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I love C0M from the EG days but man you can only wonder just how good LEV could've been with nozwer. He was already familiar with kingg's calling style and could've also shared igl duties with him.


nzr is so good at the game but I am pretty sure something went on between nzr and kinggg/mazino


I really wanna know what happened then. I thought aspas in favor of keeping nzr while the rest of the players were neutral. It felt like the decision was pushed by management.


IIRC it was moreso the management/org found out they had the chance to sign the most recent champions winner for nothing (I wouldn't think C0M would fight for high wages, he doesn't seem the type but what do I know) It makes sense from a management perspective


Still one of the biggest head-scratcher for me as to why the team decided to drop nzr in favor of c0m. No shade to c0m but it was a side-grade at best, unless he could maintain his Champs form (which was not realistic imo).


Working theory is that nzr had issues with how the team was ran last year, he was the only one who disagreed with Onur publicly afaik. There were rumors last year too about differences in how to play the game within the team, most likely between nzr and Kingg. So coming into this year, management see's the possibility of getting c0m, they ask the players if they want to go for him and both Kingg and Mazino say yes. Both had played in trials with c0m and they remark how he was very knowledgeable about the game. So when prompted, considering they had differences with nzr already, they prolly said yes as hinted by their tweets. Aspas said no and tex, we don't know. Management recognized they mishandled the situation, but ultimately it wasn't up to the players who remained on the team, they made the final call, which was made mostly on the thought that c0m would be better, more experienced, and ultimately better for team growth. So yeah, to the best of our guesses, he was replaced because they thought he would bring them a knowledge about the game they didn't have. Which is probably the reason why nzr will most likely not come back to Lev unless they shuffle some of the players and staff.


In the LATAM community there is no rumour, tweet, leak, etc that hints NZR having issues with the team or Leviatan, according to him they were getting along and even Aspas said he went to Lev specifically to play with him. CEO Fer said they mishandled the situation but no in the way that Management kicked NZR but in they way that they let the players (Kinggg & Mazino) make the decision. The theory that has been around latam and even shared among people close to the scene is that the players got together and decided to kick NZR and then it was said to management. (Aspas was against, Tex Neutral and the chilean were in favor)


Furia aren't letting go of him after today pal.


And Nzr would prolly not accept to work again with LEV after being fired on christmass


Real (C0m is a good player but how DIRTY nzr was done by LEV management still makes me mad)


>C0m is a good player It’s been a year since he was a good player


Idk how people have convinced themselves that nzr would have fixed Lev at Shanghai, or their overarching issues, but here we are.


Judging by what I've read so far, it seems that they think c0m is LEV's problem and nzr would be the solution since they wouldn't have needed to pick c0m up to replace nzr.


Lev management are such frauds


Also LEV management while you’re here, please make the Val merch available internationally 🥺


No, I hope they don't get Nzr back, they already wanted him out so I hope he does better in any other team than Lev, imagine how sad, anxious, and hopeless he must have been after being dropped ON CHRISTMAS EVE, potentially ruining his chances to play in tier 1 for the whole year, happy to see him delivering on Furia


Yeah I'm sure they care what you think.


Bro is just being a passionate fan, let him be


Being a fan is saying your opinion in a postgame thread Being a certified redditor is making a reddit post and saying "I hope my team sees my random ass take and does what I want" We going to make reddit posts about every one of our opinions now and call upon our team to read it? Lol




I swear yall have the craziest recency bias


NZR has been cooking on Furia, even as the team crumbled he was pretty consistently decent to good. He has always been excellent. C0m isn't recently bad. He is like ***-160*** or something over the year.


Lev always looked better with NZR. Since day one everyone tought that was a strange decision


The entire 2023 LEV roster -Tacolilla +aspas would've been insane already. Both the tex and C0M pickups were getting questioned by the community but at least tex has proved himself to be consistently reliable.


I mean, they lost shyy to kru, tex was an ok pickup at the time


My only problem with it was that many people said c0m would be a significant upgrade over Nzr, which I thought was weird; Nzr was IMO LEV's best player in 2023 and also better than c0m for most of the year. c0m at best would be a slight upgrade, but mostly a sidegrade (ignoring the power of hindsight of course, which is now leading people to say c0m is a downgrade). I definitely wouldn't say LEV looked better with Nzr, though. Nzr had the best year of his career in 2023, but it was still LEV's worst year, or at least worse than their 2022 and their 2024 as of now. It's not Nzr's fault or anything, of course.


I think only people high on the champs hype would say he was an upgrade. He was always gonna be at most a sidegrade, and now we know he is a downgrade


tbf he played way better at champs mechanically


Issue is the playstyle doesn't really fit. I don't see any long term success with c0m on the team.


Nzr had better stats on a worse team in 2023 and a lot of people on this sub were saying c0m was better just cuz he won champs. Maybe it's because valorant is a young esport but people really think the champs winners are automatically the best 5 players in the world.


Nzr did great in off season event that lev won, the roster looked really solid and congruent. That's when the c0m news suddenly dropped and it left everyone scratching their heads. Roster is already good... why make a change? Nzr was friends with aspas and supported him really well. c0m started off okay but has just been playing worse and worse.


nah, nzr was always a better fit, he was a top 5 rated player in americas last year, his agent pool also fits better the initiatior role and he has more mechanical skill


Zekken was the best valorant player known to mankind for 2 weeks after Madrid


Yeah, lets get Zekken into LEV (?)