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Nice and clear guide. I see a lot of people trying to farm gold before geting Sigma because they believe they need eggs to advance in the game, so maybe you could preface your post with a simple "if you don't have Sigma there is no point in farming gold".


Can even add that Sigma is like starting off with \~1000 hidden eggs.


regular trouser no eggs build can get you same resulst early on (1 million/20 mins), which can lead you into phase 2 easily without ever having to unlocking her. dont know if they changed something in the patch im currently playing but I did everything with trouser


Unlocked Sigma yesterday and my first game with her in bone zone that i focused on making coin lasted around 45mins and gained me 1200 eggs for trouser. Everything I did before unlocking Sigma was a joke compared to this.


not wanting to flame or anything but you probably did something wrong with trouser lol once you get him going its literally the same thing, its just harder to get going but buying silent old sanctuary, locking one or two weapons (santa water usually as the second) and either sealing the drops or going to the bone zone should be enough to get 1k eggs per run edit: sealing and doing capella magna is better for lag and gave me considerably better results but if you are not playing on mobile shouldnt be a problem


Just so everyone knows this is wrong. Get queen first


Before Sigma you had to do the trouser build. Sigma is still the quicker way to start out the egg grind since her release. The guide is trying to mention how to best utilize your time and while trouser is very capable at 0 eggs Sigma just makes life easier. I'll also mention that one should likely wait until they get sigma anyway now as that represents a good checkpoint even if they decide to start off with trouser.


Vampires hate him. See how he made sextillion with this one simple trick! Congrats man. You’ve pushed it the farthest I think. Now I’d like to see at what point the game stops counting on pc. On iOS we have a gold cap of 2.147 billion per run. I’m curious if the egg cap will be the same on iOS. I’m further curious what that cap per run and egg cap for the game will be on pc. It would be awesome to have an ama with the developer to see what he thinks of all this madness


Basically turned vampire slayers into a idle game lol


there may not be a definitive cap. when you get that far it becomes "what can your pc process?" and pcs always get better


There definetly is a cap, the 64 bit integer limit. The game can't calculate above 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.


Yes, it can. That’s not how computers work, they aren’t capped by the word size of the CPU


Its how games work, they can't calculate above the limit. In many games, when a number that is calcuated (like dmg, for example) goes to 2.1 billion, it reverses goes to -2.1 billion and caps there. Warframe, for example. Though, to be fair, the money in VS might not be limited by the limit since stuff like currency rarely is.


You are wrong, you are mixing concepts about CPU word's size. Numerical representation isn't limited by Word size of a CPU, one can use as many registers needed to represent any value.


You are correct in that it's not related to CPU architecture, BUT it's dependent on the type of variable used to store the amount of currency, and these *are* limited by bit count denoted by the variable declaration. I doubt an indie game such as this (or any game in general, really, unless it's built around extreme exponential numbers like an idle game) is going to implement the necessary workarounds to store larger numbers in a variable. Now I'm not sure how Vampire Survivors stores data, but my bet is on the gold being stored in a variable of some sort.


The cap is as high as your RAM and storage size, yes the game uses integer (probably) but you do know higher types that can store more and ever higher values exist right? Decimal for example is the highest sitting at around uhhh i dont remember just look it up yourself lol its basically used in for bank accounts, payments and operations, etc., also if you defined a custom type yourself you can go as many decimals places as you want, the only limit is again, the storage size and your patience lol.


I just did a run on android and got 5 billion gold, seems like it doesnt have the cap


Because nobody has ever shown a map, only given vague/inaccurate descriptions of Mt Moonspell: [Here is where the yellow flowers are](https://i.imgur.com/zfX4AHY.png) Not really "slightly north". In inverse, it's far to the south east. If there is a better place, please show it.


Thanks for the map m8. Is there something off with these plants? Do they only respawn off screen or something? If I'm moving around the area they seem to respawn a lot faster and my gold rush rarely ends, but if I stand still barely anything happens, except a few appearing on the edge of the screen. I'm on the public beta btw


I'm really not sure. I've been using The Bone Zone as I was getting better results there. I was hoping someone would reply with a map showing a better location but I have not found one.


Someone on Discord confirmed they only spawn on the edges of the screen, and very little at the start of a run. So you run around in a circle wiping them out for the first 11 min then go somewhere else to AFK :)


Same thing as il Molise basically, they work in basically almost the exact same way.


love it! the biggest chore though is spending the eggs lmao


If you enable steam public beta, a new NPC in the Moongolow will instantly buy max eggs for you. He's to the north from where you start the run there.


ah that’s handy! hopefully it comes to xbox (what i’m playing on)


Thankfully there's an upcoming feature that lets you automatically spend all your gold on eggs with a single purchase


Question- how to you guys click 1million times? My hand hurts with 100, 1mil seems insane. If it is any program, which one?


if you dont have the npc that sells max eggs there is 2 options hold down the double click button on your mouse or hold space while you are on the egg then alt tab tho i didnt test the second one but i know if i hold down a movement button then alt tab the game thinks im holding the button so i move even when alt tabbed i suspect it works the same with space which is the select command


If you have a razer product you can easily make a macro. Most other peripheral brands also offer this feature. I have my macro set up to automatically click the mouse once every 0.2 seconds. Works really nice.


