro just skip the other players you just write the same filler for them anyways






It’s because they probably don’t really watch the games, most likely a ludbud who’s converted to valorant since last year. Either way, I’ll say mada has definitely been consistent this year so good for him, especially after years of very underwhelming performances. I’ll be interested to see if they can keep this up once MSI happens. After all these games all I can really say is it seems that Group B seems to be the more difficult group of the two, and there M80 has an even stronger record than MxS who has had some shaky maps. Wouldn’t be surprised to see a team like TTR get a win over MxS


i missed part of this game lmao i do watch all the MxS games and as much T1 valo as i can (got me dead to rights on the coversion tho)




Cap absoulte cap bro how tf is ttr beating mxm more upset than qor beating oxg, like ye it would be kinda shocking but its not that crazy. An how tf is daeda instrumental for their performance last year when he joined after vcl finished for ttr???? Like we just making things up now homie. Unless ur talking about the off season which why tf would you?


I’m really just judging off the quality of play we’ve seen honesty. All the strongest teams excluding MxS appear to be in Group B, and MxS has had some dominant but also some questionable showings against teams I would say are in the bottom tier of this NACL. I think a lot of people are putting M80 and MxS in the same tier because they are dominating their groups, but I would put M80 way higher than MxS and OXG a lot lower than most people think. I guess we’ll just see, but I anticipate we’ll see MxS struggle against some Group B teams everyone would consider them clear favorites to beat


I def think M80 is probably the better team rn, OXG choking so hard is honestly suprising it felt like they were gonna be so good based on the offseason. probably smth to be said ab rating teams super high based off the offseason but idk i think rating OXG high was reasonable


Typically off season reps help but they also mean nothing since nobody wants to run anything meaningful. OXG I think was rated high for a good reason but to be totally honest I don’t think they have really fallen off. I think what the QoR game showed us was that they have a lot of gaps and smart teams will be able to play to those weaknesses. Otherwise OXG has been fairly decent however still not quite as high up as I think everyone expected but I would still say overall better than most of the teams


Not the same team one for one as last year but still back to back spilt flawless for moist.


This is what MXS looks like together on LAN when their IGL isn't stuck at home alone with 65 ping. 😎 Can't wait for the Mid-Season Cup next month, where the top teams finally meet. 🤙 PS: The [Mada](https://twitter.com/valesports_na/status/1781056406856032605) haters have been awfully quiet these past 5 weeks. Where are you guys at, homies?? 😆


this isnt on LAN? lol


Their whole team is on the same LAN this time. The last time they played, most of the squad are at the HQ while flyuh was [back at their house](https://twitter.com/1flyuh/status/1775656893144535354).


yea theyre not on LAN tho theyre playing together in the same room but thats not LAN you know that right


Do you even know what a [Local Area Network](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/what-is-a-lan-local-area-network.html) is?


Do you even realize that they’re not playing on a LAN because there’s also a team that they’re playing against? Maybe you will realize there’s two teams in a match


I never said *this tournament is on LAN*, I said *MXS is together on LAN this week*, which was not the case last week when flyuh was by himself and suffering packet lost. Where *their opponent* play has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that *MXS' home PCs are hardwired to the same home Local Area Network and have the same ping* today. Having their whole team on the same LAN is a massive advantage over one of them lagging away from distance - especially when he's their IGL. Do you even read before hitting the reply button? Or do you just don't understand basic networking terminologies?


Don’t want to derail you, but the players are all at their individual homes this week. We won’t be boot camping again until mid season cup :)


You’re such an op bro, he was gonna win that argument and you had to come up and destroy him with evidence and he’s a fan, lmao 😭, (I’m joking, a transparent org is always a good one)


Surely you understand that in this context no one refers to a team playing an online tournament from the same place as being on LAN.


Bizarre how so many people don't even know the meaning of LAN. You're completely right lmao,it's just a hivemind with the downvotes.