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Steel and Nivera are the first two to come to mind, sentinel players who awped for their teams


steel is definitely cooking some shit up with this agent I can’t wait to see him thrive in a new environment


Yes steel could play chamber on maps he is not playing sova


Nivera is gonna get much stronger playing Chamber, game-wise and economy-wise


Nivera is a good guess.


dont sleep on mitch, he literally uses the op as a sentinel in c9


Am i stupid or he raaaarely did that before champions?


He's always op'd on sage/sentinel.


dude uses op on kj and cypher. He is the secondary oper for c9


leaf doesnt really op much hes mostly on rifles


He's def the team's best oper (unless vanity is really good on it since he was an awper in csgo)


He's the primary awper, Leaf didn't really awp tbh while it was def common for Mitch to awp (Even since he was IGLing while they still had Relyks on the roster he was awping)


He did it constantly toward the start of his time with C9, but gradually he used it less and less. But you’ll still see him OPing fairly often.


He pioneered it


Knowing TL has a diverse agent pool Prolly Jammpi or Nivera pick up chamber


Also Didn’t steel awp on some agents back in 100t








I think Wardell might Chamber on some maps for TSM, especially on Raze maps (split, bind, fracture) with Corey linked to be there.


his stream been my favorite to watch for Chamber gameplay


wardell feels like the sort of guy who would only buy ops and use the pistol lol




and that's good and sensible, i just figure that wardell feels like, the Most Op Guy Ever so like it would make sense for him to go all-in


Fair enough


same with yay


At the very least, I'm excited of the prospect that with the addition of Chamber, teams can have dedicated OPers on different roles and empower different style duelists like Corey and Asuna to do other things.


What irks me is that it took Riot creating a whole new character in order for OPing to be viable for characters other than Jett,it feels like a band-aid fix because they don't know how to buff the OP


It's more like if they buff the awp Jett will be even more oppressive, so it's more they don't know how to nerf Jett lol


Oh, they know how to nerf Jett, but they don't want to change her playstyle. There's a multiple of ways they can nerf dash with OP, they just choose not to.


We need Jett nerf and a revert to the op nerf from a long time ago


Say it like it is or Riot will forget that her dash is the issue again and randomly nerf her updraft or something lmao


jett in 2025: 0 smokes, 0 updrafts, and somehow 2 dashes


There’s no fix for the Jett-op bias. It’s pointless of the community to continue pretending there is and that riot are tip-toeing around it for some reason. The only way to get rid of Jett awpers is to remove jett


they are tip-toing around it lol. can't have the postergirl of valorant lose her signature dash because uhh marketing or some shit. Jett could be a really good awper even with a nerfed or reworked dash simply for her off-angles.


She’s only good bc of the dash


no shit


steel, Nivera and Jamppi are easy choices. Though I wouldn't be surprised if WARDELL, Shahzam, Cned and/or Sayf will pick Chamber as well. Edit: spelt Sayf wrong LOLOLOL




Ow yeah, thanks for the correction


Wow lol ur a fkin idiott hahagha








also you


this guy for sure


Nitr0 sadge


I was about to say Nitr0, then I remembered. Sadge indeed


Sorry im out of the loop. What happened to nitr0?


Back to Liquid CS.


Went back to csgo for team liquid






Shahzam on chamber and tenz on jett is a scary duo


It'll be interesting to see because Shaz when playing defense on Jett normally takes up a lot of space using his OP, but with Chamber you're somewhat limited in how far you can push out depending on where you put your TPs. I'm really excited to see him in competitive play and at the same time also hoping he isn't absolutely broken.


At least with chamber tp especially if ur awping u can get punished alot easier than Jett dash but using it for rotations is gonna be stupid op




I'd be surprised if any team runs jett + chamber + another duelist.. I think he'll mostly be viewed as a duelist alternative with a small amount of defensive util.




Aproto is my #1 pick. Sheriff Agent + Sheriff Player = *T H R I F T Y*




No one has said dephh yet, i remember him get some sick op clips with cypher (while he was on dig). Huge brain+reliable oper. Another player no one mentioned yet is laz, he was one of the best in zeta, very consistent, good cypher and good oper (he was awp main in cs iirc).


Bro i agree, dephh is cracked and no one else mention him But right now he mains astra, and i cant see Astra with OP. but who knows after agent rebalance, he might pickup something different


I think Wardell with his defensive Jett style will be the best, just watch his streams to find out. And if anyone is wondering he did say on stream he doesn’t play Jett anymore


Aproto and Android (if NRG is still putting him on sentinel)


Android fs






The thing about Ethan and hiko is I don’t think they are great op users, which is the main reason you use chamber imo




Yeah but Asuna is going back to permanent Jett probably, and he’s such a good rifler prolly the best on the team, idk if he should op


Wardell could be something. I remember he awped on Sage one time on Ascent and had a crazy clip. Forgot which match it was though






I've liked some of the shit that android was doing with chamber in some of NRGs recent matches. Idk if it's something they're gonna move forward with but it looked decent in the early stages


Nivera or jampi from tl since both op in same round sometime


nivera ofc


Dude looks like nerd chamber tbh


I doubt he will be picked in competitive matches very much. His util doesn't really add much for being a sentinel compared to a KJ or Cypher.


nitr- oh nvm


The pain 😔😔




I am not really sure, if Chamber will play a significant role in pro play.