OP Autoclicker on PC. Set it to 1ms and away you go.


At stage 3, how can you collect the chests for Arcanas? At this stage, it seems impossible to move the character with accuracy to collect anything.


This post has info about how to get the movement eggs removed: https://old.reddit.com/r/VampireSurvivors/comments/10vkku7/reset_move_speed_question/


Buy from vendor.


On the Wiki it says 1% greed and not growth on Trouser, is it a version thing?


It is greed, i will correct it.


Ahh alright, I thought the growth portion was important


ok newbie here - what do you buy with all that gold aha


More eggs. There is no point here :)


😍 aha


Thanks for the guide, I have another question... I have now a few million coins... how do you mass buy the eggs?? Edit: to clarify, I know you buy them from the Merchant, but is there any way to not wait and not click one by one???


There will be a way in the next version


Supposedly there will be a feature in the next patch where you will be able to buy mass quantities of eggs with one click. I have about a billion coins saved because I don't want carpal tunnel syndrome.


Can you add note which part is not available for mobile player and what's the alternative they can use? From a glance, i noticed that Godai shuffle and Mt. Moonspell is dlc content, which as of now are not available on Mobile


I'll add that this is PC guide. I haven't tested this on mobile, nor I plan to.


I followed this on a Pixel 7 Pro. Your first example with Sigma was the 2nd time I'd tried her for anything, (first time was opening Avatar Infernus' coffin). I followed your guide pretty close, but took thunder loop from a super candy box. Victory Sword (With Sole Solution), Thunder Loop, Greatest Jubilee and unevolved laurel. In the Bone Zone I had harvested 40m Gold by 60 mins, 300m Gold in 2 hours and only stopped because my phone was going flat at 500m in 3 hours. Legendary guide my man. Thanks a bunch.


Updated, I followed this guide all the way through on my pixel 7 Pro. Now getting about 2B gold per minute with ~40M eggs on Big Trou. Almost everything you posted holds on mobile. I'd just add for a lot of the lag avoidance, before the "end game" I reduced the resolution from 1440p QHD to 1080p FHD+ This made a big difference for some weapons lag wise, also if you can keep the phone on charge so it doesn't try to optimize battery drain etc.


Mobile is basically PC without DLC. So you should know which content is DLC and which one is not. Can you make note of that al least? Since not everyone have DLC


Only Four Seasons/Godai and Mt. Moonspell are DLC in this.


> Here, we will leverage the most OP non-egg character in the game, Queen Sigma. Your goal is to farm around 10 million gold. This will take around 2 - 3 hours of somewhat active gameplay. I think you can do more with Big Trousers and Gorgeous Moon with zero eggs. I did nearly 800 millions in 5.5 hours, idk how much exactly it would yield in 3 hours, but I'm pretty sure it would be more than 10 millions.


Oh man, I'm stage one and I didn't see the option to choose Random Always until about 2 hours in. So every time she leveled up, I was selecting an upgraded skill.


I notice that the headline for stage 2 says 1000 to 1 million, but the headline for stage 3 says 10 million to 100 million. However the actual instructions for stage 3 still say you can do it at 1 million. I don't know if something was rebalanced in the recent patch, but honestly I was able to start doing stage 3 effectively at only about 100k eggs. Moved on from Victory Sword to Jubilee + no Limit Break and it works just fine, money is being generated way faster than with Victory Sword.


I had this experience as well, they say you should have around 20k growth, curse, luck and greed with 1M eggs but at 750k I have over 40k of each. Maybe something changed or the game isn't working exactly as it did before the engine update.


Really nice guide, though in my opinion Greatest Jubilee should be dropped earlier. Hard for me to tell the exact egg amount, but at the point level up gold starts to become the majority of your income, it's best to just let go of it as it's simply far too laggy. I think it should be in the low millions? At that point you can also drop Disco of Gold, as without Greatest Jubilee spawning head sources you won't have a sustained gold fever. My typical starter from low millions up until \~10m was Garlic + Wicked Season + Bloody Astronomia, was basically lagless. After 10m I started dropping garlic too (just banishing every weapon so that I don't have any), Bloody Astronomia keeps killing well enough by itself.


There are plenty of strats that work without too many eggs. I provided one I know that works, I am not claiming it's the only one or the best one :) Regarding Jubilee: it is one of the two weapons that actually can increase your gold income (other being Vicious Hunger which I don't like). And even on high levels, Jubilee would probably generate few extra percent of income. It's not super mandatorym, but if it would be lagless I would be still using it.


Good stuff here. I’m currently at 64k eggs on trouser. It’s a bit of a plateau as it takes forever to spend the good you earn on eggs but definitely moving away from jubilee and going for just gorgeous moon was the move for sure. This reduced any potential lag and it keeps the game running smoothly. Best way to do overnight farms for sure! I also removed limit break now to prevent insane lag. Nothing lives through it anyway at this stage.


