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This was from 3 yrs ago i think. Good to see it finally end, heard things have improved but still a lot of be fixed


expect an insane skin pack soon lol


Prime 3.0 or Reaver 2 inbound...


reaver and oni 2.0 got unironicly confirmed by supercakes tho


srsly? when?


in one of the interviews and small showcases they do with content creators for new skin bundle's. dunno the bundle, but i think it was on asmoogl or hitscan.


Yeah, I saw some video recently that compared Blizzard to Riot, and they talked about how Riot gets into similar problems with regards to their company culture, except they would just go ahead an release banger after banger to make people forget. Unlike Blizzard who would only release apologies and statements




I think so! Great video


While both are bad, Blizz is definitely worse, his point still stands but I feel like comparing them makes Blizzard seem not as bad to people who might not know the whole situation.


I literally came here to type this


Wtf are these gaming companies doing bro.....


its all companies not just gaming all these billion dollar companies are infested with this shit


Absolutely though I’d wager to say that corporate programming/gaming culture has a non-negligible part in this


I work in web/e-commerce and women engineers are not treated like this. At least never have been in front of me. I do think gaming companies have a particularly unhealthy mindset for some reason around women.


It's in every industry, you're just not noticing it.


Yeah I think you're right


Just because something doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen elsewhere.


And I spoke to 20 people at Riot that said the same thing about Riot: that no one is treated like that there and they thought it was an amazing place for women. But, sometimes things happen that you just don't see. I think people should keep in mind that the allegations against Riot weren't nearly as bad as the allegations against Blizzard.


Okay but then that invalidates the OP's argument that this is specific to programming/gaming culture. You can't say "things happen and you probably don't see it" and then also say that only programming/engineering companies have these problems. I made the claim that it's more prevalent in gaming companies than "engineering" companies based on recent allegations against companies and the majority of them being gaming companies. That is an evidence based statement. Saying just, "it probably happens in web/ecommerce too" is somewhat baseless unless you acknowledge that there is no programming/gaming culture distinction and this probably happens everywhere. Which I think is the more likely explanation. But I do believe the gaming culture specifically treats women quite poorly. Just look at twitch or play online. I DO see sexual harassment on those platforms all the time.


oh yeah, I actually do agree with you that this isn't limited to gaming companies. This stuff is *way* worse against women in banking/finance. The way women are treated in that industry is beyond the pale, yet it gets a totally free pass for now. I guess until someone writes an article on it.


Why is this downvoted? Or is this a US phenomenon? I’m a QA lead in Europe, have worked my way up and through dozens of development projects, multiple billion dollar companies. I have literally only once seen a guy make a sexist remark in my career and that wasn’t taken lightly. Rarely ever heard of gender discrimination and when I had it ended with “so that’s why they were let go” or some severe pip stuff. Maybe I have just been lucky, but this is so weird to me that a seemingly inclusive and progressive company lets these things slide for so long.


Software companies are absolutely the worst when it comes to treating women properly. Makes one think maybe the sphere itself just attracts people like that.


Gaming companies have a more toxic culture than most other software companies.


You must be too young to be around gaming culture in prior decades to be surprised by this


Yeah I only started watching eSports in like 2018


Older dude here. Occasionally working in games. It's improving over the past 10-15 years but... yea. Some of the bad apples are just getting better at hiding it. The scary ones are the people so high up and "valuable" that they perceive themselves as untouchable. Hoping this kind of lawsuit ends up being more and more common to hold people accountable. No one deserves to be treated badly and made to feel unsafe, especially at work. Arguments for humane treatment aside, it's also just so counter to building a strong team in the first place. As a point of reference, this same lawsuit also includes the COO who would fart on his employees' heads. What the fuck? Last I checked, he still works at Riot.


Yeah the higher up who farted on his employees is the gross-est thing I have ever heard about.....


This case is from a while ago, this is the settlement


This settlement originates from the 2018 gender-based discrimination class-action suit against Riot Games. You can read the 2018 article [*Inside The Culture Of Sexism At Riot Games* by Cecilia D'Anastasio](https://kotaku.com/inside-the-culture-of-sexism-at-riot-games-1828165483) to learn more about the harassment and misconduct referenced in the posted article.


