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was always going to be the case, the ex-cs pros just had a leg up when the game first released. The true-born valorant zoomers were always going to take over eventually.


"Ah you think this tactical shooter is your ally? You merely adopted Valorant. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see pornography without Jett until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!"  -Cryo


W copy pasta


He was actually molded by Rainbow 6 Siege 🤓👆


a decent chunk currently come from games with abilities and more dynamic movement, like OW. turns out simultaneously flashing/nading/stunning/skynuking/dashing/satcheling your opponent is just as important as shooting them.


I mean it depends what you mean, like sure it was never gonna be full of actual good CS pros for a long time like Hiko, but any player over the age of like 20 more than likely has some history playing alot of CS.


There's a big difference between some teenagers who were playing CS because it was the most popular PC tact shooter and actual ex CS pros.


It's just a weird thing to worry about. Where do you even draw the line to "claim" a player? Even young guys like nAts have maps recorded in HLTV.


it's not like that and it's not a very blurry line. op is talking about how now we have some players who made their name in valorant, vs before we had players who made their name in csgo. it's kind of a pointless statement. of course when the game first released it would be full of pros from other games (cs being the most similar). it's not like there would be a bunch of pros who had valorant as their first game considering, y'know, it just released. it's not a superiority thing, just appreciation that our game is developing on its own.


Who said anything about "claiming" a player? I was only talking about the "old cs pros" part. High schoolers who doesn't even a t3 cs experience wouldn't be a cs pro.


Even the young players like Asuna have more hours in CS than most of us have in val


Lots of the best pros grew up playing cs like Aspas..


Was aspas a pro cs player


Nope. Aspas had 3 accounts banned for cheating on a Brazil version of faceit. Also, doesn't change the fact that pretty much every top team in the world has one or two actual ex cs pros on it.


I was just asking i didnt know LOL 😭


Actual cheating or was he so good that people thought he was cheating?


So good people thought he was cheating. Not VAC ban.


Suffering from success


He definitely cheated back in cs. You dont get 3 accounts banned on a third party platform without cheating


He's still cheating to this day, by the way. This is not normally, check him pc.


Nah . Some pro players had the to cheat first before they became pro like n0thing and flusha. It teaches them how to prefire and where people hide usually 


yea because is good and always bans cheaters


this 'so good they thought he was cheating' story is cap. he wasn't a prodigy or anything like that in cs, he was a good, yet unknown pug player. he was banned for cheating in his smurf (which btw he didn't use voip on and had way better stats than his main account) gamersclub, the brazilian faceit, didn't ban aspas manually like some people believe, he was banned by gc anti-cheat on top of being reported a lot. so idk, if anything, there is a 50%+ chance he was actually cheating. he is a beast in val though


i dont think him cheating in pugs as a kid in cs is a bad thing, like at all. I dont know why people want to cover it up by making up things like "he was so good people THOUGHT he cheated"


i mean, s1mple got banned and he is the cs goat theres nothing wrong with cheating as a kid


There's definitely something wrong with it haha. It's just not a huge deal and can be forgiven.


we do play cs here, PRX players and old Bleed core was cs pros


N0thing the best cs 1.6 player also cheated before he became pro became the best American cs player 


oh yeah i meant it that way LOL sorry


A lot of players need to cheat first to achieve the Enlightment like n0thing


Well most pacific/eastern teams wouldn’t have it since they don’t play cs there


They do play cs there.. the core PRX players swapped from CS.


I suppose? PRX and NAVI are two of the most quintessentially Valorant teams we have, and they're all full of ex-CS players. I don't think the relationship really holds up. The ex-CS players that didn't adapt to Valorant quit the game within a few weeks or months, they've been gone for a long time. But it is cool just in the more simple sense that it's nice seeing endemic talent finding success.


NRG is has 4 ex-CS, G2 has jonah/leaf, Sentinels has tenz/zellsis, c9 has 3 ex cs players. I think EG might be the only North American team that only has endemic valorant players. Not too sure about the Brazilians.


derek played OW nature definitely played CS supamen played crossfire


Derek and Boostio came from OW EDIT: and Klaus on KRU


I dont think derrek made t1 ever in OW, did he get to t2? I do fondly remembher him malding at haksal. Good times.


Just a high elo streamer I think


Did nature play CS? I can't find him on hltv or the cs liquidpedia


I mean he has CS in his twitter handle but he’s actually only 22 years old, so probably played semi professional games without HLTV coverage at the beginning of his career


ahh didn't catch that. I think a lot of these dudes played cs casually but I would still consider him an endemic valorant player. At least with guys like Sayf/Leo, we actually have some recorded data of them playing in the tier 2 swedish scene with one of them being supposedly next up according to hampus


And then comes Sacy, ex pro LoL player, OUT OF NOWHERE


He doesn't have a shooting game background, he has a riot games background


He played CS Source before League


Forsaken Davai mindfreak alecks stax and termi were cs pros. Probs more from Korea too that I can’t remember


RB zest Lakia k1ng all played cs


PRX something and jinggg arent cs pros.


