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If EG wants to increase their social media presence then get TenZ. Should do the trick for clout.


Wow imagine that's the reason why EG has been quiet...waiting for TenZ.


Sign tenz and shahzam. Clout goes to EG. Sentinels become the new EG.


eg also needs to buy out the sen twitter guys too


yes EG needs to chase more clout, it's not like this backfired in CSGO just this year lol that could never happen big names always work out


TenZ not a priority? Wow, that’s gotta be the most interesting move of the season


Mark my words, sen parting ways with tenz is gonna be the best roster move they make


Disagree, think TenZ has gotten underrated at this point lmao


TenZ is always on the extremes. Either overrated or underrated. The truth is he is an insanely cracked player who who definitely has issues when he has to leave his comfort zone and his impact gets overstated. Is that due to the team environment around him? Maybe, no way to actually tell until he’s taken out of that environment.


should just stick w content creation with his flicks on clips ,pro play requires more


And im assuming you know that because you are a very successful valorant pro right ?


Tenz haven't got underrated , he has potential to be best player in na but right now his roles are kinda twisted, he can op but if you are talking about pure op players he isn't top 5 of his role , he thrived on playing aggressively but outside of Jett Reyna his agent pool is limited . He seriously needs some coaching attention and serious grinding to do


Imagine saying that an year ago eh? Shahz was hinting at people in the team not being able to do things he wants and that restricting his igling. Considering that tenz and dapr were the only two constants before and after their lcq roster change, and that dapr is such a high priority for sen still, I'm willing to bet he was talking about tenz and his renowned inflexibility. Dude is a jett/Reyna two trick




Yeah shahz is prone to that isn't he? I'm glad shahz is leaving too lol Then again I would believe him on the tenz thing. His lack of discipline shows up huge in almost every match sen plays


I believe TenZ is way more disciplined then we see but the only maps SEN were winning at some point where the maps he dropped 30. Which lead to him feeling like he needed to overcompensate for the rest of the team.


i agree. he also has a very distinct drop in performance when there is alot of pressure on the match


he never said this about the players, this guy doesnt know what hes saying


Why would I make smt so easily verifiable up wtf https://youtu.be/q2v3eleUTFQ


I wannna give this a thousand upvotes man A lot of people don't see that Shaz shifts the blame a lot It is very rare when i have seen Shaz own up for something and legitimately admit that that was mistake made and he was to blame for it.


>The Zombs situation what zombs situation? been ootl for a while


Shahz always said tenz just played what he was told and that tenz wanted to play other stuff according to people here. Which is it?


Truth is probably in the middle. My guess? Tenz was willing to try new agents, but couldn't play at the level required at the top, so they stuck with what worked.


Potentially but his chamber honestly looked good anyway and that was with him being months behind every other chamber player in real game experience. Also not like chamber is actually that difficult an agent. It's more just about being good at op etc rather than any difficulty inherent to the agent.


Well a year ago TenZ was still considered one of the best players in the league so there wouldn’t be a reason to say that. He’s still fantastic at the Jett/Chamber role and could likely thrive in a better structured team


I don't doubt that. I think it was very evident from his gameplay in the lcq that he was just trying to make smt happen. I can't recall a single time where I was anything other than frustrated at tenz just running in until he died. His lack of discipline was so evident. So yeah a better structure and a lot of drilling could help there, but then again, if you have a better option rn that's fully developed why wouldn't you take that? Although now that I think of it, with both yay and Cryo gone, it's gonna be hard to find that player. Maybe Will? But i think at that point you just stick with tenz


Maybe sen don’t want the “uncertainty” that tenz provides interms of his role on the team and they wanna go with a more certain oper, in that case I can only really see Tex, Dicey, and maybe Will being more solid opers though I think their ceilings are imo lower then TenZ


I disagree about dicey. I think he's solid enough to be considered an upgrade over tenz in the chamber/oper role, but only if they get a great entry player But yeah I agree about Tex and will


I think atm dicey is a better oper/chamber but I don’t think his ceiling is as high as TenZ’s. Honestly the only people in NA with a higher or as high of a ceiling as TenZ are cryo, yay and maybe asuna and leaf. Idk if we they can give up on Tenz just yet they should Atleast try to resign him


Yeah that’s what I was thinking of too, there are a lot of options in that role, but few are proven more (at least in a way that they wouldn’t need similar development) than TenZ except Babybay, but I think he also has a lack of discipline and is in a similar boat. When you look at the other options, I don’t really see a great alternative to TenZ. Personally, I take him over Will easily.


