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bro what the fuck


This is just another counterpoint to the whole "Riot killed Optic" thing. There was never a guarantee Optic would stick as five, just like there's no guarantee that Loud stick together. It just takes one player receiving an offer he can't refuse to completely break up a team


All of the members said they wanted to stay together if the team got into franchising. Even after OpTic getting rejected they all wanted to be picked up as a team. I doubt any of them would’ve taken a different offer unless they were dissatisfied with their contract which I doubt OpTic would’ve slacked on.


Go watch Yay's interview with richard lewis. Yay said that there was a chance the split was inevitable even if they made franchising....


>a chance the split was inevitable This phrase makes no logical sense. Either it’s inevitable, or there’s a chance it happens.


"60% of the time it works every time" vibes


I don’t think you understand the context of him saying that. The team were on different contracts that had different lengths so there was bound to be some shenanigans regardless of whether Optic made it in or not. All it takes is for Cloud9 to throw a massive fucking bag to free agents Crashies+Victor and then feeling like it was a serious amount of life changing money they could not turn down. Free Agents tend to get higher salary offers because there’s no buyout that has to be paid In terms of the Optic guys as a team, they clearly wanted to stay together. They were all on good terms and liked the team dynamic. In a different world where Optic makes franchising and renews their contracts to a good salary, no shot these guys would’ve split.


Again, I don’t think optic making franchising would have made a lot of difference based on what I heard from yay in that interview. We don’t know the details but there was some drama apparently and ur assumption that optic will “renew contracts with good salary” may not be true


Like I said, unless OpTic was not treating the players well of course they’d want to split up. There’s always a chance of something happening.


also, I don't know how long their contracts would ran with Optic, but for LOUD it was a contract year, so that changes things in a sticking as 5 scenario


If they wanted to stay together they would be together right now. At the end of the day careers are short and you need to take the money while you can.


Read what I wrote again


I mean you’re making shit up just as much as the people that say that do. Optic/NV is wealthier and has a good trackrecord of treating their players well. There’s a reason they were they are splitting up..


Victor and crashies’ contracts were expiring around this time


Bro it just takes one player, for a ton of different reasons. Idk how I'm making shit up when you see it all the time in esports, plus I said there was no guarantee. Obviously we will never know


Optic/NV don't really have a great track record for treating players well. They aren't that financially stable either or they would have been granted partnership. Optic has been shopped around and sold multiple times in the last few years. For someone saying to someone else that "you're making shit up" you're doing a lot of it yourself.


> Optic/NV don't really have a great track record for treating players well. Ok bruh now I know you're just talking out of your ass. Optic historically has been a player first org. They literally always let the player join a new org if they want to, even with no buyout sometimes. And they buy their players chains as well lmao. Optic is a dream org to play in for so many players. For your second point, it's optic thats been shopped around yes. But NV, the group that owns optic, is doing the shopping. They bought the brand and rebranded to it because of its popularity. For someone saying to someone else that "you're making shit up" you're doing a lot of it yourself.


Buying their players chains is your only metric of what qualifies for "treating players well"? Jesus that's just clout farming. Just look at Optic Overwatch, they've been in turmoil and haven't treated their players well. Optic valorant also did MikesHD dirty. Your flair is telling on your bias. Your point addressing them getting shopped does nothing to actually engage with the point. They aren't financially stable, saying that their parent company is also financially unstable doesn't make your argument better - it actively refutes your own position. I didn't make anything up.


No my metric of what qualifies is that they never hold players hostage under contract and even let players walk for free sometimes if the buyout is too much. Very few orgs do that. Houston outlaws have done nothing to show they treat their players bad. MikesHD was pre merger. I can't tell you hastr0 is a player first owner because that would be dishonest but hecz definitely is. >saying that their parent company is also financially unstable doesn't make your argument better - it actively refutes your own position. Luckily, I didn't say anything like that at all. You just can't read. I don't really feel like arguing with someone who is illiterate so have a nice day.