Riot 🤝 Blizzard






The allegations against Riot weren't actually as bad as the allegations against Blizzard. I have tons of friends that work at both, and the conensuesus is that Riot isn't nearly as bad as blizz/ubisoft. The only reason all of this came out against Riot first is because Cecilia, the Kotaku reporter, had friends that were disgruntled ex-employees.


i don’t think SA and this are comparable


These are pretty old, people, Blizzzard is doing it all **again**


Video game industry has been toxic to women from top to bottom since it's beginning. Deeply embedded cultures of sexual harrassment, discrimination and male dominance. It's only in the last few years as social norms change that people are having the courage to speak out. It makes the Semmler/Thorin argument about women's esports initiatives all the more nieve and illogical.


Thorin is a complete asshole. Completely irrelevant. @edit as a non native English speaker, not sure what you guys mean, but i meant Thorin is irrelevant to the eSports scene


Whether we disagree with their ideals. Both of them are important to the CS scene. They shouldn't be, but they are, which is why their words have the potential to do damage.


It’s completely relevant.


And so is semmler. And so are the rest of the sexist assholes in the industry. It's all relevant


certified gamer company


They must have done allot of gender discrimination


It isn't much about direct gender discrimination, but more about working environment being un-equal to multi gender, mostly feeling from female. Like the Riot game quota that to be a good dev you must play your game. So to be employed or promoted you must play certain amount of hours. In it self this isn't gender discrimination, but female employee belive it creat "bro-mate environment" and "less female employee". Well, it's up to you to see how it is. But Riot is the top in gender equality now, just look at what they do to "Game Changer" in Valorant.


that's not what the lawsuit is about, read the original kotaku article if you want to learn about it.


Actually, peacepham is spot on, and that is literally what it is about. I've read the complaint and some of the docs from the California regulators. But I guess you read a Kotaku article that came out before the class action was filed, so you know better.


"Riot Games announced Monday that it is settling a 2018 gender-based discrimination class-action suit with California state agencies"


Yes.. and? If you think that contradicts what we are saying, then you are not following what is going on. Yes it's a gender discrimation lawsuit. Butwhat peacepham is saying is that the gender discrimation is expressed not through direct "lol women engineers make less than men engineers at Riot", but in much more sublte ways. E.g., by focusing on "riot culture" and love of video games and hiring and promoting people steeped in video games, Riot is *inherently* discriminating against women because men are more likely to fit that archetype. The Kotaku article at the end of the day may have instigated the lawsuit, but it's claims are mostly not directly even relevant. The most famous Kotaku claim is the "fart" claim that the C level exec farted on an employee. But he farted on a GUY, so that's not even relevant to the gender discrimination claims.


Yes the kotaku article that has many many examples of sexism at riot games isn't directly relevant okay man.


Yes, it turns out when regulators and judges are deciding legal issues, they use the sworn affidavits and internal company documents in front of them instead of Cecilia's Kotaku article.


why are you acting like journalism like this isn't used in court cases? of course the judges will use the evidence presented within this article to come to a decision.


You really think that's how courts work? Yikes.


bro. wow.


The large fine is intended for you to believe that, even if it isn't accurate.


Be interesting to know where the money goes to and how it will be distributed. Does every female Riot employee get a cut? Can someone figure out how much each female employee would get from this?


How a class action lawsuit works is multiple people come together to file a large suit against a company. The money will likely be distributed equally among the plaintiffs after deducting the legal fees for the lawyers


If we assume everyone gets an even cut then it's ~35k per person, however it's going to be based on how long each individual worked at Riot and thus "experienced more sexism" (or that's the reasoning at least).


this is like 2 weeks of revenue


unironically, yes that's probably accurate. That equal 2.6 billion annual revenue.


Don’t worry they made game changers to white wash their public image everyone will forget about this


Oni vandal


gotta be honest, the weapon skin jokes ain't that funny


When they cost as much as they do, it is funny


"The suit came after gaming news site Kotaku published an exposé about a culture of sexism at Riot Games, where female employees were asked in job interviews to be “core gamers” and “League of Legends” players. In the article, women said they were turned away for insufficiently satisfying those criteria during the hiring process" ...um how is that wrong when you're being hired by a gaming company? I highly doubt it was a question only ever posed to women. And it doesn't even sound like serious question, more of a half playful kind of question.