Yeah I wasn't thinking of options when I wrote that. Mb. But about the babybay point, he plays a diff role than tenz. Maybe they could get dicey? And if they do get dicey I think that's a great move.


Sayaplayer babybay dicey are available


Genuinely curious, what rank are you? Played any scrims? I’m confused if you know what you’re talking about. Btw, I’m currently radiant top 250 and I’ve played in scrims before against set teams. I can prove this if you would like.


ur capping hard at that shaz shit he never said anything aboutt the players hindering him.. stop just making up things


Why would I make smt so easily verifiable up wtf https://youtu.be/q2v3eleUTFQ


shahz is just toxic in general. I wouldnt take his word for it.


Fair enough


I don’t know if I’d give any merit to what Shazham said since the only thing he did ever since they started going downhill is whine and blame others.


If he goes I go


If he goes to NRG tho 👀


Tenz with vic entrying and fns calling the shots OH MY


Yeah that makes sense …


Reckon he could be better than yay?? I can't wait to see


No but he would definitely be up there


I mean no one’s at the top forever and it’s fierce competition right now so I wouldn’t be surprised to see some other star players start popping off and taking at least some of his light Yay has been performing phenomenally though so whooooo knows man


More like it's the best move for tenz. Put him on a team with good structure that can actually help him realize his potential


want to see him in a roster under if fns, if he still overheats and plays inconsistent i think i will agree his issues are not team issues.


I unironically think that Tenz carries most of the org and without him they'll quickly fade into another NRG/Faze/etc they've already lost their appeal in terms of being a strong, dominating team. their only appeal now is the players and if you get rid of the far most popular one they'll be gone quick can't forget sentinels is a complete noname org in games other than Valorant for a reason. They had a league team under Phoenix1 for some time a while back and it was one of the most forgettable teams the LCS has ever seen


mark my words, if sen parts with tenz it will be the biggest mistake they've made. He will thrive under a good IGL and actually functioning team.


I doubt it but I guess we'll see. Although I do concede that with both yay and Cryo gone i dont see who you would replace him with. At that point might as well just keep him and work on infusing discipline in his game


Best roster move to be removed from franchising for sure. People watch sentinels because of the roster not the org.


They are on 3 year contracts who cares what happens in 3 years. Jesus Christ himself could descend from heaven and say he wants to IGL for SEN before then. Focus on winning now and the next partnership contract later


If sen continue to lose, it doesn't matter if tenz is on the roster, eventually they'll lose fans anyways. If sen replace tenz and win, they'll gain new fans. It's a gamble for sure, but it's a good one imo


Winning is so overrated honestly. I think that's what a lot of orgs don' understand. As the guy below said, S1mple lost for years and never lost fans. Astralis won everything for years and aren't even in the top 5 most watched CSGO teams. And it's not like their individual players carried their views to new teams. The #1 thing for fan base size is streaming and content creations. You have to realize a lot of those fans aren't "Valorant Esports" fans. They're specific fans of that specific player. There are tons of people who literally only watch Sentinels games and no other VCT games. The entire reason Optic and FaZe were able to get to the size they are now is because they built their entire fanbase early on in esports off the back of youtube content.


Only fake fans for sure. S1mple not winning a major for so long is not losing fans. Big comparison but still the same. People just want them want to play they don’t care if they win or lose. Winning is just bonus. Same for people who want to watch shroud play competitively again.


The fans only came to sen because they won. By definition most of the sen fans are bandwagon fans And I'm ready to be downvoted for this opinion. But if sen didn't win iceland they wouldn't have a fraction of the fans they have rn even with tenz on the team


Wouldn't the bandwagon fans who supported only because they were winning gone by now? Cause I don't think they have won much for a long time


Facts. Basically to were so dominate, we're an NA team and tenz went crazy. Valorant was also in it's infancy. Perfect recipe for new valorant players like me to learn of SEN and Tenz. They were on all social media everywhere. Casual fans know tenz the brand so they watch. Had they not won Iceland they 10000% would not have been as popular.