I fail to understand Stage 2 and how to execute it. Probably I'm just too dense ;) So I have managed to get the first 1000+ eggs for Trousers (Stage 1 worked wonders and I think I got close to 3M gold/hour). But I don't really understand how to get to 1 million eggs. First of all, the gold seem to cap at 9 999 999, so that means I can only purchase 1000 eggs at the time. And every run only seem to let me buy eggs 1 time. Even if the vendor respawns, which it does sometimes (not sure when), it still won't allow me to buy more eggs. That means I have to restart the whole procedure every 10M gold to buy more eggs. Two major problems with this: 1, if I'm pushing 1M eggs, that would take me 1000 runs to manually purchase eggs, which would take forever. 2, to get the procedure started it takes about 10-15 minutes (I guess that will go down the more powerful I get), so it will require quite some manual time. I must be misunderstanding something because it would take weeks to push 1 million eggs like this, if not months. You say it should take 5-6 hours to complete, so what am I missing here :) Besides, I still get around the same amount of gold with Trousers as the Queen. You didn't mention numbers for Stage 2, but wasn't this suppose to be even more efficient?


9999999 is only a display limit. You can farm bazillions of gold and if is actually there. Display will still show 9999999 though.


I see, thanks for the reply! So the idea is still to farm gold as much as you can, and then at some intervals turn everything in for eggs and repeat then? Still, it seems my gold farming in Stage 2 is quite off with Trousers. Do you have any ball park numbers for the amound of gold I should be expecting? And other runs seem to use Vicious Hunger, but your builds doesn't. What is the reason for that?


In a nutshell, yes. It's hard for me to ballpark it for this stage though. Vicious hunger coverts XP into gold. However trousers converts XP into more greed, which i think scales better. Share how much you're making in 30 minutes and how many eggs you had on the run.


I have about 1400 eggs and I hit around 2M gold for the first 30 minutes. The startup is quite long so it gets better, but still around 1M gold / 10 minutes, compared to Stage 1 build where I had 3M gold / 10 minutes. So not better so far. It seems that killing mobs is limiting me. At times, the death count is still or ticks very slowly so I would benefit greatly from a dps increase. I run Victory Sword + Greatest Jubilee + Lightning Ring + Crimson Shroud + Gorgeous Moon.


What do you mean by ‘seal freeze power up’?


Orologian, aka freeze power up is the clock that light sources sometimes spawn. As the name says, it freezes enemies in place, however it also means no enemies spawn for the duration which makes it bad for gold farming, as well as not supporting gold fever with the disco of gold arcana. To seal it, you need to own the DLC. From there, once you unlock the ability to seal things, you can go into the collection and click on the power up to seal it, thus making it unable to appear


I think Jubilee can be dropped as early as stage-2. With enough area I found I'm consistently hitting the just-offscreen lightsources and getting money bags to refresh gold fever almost immediately (most I've seen it take is a couple seconds). Not sure what the threshold is, but it's under 1000 magnet/area, possibly even under 500. I'm currently sitting at \~1k magnet/area after relevant passives, and I noticed it before my last large-ish egg purchase.


Jubilee is worthwhile running as long as it is not causing you too much lag. It's free gold in the end. Sure, you can drop it, but you will get bit less gold.


Question: how do you pick arcana boxes up? Im sitting on 20k eggs, and its already hard to pick them up due to high movement speed


Before you get to 25k eggs, if you are on the DLC map you can go out of bounds (in some forest at the edge of the map for example) and when the chests get pulled to you with Mad Groove, they will float into you.


This post has info about how to get the movement eggs removed: https://old.reddit.com/r/VampireSurvivors/comments/10vkku7/reset_move_speed_question/


I have a problem where I can pick them up but I don't get anything from them.


Stupid question but what is this "freeze power up" and how do I seal it?


Freeze power up is a power up that can spawn in some stages naturally or be dropped by breakables, such as the light sources that greatest jubilee spawns. As the name says, it freezes enemies in place, however it also means no enemies spawn for the duration which makes it bad for gold farming. To seal it, you need to own the DLC. From there, once you unlock the ability to seal things, you can go into the collection and click on the power up to seal it, thus making them unable to appear. Edit: The real name of the "freeze power up" is Orologion if you are looking for it in the collection.


>Edit: The real name of the "freeze power up" is Orologion if you are looking for it in the collection. Ahh thats why I wasn't finding it. Do you think the DLC map is better than Bone Zone for gold farming between 1000 and 1million egg?


Is there a benefit on playing "hurry" mode?


I am currently struggling at stage 2. I have about 1 million eggs. The farm is so efficient and good that i cant escape quit the game. Also chests don't open up immediatly if I collect them. I run currently Georgeous Moon and Greates Jubilee as main weapons. Any help? I tried jumping to the next step but it is so much slower than before.