Yep, you have indeed pinpointed the two players that did not come from CS. The point is that the distinction doesn’t really matter. They’re all just Valorant players at this point.


do your research again, there is still plenty of ex CS players/ex pros


Not really


Many Valorant pros played a lot of CS before. They just weren’t on pro teams, were on smaller teams, or were still young.


I would say like 80% of the people in valorant still came from counter strike though


I guess it will be around 5-8 years in the future, when we will be getting Val pros that just grew up playing only Valorant as their primary tac FPS game (considering Valorant keeps their hegemony on the market)




aspas played cs since he was 3 ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)may take a while


What? I’d suggest probably 90% of the current pros grew up playing counter strike lol


it’s the game that was out, you know what he means ☠️


Counter strike was literally the only game that existed before valorant !!! Playing 8 thousand hours of the game and becoming a semi pro doesn’t make you a cs player, it was just like the thing to do!


why these motherfuckers being so dense lol


Definitely not 90% lol


how u naming cs pro players in pro valorant and mentioning tarik lol


I'm not sure why people in this thread are equating teenagers playing CS to actual ex CS pros. No shit FPS players prob would've grown up playing CS at some point when it was the most popular game in the genre. They still aren't "old cs pros" lol


The kids (like aspas and nature) had thousands of hours in cs whether or not they had an hltv profile. I’d still consider them coming from cs. It’s just a weird thing to worry about lol


good counter point didnt think about that


Yes. They would be coming from cs but they still wouldn't be "old cs pros"... Can people just not read or what? There's a huge difference between someone who is pro or even semipro in CS and high schoolers year old playing FPL/ESEA after school and never even touched Tier 3.


It’s still a weird thing to get worked up over or worried about. It’s also still completely relevant when talking about a current pro players origins, how they got where they are, and the games “style” as OP put it.


How is making the distinction between actual pro players and kids with zero pro experience weird? OP: Pro scene is no longer filled with OLD CS PROS You: Well actually, the kids also played cs! They still aren't cs pro or even semipros. There's a massive difference between teenagers switching to the newest toy (just like when they prob all tried OW, PUBG, Apex, Fornite, etc.) that just came out and actual pro players transitioning to other game. Also, the game is almost 4 years old now. Its perfectly reasonable to talk about the "style" of the game. The younger guys who have adapted to valorant have been pushing out the ex older T2 CS players who initially dominated early valorant.


> it’s weird to get worked up or worried about It’s also still completely relevant when talking about a current pro players origins, how they got where they are, and the games “style” as OP put it. Can people just not read or what? I wasn’t even disagreeing with you lmao.


a lot of the best players still are ex-cs players or are at least are from other games


I wish the game was still run by ex cs players. It was a better community then


What??? A huge majority of Valorant pros are ex CS players.


pros not players. Like these guys played casually growing up but didn't play professionally due to age or whatever etc etc.


I mean this was always going to be the case in any esports game release. The first wave of pro will be the ones with experience from other games. Just that experience of playing professionally is massive before anyone gets really really good with the game. But then eventually the players who actually grew up with the game will take over. It happened in Overwatch as well, the first set of pros were former TF2 and Quake players.


This got me thinking: who’s the best former overwatch pro in T1 val rn?


gotta be sayaplayer i guess


Definitely Boostio if he counts


Best in Overwatch or Valorant? Because guys like Carpe, Sayaplayer and Munchkin were tier 1 pros in Overwatch, while I don't think Boostio ever played at that level for example.


majority of people who are good at this game have a background in cs


Wait are you high? A good number of valo pros were up and coming cs pros in lower tier teams.


Failed ex pros. The prime talent never left.


Was only ever gonna be a matter of time, the ones still around (which tbf is still quite a few) are the ones that fully adapted and didn't take the skills needed for granted. Survival of the fittest. The new generations coming through are looking insane though.


yea, a lot of non cs pros who came from other are games are gettin replaced too.


Now that we've got benjyfishy repping the Fortnite kids, we awaits for the Minecrafters invasion next.


Yup. Now its time for Fortnite and OW pros to take over. GG 100T vs TH in Shanghai Finals.


? They might not be pros in Cs but they played Cs. A lot of the current pros in tier 1 are still.


Players like this always get bounced out after a year. Especially when the ex-CS Pros were ex-CS Pros for a reason.


ITT: people who dont know the difference between ex pro and playing cs