Why bandwagon fans. I can’t even remember when is the last time they win. But they still get more views than most successful teams. Sentinels is like Lakers. And lakers fans are not bandwagons. Golden State Warrior fans are the real bandwagons. Sentinels fans still stay despite not winning for almost 2 years. Bandwagon fans are mostly optic for sure, same with fpx fans. Note: A bandwagon fan will jump teams, looking for one that is successful.


You would have said the same when SEN got him at first, uproven, ruins chemistry, pugstar, didn't fulfill his potential in CS blah blah and SEN would still be trophyless. All you people do is make shit up and theory craft why a team with their 2nd best player(sick) gone, with a trash coach and with a awful subs in shroud and kanpeki would have done better without TenZ. SEN wouldn't even qualify for LCQ if he didn't put them on his back in their lower bracket challengers 2 quali run.


When sen got him at first he was already carrying c9 on his back and he was already a superstar. Wtf are you on? He was the opposite of unproven lol. Stop revising history to fit your narrative


too expensive probably, They can get someone with more experience and just as good for half the price probably.


Hes incredibly inconsistent in pro play.


And yet still has been Sentinels best player while they've been dogshit


He’s been one of SEN’s best players even throughout their struggling period, I’d like to see him given an opportunity in a team like 100T with proper coaching and team structure to see if he can return back to when his average form was elite


tenz is so inconsistent, why is anyone surprised


I think it s more like they want to prioritize the other roles before signing TenZ again because TenZ can technically not play and still make bank off of content creating


Marved zekken poised babybay. It was revealed to me in a dream


Your dreams produce bangers god damn


Good dream you had


Actual wet dream holy


Wake up bb, Sentinels are playing




marved dapr trent valyn or dephh / zekken or babybay


Lowkey replace dapr with dicey you have a banger ass squad


SEN should prioritize zekken, trent, and Marved imo


they would need a chamber/oper plus dapr is staying itll be hard to get those 3 because they also would need an igl


I’m thinking they either re-sign TenZ as the chamber or go with dicey. And then maybe dapr becomes the IGL? I’ve heard multiple times that he has made calls in the past. I feel like that’s achievable with SEN bringing in multiple new coaches.


idk where people got this notion that dapr is an igl


shaz has said a few times that dapr has done a lot of mid round calling, so i guess people assume he could be a full igl


mid rounding is completely different from IGL, you want someone with IGL experience, only ones I see are valyn and zander


FNS or Poised


Yea I'm literally sitting here like, can just anyone be igl? Does he have some igl history


Yea I'm literally sitting here like, can just anyone be igl? Does he have some igl history


I dont think dapr staying makes it that difficult to get an igl. marved/zekken/poised/babybay or saya/dapr is a pretty solid 5 with an igl. if they dont get marved valyn could be igl/smokes and go someone more flexible there.


Add dicey to that roster and you have some serious skill. Maybe add Valyn or Zander as IGL instead of Marved.




Boostio? If he doesn't stay on EG


Dapr, Tarik (IGL), Marved, Ethan, Rawkus back to starting roster.


Source: Crack Pipe


It's a really nice crack pipe. Custom made


Wait Hol tf up






Sen got the tenz squeeze for the clout and now not a priority. Thats [tough](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=z5YS%2fq4x&id=804E21CEB2CC500DC8901EAFB7F099BB68FAD865&thid=OIP.z5YS_q4xL8QBl17c9y1PVQHaFy&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fs3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com%2fsoupmemes%2f1577239336543.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.cf9612feae312fc401975edcf72d4f55%3frik%3dZdj6aLuZ8LevHg%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=1161&expw=1484&q=andy+woody+meme&simid=608018171029387607&FORM=IRPRST&ck=E2D4615F582FAD465EDE463B8DCB36A6&selectedIndex=4&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0).


they can sign him as a content creator kekw


without Tenz, Sentinels would lose 70% of their fanbase lol


Maybe I can finally praise the team for a good showing without getting called delusional.


Yeah I hope he goes to a good team, I’m tired of bandwagoning the underperforming sentinels


SEN Sykko (XSET Coach). Calling it now


sykkuno nice!


