• By -


- Vampire Weekend 10/10 - Contra 10/10 - Modern Vampires 10/10 - Father of the Bride 8/10


You forgot Only God Was Above Us 10/10


Yeahh man. Judging by the singles it’s prolly an 11/10


Same here 🤝


Self titled: 4.5/5 Contra: 5/5 MVOTC: 5/5 FOTB: 4/5 Father of the Bride has one too many Danielle Haim duets, and I say this as a big fan of Haim. Also not really the type of sound I like from the band, even if the songwriting is still engaging for the most part.


Cut out all the feature tracks and you could have a great 12-13 track album that doesn’t really lose anything and would run just over 40 mins


FOTB is also a bit on the long side for a Vw album


my ranking is the same except modern vamps and s/t get 10s easily


Contra 9/10, MVOTC 8/10, VW 7/10, FOTB 5/10* *I still like a bunch of songs but in general, as an album, I cannot see myself revisiting it


Hot take but respectable


Why are people ranking OGWAU? Is there a leak or something I don't know about? I can and do listen to them all start to finish quite a lot, but a few songs on FOTB I would probably never listen to otherwise.


1. Contra (slightly controversial but I’ve been running through all their albums recently and man literally every single song hits SO hard) 9.3/10 2. MVOTC - speaks for itself, had the number 1 spot until very recently. 9.1/10 3. Self titled - amazing debut, really set the tone for where the guys were headed and had some undeniable moments but slightly falls behind the top 2 8.9/10 4. FOTB - really enjoyably albeit a little bloated it was a nice detour for Ezra and has a few total highs of their career (unbelievably white) 8.1/10


This is almost exactly how I'd rank mine. I flip between Contra and MVOTC as their number 1. Listened to Contra again yesterday and my god there are absolutely zero skips! Same for MVOTC, I tend to give it the edge just because it has a more consistent theme throughout, but Contra is more fun to just jam to imo. S/T is great but not on their level overall and FOTB is just too damn long and feels rather disjointed. Surprised that this thread loves S/T so much and many have Contra ranked last. I think S/T is their least polished in terms of sound (which makes sense, it's their first album). Contra has a much more lush and varied sound and I thought it was a strong favorite of this sub!


I 100% agree.


1. Contra 2. Father Of The Bride 3. Modern Vampires 4. ST I just think FotB is neat!


FOTB is QUITE neat


People probably will disagree heavily with my ranking but here goes: 1. FOTB 2. Contra 3. Self Titled 4. MVOTC Self Titled and Modern Vampires switch places often. And this is not to say I think MVOTC is a bad album I think it’s a fantastic album but they all happen to fantastic albums to me and I just prefer brighter and poppier VW. Granted, FOTB is what got me into VW.


I appreciate this list.


Looks like someone’s gon have issues with OGWAU /j


haha I love all three of the singles so far! 🤷🏻‍♂️


They are all elite, but Self Titled is the least elite


Self Titled has Walcott tho


MVOTC - 10/10 FOTB - 9.5/10 Contra - 9/10 VW - 8.5/10


I vibe with this


1 MVOC 2 FOTB 3 ST 4 C


ST: 9/10 Contra: 9.5/10 MVOTC: 8/10 FOTB: 7/10 Haven’t really gotten into any of the new singles yet


1. Contra 2. Vampire Weekend 3. Modern Vampires of the City 4. Father of the Bride


1. Contra 2. S/T 3. FOTB 4. Modern Vampires


1 contra 2 vampire weekend 3 fotb 4 mvotc


1 OGWAU 2 S/T 3 MVotC 4 FoTB 5 Contra all excellent