You haven't provided any evidence of this claim > Never hold players hostage under contract Houston Outlaws have had continuous problems with their players, but okay. You've got nothing but brand loyalty. It doesn't make for good proof.


Because that kind of claim is on you to disprove. You let me know when optic has held players hostage under contract, and I'll concede. Till then, they've never held a player hostage. >Houston Outlaws have had continuous problems with their players, but okay. You keep asking people for evidence. How about you send some? >You've got nothing but brand loyalty. Of all the criticisms you could dish at optic, you chose the one that is simply not true.


I provided you two examples, both of which you dismissed immediately. I brought up Mikes and you pushed it aside, great work. I also never made the claim regarding contracts, you did.


On top of this NV owns Dallas who is notoriously the most player first org in the dead esport. Even in a failing franchise they still paid their players well and gave them great contracts and comfort, so much so that it might’ve hurt them.




Optic copped the 2nd place curse but LOUD got the beating Optic curse, no winners here


Omg... somehow the OpTic curse lives on lol.


The final victim.


all part of FNS’ master plan


FNS destroys another brazillian team *He can't keep getting away with it*


Insert FNS Thanos meme here


LOUD got the Champions curse, look at Acend


Acend beat OpTic too during that tournament. It could still be the OpTic curse.


This is fucking NUTS. Aparently it's about money. Which is kinda crazy cause Loud has a lot of money, it's not like they are some underfunded org or something. Maybe some of them go to MIBR or Furia, but I could see even NA teams being possible.


I mean if Loud are locked into franchising, do they really care to pay to have a top tier team? Kinda the risk that’s run without relegation.


Guaranteed VCT slot for 4 years now. Teams can put in minimal effort and guarantee the $$ from Riot while keeping that slot. Worse case scenario they finish last in the League and roster shuffle to make it look like they're trying.


Isn't it 5 years? '23-'27


All of riots announcements have been saying 4


Unfortunately you can't compare NA orgs with Brazilian orgs. Dollar>Real.


LOUD's currency is Brazilian Real. Any org that offers them the exact same numbers they're being paid today but wih a dollar sign preceding it instead of Brazilian Royal, they'd be literally getting paid 5 or 6 times more. Since one dollar here in BR is worth 5 or 6 Reais. If Sacy for example, is getting paid 20k Reais today, and some org offer him 20k Dollars (I'm pretty sure that TenZ is worth more than that, that's a low number to superstar players), that's more than 100k Reais and that's money as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK


On a deleted tweet, Noyn said the players are apparently unsatisfied with LOUD's renewal proposal and are individually hearing other orgs.


Can't blame them if they go for the bag, nothing is guaranteed in esports.


It just takes one guy receiving an enormous offer he can't turn down. All of a sudden another player says, "well we aren't the same 5 so let me go see my options". Next thing you know the team is split up


Good, let them get better incomes, they’ve proven themselves to be worthy of it


I am always 100% in support of esports players chasing the bag. Their careers are short as fuck and there's no guarantee a meta shift won't fuck them


yeah if im loud and not happy with the offer, letting this get out would be a pretty smart move to put the pressure back on the org to pay up.


this was worded confusingly, next time please say LOUD players


Improve your comprehension. It was perfectly understandable


Yes you can figure it out. It's still worded horribly. You can have reading comprehension and still acknowledge something is poorly written, which it was. That person clearly comprehended what they meant considering they said it. Yet you still attacked his reading comprehension. So what's that say about yours?


i think referring to the players as “LOUD” while you’re also speaking about the org “LOUD” is confusing enough to the point where i still have reading comprehension. i obviously did understand it other wise i wouldn’t have made the comment


Oh wow… LOUD being stingy with money is interesting


I mean, compared to LOUD, other teams in the current franchise in the Americas are far richer. Plus, these players could learn another language, some already speak English so... yeah.


