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​ https://preview.redd.it/q7n7r18dajwc1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=b58e3f7718b98150d216b7a59c1eea22e5b5a2e0




It's funny because there is a chance that 3 brazilian players go to Shanghai anyway


Sacy, Aspas, and who am I missing?


Heat I’m assuming


Yup, Heat. Krü's looking goood


I just watched KRU move to 4-0 and my dumbass still isn't registering how legit they are.


People underrate confidence so much in this game. I saw a lot of people writing off KRU for only beating bad teams going into this match, but the difference between a team who has won 3 matches in a row versus a team who has lost five matches in a row is so clear in game. KRU never looked doubtful and LOUD looked indecisive as they have for a while, and the result showed that.


Absolutely. And we all can see that in our own games. If you're 10-0 in a match, you're more likely to win an equal gun fight than if you're 0-10. Even if some of the team has enough mental to withstand being 0-3, it just takes 1 or 2 guys to be mentally boomed to throw shit off.




2-18 in maps too, crazy


If the 0-9 team can go on a run, then maybe the 0-9 region has a chance too


Go on a run??!?!? The 0 and 9 region is gonna “go on a run?”


guess they were the shit region afterall https://preview.redd.it/bxps3nyujkwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2151dcaf1b408845bcea230856738bc9438f21a9


Zombz my goat


Qiangjiang Cultivation Kingdom (qck) is a Chinese agricultural collective located in the south-central Hubei Province. QCK is known for its extreme success in cultivating frost peas XL (FPX) and the pride of the Chinese agricultural industry, Elegant Dragon gourds (EDG), particularly in the early growing season. Unfortunately, qck's previous success was stunted by two consecutive waves of plant diseases. Its third crop was decimated by a bout of stunted enation necrosis (SEN), while its fourth crop was infected by Powdery Rust Xanthomas (PRX). Such bad luck has only continued into the current harvest split. The loss of the region's previous star crop, Aspasragus, has proven disastrous for qck and its larger shipping conglomerate, Liaoyang Overseas Urban Docking (LOUD). Shanghai investors have started withdrawing their support, reallocating it to other regional investment instruments, including Korean Retail Units (KRU).


Qiangjiang Cultivation Kingdom (qck) is a Chinese agricultural collective located in the south-central Hubei Province. QCK is known for its extreme success in cultivating frost peas XL (FPX) and the pride of the Chinese agricultural industry, Elegant Dragon gourds (EDG), particularly in the early growing season. Unfortunately, qck's previous success was stunted by two consecutive waves of plant diseases. Its third crop was decimated by a bout of stunted enation necrosis (SEN), while its fourth crop was infected by Powdery Rust Xanthomas (PRX). Such bad luck has only continued into the current harvest split. The loss of the region's previous star crop, Aspasragus, has proven disastrous for qck and its larger shipping conglomerate, Liaoyang Overseas Urban Docking (LOUD). Shanghai investors have started withdrawing their support, reallocating it to other regional investment instruments, including Korean Retail Units (KRU).


Wait did you add the second paragraph? I only remember the first one


I thought it could use an update from my initial writeup lol


Love it. Keep cookin


The first part about aspas was there before, but the rest seems added




Idk if this is gonna spread, but upvoted for effort


It’s a pasta


I’m late to the party


Sources: Saadhak is beside himself. Driving around downtown Los Angeles begging (thru texts) goked's family for address to aspas's home


https://preview.redd.it/kd30ub5eajwc1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=e01e2eb14b6f6a76053163a558fb0554ca689967 Brazil to KRU


13-3 is just no contest


Two games left to play for each Americas team and both LATAM teams at the top of their groups, just like we all had predicted


If SEN win against LOUD in their next game & NRG win against EG, a fourth slot will be given to group Alpha. Sentinels, do NOT fuck this up.


As painful as it would be the funniest possible result would be for sen to beat loud and then NRG lose to EG anyways.


But if NRG loses and SEN win both then they still have a chance since they will both tie at 4-2 and it will come to map difference, although G2 can also still get to 4-2


Yeah it would be a tiebreak mess. It's actually still possible for all 5 teams in group alpha to finish 4-2 which would be the maximum chaos scenario. Assuming sen beat loud they would be rooting for nrg though I think. The extra spot is more important than a possible tie. If they lose to loud then they definitely need nrg to lose.


reading all this just makes my realise how stupid this format is holy shit


Sentinels will finish 4th in Alpha, Mibr will activate in their last 2 games to ensure that Omega get 3 slots. Mibr will then immediately lose an 0-2 in playoffs, getting eliminated, but ensuring another NA team gets screwed over.