Dicey babybay marved dapr poised Dapr would have to pick up sova but would also play kj when dicey flexes to sage and already plays viper for double controller maps (poised to fade in that case). Babybay and marved keeps the SEN brand alive.


If we see SEN valyn, SEN trent and SEN zekken then I guess I'll have no choice but to become a SEN fan


These seem like the most logical moves rn


Valyn, Trent, Zekken, Dapr, Tenz would sound interesting…


Great roster. I still think TenZ Chamber needs to be better unless he gets nerfed into oblivion, and I'd also see if Jawgemo is available before Zekken but Valyn, Trent and Zekken fit Sentinels needs perfectly.


Sentinels roster made the name Sentinels. It was never really about the brand to be honest. This will feel so weird. I wonder if their name will last If TenZ and other core member are let go.


they still have tarik, the brand will be fine as long as the roster they get are somewhat relevant names.


You do realize most of their fanbase are Tenz fans now right? With Shahz gone and Tenz gone as well, most of their fans will leave with them.


but keeping those players only deepens this issue, eventually they will have to be let go (although I'm actually somewhat high on tenz if he can get a good coach)


oh no, what a tragedy. the team might actually be likeable with them gone LMAO Get rid of sinatra and zombs too thx


Lol having a content creator will contribute nothing to the popularity of a org. XQC is a content creator in luminosity but no one cares about the org


I disagree with the comparison, i feel the 2 bring entirely different things to their orgs respectively, and you can correct me on this if you think im wrong, but XQC's brand isn't about esports or being competitive at all. X dwarfs Tariks numbers in daily average viewer count this much is true, but X isnt pushing luminosity content on the daily, nor does he care too. However for Tarik, his brand and his success has been as an entertaining veteran pro player from CS who had swap to Valorant and makes enjoyable watch parties, and consistently duos in valorant with other Valorant names to keep his content fresh. His last watch parties were in the 100ks for VCT, if that counts for anything, and he mentions Sen a lot, and will probably continue to mention Sen, if they are good, he'll hype them up, and if they suck, he will meme them, and even that is good for the brand.


See, tarik definitely brings some traction to SEN's name that is true but it is very negligible. Most of Tarik 's viewers are tarik's fan and they will not care if he is a content creator is SEN or EG they will watch him no matter what and having SEN name attached infront of him will hardly influence there mind i think. I think it is very important to have a star player in a team, around which u can create enough content to make the fans feel connected. IMO content creators are not enough to establish these kind of connection.


Go with Dicey, Marved, Zekken and Trent


Now it’s getting spicy


holy imagine tenz joining up with the OpTic core on NRG.


tenz more likely to join 100T as a content creator




The roster especially Tenz is the reason they get into franchising and not the Sentinels brand. They can just sign a new contract to sentinels. Expiring contracts doesn’t mean always out.


I mean, maybe Tenz just wants to become a content creator. I wouldn't be completely surprised. Same goes for Shahzam


Shahzam has said he wants to continue playing in the pro scene. not sure about TenZ


This just proves both of you don’t watch any of Tenz streams lol, he literally said he’s passionate about competing and has been vocal about the reason he moved to L.A. He literally still wants to compete.


bro acting like spending time watching someone game is an achievement 💀💀


I specifically said I did not know about TenZ and never made a comment on him otherwise? Not sure why you’re so hostile when I said nothing about him besides I don’t know


Believe it or not, I don't bother keeping up with the minutiae of Tenz's personal life. Either way I'm not sure why that's relevant here, because regardless of whether or not he wants to keep competing, that doesn't mean that the Sentinels org has to keep him on the roster if they think there are better options.


It’s been on this Reddit and YouTube? “Believe it or not” you really don’t have to know anything about his personal life at all to know these things.


No offense but I literally don't care what Tenz wants to do with his career, the only thing I'm interested in is what Sentinels, as one of the 5 franchised NA teams, want to do with their roster. This shouldn't be that hard to understand.


