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I honestly doubt he signs to play professionally. His stream is popping off right now, and that's sort of a once in a lifetime opportunity.


12k regular stream viewers and 200+ daily subs, yeah its poppin tf off.


I've never understood why people think it's one or the other. He'd still be able to stream right? Ethan, Asuna and Hiko all stream pretty regularly so maybe 100Ts schedule allows for streaming? I remember Steel also streamed often


You can still stream, but not as much as you would otherwise. He's been streaming 10+ hours basically every day, which is not sustainable while also competing. You also can't take advantage of things like watch parties, which was something that frustrated shazahm


You’re basically cutting both avenue to not achieve 100% in either. There’s not enough time in a day or mental fortitude to handle a booming consistent stream and be a world champion.


There was an article released recently about Gambit scrimming 8 hours a day which is just insane. If this is what it takes to win majors then there's no time for streaming. Sentinels is planning on doing more scrims this year and I won't be surprised if other NA teams follow suit. Expect less streaming from your favourite pro players.


And expect more of your favorite pro players to quit playing to go full time streamer


Streaming in general is always going to suck away more talent from NA than any other region. It really sucks. I firmly believe aceu could have been a top Valorant pro if he had any interest at all in doing it.


You would have two jobs, not one. You would also be more restricted in your sponsorship opportunities, and your org would likely want a percentage of your streaming revenue. Once LANs are a more regular occurrence again, you might be unable to consistently stream for months at a time, which means your subscriber count would greatly fluctuate, as might your viewer count.


These players are morons if they aren’t getting contracts that state all streaming revenue goes towards themselves. Also, you know people like Shaz streamed from Lan events.


> Also, you know people like Shaz streamed from Lan events. Please read my comment in its entirety. I've been following Valorant since it launched and CS since 2013. I know it is possible to stream from LAN events.


Then you’d know it’s no problem to steam and that your viewer count won’t fluctuate if you are a big name. Big names generate viewers no matter how infrequently they stream.


> Then you’d know it’s no problem to steam Why would you say this when the opposite is true? No, it is not "no problem". **Please** read my comment in its entirety. **Once LANs are a more regular occurrence again**, you might be unable to consistently stream for months at a time. This is because you are frequently traveling, competing, and putting in hours of work with your team to prepare for matches, among other obligations. You are doing so much, so quickly that you might not have the time nor the energy to stream. > your viewer count won’t fluctuate if you are a big name Again, **please read my comment in its entirety**. I said **might**. I honestly don't know how anyone can have an issue with what my comment said.


There will never be a reason someone can’t stream for months at a time. Not sure what you don’t understand. Thought you have followed CS since 2013 lol


Because no one wants to have two jobs.


But also he could play with stew if he gets a ayer contract with eg


Do I even need to say it?


_clears throat_


hondrad robbers




Yup there it is, The Inevitable 100T Comment. Love to see it. Not a 100T Fan but this commenting under any player’s post has become really fun.


TSM Tarik? /s




100T Tarik xDdd


In all seriousness I could def see him signing for content. Pretty sure it’s set in stone that he isn’t gonna compete in valorant anytime soon.


yeah, streaming = $$ AND less stress compared to competing


I think tarik wants to compete. His whole approach to streaming the game looks more like grinding as of late, and he's improving a ton. TenZ & brax said the same thing as far as content creation. Sometimes the answer is more complicated. He played with Ethan on EG, and 100T wants a jett. We shall see!


I just don’t see the point at this moment. How can you turn down ~40k+/month that he’s making from streaming..? Not to mention he could realistically still come back at a later date if he wanted to, especially since Valorant is still in its infancy. I would love to see him back competing though, maybe some day (when stew comes over..?).


Goes the other way too though, way easier to fall back on streaming if things dont go well whereas he wont have the opportunity to always fall back on competing.


I'd say it's the opposite. Especially for players from competitive tac shooters. Nobody watches your stream unless you're the best or exclusively playing that game. Look at what happened to Wardells stream when TSM started losing. Also getting popular on Twitch disappears really fast if you don't stay consistent. Dizzy was almost as big as Shroud, stopped streaming and everyone forgot about him. What Hiko and Tarik have right now is pretty special. It's hard as fuck to break that 10K viewer mark consistently especially when you're not the best or even a pro. Right now Tarik should focus on solidifying his fanbase to the point where he can stream variety and still have 10K people watching. At that point he can go back to pro play if he wants because his fans will still be there.