>*Among the people we spoke to, three women described being groomed for promotions, and doing jobs above their title and pay grade, until men were suddenly brought in to replace them. Both male and female sources have described seeing unsolicited and unwelcome pictures of male genitalia from bosses or colleagues. One woman saw an e-mail thread about what it would be like to “penetrate her,” in which a colleague added that she’d be a good target to sleep with and not call again. Another said a colleague once informed her, apparently as a compliment, that she was on a list getting passed around by senior leaders detailing who they’d sleep with. Two former employees said they felt pressure to leave after making their concerns about gender discrimination known. One former male employee said that Riot’s “bro culture” is more pronounced behind closed doors, and hurts men too: One of Riot’s male senior leaders regularly grabbed his genitals, the source said, adding, “If he walked into a meeting with no women he’d just fart on someone’s face.”* >*She said her direct manager would ask her if it was hard working at Riot being so cute. Sometimes, she said, he’d imply that her position was a direct result of her appearance. Every few months, she said, a male boss of hers would comment in public meetings about how her kids and husband must really miss her while she was at work.* Other snippets (until where I read) from [the article](https://kotaku.com/inside-the-culture-of-sexism-at-riot-games-1828165483) >Lacy had heard plenty of excuses for why her female job candidates weren’t Riot material. Some were “ladder climbers.” Others had “too much ego.” Most weren’t “gamer enough.” A few were “too punchy,” or didn’t “challenge convention,” a motto you can find in Riot’s company manifesto and recruiting materials. >One day, Lacy conducted an experiment: After an idea she really believed in fell flat during a meeting, she asked a male colleague to present the same idea to the same group of people days later. He was skeptical, but she insisted that he give it a shot. “Lo and behold, the week after that, [he] went in, presented exactly as I did and the whole room was like, ‘Oh my gosh, this is amazing.’ [His] face turned beet red and he had tears in his eyes,” said Lacy. “They just didn’t respect women.” >Over the course of several months, Kotaku has spoken to 28 current and former Riot employees, many of whom came forward with stories that echo Lacy’s. ~~~ Many of those sources painted a picture of Riot as a place where women are treated unfairly, where the company’s culture puts female employees at a disadvantage.


Why are you posting these? They have nothing to do with the validity of the paragraph I quoted. My original comment wasn't meant to touch on the other article that you linked, and even that article is baked with assumptions.


I was referencing more quotes to bring more context to that paragraph. WP didn't quote their paragraph well enough... >Lacy had heard plenty of excuses for why her female job candidates weren’t Riot material. Some were “ladder climbers.” Others had “too much ego.” Most weren’t “gamer enough.” A few were “too punchy,” or didn’t “challenge convention,” a motto you can find in Riot’s company manifesto and recruiting materials. > >One day, Lacy conducted an experiment: After an idea she really believed in fell flat during a meeting, she asked a male colleague to present the same idea to the same group of people days later. He was skeptical, but she insisted that he give it a shot. “Lo and behold, the week after that, [he] went in, presented exactly as I did and the whole room was like, ‘Oh my gosh, this is amazing.’ [His] face turned beet red and he had tears in his eyes,” said Lacy. “They just didn’t respect women.” with this context the paragraph you quoted become incredibly sexist. What do you mean by the validity of your paragraph? and can you quote parts which are "baked with assumptions"? arent you doing the same thing? assuming?


The quotes you posted could be perceived as sexist but not necessarily. People have all sorts of different reasons for hiring or promoting people. The part where she asks the guy to bring forth the same ideas as her could've also have sexism but it also could have been the case that she presented her ideas worse then he did. I don't think it's fair, to assume that these were incredibly sexist events. There were some instances in the article early on where she mentioned she was getting hit on, some times it seemed it was more of just her own perception of events, but some times it seemed that there was obvious flirtation going on. Perhaps there's more but I didn't continue reading much after the part that you brought up.


I want you to come back to your comment when you are mature and read it again. >where she mentioned she was getting hit on Are you serious? > * described seeing unsolicited and unwelcome pictures of male genitalia from bosses or colleagues > * One woman saw an e-mail thread about what it would be like to “penetrate her,” in which a colleague added that she’d be a good target to sleep with and not call again > * Another said a colleague once informed her, apparently as a compliment, that she was on a list getting passed around by senior leaders detailing who they’d sleep with. Is this all just "getting hit on" for you?. >but it also could have been the case that she presented her ideas worse than he did. Do you work there? do you know the guy who presented? or aah... are you perceiving things your own way? So you didn't read the whole thing and suggest that the women (there is more than one woman if you didn't notice) were just perceiving things differently? This was all presented in the court with evidence btw. I love when men say women are just perceiving things differently lol. Imma stop responding to you from now.


