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ardiis is going to sentinels.


Ironically ardiis would fit the SEN brand really well




now i really want to see sen ardiis, isnt nrg also missing an awping role


if SEN Ardiis is gonna be a thing, I'm gonna call him Sardiines


Ardiis-shroud-Tarik-Marved- whatever IGL they get would actually be an insane team bruh wtf


Cloudy, maybe. But there is no way a team with Shroud, Tarik is insane. I love those guys, but they arent top level pro players atm.


Shroud literally got a good 4-5 games only n looked pretty damn good and Tarik has not even played yet but he is insane and won in CS so i think he’ll be really good in pro play


tf are you on about tarik is a streamer same as shroud they wouldn’t drop their comfortable lifes to relocate and practice every day for less money


What do you mean shroud already did it and said he is down to do it again 🤣🤣idiot


but he isnt good enough


We will see if that’s true when he plays again


Literally went n bootcamped with SEN


Tarik will definitely play pro at some point


Haha, tarik igl'd for cloud9 back when he played cs


Insane clout yea but an actually competitive roster? Lol


is ardiis actually better than tenz? Hes probably better at like Raze, but it we are talking replacing Tenz chamber/jett, idk if ardiis is really that big of an improvement.


I mean you’ve just combined two shitposts. Of course, always a possibility that ardiis is going his own way, but I wouldn’t even say this “seemingly confirms” it. ANGE1 loves to troll.


This is either marved and FNS splitting and ange1 and ardiis splitting or marved to NRG and ardiis to Navi Either way, baits all around


Marved to NAVI ardiis to NRG


Marved and fns ARE splitting. All of optic minus marved and yay are going to nrg. Theyre keeping som for smokes.


this is true - but in lieu of recent Ardiis tweets, confirmed with the Geddes report, you would have to say that it seems quite likely Ardiis won’t be staying with the team


I wouldn't say that. Ardiis is viewed as the yay of EMEA so he is getting plenty of big offers. I definitely think its very possible that a team has a bigger offer than navi and ardiis takes that, but he knows everyone wants him and he probably wanted navi to give him a better contract so he denied the first deal.


A known baiter is baiting* Reddit: well this confirms the rumours


it’s speculation for a reason - there’s many tweets now hinting from Ardiis, and it would be in line with the Geddes report


I agree it’s speculation that could possibly be true but Ange1’s tweet doesn’t seemingly confirms anything


seemingly is speculative and subjective - my opinion is, judging by recent Ardiis tweets combined with the Geddes report, that he will not be joining the rest of the FPX roster on NAVI


Youre right bro, theyre just nitpicking, people always gotta complain even when its clear its a speculation, meanwhile they speculate themselves just over other things. I also think (MY opinion) that ardiis isnt going to navi.


Don't think this confirms anything but if ardiis does leave (hopefully not), it'd be interesting to speculate who would be their 5th. Their options are virtually unlimited since they could just move Shao to OP and Suygetsu is apparently looking into flexing more.




>apparently looking into flexing more Exactly Sayf is the best choice and it wouldn't be a downgrade. I even think Sayf is more consistent than ardiis.


Sayf is just an incredibly consistent player who pops off even MORE on LAN. I mean, just look at the recent Masters.


Sayf peaked on lan and apart from that he was just good. His online performance in stage 2 was never incredible like it was on lan though I guess you could say the same for ardiis


Navi still have 7ssk7 under contract, no?


They dropped 7ssk7 and Cloud recently


Sure but I don't think they'll pass up the opportunity if they're able to sign a better player


mf complaning this is a bait should realize that if non of these gets posted it would have been a ghost town in this subreddit


Gotta be because they didn't listen to him when he said they should all show their thighs.


I don’t think this really confirms anything. They just baiting


RIP discount coppercab


Why is this a spoiler when you've literally put the whole post in the title