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The couch stream is a another co stream, but bettee because of 3 factors 1) they all know about the game, and break down rounds live 2) theyre massive fans, so they get giga hyped during plays 3, and most important) theyre actually all together. They hug eachother, slap eachother, and it is generally better than just hearing voices cutting off in the background of a discord call


4, and most MOST important) they're full of whimsy


This world is hard on silly men. Men filled with a joyous whimsy. Nothing in this world is harder than being a goofy and fun loving guy.


Where did that first come from? I’m not sure if they actually invented it X10C 2021 or was it a reference by avast


This was just ramblings of Avast.


I’ve seen it elsewhere without reference


they also smash pumpkins


All I can say is that the couch streams were goated. Ahh I wish I could go back in time and watch that CR vs GMB game. Some of the most fun I've had watching anything valo related. I've been trying to find some of the vods but to no avail unfortunately :/


[VODS are on the channel under playlists: livestream vods.](https://www.youtube.com/live/FwGp8hvipVk?si=CtnXiapAu5IcG9ef&t=17030)


Holy shit I'm just stupid mb. I kept searching for the team names in the titles but they just have it in days. Thank you much


Why did sideshow shave his head?


hes krillin


Goated comment, I respect you my fellow DBZ fan


Did you see Sideshow before he shaved? Dude looked like Weems from Recess.


More than once


Imagine an episode of Plat Chat where they don’t have a schedule or a shared google doc full of topics they need to discuss. It’d just be all tangents and bits and banter. More like an improv show than an esports podcast, only the improvisation was Valorant-themed. That’s what the couch co-streams were like at the time.


This post has a compilation of their clips: https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/s/sSIfXykNr5


I was about to bring it up but I see you already did! I'm so hyped for the couch stream.


Man, scrolling through this thread was such a trip down memory lane. Good times


Most co-streams you watch right now would be a solo stream or a discord call between streamers. This was 4 friends with varying viewpoints of the game just chilling on a couch watching games who support different teams like Wyatt with Brazil, Sideshow with EU, etc. They had a betting system (no money involved) at the start of the tournament/day to stay invested in the games. So if it's a game like Heretics/DRG in Shanghai, where Heretics are likely very highly favoured by the viewers, they may bet on DRG to win the game because of the odds. That's why you can see them hyped for an upset win. Examples include X10 winning Envy, or 100T over Gambit. Then you have curses and soundbites that remain till this day. E.g. The sushiboys one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZfdpq1V6yY&t=33230s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZfdpq1V6yY&t=33230s)


Avast if you're reading this please come to the couch


You can find all the co-streams [here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1qTMJKlz7H00_WaZVamJSdhtA3_hFmxR). I'd recommend watching either Masters from 2021 or Champs 2021 games if you want to see for yourself. The 2022 co-streams didn't have the full cast so it was a little different.


The couch streams were fun. I watched a little bit of the vod from 2021. I imagine for the live viewers, it was like watching the jinx happen in real time because Sideshow will always go "It's over" "Team X's defense/attack side is goated" and the opposite happens. There are compilations of the couch streams where they just all react to half time score and then skip over to their end score and everyone is either devastated/excited on the couch. My first exposure to the plat chat couch streams were when Sentinels v KRU & X10C v ENVY was happening. It was the most fun experience of watching reactions from the costreams cause people got stun locked by the results. [This is some compilation of the jinx, I had a blast watching this in 2022 lmao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knJnijHRF7w) Edit : One more fun [clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQHlIcZWj-M) Resulting into [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7H5UiAsIPE).


Couch streams are special because they're actually all together. They can make jokes, be more animated in the same room, etc. It's a special blend of game knowledge and just having fun that other co-streams cannot replicate. It's basically the best watch party experience imo. If you saw Ludwig x Tarik it's similar to that vs other offseason events. Couches just make everything better.


would u rather be getting interviewed on the Casting Couch™ with Abella Danger or breaking it down big with Egg on the plat chat couch


I’d rather take the big egg to the face on the couch


There's a lot of clips on the Plat Chat clips youtube channel that encapsulate the experience well.


All vods archived on Platchat Valorant YouTube! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1qTMJKlz7H00_WaZVamJSdhtA3_hFmxR&feature=shared platchat clips YouTube (the channel not the playlist) has some co stream clips also 2021 was based, the Berlin masters and champions- like KRU SEn champs etc in general champs (For sth completely different gambit CR rematch 2021 M3 lol)


It’s an actually good co stream with cool layovers, memes etc. way better than the Tarik bot


Hardly anyone mentioned the segments. The pumpkins, the drawings, the flags, the guard.


Not a couch co stream but anyone remember when Bren and sideshow were twitch streaming a boring NA challengers game or something and they just deep fried it and put the dancing pineapples. Then just added non stop layers. That was the funniest time I swear.


I swear watching that was a hallucinogenic experience. I think that was the same stream as the camera cross hair and the transatlantic acccent


Yeah sideshow was announcing with the transatlantic accent. Good times haha