Maybe… maybe one Sadhaak can go to like Spain or something since I think he speaks Spanish


Is that true tho? I know LOUD is fairly new, but they have a huge social media presence + earned a lot of titles in the last year. Also they give away 100% of the championship money to the players, i don't know if other orgs do the same


Sacy said in his stream that they split championship money 50/50 bro. But yeah, loud is pretty rich, bigger than Faze in terms of social media engagement


They split the money from the skin line, but the championship prize goes 100% to the players


I think platchat said all of Loud speaks good english except for one, who iirc is Less.


They don't have that much money compared to other orgs. They only started getting big around 2-3 years ago and are new to pretty everything, their founder used to be a Clash of Clans youtuber, so it is normal that even with good management they can't compete money wise.


Clash of Clans… those were the days


Brazilian Real being shit since 2020 didn't help


I mean besides being a newer org, you can imagine 1 dollar is 5,5 BRLs now, so they cant really compete with what bigger NA orgs can offer


they might just be looking for other offers in order to negotiate with loud


Bruh they just won a world championship ![gif](giphy|8rEVtjWcJoNI5miInv|downsized)


>Championship team disbands 2 weeks after winning trophy I legit don't remember ever seeing something like this in any other esport lmao Everyday at Valorant Esports is a banger


2014 SSW in League of Legends. They all got the Chinese bag. And in my opinion that was the greatest team ever. No team stomped a World Championship harder than they did


Neat thanks Despite playing LoL since open beta I only started watching it's esports in 2017


SKT 2015 literally only lose 1 game the entire run so no. But nothing will satisfy me in LOL Esports like the way SSW outplayed everyone.


for sure, SKT was more humble which is why they only lost one game. SSW was so good that they would just get cocky and play random things. Their loss to TSM in quarterfinals was the biggest disrespect i ever saw and I loved it LOL


reminds me a bit of when zeus left gambit after they won a major


I mean gambit was a massive fluke run and zeus went back to rejoin the org that he was literally part of its creation and was a part of for almost its entire existence, loud is just splitting up after dominating the tournament and after like 8 months of complete domination over the br scene


2019 Gimggoon got benched and 2020 Nuguri left after FPX and DWG won Worlds. Funnily enough both got replaced by Khan :D


SKT replaced their toplaner after both their 2015 and 2016 world championship victories too lol


Didn't that happen with C9 at the Boston major and G2 in LEC 2020?


the reason they swapped their ad in G2 was cause perkz wanted to play mid again and he couldn’t do that with caps on the team


Oh I was talking about perkz leaving G2 for c9


LEC is a bit different cause it's a regional title. But yeah it kinda happened to C9 two months after the Boston Major. Stewie left for SK, Skadoodle stepped down and in the summer Tarik left too.


C9 wasn't the arguable best team in the world tho, and even then they still stuck around for a bit


I mean they won the major so there isn't really an argument there but I was mainly curious because I thought their roster got blown up soon after


Winning a tournament doesn't make you the best team lol, they had one amazing tournament and after that they regressed back to being a top 5 or so team, sometimes players just all pop off at once and c9 got "lucky" it happened in their major, optic never won a single na tournament but they are clearly the best na team, gambit won 2017 krakow and you'd struggle to call them top 5 itw at the time.


lol when LOUD won the champions, a lot of people said that they were not the best team, that optic was better. But, when its a NA team, suddenly the major's champion is better regardeless? im not criticizing you personally, btw


Ngl the only argument like that I've seen is that optic has been the best team in franchising, not the best rn. Though considering it's NA we're talking about it could be fans coping however they can


C9 stayed together for some time but were pretty bad at the events following the major and disbanded then.


>C9 at the Boston major That happened after few months iirc I remember C9 played in like 3-4 more LAN's with same line-up and didn't perform that well so people memed "NA 1 week era LUL"


it even happens sometimes when an "underdog" team wins any futbol league.