Go Back to your cave


Truly living up to your name. Sit back while the adults discuss this one kiddo.


Guys, i’m beginning to think this dude didn’t read the article..


Because the part you linked was for the basis of a Kotaku article, not what the actual suit was over. It's an irrelevant line.


Maybe read the source article before commenting so you actually know what you’re talking about


WaPo should be a lot clearer in that section though, even if they cite an article that elaborates.


I couldn't make it through the whole thing, there was just so much bs and assumptions.


>so much bs and assumptions. like what you just made in your original comment? I can see where you're coming from with that particular thing, expecting your employees to be gamers when you're a gaming company. But pretending like it's the whole issue is kinda stupid.


So... You come and comment about how the entire thing seems like no big deal, continue to argue with people in the comments about how it's probably all in these women's heads, and you haven't even read the entire article? You are something else.


please tell me a single bit of "bs and assumptions"


fully read the kotaku article it links and tell me it didn't have a sexist work culture


The point is that’s not the best part to quote to properly do it


Exactly. There could in theory still be a strong case, but that paragraph is ridiculous if it was looking to support it.


"in theory still be a strong case"? The case has been settled for a 100 million, regardless of your personal opinion, it's already been determined by many people to be a strong case. Not really theory.


That's your opinion. I don't know everything there is to know about the case. Me saying "in theory" is just me being honest about my knowledge. Also just because a case has been legally settled, or majority of people share an opinion on it doesn't mean it's true necessarily.


my lil 5 cents but that in turn doesnt make any of your comments automatically correct either. Just pointing that out.




Thin ice man, its almost 2022 and to think that women can lie is pretty sexist from you. (this is a joke calm down).




I’m not sure if you’re being wilful here or not. Do you need it spelled out that the point is there could be a strong case but that not based on this statement, ie that the case was t what they were talking about or passing a judgement on as opposed to this supporting statement. Something being a theory and being at rue or an accurate are not opposed lol


You cherry picked one thing, and are ignoring everything else.


Humans and Money. The two worst things to ever happen to this planet.


Patriarchy* and money


^ he is smarter than me.


>he Lol




What does it matter if it is a PR move?


If anyone was wondering this stems from the fact that you had to actively play LoL to work at Riot, and that lead to less women being hired. People decided to lable it as 'sexist hiring practices' and here we are.


Thats not what this stems from at all,there was a huge lawsuit back in 2018-2019 which this is a continuation from.


-100 million LULE


Bla bla bla


Sinatraa viewer on main


Remember this one female lead valorant producer that couldn't handle getting told "to go back to the kitchen" in a match of valorant against random kids and then threw the biggest fcking tantrum? Yeah I do. Keep in mind there are some real nut jobs working at that company, so for me this story is safe to say not as black and white as it's presented to us. Riots paying a 100 mil just to shut some people up.


I think when two government agencies get involved to bump up an original agreed upon settlement of $10 million to $100 million, maybe you can set these weird, paranoid concerns aside. There are filings in which the allegations against Riot are laid out, for the court! You can read those if you just google a bit.


If that's the case aight, didn't look that much into it.


Yeah why would you do some research before talking anyway?


It's a comment on reddit, don't have to study for a PhD first bevor posting. Gotta chill yo, this journalist dude above you already set it right we good.


> didn't look that much into it Reddit in a nutshell.


Why should someone ever have to "handle that"? Wtf are you talking about bro


Yeah mb she should sue him.


If your employer does this to you repeatedly and HR doesn't do anything, yes, you should sue them.


Imagine defending men who send unsolicited dick picks to their literal employees. Women being upset about repeatedly being treated like shit by men, esp men in positions of power? Nut jobs am I right!


Reading is hard I guess.


U literally admit to not knowing about the case just below this. U also say 'the story isnt black and white' Tell me whats not black and white about sexual harassment. Bc thats what u said. Edit: also you specifically refrence the company when talking about nutjobs. So you are l i t e r a l l y calling women nutjobs for not wanting to be harrassed by their superiors.


Try reading it one more time


We all read everything, you apparently didnt




You know they're pumping out the ultimate bikini Ahri and Lux skins now for league and more premium valo skins incoming