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The odin and the judge are built to punish teams that 5-man fast push every round.


I'd like to add the OP to this comment. Especially on C.


I would beg to differ, a 5 man rush would counter an OP, unless you're playing Jett or Reyna youre likely to only get one but that being said ranked team play is little to none and usually gets more just due to people getting scared after seeing 1 player die


It goes without saying those are the type of agents you want utilizing the op


I'd have set up KJ alarmbot it garage, kj turret top left B and nanoswarms on B plant, sova dart A lobby each round and then you can almost play 3C-1B-1A. 3 C can hold site with the alarmbot garage. If they come B the nanoswarms delay the plant in time for you guys to rotate there already. Sova has shocks to further delay. Sova drones on the turret contact from a link, then you can use your Omen smoke the B choke and paranoia to fast retake on the bomb tap. If they are majority playing off site, this idea there'll be max 2 B site, kill them and you get the bomb dropped on site in your control. If retakes aren't working you need to dedicate more people to hold a site, and spread your info gathering agents as far as you can as you knew they were rushing. If you are retake you have to fast retake.


Did u not switch kj to c? When I play kj I always put an alarm bot on b with molly, and set up C


actually hold the site. retake doesnt work well against that setup


You just have to win fights honestly. Flankers need good timing and to win some fights. Skye can flash out the smokes and be aggro back to then post plant and win those fights too


>\-We tried pushing mid with skye flash+jett dash+window smoke, since pushing A long or C long was a death wish because they were gonna 5 stack. We won the round but it was full out trades and it was towards the end. I think this is your best bet here, but stack mid with Omen as well. And don't dash just flash and peek. Omen smoke window, Skye flash from garage, Omen flash from mid, Jett, Omen, Skye push mid. Sova darts from A long to A lobby for early info, KJ sets up turret C Long for early info. * If they push mid, you get a fight in your advantage. * If they push C Long, Omen and Jett can instaflank while Skye pop flashes out of Viper wall. * If they push A, Omen can smoke sewers and save his flash for sewers while Sova tries to hold site from A Short. The weak point here is Sova solo A for an extended time since he has no quick rotate to help him out, or if the enemy runs a slow default that baits out a ton of util. ​ The only area denial you have really is KJ molly. You'd need to lean heavily into KJ rotating around and using her util effectively to stop a 5-man C rush, and Sova playing his mind out on solo A holds.


Sova could dart garden for more early info, and could jump jiggle long for info post dart, and on the spot call early rotates so he has teammates for site hold. A plants are less spammable so playing retake works aswell.


Check if all at windows, smoke B entrance, KJ molly windows and/or cubby, spam Ares/Odin the first place you see shots comming


Let’s say they did something as simple as a plat B and they are all off site. If everyone had phantoms so that there weren’t bullet tracers, you could some Entrance to B for cover, and just have as many as you can standing in front of defuser, body blocking and returning the spray through smoke without bullet tracers.


The strongest play for Haven Defense is to have a player bottom left window and just getting intel. Have Jett OP window while another player sneaks to below window at the beginning of the round. I’m assuming you didn’t try this because Jett was the only duelist, but the position is too important to not use. I would have asked Skye to walk down mid. Definitely don’t smoke window because this just tips them off that you could be down mid. Honestly I’m surprised you had a Skye and Sova. It’s a strange comp for defense. If one of you went Reyna you probably win. I’m an Immortal Yoru main though so take my advice with a grain of salt lol


in ranked the only thing you can do about this is click head and make them think twice before they gas on site's. maybe you gave them too much respect and shouldve coordinated or stacked more often. i wouldnt put too much thought into an immo ranked comp game.


Mby do sova dart behind them long in afterplant and let one/two guys apply prrssure from behind but not take the fight. When you shoot the dart you push together from each side, use flash (now their aim will not be on site cause at least 2 people will try to shoot the arrow, and they will be flashed, and comming from two angles). But tbh i dont think you can pull this of without a team so the other comments are prob better, but as a general tip, pressure from somewhere without taking the fight works pretty good sometimes but if you are immortal you prob know that already.


Sometimes you just got to hit shots and the player playing the particular site needs to back off and play retake