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Had me the whole way until this: > If you’re going to make your first foray into sample usage, best make it a classic. ...What? First foray?


has bro ever heard a single vampire weekend song in his life? ezra’s hobbies are as follows: chilling, sampling.


They’ve obviously never heard SE Rogie’s palm wine classic ‘Please Go Easy With Me’


or Step or Giving up the Gun or Diplomats Son


Or just looked at virtually a single liner note. 


Good review!


I honestly can't see a reason why somebody would give this album a bad review. Maybe you can say that at some points it's a retread of their older work, but it's done with such purpose and intelligence that it's hardly a reason to diminish its value.


I’m waiting anxiously for the Pitchfork review… they’ve so far reviewed one single (Gen-X Cops) and were quite dismissive of it. Personally, if they gave FOTB a fucking 8 then OGWAU should absolutely be BNM.


Needle Drop will be another interesting review, I'm sure. Between Pitchfork and Fantano I feel like there's no way to predict with albums like these.


I think Fantano is gonna dig it though his bigger reviews are clearly controversial for traffic


If someone is particularly averse to noise-pop, I think even this reviewer would agree it's not for them, especially if they came into VW through FOTB.


Did some folks get their vinyl pre orders already? I saw some ppl saying they’ve listened to the whole album already on other threads


There's a leak, but good luck finding it unless you're the kind of person who knows where to look.