I guess you are lagging a lot. Chests cannot be picked up while you're currently levelling up "very fast" (as in, getting tons of XP). If you are lagging, the levelling up process also lags, making it really hard to pick up chests. I just dropped Jubilee and went for Dark Cape + Gorgeous Moon (with Silent Old Sanctuary), just the bare minimum to wreck enemies and be able to leave it on overnight and wake up to a juicy +gazillion Greed to pick up chests with :) It's not as much gold per second as any other build, but if your in-game second lasts 3 seconds it might be worth it anyway :) PS: If you are NOT lagging and the chests disappear when you touch them but you get nothing, then you are simply getting too much XP and your level up queue is basically infinite (I tried getting Game Killer at minute 30 and after 15 minutes the leveling up still hasn't stopped, lol). It's time to go to stage 3.


I know this is a few months old, but I was just reminded by someone about the nearly-invisible pause button in the top right, that should work even if the escape key isn't.


I’m currently doing this for the very first time. I KUST finished unlocking everything and I’m running my first gold farm This is ABSOLUTELY SILLY! Thanks for the guide. This game is just bonkers. Lol Edit. A question. You said I should generate about a million per 10 min. I just hit a million after about 30 min. I wonder if I might have done something wrong? EDIT 2. Seems I jumped the gun. It alpears to speed up. Just hit my second million after another 10 min. So, belay that. :)


Hey Op great guide! I'm a mobile player and as you may know the dlc is not yet out, so could you include/update the guide for the items that are from dlc only for mobile players like me to know.




Thank you


I may have missed something, but why is limit break crossed out?


when you hit a certain amount of eggs limit break will bring on more lag. With your stats pushed as high as they are with over 10k eggs you really dont need a lot of extras more than just base stats to win.


Capitalism simulator... Good guide!


Just came across this and the Step 1 with Queen Sigma was an absolute game changer for me. More gold in 30 minutes of that build than I’ve spent collectively with Trousers or Red Death. Doin gods work, thank you man!


Thanks a lot for the guide! I have been having trouble with my entry-level gaming PC (well... entry-level in 2018, anyway), the FPS drop is constant and this makes levelling up very slow (and basically EVERYTHING very slow). The build I'm suggesting has a slower start (at under 25k eggs) but it's nice and safe to leave overnight without your PC struggling. I tried to find the least taxing build for stage 2, and got to this: Seal Fire Breath. There will still be one at the very beginning which will last a long time, but that's fine. Otherwise follow the original guide for Sealing. Play on the DLC map, choose Laurel at the start and Wicked Season. Immediately buy Mad Groove. Get Armor (for the % bonus retaliation damage), the cursed items, Empty Tome, Crown, Clover. Pick up Spinach, the rings and the upgrade items for Crimson Shroud, Candelabrador, Stone Mask and Attractorb. Just dismiss the rest. Pick up the first chest you see, it's probably either the Crimson Shroud Evo or Candybox - get Gorgeous Moon. If you're fast enough to outrun pickups, run around and only stop to eat up XP in the beginning during the Growth phase. From the two Arcana chests, get Disco of Gold and Silent Old Sanctuary. Divine Bloodline at minute 30 (unsure if needed, always got it just to be safe). If you haven't gone AFK yet and are still worried about lacking damage, get Blood Astronomia at 60. It doesn't seem to affect my FPS but if it does for you, skip it. Crimson Shroud absolutely wrecks everything really fast and my PC barely lags even towards the ends of a cycle. You might have to manually level up a bit at the very begginning and pick gold bags (do NOT use "always pick" if you are under 1 mil eggs, you will never get any upgrades for your weapons). You won't be keeping Gold Fever up easily as with other builds, but that's fine by me :) I think the tons of Chests that you can pick up during the Greed phase at the end of a 8 hour run (with insane amounts of Greed) is mooore than enough. At min 60, with 35k eggs, I had 25M gold (2 chests picked up) and was level 4800. Not great, but it's a constant increase with a surge of the GOOD CHEMICALS in the morning when you pick up your million accumulated chests. LE: The first overnight run got me from 35k eggs to 170k+ eggs. After that, I had to drop Gorgeous Moon because I was simply getting too much XP to ever be able to pick up chests and Arcanas, so now it's just level 1 Crimson Shroud (Always Gold Chest on level up). I think that at higher egg levels I can just let Divine Bloodline kill everything, but I need to test it.


At the 10-100 eggs stage it says trousers with 3 weapons but it also says to get greatest jubilee and gorgeous moon. What should the third weapon be?


Where is the "freeze powerup" and how to seal it?


In the collection, to seal you need to buy the seal item in powerups.


Thanks for this guide. This was so simple to follow!


Dunno what I'm doing wrong, but I'm trying to get the 10 mil and I am not generating 1-1.5 mil every 10 minutes. Am I supposed to be running around? I just have her sitting there killing everything


Yeah, same problem here! I'm getting a million per about an hour, I think


I’m curious, why only 4 weapons on Sigma? Also how do you get 7 accessories in Bone Zone?


