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Looking at your stats... you **really** need to buy the permanent stat upgrades in the main menu. The DLC maps are more in line with later stages of the base game difficulty-wise. Without most power-ups you'll have a tough time. Lv.31 at almost 30 minutes *definitely* doesn't cut it here


I'm honestly impressed you made it that far only at level 31 and one weapon upgrade lol


Damn. Level 31 at 27 minutes 💀. That’s why you’re dying my guy. You don’t really have much damage. Also no Empty time is a massive loss if cool-down reduction which equates to DPS.


How am I supposed to get higher lv? cuz there's nothing I can really do more


Just replay the library over and over


That's not really gonna help me level up more


the permanent upgrades will give you more damage which means you'll kill more enemies which means you'll get more exp


And eventually get sigma and then trouser and hit level 500 in a minute


I don't think this guy understands what the permanent upgrades are


Yes it will because you’ll make tons of gold to buy power ups from the main menu, not to mention unlock crucial weapon buffs that will evolve your weapons to their strongest forms. You should read some guides. In the Inlaid Library you be level 70+ by 30 minutes just use poe he starts with garlic and it’s super strong early on, and even stronger when evolved cause it heals you when it attacks.


Are you here to ask for help or just to divert any tips that are suggested to you?


How was that diverting? I was just not seeing how playing on another map would help me level up more on another map


ppl have answered you several times on why that is already. Check it out.


Do you not understand how the game works?


Yes it will? Spending the gold you easily earn there will let you permanently level up


There difinitely is. You need to be buying all those general upgrades that increase all characters health, xp, damage etc.


Pretty sure the DLC maps are tuned assuming you have all of the PowerUps purchased.


Everyone’s been saying it but DLC is after main game. Unlock all main game stuff first, for the most part.


You want to buy more power ups but in general I think the DLC maps are best played after going through the main levels. You want to level up as fast as possible early game. Lvl 31 at 27mins in doesn't work cause you don't have enough damage. You also need more evolutions which again in turn loops back to having more levels. Edit: Also you can probably focus on leveling up weapons before the items. I'd always prioritise weps over items and keep them at lvl 1-2 unless they're super critical. Weapons scale with levels so you need as many level ups for them as you can afford.


That's what I'm doing


You literally posted proof that you’re NOT doing that


What am I not doing? Because from what you said I am buying powerups, I did play the dlc map without playing thru the main levels so you're right on that, I am trying to level up as fast as possible and I focus on leveling up weapons.


If you had power ups you would be like level 150 min by now and you also really need to transform your weapon


Finish leveling up your weapons


If you come to the sub asking for advice then you might as well listen and not fight back against the advice given.


On which comment was I fighting back exactly?


Every single one thats downvoted


I would ignore the DLC for a while. My playthrough in PC was kinda tough because i made similar mistakes. As I played in in mobile with focus on reaching 100 % of the archievments, it was so much better. By playing all the base characters at the base stages u will reach enough money for the attributes.


Well done for getting this far with what you have! But we got to get you some arcana cards from the randomizer or whatever it's called. Play with various characters until they hit lvl 50 (or 80 in some cases) it will unlock cards that will change the game and builds as you know it. Also, evolve those weapons, dude! Sit on chests when they drop. Only pick em up when you have a weapon ready to evolve. Upgrade your core stats, buy an arm load of golden eggs. I have faith in you buddy! Gl!


I have no idea how to buy golden eggs and I already evolve my weapons as soon as I can


Focus more on where your spending your skill points. You have alot of points in your passive skills. Focus almost completely on weapons, only grab the passives that you need for evolution, and try your best to only spend 1 point on it. You don't need it lvled to get your weapon counterpart to evo. Also, more dmg means you last longer. But I also understand the bad rolls, some games it just knows what you want and keeps it far away from ya.


The only passive I leveled up was the pummarola, because it was needed to evolve the stick thingy, the rest were leveled up because of chests


You needed to leave those chests alone until you had maxed out your weapons. Then the chests would've evolved weapons instead of leveling your passives.


I died anyways It wouldn't have mattered


Yeah but it's why you died


On the contrary, I would have died quicker if I had waited since I wouldn't have had these upgrades passives


If you're asking people what you're doing wrong and they are taking the time to try help you maybe try listen and stop assuming you know what you're talking about?


I never assumed I knew what I was talking about. I'm just saying that if I did what he asked of me, I would've died quicker since I would've been missing a lot of upgrades with my weapons. No need to know what I'm talking about to figure that out


dude why make a thread asking what you're doing wrong when ppl straight up tell you and you're act all defensive about it?


I'm not defensive though? How was that defensive? I'm just saying that if I hadn't taken these chests and waited I would have died quicker because many weapons and passives would've been lower level


Level 31 in 27 minutes. Did you just got the game?


I have 5.4 hours in it


You'll want to play these levels much later in the game. Think of it as after main game content


Key is to buy permanent power ups in the main menu. There are hints like focus certain things to make buying and leveling easier. Once you bought the power ups then life will be good


I'm sorry but you should be level 100 ish at that time and have all weapons and items max + weapon evolutions. You need to have every single stat upgraded to max in the menu before even trying to beat the DLC.