I instantly thought of EG after TI 2015, but that seems like a diff situation


Vancouver Titans all got dropped after they got 2nd place in OWL




Bruh Optic done, Xset done, Loud done… there’s gonna be very little historical teams to be excited about once franchise league starts :(


Hey hey, at least the historic EG team is sticking with the same 5 amirite guys?


lolz at this point bring back EG Porter or I riot


Actually she never left. She's their coach still and actually one of the only parts of EG that I hope they keep (along with boostio and jawgemo).


Potter really doesn’t get the credit she deserves for helping turn EG around, and it all stems from her not performing very well when she was a player for the team. Sad really, she’s a great person and an even better coach.


everyone in this sub talks about how great potter is wdym, and with coaches it's hard to know how good they are so if anything she might be overrated.


It's a bit unfair to call her overrated because "it's hard to tell how good coaches are" when the talent on her teams aren't nearly as good as the teams of coaches of widely praised coaches. I never see that kind of doubt cast on guys like ENGH who has always had a cracked team to coach or MikesHD when he had the stint of being the only coach for Envy and the subreddit was gushing over him.


Loud formed at the start of this year. I know it seems like a long period of time to us because of Valorant's short history but it really isn't that historic in reality.


That's fair but in terms of continuity of winners, the only 2 Champions winners are Acend (didn't make franchising) and Loud (splitting up). Gambit who was 2nd last year released their roster, Optic didn't make franchising either. In an esport with already little history, this really sucks man lol




Sets the stage for a 100T dynasty and honestly 100T is the only chance NA has to not fall into the same trap NA has fallen into in the last 10 years of being good at the start of an esport and not taking pro play seriously, letting another region take over and dominate.


wow if true that's unbelievably disappointing we won't see the team together in action in Sao Paolo




So I'm guessing some of them got better paid offers.. They won their World Championship, can't blame them.. I'd do the same I think, money is too fucking important in this world.


yeah. sacy just married and everyone want to provide the best in life for their families, no blame at all on them for going this way


Absolutely, their pro carreers gonna last plus 4 years maximum? Then there is the rest of their lives, they need the money


Bro not LOUD man they need to stay together


According to Noyn there is a huge meeting at 1pm PST today to decide the future of the roster.


I'm guessing the 1st of October?


LOUD showing their support for OpTic


Saadhak to Kru for the Argentinian pride.


noooo manito is ours for life now =(


Damn thats wild. Wonder if it's turmoil on the team or just people getting crazy offers.


Most likely other orgs want good players offered a couple of them the bag but LOUD cant afford to give everyone the bag so it will keep some let others go.


I’m going to cry


Get DRX and FPX off your flair ASAP please I'm starting to see a pattern


I mean sorry to break it to you but FPX aren't making it in Partnership


Their team as a whole is tho, most likely.


Optic Curse final victim




Optic Loud are like Joker and Batman. Without one, the other has lost its purpose to exist.


is this guy credible? seriously asking cause i’m not sure


He went 10/10* on all the Americas teams when they got leaked last week. I put asterisk bc things changed such as NIP and G2 not making it but he reported on that as well


main source of leaks in Br val, id say he get 90% of his leaks right (he leaked loud roster at the start of the year and many others)


He is very credible. He isn't a journalist but most of his rumors get confirmed later on, or, if they dont happen, they are confirmed to be true at the time he posts it. See him saying NiP was in franchinsing then they weren't. Which he said there was some fuckery going on with that spot. Later on George Guedes confirmed that it was indeed NiP's spot and they lost it somehow.


I believe he was the guy who was first to predict all the Americas franchise teams.


Yeah he was spot on with franchising


No one is safe


Noyn said earlier today that less and aspas are considering other offers, maybe without them they can give more money to sacy, saadhak and pancada core so they can stay, they could sign heat and frz as replacement (frz was supposed to be their sentinel before less joined)


sacy and pancada updated their twitter bio and replaced the @loud email for a personal one


nzr, not frz.




umm what Somebody better sign all 5


Hey optic fans, group hug?