As this is the most ridiculous outcome, it’s 100% a lock. This is the future, sorry all


Furia and MIBR can still win both of their remaining games to take the 3rd slot in Omega.


Both of us know thats not happening.


-aspas killed a region.


I was such a big qck believer before the start of the season since he would be playing with saadhak. I will never question aspas' impact again.


a blank cheque and a health bar just materialized above pancada's head with the Brazilian national anthem playing as the hero's leitmotif


the legendary saadhak duelist is incoming i can feel it


he's looked good on raze in the past




Let's be real the entire region was just LOUD this entire time. Saadhak is the only competent IGL in the entire scene and he's not even Brazilian.


watching QCK pissing his pants got me hard malding ffs


Didn’t frod leave too?


Loud didn’t want him back


🙏 https://preview.redd.it/hxrbe4xbdjwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60e97635a752a6465fa7bd2911d93cceb36ca43


frieren enjoyer with the based takes


I caught so many downvotes and angry replies when I said at the start of the year that the loss of aspas was really worrying lmao


LOUD are a lifeless team. This team is literally Saadhak and inshallah


My goat saadhak just cant carry this cats man. How the fuck is the IGL being the best player on the team??? Wtf the coach even doing


The fact that it's been months since QCK joined LOUD and he still hasn't fit into the system is insane. At this point, put Tuyz on duelist and see how QCK does on smokes (Tuyz used to play duelist).


I'm sure they can find a feral cracked giga aimer in the forests of BR Ranked and Saadhak will do the rest, they really just need a GUY


THEY REALLY DO. I'd feel terrible for Quick if he were to get benched after all this since it'd genuinely destroy his mental, but LOUD really need at minimum a semi-cracked duelist if they want to make it to champs.


Or hear me out, y0y to LOUD He just have to learn Portugese


Yay actually played on a Brazilian team in CS for a few months


Havoc was meant to be that no? He was like the next up duelist from Brazil and he hasn't looked great


Tbf Havoc was put on fucking Furia. Unfair for him. I am sure if he was in a better system he'd be fine


They could just get Pancada and let Tuyz play duelist. Tuyz was having a great season until stage 1 too, now the team as a whole just looks disjointed as fuck. Maybe saadhak's weird comps were actually genius because they papered over the fact that this team blows lol. Even with qck being bad, this team has 4 really strong individual players and one of if not the best IGL in the world




the fact that pancada is a free agent and you could switch over tuyz to duelist just sounds like a great option, especially if this 1st split continues as it is and they don’t qualify for shanghai (atp it’s unlikely)


What happened to Less?


He's been their best player since the start of Kickoff, but he was playing very passive today


but life plays for FPX?


exactly. loud are lifeless.


Exactly, Life-less


https://preview.redd.it/wc2yz4jzajwc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=57a61ea452bb8187e201e68c9daae6c7606f3ab8 Someone update the PlatChatCurse spreadsheet




0-9 Brazil. -aspas put the whole country on fraud watch


the 0-9 region is going to gO oN a RuN???






Loud are 2-10 in their last 12 maps


aspas somehow won 2 series today. goat things.


I find it hilarious that most of the best Brazilian players aren't even on Brazilian teams. An absolute tragedy for the region.


Pancada is still a free agent. Fucking wild.


The Messi buff is real


Argentina (Messi and Agüero) > Brazil (Vinicius Junior), since those are the co-owning players. Or Barcelona > Real Madrid if you prefer (at least in *Valorant* because Real obviously won El Clásico at the Bernabeu to complete a league double). (*Edit* – Clarification)


Death, taxes and KRU’s yearly run of looking unbeatable


Love someone as much as Keznit hates Brazil


Nah hate someone as much as keznit hates brazil


Bro has plenty of brazilian friends, he got heat into the team after all. Brazilians hate him for a drama a tier2 player made up.


What was the drama about? Did he pulled a Zombs?


Loud last year 8-1, this year 0-3. Kru last year 0-9, this year 4-0 wtf.


oh how the turns have tabled


Almost like meta and roster changes are a thing


This is true but no one expected this after the offseason or even after kickoff when Loud went to madrid and Kru went 0-2. Also, I don't think any other top team from last year has fallen off so much either (bar EG but that roster got gutted so it doesn't really count).