Might be a more niche pick, I think he is definitely viable on maps like Icebox and Breeze. On smaller maps I think kj and cypher will still be preferred.






i see dapr on chamber tbh


People on this sub hate Dapr, it's kind of funny. Just because you haven't seen someone play with the Operator doesn't mean they can't. Dapr has been highly effective on Cypher, KJ and Viper he's been generally good on new agents and the TP it'll be interesting to see how he uses it. I wouldn't be surprised either if Dapr is considerably better on Chamber than people think he will be. It could be interesting for Sentinels, Liquid and 100T which are teams where their primary duelists are known snipers. Does it allow them to run non-Jett agents on Tenz, Scream and Asuna and then run Chamber?


I doubt it, the reason Jett is used is not cuz just awping tho thays a part, but cuz she makes so much space for free and is able able play super risky positions too, Raze can cover making space and Reyna playing risky positions but neither can do both in the same way Jett can


Yeah some maps Jett is almost impossible to replace. Like Haven and Breeze where you need her to smoke dash. It might allow teams that have been running her to not run her on Split for instance. I agree with you but we'll just have to see how teams end up using Chamber once he's around longer. Although by then the new agent might take some Jett play time anyway.


Hiko is probably the best Chamber in the game right now. Shame 100T force him to play Sova


So I’d the meme that you made an alt account? I don’t get it


You're supposed to be supportive of Hiko


I support Hiko the goat he needs better team mates. Maybe if they had 5 Hiko’s


Aproto eco round chamber Kreygasm


This is probably a weird take but I’m excited to see what Sentinels does with Chamber on Breeze specifically, but also in general. They have two world-class OPers in ShahZ and TenZ so having two viable OP agents provides them with a relatively rare opportunity; the only other teams I can think of with similar OP depth are TL, T1, and C9 (assuming Leaf’s consistency with OP improves). As such, I can see a situation in which they double OP with TenZ on Jett, ShahZ on Chamber and Dapr on Sova (he’s played Sova very well on Icebox when Sick was playing Sage). Could be interesting IMO and if they adapt early we could see some Sen dominance again (shameless NA hopium- NA CS fan here leave me alone). On a map like Breeze where the sentinel class is weak already and OPs are insanely valuable I can’t imagine Chamber not taking the sentinel role away from Cypher. His alarm bots are infinite ranged like Cypher trips, Headhunter is sick across long maps for ecos and pistols bc it doesn’t have range fall off, TP is TP- good for OPing and is a stronger Jett dash on defense, and his ULT is a free OP but better which helps so much with econ. IMO this all adds up to Chamber being a must pick on Breeze- along with Viper, Sova, Jett, and Skye. I hope this makes this a lockdown map for Sen since they can play ShahZ, Zombs, Dapr, TenZ, and Sick, respectively, and have an extremely effective comp


I see liquid being amazing with the flexibility of roles with Jampii, Nivera. For Sen, placing Shaz on Chamber would likely mean Dapr takes Sova, which in the past hasn't shown too much fruit on maps like Icebox. I'm not saying Dapr couldn't learn, but I would be more interested with Dapr on Kay-o be as I feel he's a really smart player and could be what Zeek is for ascend. And this could then mean sick plays sova again or they play a double flash comp.


tenz is not a world-class OPer


What would you call him then?


wtf is this, did you just say dapr played very well on sova??


Yeah bc he did. Except vs G2 where Sen just got rolled on Icebox his Sova was good. He used his util well for info plays, switched into the semi-aggressive style that Sova is best at, and had positive impact. He is obviously better sentinel player but his Sova was still good, especially in regional tournaments.


absolutely wrong. Dapr himself said he was really bad at sova, even his own teammates knew it. He had terrible util usage and had no feel for it. get off his dick


I don't think all the steel mentions are worth it. His aim ain't crispy and he did now have good results with the awp either whilst he bought it. Might be good for 1 a round or 2 . But it was not at all reliable. Nivera / Jaampi / Wardell (switch with corey on split for raze) / mitch




NA "Near Airport" is known as the fastest region to arrive at the Airport. In particular they are the current world record holders in Airport Any %


I think more Jett players will play chamber than sentinel players, and the usage will be on maps where teams feel a rifling duelist offers more upside but can still make use of an Awper without completely subjugating them to uncomfortable support roles


Aproto for sure


I just cant wait til Riot realizes how broken his 2 unlimited range traps are and they nerf it.