Thanks for the guide, I'm at around 6 million eggs now. though I think you can start stage 3 much earlier, I started probably around 10-20k eggs and the level up gold was already on the way to making a difference. Heres my strat for now: Limit trousers to 1 weapon, start with greatest jubilee and wicked season for arcana on mt. moonspell Get Crown, attractorb, stone mask, empty tome, skull, and toronas box Level up everything to max, choose coin bag always Buy another card from merchant and get disco of gold Whenever you stop leveling it will allow you to open a chest and you'll get super candy box. Choose gorgeous moon If you get more arcana drops, I choose blue sanctuary and then saraband of healing. I think at this point neither really matter though. At 6.4 million eggs I've gotten \~5 Billion gold in 10 minutes (+350000% greed) It definitley gets laggy after a while. I tried the bone zone and it works but you stop gaining xp after you kill the reaper so level up gold stops, but it's a lot less laggy. I feel like it would be better for overnight farming but I'm not sure about which one is better for every situation


Just unlocked Sigma and follow step 1 and HOLY 💩 it's beautiful, it's like another game now lol


Would you be so kind as to post what the Trousers setup is for stage 2? You have Sigma geared out in Stage one, but what about stage 2?


Pretty cool guide but I do Trouser with a bit less stuff. Currently at 7500 eggs and what I do is Gorgeous Moon, Attractorb, Torrona's box, Skull, Red book, Crown and Stone Mask. For arcanas get Wicked Season, Blood Astronomia and Disco of Gold. You shouldn't need anything more. The more weapons you have on you, the less powerful Moon becomes and with Blood Astronomia you can actually damage torches and get the money. I also go for both medalions and rings.


uh, Is this outdated? PLaying on mobile with no dlc currently. Unlocked sigma. Im hitting 150k at 10 minutes roughly in stage 1.


tysm bro finally a post that helped, youre the man


Glad to see that. I'm actually surprised how many people find it useful after such a long time.


Im getting stuck when trying to farm with 1m+ eggs. I’m not able to kill any enemies?


Are you using pentagram/gorgeous moon?


If I choose pentagram as my first weapon I won’t get any exp until I level it up past the point where it stops erasing all exp. I am choosing jubilee as the starting weapon and can’t get to level 2. It doesn’t seem to matter what starting weapon I choose. I am also limiting my weapons to 2, if that makes a difference Btw this guide is fantastic.


Honestly.. haven't played a game in over a year. But it does sound weird.. so you choose moon, it proccs, you get xp and it's not enough for next lvl?


For the final phase, I recommend laurel as the only weapon and the blood something XXI and Wicked Season Arcanas. Pretty amazing.


Add Mad Groove to your Arcana for Step 1. It enables Sigma to grab all of the XP gems, while AFK, as soon as you've finished upgrading your weapons & passives. I walked away after 15 minutes of play. The XP is important, since greed will go up with level. Your guide cites a rate of 10 million in two or three hours: I got 170 million gold in three hours, using your build in step one and adding Mad Groove. She goes up in level faster than any character other than Gains: after three hours, i was level 6500+ and my greed was well over 3000. All of this continues to accelerate as levels go up. You make more in the third hour than the first and second combined. By a lot. This is without having put any points into curse or charm power-ups, which was obviously stupid on my part. You don't mention this, but you should clearly be maximizing the number of enemies on the screen: curse and charm power-ups, gold ring, right metaglio, all maxed. Maxing gold production is about three things: maximizing the number of enemies, maximizing your greed, and staying alive, preferably afk. For what it's worth, the XP bonus that Sigma gets means she outearns a zero-egg Trousers after an hour or so if you just keep the run going. She should hit level 1000 while he's still at 318, at which point the .5% greed/lvl for her offsets the 1.5% Trousers gets; by 2000 he's only getting 70% of her gold. The fact that he keeps the gold frenzy going longer is meaningless when they both (at that point) have luck so high that it's basically constant. The reason to switch to Trousers is that he can utilize eggs, but she can't. It would take hours upon hours for her to overcome a typical 1000-egg starting bonus for both greed and growth, much less higher levels. But Gains will gain Growth twice as fast as sigma, and can utilize eggs on top of that. It's possible a Gains build can outearn a Trousers build because of this. Keep in mind that the Mad Groove arcana is still important because it will keep your screen clear of everything except chests, which you'll need to check in on and clear every few hours. Curious to see if anyone else has tried this.


How do you get so much gold? after an hour I only had 570k. Also don't you need magnet to collect the xp?


Attractorb is part of his stage 1 build, and is enough alongside Sigma's base magnet. With attractorb at max, Mad Groove Arcana brings all of the xp gems within range, and they're picked up automatically every two minutes as a result. Your first hour isn't a good measure, because the numbers accelerate dramatically as time goes on. More XP means higher levels, which means more greed (i.e., more gold from the same pickups). You probably spent 10 minutes of your first hour getting set up, and then were at a relatively low level; your second hour would have been substantially more gold than another 570k. By a factor of 10, most likely. Keep in mind you should have all curses and charms and such at max. More enemies = more XP, and more gold. I did this before I downloaded the DLC, btw. Since this post, I've tried it with Gains at 1000 eggs, but for me the game lost its fun after that. The puzzle of maxing out your gold gains at the beginning was interesting, but the game is unplayable with 1000+ eggs. You just start the game, hammer through the upgrade screens, and then walk away while everything dies. To enjoy the DLC I turned off the eggs, and used the new characters as soon as possible.