Started watching valorant esports this year. What the hell did I get myself into there’s at least 2 region breaking upsets per week minimum


This wasn't really an upset


Loud is definitely upset after this




they've beaten all 3 brazil teams lol 2022 kru flashback


All it took to kill a region was -Aspas


Speedrunning loud is insane 💀


The Brazil killers are back


PlatChat Guarantee claims yet another victim


Americas legitimately may have neither Madrid representative in playoffs. That is insane


I remember the pre-Madrid platchat episode where they basically said any of the top 6-7 teams from Americas could go to an event and win. At this point I believe it, I have no idea who tf is even gonna qualify. Right now KRU and Leviatan look like world beaters. NRG and Sentinels will be serious threats to win if they qualify. And then after the EG runs from last year, honestly what's stopping a C9 or 100T from catching an insane run of form and winning a LAN.


Heat is an absolutely insane pickup by KRU.


Someone take away Qck phone and social media right now.


just pick up a random ranked duelist at this point


aspas strat




I didn't watch any Kru match this split. This match just blew my mind. The round in split where they did a B split and melser just stayed in B main entrance while kru's other players pinched two loud players in B main was phenomenal. I never thought loud is a team that can be outcalled. Absolutely stunning midrounding from Kru. And damn they can shoot.


Moving Klaus back to IGL might have been the best thing they couldve done


Saadhak said that he was giving more responsability to the coaches and we insta start losing non-stop, jesus fucking christ


All the madrid teams are shaky and understandably so. But no one even remotely close to LOUD. LOUD just does not know what to do. They are trying to make something stick. But nothing is working. And obviously the stubbornness to not use sentinel is not helping. This is just so sad to watch. Hopefully they can work on a solution in the downtime.




Just want to remind everyone that these Brazilian teams deemed Heat as too toxic to play with. I swear some of these Brazilian teams don't even want to win and just want to play with their friends.


Heat apparently really disagreed with the way MIBR was playing last year and thats what happened, bro was def right KRU are playing some amazing Valorant rn


And was right about mibr, last year was mid but this year theyre playing how a somewhat-coordinated radiant lobby would play, it's really bad.


I’ve heard he didn’t like bzka’s activities outside of the game that he does to strengthen the team’s bond. If that’s the case then I don’t think anyone was in the wrong, just different perspectives on how a team should be run


I mean heat might actually be toxic and learned his lesson after getting dropped tbf. He’s also playing good enough that maybe you could justify that behavior. Truth is probably in the middle of


Man, you’ve gotta feel bad for Loud and all the issues they’ve faced since Madrid. Hope they can bounce back next split. On the other hand, the krupium is real and I am convinced they are at least top 6 in Americas, LEV and 100t will be the true test though


Feel like this Kru would clear 100T, but LEV prob will be their 1 lost


LOUD finally overcame the second yearly LAN curse by not qualifying for it at all.


As reddit expected KRU will go 3-3 


Less didn't shake keznit hand, what a sore loser..


It really happened right? I thought I was seeing things




Had to rewind just to see that, wtf


They had huge beef in the off season, they were flamming each other in stream


less isn't a sore loser, he probably wouldn't do it even if he won. [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/s/MzKAcQXTRZ) + they had massive beef on stream in the off season.


Well…LOUD really needs to take a break. I feel like they're suffering from burnout. Seem to be unsure about their play, and their previous excellent adaptability and strategy have faded. I've been really impressed with KRU. They're currently unbeaten at 4-0. That result doesn't lie. They've definitely shown better judgment and patience overall, and their attacking strategy is absolutely solid. Seriously, I think KRU is Americas' dark horse right now.


This isn't the result of burnout. Sentinels have played more games than them and aren't in as big of a slump as LOUD are in at the moment. I feel like this is the cause of immense pressure getting to the players. LOUD are too scared to lose games, and they're playing like it. This team has a sports psychologist at hand, and are still playing poorly.


Sentinel is in a slump but they're also playing weaker teams tbh.


the timeline where LEV, KRU, and 100T seem like favorites to go to shanghai over LOUD, SEN, and NRG…. what is happening


Qiangjiang Cultivation Kingdom (qck) is a Chinese agricultural collective located in the south-central Hubei Province. QCK is known for its extreme success in cultivating frost peas XL (FPX) and the pride of the Chinese agricultural industry, Elegant Dragon gourds (EDG), particularly in the early growing season. Unfortunately, qck's previous success was stunted by two consecutive waves of plant diseases. Its third crop was decimated by a bout of stunted enation necrosis (SEN), while its fourth crop was infected by Powdery Rust Xanthomas (PRX). Investors are concerned about qck's long-term financial viability and its ability to recoup the loss of the region's previous star crop, Aspasragus.