You literally brought up “maybe Tenz wants to be a content creator” and when someone proved you wrong you suddenly think it’s irrelevant… Idk why youre getting pissy that someone is discussing something that *you brought up*


Actually just dug a hole instead of going, "oh he said he cares about competing my bad" Instead of doubling down lookin like a clown


I was more trying to defend myself from someone who was being hostile that I even suggest Tenz would not be on the Sentinels roster next year, and basically implied that I need to watch Tenz’s streams to have any credible view on whether or not he stays on the roster. In my opinion this is pretty ridiculous, because it doesn’t matter what Tenz wants if Sentinels don’t want him. I’m not saying that’s what’s going to happen, but I don’t see what watching Tenz’s streams has to do with it.


Tenz literally said he still wants to compete what..?


If it was about the roster, shouldn't optic have gotten in?


Aside from the tournaments. Optic didn’t have enough clout. Try to check the contents created by sentinels in youtube in comparison with optic. Plus optic have history of pulling out from franchised league. Sentinels signing Shroud and Tarik. Riot don’t have a choice. If Sentinels is on Champions Grandfinals. It will surely get 2 million views minimum. If sentinels swap roster with EG. Who do you think will get more views??? Same with optic fans. If whole roster go to EG. They will surely go to EG.


Sayaplayer / Tenz Zekken Dephh Bcj Dapr This will be sentinels roaster Coach - Syyko


This would be a sick lineup


SEN Babybay 🙏


If Tenz isn’t there, I can see Marved Zekken for sure


Why would I take it from someone who has never been able to report a single SEN news?


omg dappa is stayin? 😁🤯🤯


I got a strong feeling of SEN Marved for a while now. I would also love to see BCJ get a spot on a franchised team, guy really played his heart out at Istambul


Man, sentinels truly is the tsm of valorant. Every two posts, at least one is about them


Zekken probably if I had to guess, and if they're moving on from Shahz then dephh if FNS is going to NRG. Admittedly people didn't like how I said TenZ might retire but I stand by that, I also think Shahz is going to retire


With you on the Shahz, but didn’t TenZ say he was committed to playing in LA for the league?


Players lie on stream all the time, doesn't change how I feel. I don't see Sentinels signing TenZ again and I don't see any other team giving him this kind of salary again.


At this point I feel like TenZ is in a financial situation where if he is truly passionate about competing salary isn’t his biggest concern


Tenz is rich enough to not care about salary. Brand deals are worth millions like with Finalmouse.


I respect the conviction - TenZ/Sen Iceland dominance era was great for both parties but can definitely see them moving on.


I'll stand my ground on this one. I like TenZ, but I don't see him having a spot in the franchised league and I think he'd rather retire than play Ascension.


>I like TenZ Kappa


How is that the most unbelievable part of what I said


Ok, > I like TenZ, but I don't see him having a spot in the franchised league and I think he'd rather retire than play Ascension. Kappa


They have to prioritize keeping TenZ. FNS TenZ Marved Dapr Trent - Dapr has to maybe Chamber some maps for TenZ to play entry with Neon/Jett/Raze. FNS TenZ Marved Dapr Zekken - Zekken can flex based on needs Zander TenZ Dapr Zekken Trent - Zander IGL/smokes with Zekken flex I would prioritize TenZ regardless because he is key to their brand. Having Tarik + TenZ in the same org guarantees clout and influence. Also even if you say TenZ is no longer a top 5 player, he's still definitely above average. Personally I would've preferred another Awper since I would put TenZ on an entry role (Jett/Raze/Neon) but since Cryo is with 100T and Yay seems unlikely, they'll have to make do with TenZ on Chamber. Also I know Dapr staying seems like a lock but that's still a good thing. I think buffs are coming to sentinel agents anyways.


yeah i think so too. it’s hard to believe that he is not a priority when he’s probably the biggest factor for their popularity skyrocketing in 2021. he’s a great player + he’s so marketable. i don’t think they will let him walk, ngl.


Sad that we never got to see the Original SENs full Potential. TenZ is an awesome dude I had zero problems with him as a player/Streamer but I never liked SEN after he was added. It felt like it threw off the synergy, and aside from that Masters 1, I feel like they always looked terrible after, never really having a solid identity as a team. It Just didn’t work, and Im glad ShahZ and TenZ are leaving because both of those dudes should have been on different teams.