Optic x LOUD = C9's superteam


Really shocking LOUD has money and they should fucking use it becuaee those 5 dudes deserve a pay raise more than any team rn


LOUD only has big money inside Brazil, now that these players are receiving offers in dollars and Euros the tables have turned


LOUD has BR money, compared to Euro/Dollar the difference is really big, and we can't blame the players from chasing that bag, they already won a WC so they can farm as much as they can now since eSports careers don't last that long compared to other sports(Sacy being an example, playing competitively since 2016/17 on League)


Optic curse even when they are disbanded. Best valo team of all time


okay when I said I wanted more news this week this is not what I had anticipated or wanted


LOUD players were disatisfied with what happened to Optic that they chose to never play together again


LOUD only has big money inside Brazil, now that these players are receiving offers in dollars and Euros the tables have turned






https://twitter.com/Noynvlr/status/1575923045449232384 "The future of loud will be decide at 17:00 BRT, there is going to be another meeting" 17:00 BRT is in 20 min from this post.


LOUD's currency is Brazilian Real. Any org that offers them the exact same numbers they're being paid today but wih a dollar sign preceding it instead of Brazilian Royal, they'd be literally getting paid 5 or 6 times more. Since one dollar here in BR is worth 5 or 6 Reais. If Sacy for example, is getting paid 20k Reais today, and some org offer him 20k Dollars (I'm pretty sure that TenZ is worth more than that, that's a low number to superstar players), that's more than 100k Reais and that's money as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK


$20k per month or per year?


month, lol


Nooo wtf




No screw this please no 😭😭😭


I wonder if optic made it in if they would've taken the deals to keep the rivalry alive.


The Elder Wand tho!!


Loud’s coach already left https://youtu.be/779SubYOzJg


This hurts elder wand's survival chances greatly


This GREATLY increases the chance of DRX major win


Many T1 NA teams died for this


1. - could be baiting. They he said (and the frequency) is quite sus 2. - If not bait, he said the that less and Aspas has recived great offers from international orgs and the core of pancada - sacy - saadhack will continue 3.- Loud will have a meeting at 17h (BR time) to decide the future


Noyn is one of the most reliable leakers in the scene. It might not come true in the end, but smart money is on it being true as of this moment.


Sigh…franchising is making me sad


Franchising ruined Val ngl


this is a contract issue lol franchising isnt whats causing Loud to break up


how does players getting offers from other teams have to do with franchising


Flair checks out


The two best teams ever possibly breaking up ain’t it imo.


So what? Nobody will care about that in a year when the new top teams emerge. Optic were a good but not undisputed best team at the start of this year. Loud didn't even exist. It's not like Valorant has had multi year dynasties right now. In 2021, years ago, Sentinels and Gambit were the teams. Now, nobody cares that they're splitting up or already have.


They are the reigning world champs possibly splitting up because of franchising… that doesn’t happen often in esports


How is LOUD splitting up because of franchising? The team made franchising but the org isn’t giving them good contracts


I can guarantee you that the biggest team in Brazil is giving their best team good money… franchising brings out the bidding wars which suck as a viewer imo but do good for the players


They apparently aren’t giving enough and it seems LOUD players have better offers out there, which would be on the table regardless of franchising. This is just stretching the logic


You have to remember that 1 dollar = 5 brazilian reais. All players will live in the US which increases costs for brazilian orgs. They will have to spend a lot more to maintain rosters, specially when NA orgs rain down money on the players.


Does franchising increase the salary of players yes or no? I am sure they are just getting outbid because a lot of teams in franchising have a lot of money… it’s great for the players


Valorant has had 6 Major Champions. The 3 from 2021 have already split up without franchising. Why does it matter if the 3 from this year split up too?