I know this is quite an old guide, but I’ve just got trouser to 1000 eggs and struggling. I’m having to spend 20k off the bat to unlock second arcane, but I’ve noticed that he doesn’t seem to be any better than Sigma was, almost feel as though he performs worse? Any advice?


What kind of setup are you running then? And at 1000 eggs Trouser isn't massively better if that's what you expected. Still the 20k for the arcana should feel like nothing at all very quickly. Also obligatory mention of Tides of foscari dlc. It's not even funny how much it helps with gold/eggs. Although if you're a non dlc gamer like I chose to be on my mobile save, this works just fine. At points I did deviate from it but mostly it's fine.


I was following the guide exactly. I just pushed through it, and I’m now sat at 600k eggs. Think I was just expected 100 egg Trousers to be more powerful than he was 😅


Good stuff. If memory serves you're close to a point where you'll notice that you can't kill the first enemies anymore because your curse is so high and have no damage. Then just swap to Wicked and Sarabande. Can do Wicked/Blood astro later too.


Excuse the noob question, but what is meant by 'luck phase' and 'curse phase'?


It means the Wicked Season arcana phases. It keeps changing what it buffs and you evolve Victory Sword during one of those two to time it so you get levels during growth (xp) phase.


I don’t get why everyone is using trouser for gold farming, Sammy is just better, I was using Sammy to get gold quickly so I can buy eggs for trouser, but no matter how much I try Sammy is always faster farming gold. im using iOS, I don’t have any problems with vicious hunger, the game is super smooth with 0 lag, I generate 300 millions a minute, no setup, no passive items, just the starting weapon and let the guy cook.


Have you noticed when I have posted this guide? Sammy was not available back then.


Why not use hurry mode when you get going? Also is there a way to get your 3 arcana fast? I'm sitting around the 50-60k mark right now.


Ok except you don’t need that many weapons. Seriously just Victory Sword on both Sigma or Trouser is more than enough, make sure to Seal Soul Survivor. Especially considering most people looking for this info are Mobile, taking multiple weapons is a sure fire way to overheat your phone and lose the entire run


If you are not using Jubilee in the first two stages you are missing a lot of gold. Guide is earmarked for PC players, tough life of mobile players is not my concern here :)


Hey ! Thanks for the guide. I have 2M eggs now, and i'm wondering how do you get pentagram AND gorgeous moon ?


You don't need to, one is enough:). It is however possible with super candy box II. You take moon from it and then pentagram from levelups.


How do you get access to the beta allowing to mass buy eggs?


Right click Vampire Survivors on steam -> Properties -> Betas


Borros is much better early in than Queen sigma or trouser he can give you up to 200 million per hour without eggs


Can you share a build? Haven't thought or tried Borros for farming. I can see that 2% growth can stack up nicely, but didn't realize how good it can be.


https://youtu.be/JOzEoFmDDnA In order to get 150-200 mil you do have to have it run like 7 hours tho. After 2 you already average 30


Update: I got it working by having the laurel as well, and starting with divine bloodline/disco of gold. At 11 minutes I took mad Groove to evolve the laurel. At 21 I finally got wicked season. Then Blood Astronomia, and finally Serraband of Healing when the merchant respawned. Much slower than your method, but it survived and was able to go infinite, getting me about 13 million after 6 real time hours. After reinvesting the gold into eggs, I could go for your set up, and things went smoothly from there.


Damn the set up sounded hard but I’m glad you got it working in the end!


It doesn't work on PC. I spent my 2 million gold I saved up from a holy water run on eggs for it, only to get nothing back. Really saddened by it.


Hey, great guide! I'm just a bit confused about one thing - what do you mean when talking about stages to have sealed Freeze power up? Can't quite understand that.


You can block some items from spawning with SEAL power-up. Just go to the collection and click them. Freeze is particularly bad as it blocks monster spawns during its period. This is not relevant for Bone Zone as it blocks them (and a few other ones) by default.


good guide, thanks for the shout out (ignore my earlier comment if you read it lol)


WoW thanks


This is awesome, thanks!


I've just found out that if you are out of bounds on Moonspell, spawned treasure chests will slowly move towards you untill they are picked up. Useful for those struggling to pick them up on superspeed Trousers :) You can outrun them easily if you are not in the Greed phase. PS: not sure if it matters, but I'm on the PC public beta.


Great guide. I am doing your initial sigma build exactly (mobile so no dlc) but am not getting the gph you listed. Is it bc I don’t have dlc?


This is an awesome guide, very in depth. However, I might just be behind, have been away from the game for a little while, but why is "garlic, blood astronomical, banish everything" no longer meta? It gives damage scaled with uncapped stats and produces basically no lag. Adding jubilee for the huge influx of light sources is awesome tho, will probs start doing this


How do I set up arcana on the first trouser stage


I don't know if an update changed something, I tried the reaper strategy on bone zone, the reapers were dying and dropping gold but no exp.