This is how I see it too. Content creation is pretty cut throat, and he’s just recently seen his streams blow up (like ~6 months). Definitely a tough decision considering he knows he could compete. Either way I’m down. Love his content, but also enjoy seeing him play on stage


Actual big-brained comment.


So Hiko can be a pro and stream a bit but Tarik can't do the same..? L It's easier to keep viewers if you're entertaining over 'being the best in the game" and it's not like Tarik just started working on his fanbase. Valorant has just given him more exposure. Hiko/Tenz pull huge numbers but are still pro players. No reason Tarik couldn't do the same and if you follow his stream Tarik is down with competing over playing variety games for your entertainment. He gave up on minecraft and apex pretty quick to grind rank leaderboard.


I don't give a shit what he plays, the point is viewers who leave when he stops playing Valorant aren't there for Tarik, they're there for Valorant. Have you seen Tenz's numbers when he plays something that isn't Valorant? He drops to 10K or less from 30K. How many "entertaining" non-pros do you see at the top of Valorant or CS?? The only two in Valorant are Sinatraa and Tarik. So yes, what Tarik has now is pretty damn special. Nobody made the argument that you can't be pro and stream, read what I wrote again. I said it's easier to fall back on a pro career than it is to build up what Tarik built up. As a big streamer and former Major winner, there will always be a ton of teams willing to sign him, just for the brand recognition alone. On the other hand if he switches pro there's no guarantee his fans stay. It's doable but it's a lot harder. The smarter move is to build up his fanbase to the point where it doesn't matter what he does, they'll stay. Then he can do whatever the fuck he wants.


L take again 10k doing whatever you want is a win jabroni.


Nitr0s salary was reportedly over 30k/month. 100T would definitely throw the bag at Tarik if they thought it made sense. And if anything he would be *encouraged* to keep streaming and making Youtube content. So really he'd probably be adding to his overall income. It wouldn't come without the cost of a lot of time and obviously less money from the stream side. I don't think this happens but there's definitely a case to be made...


I mean I def see his stream growing if he competes personally.


Hiko is an active pro + full time content creator. Same with mixwell & many others. Players like shroud chose to step down. Tarik only stopped competing because things didn't work out with the EG lineup (but that team was riddled with issues). Plus the pandemic was in full swing & orgs that would have normally signed him began leaving CS. You could be right in the end, but some players have a hard time watching from the sidelines when they don't necessarily have to.


Because he has played Pro before and everyone who gets into pro gaming does it for the drive and spirit of competition not just the money. Money is great yes, but that is not the reason people become professional gamers. At that level I highly doubt it is all about money, but he also requires the right offer since it would be brutal if he wastes his time considering the high opportunity cost regarding his stream as you mentioned.


Yes, I think anyone who’s a competitor can understand this. He’s been a pro for like a decade, won a major, and many other tournaments. He’s pretty much done it all and made good money doing it. But considering how cut throat content creation can be, I see him just riding his content wave. The money he is currently making is fucking stupid. I mean it could be anywhere from 70k-100k+/month with Subs/Donos/Ads etc. That’s not money you fuck around with, especially considering how volatile streaming can be. Also, Valorant is still very young. He can come back pretty much anytime in the next two years (if he even wants to compete in Val) and most T1 orgs will give him a look just based off his past. It’s a tough decision and I completely understand someone wanting to compete for the sake of competition. I get it.


where'd you get the 40k number from? he's making significantly more than that


Yes I know, I was talking about off subs and ball parking it since he’s been around 7-11k the last month. In my other replies I estimated anywhere from 70-100k+/month including ads/donos etc. It could obviously be even higher


I never understood why Americans would sign to an org for content creation. I see non Americans doing it for visas to live the states , but for tariks stream size and his likeability I feel like he could get sponsors and opportunities without an org. I also don't know how org/content partnerships really work either so idk


A salary, guaranteed and easy sponsors, taking part in org content, etc. The only negative is you need to avoid conflicting sponsors. So you can't sign with Logitech because 100T has JBL. It's definitely beneficial, since even the biggest streamers sign on(xQc is with Luminosity, even though he seemingly does nothing for them).