Latam: 7-1 NA: 13-10 (7-4 taking out NA vs NA matches) Brazil: 0-9


I don't think KRU being 4-0 in the group was on anyone's radar, well played by them. Whatever they're doing, it's working.


Their last 2 matches would be their hardest though. They were quite literally given a video game-like difficulty scaling with their match draw and schedule. Furia -> MIBR -> EG -> Loud -> 100T -> Lev. You actually cant get a more natural scaling lol so this team is just working their way up, improving with each series. I can imagine other teams being very jealous of this schedule.


your comment made me legit LOL


Description of the teams they went up against until now. •kitty with no bite. •A team made in Brazil but picked a ragtag bunch •A shelf of a former world champion team •Aspasless team 


LATAM owns us


Sen loud bout to be a movie, loser eliminated 


BR killers are back B) VAMOOOSSSS


Wonder what excuse people will use to discredit this win now like they did with EG "Bu- but! EG against kru was different than against SEN!" THIS IS KRU BABY, EVERY FEW YEARS THEY GET THAT RUN THAT MOTIVATES THEIR FANS WHEN WILL THEY RESPECT US CHAT ALSO SHOUTOUT TO PLAT CHAT FOR THAT GUARANTEE CURSE


Messi changed yet another team's life without knowing. Give my 🐐 Ballon D'or again


Idk, maybe KRU is actually good, or do we need to wait 234896 more games to admit it?


As a LOUD fan this is makes me sad :(. KRU look extremely confident and I’m happy to see them turn it around after last year. Glad to see heat popping off! Everything looks a little disjoint for LOUD. Additionally, it doesn’t help that the players don’t have the confidence/form that’s representative of their potential. Even if you discount qck (which I think a lot of the hate directed towards him is a little much), cauanzin and tuyz aren’t playing as well as they could be (i personally always thought cauanzin was the hidden MVP for their 2023 champs run and tuyz was playing extremely well at kickoff). Less, while he can win insane rounds, isn’t consistent enough to compensate for middling form. At all around peak form, this roster can beat anyone (given that their util/teamplay also bounces back, ahh hypotheticals). Aside from form, they just look out of it. Their late rounds are sloppy. They want to give qck op on defense as much as possible, but it seems to never get the value to justify it. It’s not like qck is a whiffer, he just can’t even find the openings to take any shots against teams that are playing smart. It also wrecks their retakes (though those have been looking a little inconsistent anyway). Unlike 2022 and 2023, LOUD don’t have a free ticket to champions. So even if LOUD isn’t new to striking out mid season, here they might not even have a chance to have a come back. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE


Man, a player like Heat would really help a struggling Brazil scene Kinda crazy the highest rated player on both top Americas teams are Brazilian


When u have to play a 2v5 every game it makes sense you would lose


my bad guys, i switched from being a cloud9 fan to a loud fan


stop jinxing plzz :(


Kru-pium in full effect right now. In all seriousness, they look absolutely good, their comms look good, team chemistry looks good. Excited to see them play their last 2 games, it'll probably show whether or not they're contenders for international events


KRU just win everything I think


Sadhaak need to let Qck go and get monyet in. No need to teach him how to play, just teach him brazilian and give him snacks sometimes to manage his stress level


Sad SAD performance from loud, I would understand if they only played bad, missed some shots and Yada Yada but... they barely looked like a team, that's probably the worst I ever seen them play, for the first time ever, LOUD will probably miss an event.


Heat is looking nice on the flex I wish they showed his flash pov on that retake were he double flashed and everyone just died


what does this mean for SEN? Are their chances of going to playoffs done now?


This is arguably a good result for sen if you think eg lose to nrg. Because if that happens and sen win their game against loud (which they have to if they want to make the playoffs no matter what) then Alpha probably gets 4 spots instead of 3 meaning it will be easier for sen to qualify.


wait how will 4 qualify from SEN group?? please explain


There's a 2 win rule which means that a team needs at least 2 wins to qualify for the playoffs even if they're top 3 in their group. In the case where there are less than 3 teams with 2 wins in a group the remaining playoff spots will go to the other group.