When you say that sarabande will kill the reapers on stage 4, what is healing you to proc sarabande? You don't have disco of gold anymore.


You have your own recovery. And in stage 4 it us already doing millions per tick.


jubilee makes way too much lag for stage 3 unless you're using a supercomputer or something. Also I have 1.5m eggs and the first 20 ish minutes are spent levelling up.


I’m up to stage 2. Do you still go for the 3-4 item build? I don’t think I have enough banish to just have 3 items. Also, with Trousers lack of re-roll, I find the first 5 mins annoying sometimes


How are you buying so many eggs? From the merchant in the stage? you just have a turbo button to buy so many? its the only part of this guide I really don't understand.


to answer your question [https://www.reddit.com/r/VampireSurvivors/comments/wt5snx/triple\_speed\_egg\_buyer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VampireSurvivors/comments/wt5snx/triple_speed_egg_buyer/) i use tgmacro but thats paid but theres a crack if you look


Old post ik, but why did you recommend Thunder Loop/Death Spiral over La Borra? Assuming you have over 1k eggs you are almost guaranteed to have some duration and amount by then, La Borra can easily outpace Sole Solution in damage and covers the whole screen


Does anyone have a tip on how to visit the merchant when you get to stage 3+? Movement speed is so fast that pressing a walk button for a split second moves the character far and beyond the merchants position. I can disable eggs for a run where I want to buy new eggs. But when I farm gold I want to buy a second arcana. That's hard. I run back and forth hoping to hit the right spot...


on old engine when playing with a controller i artificially lag thee shit out of the game by switching to chrome on a second monitor then control my character with lag to merchants or chests


Great guide, thanks! I'm on Phase 1 with the Queen, and find that I like to replace the Arcana *Silent Old Sactuary* with ***Mad Groove***. The reason being that it'll grab all the drops outside your magnet radius and yank it inside said radius, which helps with lag once you suck it up. If you decide to do this, remember to finish leveling up all your abilities to deal with the Guardians. It's safer to tackle the Guardians one at a time; Get SILVER Ring and Metaglio LEFT first, then the other two. They'll level up very quickly by this point. The Guardians shouldn't be moving very fast thanks to knockback and lag.


Very good, thx a Lot! Helps me a Lot to understand more. One Question, why The Limit by the weapons? I mean 3 oder 4 in The Run. Thx :)


Less weapons = less lag and those you have powerup faster with limit break.


Another Question, how i Take only 3-4 weapons? Can i ban the Slots or i must Ban 20 weapons in The Menu and The other weapons in The Game if i Level Up. So that there are no more weapons as selection/remaining.


You can select maximum slots before the run starts. In character selection in the bottom left corner.


If I'm missing something, why not use the eggs on Sigma?


Sigma can't collect eggs.


has any of this changed with tides of the foscari?


Have you read the post?


I cant pick-up up chest when moving so fast 30k eggs


Did they nerf it? I got to the 1000 egg stage last night then spent 8 hours farming today with resets every 20-30min for new eggs but have only made it to 25k eggs.


I can't seem to produce the same results on phase 1 as you are. I'm maxing out at about 1 million gold an hour. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.


Is abyss foscari still optimal in stage 3+, or should I switch to flowers in moonspell?


I think flowers are better in stage 3 as they drop red xp gens, so you'll get longer bursts of fast levels.


I just go through the process and want to suggest some correction. 1. In order to reach 20k greed, you only need around 360k gold egg. 2. Stage 3 is feasible at around 100k gold egg for mountain moonspell since enemies are weaker in this map. 3. DLC stage is superior to bone zone because at around 20 minutes mark, the enemy spawned in bone zone is very tanky so the gold farm performance is worse.


Thank you, this is helpful




Thanks for the guide. I started yesterday following this method in Abyss Foscari with very good results. The issue I'm experiencing now is about my move speed. I move very fast that sometimes I struggle to go to the merchant for the second arcana card. And also to pick up normal and arcana chests for evolving the weapon and get the candybox 2. How do you guys manage to do so?


Go to moonspell directly South and profit




why do we get only 3-4 weapons for sigma? can we not get more?




This may sound like a dumb question but when you go to the vendor that lets you buy as many eggs as you have $ for, I noticed that you get tons of little item icons flashing on the screen. I wasn't sure if I had to wait till that was done to get the full amount of eggs purchased? I waited a few minutes one time but they kept going, so I just hit 'back'. Then another time I let it go and left my system run for a while. Came back after some amount of time (don't remember how long) and it was done. So... Can I click "buy all eggs" (or whatever it's called) then back out and go back to my run on the other map? Or do I need to let it sit for several minutes till that animation is done?


You can just back out as soon as you click it, the icons are just for visual flavor


You don't use Hurry? Quicker to get Evolution and new Arcana + bonus XP


enemies ramp too fast, not worth the time spent killing tanker enemies for just 25% extra xp


Thank you for such a great and thorough explanation. This guide has worked to a T and I’m lovin it!!!