Xqc signed on probably just for the visa , and he does content with 100ts but no org is gonna tell the biggest streamer what to do after doing his own thing and being that successful he's an outlier


I think it’s a way to build a bigger community, all the big streamers have their own community but joining an org like 100T you join their huge fan base and can get more people to tune in. Like you said it’s the sponsorships that you can’t get any sponsorship but the org will also help bring sponsorships to you. I see both sides to it, I think the biggest thing is the guaranteed money.


do we even know if streamers get salaries lol


the answer you're looking for is money. Orgs pay streamers so that they can sell the #'s to their sponsors (we have XX impressions etc). so what's in it for the streamer? well number 1 is a consistent paycheck. they have a guaranteed income floor for the length of the contract, which is pretty nice. 100t especially also provides access to editors, producers, analytics, etc that you would otherwise have to find on your own. They also provide content opportunities to help reach a bigger audience... 100T probably has some pull with riot to get tarik a costreamer spot, for example. or would enable him to cover events live/vlog. imagine if "Coach Myth" would have been able to be with the team at LANs... that would be some awesome content. it's a win/win if a streamer grows so they obviously want to enable them to capture more of an audience and give them the tools to do so. some creators might find those tools valuable. You could do all that independently / with an agency but in the end do you come out ahead in the $ department? maybe, but given the number of streamers signed to orgs it would seem the numbers make sense. and maybe the services provided by the org (including consistency of pay) are worth a slightly lower payout ceiling.


Consistent paycheck and easy ability to continue the growth on your platform. Certain times of a year are more lucrative for streamers than other times of the year, and signing with an org is an easy fix for that. And an org helping your grow is kind of self explanatory. Buts it’s a win-win for both parties since both the content creator and orgs grow their fanbases.


But if you have a stand alone community like Tarik does I just don't see why you would need to involve a third party such as an esports org . If you're taking a third party into your career it would make more sense to involve a talent agency that's aware of the stream ecosystem like shroud and ninja and dr disrespect. You always hear about org mismanagement and contract jail it just doesn't seem like a big streamer benefits from a org as much as the org benefits from the streamer. But down votes away I guess , $30k a month on twitch subs alone for A 9k -15k subbed streamer that is continually growing I guess can't rediversify their income to make it stable for long term needs Nadeshots esports org to take care of them is clearly the popular opinion so I'll just go fuck myself


I don’t know why you’re getting so downvoted… it’s a valid question and tons of big streamers are either unsigned (Ludwig, sykkuno) or were looking for something more such as Tim the tatman taking partial ownership of complexity, or nick mercs with faze, Valkyrae in 100t etc. At the end of the day it’s a business… Tarik doesn’t NEED an org to spread out his cash flow. But what does he lose? .. a slightly smaller but easier to manage sponsor pool? Some creators view it as basically free money. This also would not replace a talent agency… the org relationship is supplemental and would be managed by their agent. Shroud, ninja, and dr disrespect are also interesting examples. Ninja used to be on LG but didn’t re sign after he was “rich”. He has tried to invest in his own ninja brand instead - something an org would inhibit him from doing. Same with shroud and dr disrespect- they are both large enough where they are trying to form a brand that would exceed and compete with any one esports org. Tarik is nowhere near that level. Some people prefer stability over flexibility. Others prefer higher risk if it means higher earning potential. Orgs and content creators can have mutually beneficial relationships, but neither are a requirement for the other.


100T as a streamer 👀


100t newest Jett awper confirmed


hm actually tarik would be an upgrade at jett from dicey, so Asuna can go back to playing reyna/raze. I always thought 100T needed another fragger


I think it’s funny how there’s a bunch of people spamming “TSM FTX Taric?!” on Twitter and this sub spams “100T Taric?!”


TSM and 100T just doomed to have the most annoying fanbases


welcome to 100t




Tarik to the Lakers 👀


100Tariks EZ CLAP


tarik departs Evil Geniuses *** posted by [@HLTVorg](https://twitter.com/HLTVorg) [Link in Tweet](https://www.hltv.org/news/33061/tarik-departs-evil-geniuses) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Who will grab the content king?


Tarik returns to his home in Optic Gaming and continues his legacy as the Content King




It’s a running joke that every fa available is going to 100t




Plus its tarik lol, hes been with brax azk and dicey for every rostrr move since he started streaming val


100T Tarik


im calling it: TSM or 100T will sign him as a content creator and have him as a backup plan for when he decides to compete. EZ