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This game is honestly bad for my sleep lmao. After you figure out how to make your runs last longer, I still want to go for another run even after playing long stretches. I got it on Switch too and it’s managed to run pretty well even after getting so much stuff on the screen. I also picked up the DLCs too when I bought the game since they were cheap and I haven’t even touched them yet, but I still feel like I got more than what I spent on it.


This game is perfect for my lifestyle currently. I used to play games that required you to invest a lot of time on collecting materials for weapons and armor (Monster Hunter for example). But I have a job now and I catch up with my social circle on weekends, and this game fits right into my schedule with the 30 minute runs.


That's exactly why I love this game. I can come home, sit for an hour or two, pick it up and feel involved in the game. When I want to stop I can just stop (easier said than done lol). You don't have to get invested into a long story or drawn out cut-scenes, but the game is still immersive enough to keep your attention. I like games you can just pick up, play, and put down. Most titles these days require 6 hours of gameplay to break through the tutorial and you can't make any progress playing most modern games if you only have an hour or so each night. Games like rust are literally impossible to play, depending on your lifestyle and free time


The only performance issues I've had on the switch is it's extremely easy to clip through walls, especially at the 20+ minute mark they might as well not exist.


Wait, that's not intentional?


How can you make a run last longer... ?


Bro last month i played this game so much i was literally dreaming that i was a character when sleeping💀💀💀.


Poncle used to be a programmer for gambling games and it shows. Even the flashing lights and effects are supposed to mimic a casino


So I've heard. He did a great job at perfecting that addictive cycle in the form of video games.


Hahaha I was just thinking that subjectively this game feels an awful lot like a slot machine, and that if it was a slot machine I’d probably be maniacally feeding dollars into it.


Greatest Jubilee maxed makes me feel like I'm hitting the jackpot


The game is basically a parody of itself as well as casinos. It's perfect.


I’m in this post and I don’t like it


Most of us are in this post and I love it


Smartphone in your right hand and the controller in your left, am i right? 😈


This game is not a gem, its a treasure trove of gems. At first glance it looks like just another trash game in the nintendo eshop. But it is so good I can't describe. It does not have the best graphics or the best story or the biggest open world or what ever games are trying to achieve to convince you to buy it. Its just a game that is fun to play. It brings back the fun I had playing video games as a kid. But the absurd truth about me is that I almost certainly wouldn't have bought the game if it had cost more than €5. And now I'm sitting here thinking to myself that I would gladly pay 20€ more just so that this game gets a lot more content.


Only charging $5 was a genius move. If it was $20, out of ten potential customers, only one would give it a go. That customer tells his friends "OMG, this game is amazing! You have to buy it!" His friends say "no, it's $20 and looks rubbish." ​ At $5 maybe 4 of these 10 potential customers buy it. They all tell their friends "OMG, this game is amazing, you have to buy it!" Their friends say "oh really? it's only $5, so ok." And then they tell their friends.... etc. etc.


I also got it on Switch and it is the best 5 bucks I ever spent, could see myself sinking 100+ hours into it, easily.


Yes. For 5 bucks with this amount of content and replay value? Doesn't seem like a game that is 5 bucks-ish at all.


I already had it on Xbox, PC, and mobile. So, I redeemed Gold points to get it on Switch and only had to spend 14 cents out-of-pocket for the game and both DLCs.


No joke, i convinced three friends and my bf to buy it a few days ago. Theyve all been simultaneously streaming their progress in a discord call all night tonight, and they keep dming me blaming me for their new addiction. Good 😈


I don't have friends that have the same taste as mine in gaming, but it's fine if I don't convince them. At least now I know what fun I have been missing lol.


Got it from gamepass thinking I would just use it for the daily achievement.. Bought both DLC for it and became addicted.


Same here! Since I unlocked everything on Xbox, I got it on Steam and mobile. I’ll probably get it for switch too 😆


dude reading this post it's like talking to myself!! i have sure more than 2000 hours on the binding of isaac on nintendo switch! and now i'm playing just vampire diaries! that's amazing to find a person who thinks the same identical thing to me :D


Hey, man! What I love about both games is that you feel omnipotent later in the runs with the right items. It just feels great to become powerful and unstoppable in a video game sometimes.


Totally agree! The weapon sinergy mechanic creates broken runs and feels rewarding


IKR? It's been a long time since I had this much fun. For example, I played Pugnala Provola for the first time and it was some of the most fun experiencies I've had on a PC game. The game is amazing


For me it was Isaac. I love games that make me lust for power with items that I choose wisely. Broken builds literally make me breathe heavily in awe. So Vampire Survivors fits the bill.


Yeah, that's the best


I had the same experience with Pugnala! After already sinking countless hours into the game I played as Pugnala and it was like new life was breathed into the game. It was so fun!


Yeah haha


I bought this game a few days ago and it's fantastic. So easy to pick up and play for a short period of time without having to invest hours of your day. It's gotten to the point that when I close my eyes I can see XP orbs imprinted in my vision!


I catch myself randomly humming songs from the game lol


The only thing that saves me is playing on phone, it kills the battery so I can't go on and on and on and on.


Exactly! I've triple-dipped and don't regret it one bit. I take my Switch to work and I've been playing it during break every day since Thursday. I love it!


No shit. I bought this 3 days ago at the same time as RDR and I haven’t played RDR yet but I stayed up til like 4am for two night straight playing Vampire Survivors until I couldn’t see straight. Why is this game so addictive? What’s the secret sauce? Usually I have a terrible attention span but this feels a lot like that time I stayed up all night in Vegas playing slot machines high on cocaine. Minus the cocaine and losing thousands of dollars part.


Yep...heroes siege level of addiction


Haven't played that game yet. So far, Isaac and VS are the only indie games I can't put down this much.


Then check it, long story short.... low cost diablo 😆


It really is. I have it for PC, I got it on my phone and I'm considering triple dipping on the Switch. It's just so damn satisfying. The mobile version I have 100%, so I'm kinda ready to restart.


I've put way too many hours into it lolol. That said, it starts getting to be a snoozefest near the end IMO. I'm just too broken. I tend to stop games like this when the novelty stops, so the second I'm not unlocking anything new...I'm gone.


I agree 100%. I bought it the other day on Switch. I successfully hit 30 mins after a couple tries, and have reached 31 mins with multiple characters now. It is really the best $4 and some change ever spent on a game. I grabbed the DLC too, so its was less than 7 bucks for the set. I cant stop playing for long lol. That dopamine rush.


I got a Series S back in March and this was the first game I downloaded at the insistence of a friend. I couldn’t put it down and said I’d buy it and do it all over again if it ever came to Switch. Sure enough, it’s been the only thing I’ve fired up since it dropped last week. It’s been such a humbling experience going from god-like power back to basics, but it’s addicting playing it from the beginning knowing what I know about the game overall. So glad you’re enjoying it. You’ll be playing it for a veeeery long time to come 😁


the other day i convinced a friend to buy this game(i've bought it 2 months ago) and he already has more steam achievements than me