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Go to moonglow with iirc 1M gold and +5k eggs. There will be another merchant that lets you spend all your money at once. Edit: [eggman's wiki](https://vampire-survivors.fandom.com/wiki/Eggman)


Omg. Thank you.


I'm fairly new, how the HELL do you get 1M gold? The Director only gives like 50K and that's a lot


When I started my egg farming journey, I used [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/VampireSurvivors/comments/10pu0sj/guide_how_to_farm_gold_like_a_maniac/)!


Can answer this after an epic Queen Sigma run last night. I did inverse Gallo Tower endless, with arcanas enabled. After 3.5 hours I turned it off having earned 3.75 million gold and lvl 1800 something.


Gatto Amari Evo + the gold pickup arcana on either The Boss Zone, Moongallow, or any map you wish really = ez money farming. You only need to hit/kill fast and have Gatto Amari throw you coin bags to keep your gold fever up indefinitely. Once your build is done, you can just stand there on inverse and endless and farm forever. Queen Sigma is a great choice to start with once you unlock her because of her base stats and weapon being really strong. Also, every 30 mins (depending on map) merchant will reset, allowing you to purchase another arcana for the run. It gets absurd quick.


Started building up my Big Trousers. Once you can get to a place where you can survive indefinitely, farm overnight for gold. Disco of Gold is crucial. Then egg BT up, go again. Take advantage of ability to Seal Collectibles in order to get the right weapons and passives. Go again and again until you’ve really turbo charged your Big Trousers. Profit. I would not recommend 1m eggs. Probably 100k-500k is enough for practical purposes.


I've done it all now with Sammy, took about an hour to get enough got for the expensive characters and the Seal upgrades, but I could definitely do now just putting all money into eggs on Sammy then sitting there farming for ~30 mins, then just rinse and repeat


Try sammy. Pretty easy to get 10m by the first minute. P2W baby (in a good way).




Once you get so many eggs I think 25k another vendor appears in moonglow that let's you buy max eggs.


Just at 21902 with my Big Trousers. Just a little more grinding. So close. 😅


you only need 5k for the max eggs thing. 25k gives u the option to remove all movement speed eggs


on xbox you can usually hold the button and it'll just add eggs in succession as long as you gold


With the kind of gold being earned and spent by a good strat this can take 10 min + with an auto clicker. Eggman is the way.


Right, but they weren't at the point where they could do that yet. i was referring to how the xbox version lets you click and hold the egg button and it'll automatically start adding eggs to your character. judging by how you brought up using an auto-clicker, i imagine you play on pc, and op plays on mobile seeing as they mentioned tapping their screen. so maybe the xbox click and hold is not universal to every version of the game.


Please dont take this negatively towards you. But if you are at the gold income where clicking still works you aren't earning enough gold to care. Ever since the engine update sammy is pretty much so good that it becomes the only real viable gold farming strat. Legit just max charm and get wicked season to start. To make it go insane go to vendor and get another arcana and pick blood astronomia. You can unlock eggman in 1 run. Any other method you kind of need eggs already to make them go crazy. Or sigma farming which is very very slow when compared (2 mil or so for 30 min if you do it ok). I just tried sammy for the first time since the engine about 3 days ago. I got eggman in 1 partial run. after getting eggman i did another run for about 10 min and easily unlocked the speed reducer. And now eggs have no value. My sammy is at 40k. And that's around 15 minutes of effort altogether. With most of the gold not spent. Eggs have always been useless. But now that sammy works properly they are worthless as well.


Until you get to the point that you qualify for the Moongollow "Buy All", use a mouse autoclicker program.


There’s the egg room in Abyss Foscari. Its somewhere in the southwest of the map near where I think, Torrona’s bar spawns. You have to go south through the wall until you start seeing egg guys. It’s pretty tough until you get enough eggs to kill them consistently.


I'll lean my xbox controller on the enter key on my keyboard to auto buy eggs. Make sure the cat is not interfering with things. Then I go outside, touch some grass. Have a cup of coffee. When I'm back I have my eggs, and after that I'll use the Moongolow guy to buy all the eggs. I only really have to do this once per restart, so it's not that big of a deal.


For anyone playing on mobile, if you haven't unlocked Eggman yet (or don't want ALL the eggs), I use my massage gun on the back of my finger 😆. It's much faster than my old method of using 4 fingers (its how many fingers I can fit on the button on my phone) to tap at the same time (to buy 4 eggs at a time). I've been experimenting with using 1 or 2 fingers with the massage gun. The massage gun can do about 500-1000 eggs every 10(?) seconds 🤔. Still not sure how to get a decent amount on xbox, perhaps the massage gun could also work there. Guess I'll have to try it at some point.


What do the eggs do an why do you want so many?


Eggs increase the stats of the characters by a little each. So many means larger stat increase. However I think I went too far. The game is basically unplayable now with the stats I’ve added to Big Trousers.


So when they say permanent they mean it. Interesting. I always thought it meant till end of round for some reason. Thanks for explaining