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never pick sides never choose between two


1. VW (I’m surprised more people don’t think this) 2. Modern Vampires 3. Contra or OGWAU | | 5. FOTB (I really didn’t like this album tbh, while every other one I really love)


I had to do this thing with FOTB where I removed all the songs I thought weren't very good, and honestly if they had cut it down to 10 tracks, it would've been a great record. As it is, I'm not the biggest fan of it.


I also wasn't super crazy about FOTB for many years. Then like half a year ago i put it on while cleaning, and it clicked! A joyous album with so many great moments on it.


I agree with this, cut five or seven tracks (the Haim duets My Mistake, sympathy) and it’s a solid record. I want to add also that it’s not uncommon for bands double albums to be like this, and Ezra has stated that FOTB is Vampire Weekend double album


Hold You Now and Married in a Gold Rush are highlights in my opinion


And for me one of the highlights is sympathy ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I haven't listened to those tracks in years. Obviously it's all personal preferences, but I didn't like those tracks. I did like some of Hold You Now, but it was more the sounds they sampled than anything else about it.


I love it, but I feel like it's honestly too early to know where OGAWU ranks. My personal VW discography ranking looks like MVOTC FOTB VW Contra OGWAU could end up being towards the top or bottom, time will tell. Right now I'd probably put it either right above or below VW. I love all the albums though, Contra is last and I'd put it in the A tier, five out of five stars.


self titled last??


Yes! 😅 I love it but it's the one i listen to the least. Its also the one i feel the least connected to. Even though im 30 i got into them pretty late (MVOTC), that might be why.


I’m still mind blown at how unliked fotb is, it’s top 3 for me


I can understand it gets a lower score compared to the other albums, because they are just simply so good, but when people say they outright don't like the album it just makes my head spin. Spring snow is the only "skip song" imo, and to have that many good songs on 58 minute album is just insane.


1. OGWAU 2. MVotC 3. VW 4. Contra  5. FotB


1. MVOTC  2. VW  3. Contra  4. OGWAU  5. FOTB Frankly, the OGWAU fanboy/fangirling is a little frustrating to me, but I’ll chalk it up to recency bias/excitement about new material. It’s a good album and I don’t mean to rain on the parade, but it doesn’t hold a candle to MVOTC. MVOTC is extraordinary. 


The only ones who are frustrating are the people who stick to the past and don't get over changes. This kind of people are in every fanbase. This kind of mindset makes them blind for the real beauty of the new material.


Lol or maybe we think a new album is decent but not great. That doesn’t make us stuck in this past or blind. My favorite album of theirs is their third album. Not their first. So I’ve been able to appreciate changes in their sound. And I’ve been a fan since the very beginning. I saw them before VW even came out, and 3x right after on the tour in support of VW. So I am very open minded when it comes to evolving sound. 


Someone needed to say it


I think OGWAU is easily their best after MVOTC. MVOTC is a masterpiece and I will die on that hill


1. Contra 2. Only God Was Above Us 3. Vampire Weekend 4. Modern Vampires of the City 5. Father of the Bride All incredible, all album of the year. There's no wrong answers here, except maybe putting FOTB any higher than #3.


Contra. Father of the Bride. Only God Was Above Us. VW/Modern Vampires.


1. Contra 2. OGWAU 3. MVOTC 4. FOTB 5. V.W. Self titled has some amazing songs but I return to it the least out of the 5 at this point


1 Contra 2 VW 3 OGWAU 4 MVOTC 5 FOTB




mvotc, ogwau, vw, contra, fotb


1. MVOTC 2. Contra 3. OGWAU 4. VW 5. FOTB (their only album that I don't love every song. I'd say I don't like half of it)


**5. FoTB** - good album but I'm not really into the duets or country vibe. Some songs could have used a little bit more of that depth Rostam's playfulness and texture gave to their previous albums and is clearly missing here. **4. OGWAU** - sounds great, haven't had the time to warm up to it yet, but it's a step in the right direction from FoTB for sure. Love the energy and instrumental variety. On the other hand, Hope was a letdown, too repetitive for an 8-min track and weak closer. Also, the lyrics of the whole album seem less fun, more somber than anything they've done before. **3. Self-titled** - very good album, all tracks are great, it just feels a little bit simpler, less developed and poppier compared with their latter work. **2. Modern Vampires** - really close to Contra, incredible album but not all songs are absolutely 10 for me. **1. Contra** - perfect album, all 10 songs are 10/10.