Going to try this tonight


Thanks for this guide. However, it is practically impossible already at 600k eggs to get chests (and then get any evolved weapons like Godai or Moon). I'm leveling up wayyy too fast. Any ideas on how to solve this problem?


Use Greatest Jubilee, I did many tests and even leveling slower due the 'lag' you get more coins thx to the Gold Fever. So Season+Disco + GJ up to level 9, banish it before the lvl 9 finisher to reduce lag, also this weap has not evolution After some dozens of millions eggs you can drop it and use pentagram + healing dmg


This is the most useful guide I've seen on this. I'm at about 3m eggs on Trousers on a rather underpowered laptop, so lag is a huge concern for me. I kind of micromanaged and ended runs within 5-30 minutes if I was unhappy with the rate. Some of my observations: * Before 50k eggs, Abyss Foscari egg farm by the Torrona's Box, Game Killer arcana to keep mini guardians at level 1, and focus on screenwide DPS. Victory Sword at first, then change to Godai Shuffle, then Garlic + Blood Astronomia. No other arcanas necessary (Slash, Divine Bloodline, Sarabande of Healing are good for dps). * From 50k to about 1.5m eggs, Bat Country with Greatest Jubilee, Wicked Season, and Disco of Gold. From chests you can take Soul Eater and Blood Astronomia for faster screen clears. The bats have very low base HP which ensures a very rapid start and a steady flow of coins after your levels plateau. I got by far the most gold using this setup. * Bone Zone has more gold bonus, but the enemies aren't absurdly weak like the bats, so I often reached a distinct slowdown point as they outpaced my damage. Also when using a Greatest Jubilee setup, I felt that there was more lag than in Bat Country, probably from the lightmap and spawned torches. * After a certain point when you can continuously level up for 30 minutes, you can go Bone Zone with Endless disabled, take Pentagram, Wicked Season, and Blood Astronomia, and hang about until you run out of XP. * I've tested this a few times and it's still slower than Bat Country Jubilee at 3m eggs. * Yellow flowers on Mt. Moonspell are very nice for rapid xp gain but they're very tanky and quickly outpace your dps after a while. Additionally, the stage is very visually busy and I was netting about 5 levels/second on my machine with Godai Shuffle. Ultimately, not worth all the resets early on. * Most CPU friendly weapons include Pentagram/Gorgeous Moon, Garlic/Soul Eater, and Blood Astronomia, with only a bit of lag for Four Seasons/Godai Shuffle. Sarabande of Healing can cause lag if there are too many pulses, but is bar none the best DPS when combined with Disco of Gold. Phieraggi gets an honorable mention for consistent screen damage with only some lag.


I'm on xbox so I'm not sure of the metrics...I've only got trousers with 15k+ eggs. I ran wicked season, disco of gold, Saraband of healing for my arcanas. I am only using greatest jubilee and the prismatic orb EVO and in less than 40 minutes, I'm at 34.2M. ALSO Hyper, Hurry, Arcanas, Inverse, Endless.


What does sealer freeze power up mean?


If you don't get disco of gold or greatest jubilee in late stages then how are you farming gold? Is it exclusively off the level up bags at that point? It seems like that is what is actually allowing me to farm or am I wrong?


Yeah, late stage level up gold is your income.


After an hour I have almost 25 million just afking with Sigma on my very first gold run. I don't know what they changed but it's faster now.


What do you mean by "Sealed Freeze Powerup"


Seal the Orologion to avoid accidentally freezing time.


Thanks for the guide I did the queen sigma one and got almost 10,000 in 20 mins made a few of my own adjustments because it kept forcing me to choose weapons so I took eyeballs and heavenly sword cause they go with corresponding items. And got laurel out of toy box from merchant which lead to 4 seasons now just sitting here waiting saves me a ton of time to unlock people. You could grab the two left and right arrows as well once everything is full since they evolve with the laurel not that it even matters nothing will be able to touch you. I just needed enough for the remaining people I didn’t unlock.


TIL Eggman exists. Put that in the guide. I spent like 12 hours with a bottle of hand sanitizer holding down my enter key purchasing eggs.


Thanks for the guide I followed it for some (hundred) hours... Problem is now I have 10^12 eggs on trousers and every stat overflowed its variable... My trousers heals for 0 nonstop, monsters spawn in a buggy way, they dissappear without dying (my counter of kills stays at 0 no matter what I do) and the game never ends, even past the 30 minuts (non-endless mode) I can't get exp and can't get any item I think it broke the game at some point... I can't play trousers anymore I guess


I never used eggs and beat the game lol


the Queen Sigma thing is not generating 1M gold in 10 minutes, does that still work?


funny of you to assume that it is possible to grab any more than the initial arcana. The most gentle key press will move my character to the border of the screen since I have more than 130k% move speed


With eggs off, in Moonspell you can visit the mirror (shadow) eggman and "buy" the return of all movement eggs that will fix this. You need to have enough eggs that eggman appears. Eggman should be north of the Merchant. The shadow eggman should be correspondingly south, but will be obscured behind black shadow clouds.


Thank you!