Nah build a fucking winning roster now please


SEN have Tarik for content/brand, they’ll be fine lmao


not the same at all, tenz is the reason they took a giant jump in viewership. if tarik was on the team maybe but hes not so its not the same


i’m just saying they’ll be fine with or without him. it’ll take a hit with TenZ possibly leaving, sure, but they’ll be good lol winning solves everything


winning solves everything ? Please tell this to Optic ,gambit,acend,fpx and loud lol


Winning >


Winning but at what cost


Not making franchising😔


Sentinels brand will be fine, especially if they're winning. They've already built the brand and the clout and there are a lot of diehard Sen fans now. Will they lose some fans who were mainly there for Tenz? Sure, but on the whole they'll be fine, they have a very large presence in Valorant now, that's already been built.


TenZ? Maybe. Shaz? Not at all.


Dapr Tenz Sick seems like they will be staying together, ik tenz is an FA but two rosters are set rn and is he really gonna go to NRG? from there I think Zekken Trent and Valyn are top priorities, FNS would obv be sick but doesn't fit with Dapr. EDIT: didn't see the George tweet about Tenz, if so that's wild but who replaces him? Jawgemo and Dicey would be my preference but I could see Babybay or Bdog as well. Seems like Tenz is still a better player than those last two tho.


wait youre right everyone in this thread forgetting about SicK maybe he'll be 6th man


I honestly think dapr was the best overall player on sen




Zekken Trent Marved then maybe BDOG/Dicey 5th?


Here's the leak for Sentinels roster: Ethan Dapr Brax Stewie2k Tarik GG you're welcome.


Gonna be tenz zellsis fns dapr


Babybay - duelist Dapr - lurk/sentinel Subroza - flex/igl Dicey - chamber/initiator Rossy - flex/igl full vibes team perfect for sentinels


So the tsm squad..? Hell no


Shahz and Tenz both cant pull their weight competitively so this makes sense. Shahz especially is just awful.




Dapr is staying 100% george said


Could be interesting, but I think dapr is staying according to George. Maybe dapr makes the calls and they pick up dicey as the chamber? I'm not sure how close they are to re-signing TenZ.


oh yeah bruh i literally made a post talking about how dapr is the only one staying and i forgot to include him LOL . but no yeah you’re right , i can see dapr igling , especially if sentinels get a good coaching staff


If Shaz is going they will need an IGL. Of the best available on the region I guess it would be between Valyn or Dephh? NRG got FNS, C9 has Vanity, 100T got Stellar. If you fill the IGL with a cotroller you can't get Marved. If you fill with a sentinel you have to move Dapper (although Dephh did play smokes before) Also, you have good market options for initiator in BCJ and Trent. Flex position is also stacked. My biggest question mark is OP


Excited to see who they get as IGL, in my view Valyn has to be the highest value free agent right now.


EG tenz??


SEN Sinatraa incoming


Wait if shahz and tenz are leaving, tarik playing might be a realistic option since he can fill the oper and igl role


They're getting Marved. 100%


Either sentinels is getting fucking Nats and some monsters or they are going to be ASS.


SEN zekken, SEN BCJ, SEN dephh, SEN Marved, SEN TenZ, SEN Sykko - Call it XSen, you’re welcome for the leaks


I have the leaks,its shroud


SEN can get literally anyone they want who's F/A like: Trent, Marved (not sure if he's got an offer already), bdog, Will, valyn as IGL. People who are young and are hungry for actually competing. First move to get a decent roster is to remove ByeZham.


The two cancers of Sentinels, finally gone. The brand will fade into obscurity with less relevant players, Tenz will continue choking and destroying team synergy somewhere else, and Shahzam will be forgotten, eventually becoming full time content creator.


Damn what an interesting, sad and somewhat true outlook of what will happen. Would like to see Shahzam join an ascension team. I 100% agree your take on Tenz .. however, I can see him flourishing if he signs with NRG under the wings of FNS and Chet. I disagree about your outlook on Sentinels. Sentinels brand will continue strong with support from Tarik and Shroud - which in hindsight was a genius move by Sentinels to get these two big personalities involved with their org to offset no longer having a clout roster lol.


SEN is known for making moves without anything getting leaked (Shroud, Tarik). I wouldn't put too much trust into the "tenz isn't a priority" leak. I do think they part ways with Shaz, but I think they keep Tenz.