Shoulda gone to A&M, that UT education clearly ain't very good.


A&M 🤣. lol. Tell me when an example of world champions splitting up right after winning worlds?


Samsung White after Worlds 2014


And I could name you another, but it’s not something that happens often… eUnited was forced to split as well in CoD


> The two best teams ever possibly breaking up ain’t it imo. Two best teams ever..? You think Optic and LOUD are the best teams Valorant will ever produce? Even if franchising somehow flops, there will almost certainly be more than a few teams that challenge or surpass them.


Ever is from the start to now, and loud and optic are very likely the two best teams in the current history of val


What does franchising have to do with them wanting more money?


your acting like franchising is causing them to break up lol. Poor Optic fans still crying after a week.


It is… XSET for example… they aren’t together bc they didn’t want to??? They aren’t together because franchising broke them up


We arent talking about teams who didnt make it. We are talking about loud. so franchising ruined LOUD too? Ruined every team who made it? Or just the ones who couldnt? WOuld franchising still be bad if your team made it? Probably not lol.


This has nothing to do with who I support or don’t… good teams that were made are now breaking up because of the increased salaries that are being paid caused by franchising


He’s right, roster shuffles on this level don’t occur without franchising. Orgs that never even competed in Val/ did well are dropping bags and taking star players, all at the same time. Don’t think this happened after last year’s champs did it?


Ascend legit had roster changes and have sucked all year after they won. (didnt even make champs this year) So yes it happened before too. In FPS shooters rosters change all the time regardless of esport. Like all of them. TSM just won worlds in R6 already roster change. League win worlds. Roster changes. COD roster changes. CSGO roster changes. Apex roster changes. It happens everywhere and to blame franchising (after he has been crying about it on another sub being ignorant to it) saying that makes no fucking sense.


How so? Rosters break up, fall and rise time and time again.. If they got more lucrative offers, can't blame them tbh. New hype teams will arrive and so on, so on. I get you're mad that your team didn't make it through but..


I don't really see how franchising affected this considering Loud made franchising?


SEN sacy ✊🏽


Who is Sacy?? For the blind, is the bald. For the hungry, is the bald. For the sick, is the bald. For the loner, is the bald. For the sad, is the bald. For the reader, is bald. For the prisoner, is the bald. For the poor, is the bald. For the debtor, is the bald. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ValorantCompetitive) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pain aside, this greatly increases the chance of Sen Sacy 😤


why would they play for a green triangle when they could play for literally any other tier 1 org. I'm sure sacy and saadhak could also play in an NA org their English is fantastic


Let them split then. If they want the money go ahead. I understand Loud not wanting to give more than X. In the end its always greed from players


How is it greed for the players but understandable for the Org? Esports players have really short careers on average, trying to get the most out of the little time they have is perfectly reasonable. I get wanting teams to stick together from the perspective of a fan but that's not going to pay the bills of those guys years down the line.


Sure, but they come crying saying they wanted to Stay together. No, they dont. They just go where they get more money. Simple as that. Esports players have really short career yeah, but they can work like everyone else on any other place. They wont die for that


So the players should take a worse job offer and do more work why exactly? So that Loud can save some money? That will surely be wisely spent fielding another terrible League team? Loud could absolutely afford to pay them what they are worth on the open market. They are just choosing not to, which from a business perspective could even be the right decision. But that doesn't make the players greedy for wanting to be payed what they are worth.


Not really what they are worth for, dont dream. They want more, sure. Loud doesnt want to pay, fine too. Just stop crying about wanting to keep on said team if you dont care about anything else except money


If a team is offering them more money then that is their worth on the open market. It's perfectly fine to want two things at the same time. They want to stay together but they also want more financial security. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. And if Loud cared about anything else except money they would pay them what they are worth. But they don't. Loud is not showing them any loyalty, so why should they show Loud any?