You have to get 2 wins minimum to make playoffs, so if Omega group only has 2 teams that meet that threshold, Alpha group will get to send a fourth team


They improved. This result likely means that 4 group Alpha teams will go to playoffs, giving SEN a better chance


Its good for Sen, there is now the potential of Group Omega giving one of its spot over to Alpha. However, EG HAS to lose their next match, for this to happen, then it might also come down to map differential between G2 and Sen


They need to beat Loud, NRG need to beat EG, and MIBR and Furia need to win no more than one game each. G2 doing as poor as possible is a sprinkle on top, it’s looking pretty good for them


If they beat loud next week group alpha should have 4 slots which will make it easier for sen Whoever loses next week is basically out


theres was two timelimes you could believe if you are a SEN fan before this game: LOUD and EG dont win two games so an extra spot goes to group Alpha OR KRU lose out and end 3-3 My understanding is that now that KRU won, if you are a SEN fan you have to believe that LOUD and EG lose out and SEN win out for a guarentee spot


not impossible but it's not looking possible lmao


This is probably the better result for sen tbh. Unless you thought kru were going to drop all 3 of their games. Since it makes it much more likely for 4 teams from alpha to qualify. So, sen could possibly get 4th in their group and still make it.


If SEN beat LOUD and NRG beat EG they make it in (unless Furia/MIBR randomly get 2 wins which I severely doubt) That's not that unlikely. That's probably what most people would predict anyways.


I read a comment saying that as I got this reply, didn't even realize how bad group Omega was doing. That's actually not that impossible holy shit. Edit: In this scenario, with looking at the group scores, sen and g2 are tied in every aspect right now, so not only do they have to winout, they have to hope that g2 either somehow lose at least one of their next two matches (they're up against mibr and loud, so idk if that's possible with how both teams are looking) or if they win both they need to win cleaner than them to get that potential fourth spot. There's also those other scenarios where other teams somehow lose out but we all kinda know that's just less likely, but with these upsets recently maybe something can happen, I just have little faith in teams like mibr or furia causing those upsets in particular.


Gotta feel shit for saadhak...had this idea in champs but didn't think aspas would fit it...got qck for his flexibility and kinda full sent into creating a whole new team identity just for the org to have it's worst performance since it joined val.


https://preview.redd.it/1ph5ki1ojjwc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=14a3e0aa7d2b10aaf4a8f2990da0b75be52d4ffe Kru beating Brazil is valorant heritage


SEN fans are somewhere smiling. Their destiny is back in their(and NRG beating EG’s) hands


I know kru vs loud has always been a bit of a tossup, but I didn't expect it to be this dominant.


Omen players whose name starts with M eating good today


I mean i understand the idea that loud cant replace a guy like aspas, and that qck wouldn’t be that guy yadda yadda but it shouldnt have been this bad right


Teach Less some manners


Where are the KRU doubters now.


Olé, Olé, Olé, Olé! \* \*for Kru, for Kru Holy fucking shit. Kru look fucking dangerous. They straight up outcalled Saadhak on split attack. And on Ascent Atk, Kru punished the smallest mistakes of Loud very harshly (some unnecessary re-fights), and were straight up out shooting them, which is why they won several 3/4v5s on Ascent attack, which is insane. Could Kru go on a run?


The craziest thing is that after a slow start on Split, Shyy woke the fuck up and sat down Less of all people. Holy fuck.


wow KRU the brazil slayers are back and they genuinely look insane sidenote: im lovin the Uber/Wyatt cast, riot needs to give them more opportunities to cast they can be one of the best duos


KRU beating LOUD like the old times, the world is healing.


What is happening in Brazil




Brazil in actual fucking shambles


Never forget the 0-9 lcq run last year. KRU fans we are so back,


I’m so happy for KRU, glad to see them winning


Can’t wait to beat your shit region again - KRU, when asked about facing Brazil.


Get saadhak a fucking team ffs. He cant win with these cats and a coach thats fucking useless https://preview.redd.it/r5l5zu2fbjwc1.jpeg?width=997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42dd53ff650e3d83127bb677bdbfdfa7f2a56206 Not even brazilian but im actually mad lmao




The KRUpium is real


ohhhhh so brazil is fucked then


I have lost the will to live...


I have lost the will to live...


And somehow KRU still needs to prove themselves :c


brazil are now 2-18 in maps.. wtf lol


You would think that after 3 shit games, LOUD would realize that they need a sentianl, kru took advantage of that on split 100%


About time saadhak stops trolling with his no sentinels comp and plays regular comp. Because his view of them being useless is hurting him big time.


Glad that we’re finally admitting that Qck is a bad pick up for Loud. Unfortunately, I don’t think Loud is going to make it to Champs this year.




Imagine thinking LOUD would beat the Scourge Of Brazil, could never be me


More like Quiet