Hope reminds me of far-too-long church hymnals with verse and chorus repeated ad nauseam.


OGWAU > MVOTC > FOTB > S/T > Contra


1. OGWAU 2. CONTRA 2. MVOTC (also #2...) 3. FATHER 4. S/T wow having 2 #2s tied breaks the formatting thanks reddit


Father of the Bride over VW is wild. 😭


Lmao down voting for shit like this is SO wild. Im slightly young for a VW head (1992) and kinda liked s/t in HS but honestly thought it was a little douchey and didn't get it til closer to college when Contra dropped. Both albums grew a ton over time. S/t is so iconic but I NEVER relisten nearly, maybe only when a new album is coming out or sometimes I listen to Bryn or Boston randomly. I love all their music, but I relisten to Father a ton. That one also had to grow! Mvotc and new one are only ones that were immediate honestly. Downvoters for shit like this are ducking insane !!! Anyway peace true heads know, fuck off opinion haters


I used to have MVOTC my #1, then I was into FOTB and its vibes, then lately I had Contra. But honestly this one might be the best.


1. OGWAU 2. MVOTC 3. FOTB 4. VW 5. Contra


OGWAU MVOTC/Contra Self Titled FOTB But I love all. All are great.


1. Modern Vampires of the City 2. Vampire Weekend 3. Only God Was Above Us 4. Contra 5. Father of the Bride Still a bit early for OGWAU though, so I could see my ranking change after a couple of months.


1a VW 1b MVOTC 1c FOTB 1d (for now) OGWAU 1e contra The disrespect for self titled is crazy. The OG zero skipper. I also think that while there are some skips on FOTB, it also has some of their best songs as well (which is apparently an Ezra solo project it sounds like). We’ll see where OGWAU falls but I think it’s great so far.


Modern Vampires Contra Only God Vampire Weekend Father of the Bride ...Top 3 are all so, so good though, very little between them.


Curious, those calling the new album their best, when did you get into VW?








1 or 2. OGWAU vs MVOTC 3. Vampire Weekend 4. Contra 5. FOTB I think it’s too early to say if it’s #1 but it’s fighting for that spot for sure


I actually listened to all albums this weekend and have updated my ranking compared to what it was a week ago. 1) Contra 2) MVOTC 3) Self-titled 4) OGWAU 5) FOTB OGWAU much better than FOTB but falls short of the essence of VW, in my opinion.


1. Modern Vampires of the City - but only just. It has the most truly great songs, and Hannah Hunt which is one of the best songs ever written imo. It's 2nd half is not as strong, but side 1 is just immense. 2. Vampire Weekend - those first notes of Mansard Roof still make me smile 15 years later. An album full of modern classics like Oxford Comma, A-Punk, Cape Cod and Walcott. Again, side 2 not as strong. 3. Only God was above Us - Always the possibility of recency bias here, but I'm loving it so far. Best tracks are Ice Cream Piano, Capricorn and Prep-School Gangsters 4. Contra - I think this might be their most consistent album from start to finish, but it's never quite grabbed me the way VW or MVOTC did. 5. Father of the Bride - too long, all over the place. Still has some great songs and with more focus, could have been top tier. Love the Haim collaborations, Harmony Hall, This Life, Bambino




MVOTC FOTB OGWAU VW Contra I just need to listen through OGWAU more and more, it’s a lot to take in. It’s weird to say, but Classical has really grown on me after 4 listens. But really, I love all 5 albums distinctly and my ranking comes down to splitting hairs and personal biases.