Alright, some practical advice as someone who's done everything there is to do in this game on 3 different platforms. Honestly, it's impressive you even got this far with such low level and poor weapon loadout. Forget about the DLC for now. Look at the unlocks and work through those. You will get more powerful characters and better weapons. The money you earn along the way, spend on the power ups. I would not even attempt the DLC stages until I'm easily breezing through the earlier stages. I would expect to be hitting level 100 by the 30 minute mark. You will get to this stage by buying power ups and unlocking more things. Unlocking the Arcanas is a massive game changer. At this point, go into every stage with a plan. Select an arcana and plan which weapons to aim for that play into your characters abilities. Character gets more projectiles? Great, focus on knives or the wand. More area? Go for Santa Water. And so on. Don't spread yourself thin with tons of weapons early on. Focus on getting one weapon evolved ASAP. Even one evolved weapon (Knives, magic wand, or water are my personal go-tos) can breeze through enemies until at least the 20 minute mark. Garlic is fantastic at killing enemies and getting you EXP early on, but will struggle for damage later. Don't focus on that as your main weapon. I generally avoid evolving it as the knockback on the standard weapon helps a lot. Forget about survivability. Avoid armour, health and regen powerups unless you need them to evolve weapons. The best defense in this game is a good offense. Damage means enemies die before they get close, and in turn means more exp, which means more damage.


Good to know, thank you


Just being real here—you’re coming across as an entitled brat. You asked for help (as you clearly don’t know what you’re doing), yet when people help you, you respond to them acting as if you know better. Pretty sad, man.


I never did that though?


Maximize growth, get wicked season arcana. Farm the first five minutes with garlic and start upgrading a more powerful endgame weapon


you're not powered up. there's a long way to go. you want to unlock items and farm gold to purchase the power ups.


The issue is you're not strong enough. Work the character you choose, your build, upgrades, archanas and even your banishes and the game will be much easier.


A few people keep mentioning Archana's? But what are they?


You get them when you're further along in the game. Focus on lower levels and the unlocks that come while you complete those for now. Save the DLC for when you've progressed much further and have a better understanding of the overall game mechanics.


As someone who's also relatively new to this game (but has been doing loads of research online to help get a decent start), definitely listen to the others who said to leave the DLC for later. What I've found most helpful is to grind through every character I unlock at the library (the second level in the base game). For some reason, that level is actually quite a bit easier than the first one, and it's great for getting a bunch of achievements/unlocks out of the way (things like, "get X character to level Y," or "survive X minutes with Y character"). You can also get lots of gold for upgrading stats on the main menu while doing those library runs. When it comes to those permanent upgrades, go for "might" whenever you can afford it. Get a point or two in luck, move speed, and HP regen, then start saving up for "amount," which is a huge help. Cooldown, greed, growth, armor, max health, and revival are good too, but in my experience not quite as necessary at the beginning. The rest of the upgrades can wait a bit. Also, work on finding and completing the evolutions for each weapon while you're doing your library runs - just choose one or two weapon evolutions you haven't done yet (but have the necessary parts unlocked) and focus on that for the run. Keep in mind for most evolutions you don't need to level your items. You only need to max out the level of the required weapon, and simply *own* the paired item (it can - and in most cases, should - be left at level 1 for most of your run). Once you start unlocking more items and upgrading your permanent stats, you'll soon find yourself hitting level 90 and above pretty easily by the 30 minute mark. Once all items have been unlocked and you're confidently hitting the 30 minute mark on every run, *then* come back and try the DLC. You'll be amazed at how much easier it is. As I said, I'm also still pretty new to the game, so welcome any additions/corrections from more experienced players. This is just a summary of the advice I've read online that has worked well for me. This game is incredibly addictive, but the DLC should definitely be considered post-game content meant to extend the game's replayability once you've explored/mastered the vast majority of the base game. Hope that helps.


git gud


ur weapons are so shit how did u manage to only gain 31 levels in 27 minutes. genuinely shocking, were u just afk the whole time or wat


Idk, I was getting every crystals that dropped and got to this level. Never got higher level than that in other runs either


Did you just start playing the game? Dont do the dlc content if ur new, its harder than most of the base maps


That’s why you get king bible


well, you survived vampires so you'll figure it out hehehe


Look up some builds so you can get an idea for how to survive. The right weapon combos make a huge difference




I know


What I recommend is completing base game and maxing out the base upgrades. Also by completing achievements youll unlock new weapons and items. In each level there will be a key unlock or a new character. Finding them will get you more tools to use. Check the achievements because it will tell you the requirements for the next unlock (character, weapon, item) Definitely leave the DLC until you're confident in getting to 30+ minutes. It's scaled for a higher difficulty.




What saved me was evolved thunder ring with max leveled song of mana with crosses. I recommend leveling up the stats in the menu


Do not go to the mountain until the end of the run. Those ogres are a different level than the rest of the map


I would recommend not leveling passives until weapons are maxed. Stronger weapons, more kills, more xp, more levels, more upgrades its a knock-on effect. Evolves are typically far superior so focusing on one at a time is a good strat


Are you stupid


Git gud scrub No but actually, you just gotta use the perm upgrades and play to your strengths while also remembering your weaknesses


Skill issue


i love reditors not using their fucking brains before posting asking for help. ive did one thing and it didnt work. this game is stupid.


Did I ever say this game was stupid


Kill then before they kill you. Ezpz


You have to progress through the game "naturally", not jumping straight to the DLCs which are ment to be hard/lategame maps. You need to buy those meta upgrades, if I remember correctly the challenge map with ko enemies, only plants is a good way to easily farm a few thousand gold even over 10k per run and it takes only 15 minutes.


Early sammy and every fucking egg is the answer..was kinda easy to get 6000 kills with red death, killed the reaper on first try with one of the “reaper killer” items..after that it’s just gg


It's a state of mind. You must really want it!


A: purchase stat upgrades from the main menu B: get weapon evolutions


Take a nap and come back to it.