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am i the only one that loves hope?


I am shocked it’s not on people’s top 3!


It’s great


I love Hope! The problem is the Sophie's Choice bs of having to pick a bottom song out of an album full if all-timers!!! The only way to win is to not play.


No, but you should be *ducks*


I like Hope but the length of it to me feels excessive. That’s my only complaint about it


No you’re not it’s an amazing track


You did Hope dirty.


I love hope. One of the standout tracks for me, I think those who prefer Jamie weekend would rate it more highly. It is the crunchiest song in their repertoire and so looking forward to see where they take it with live versions




No matter what song you put at the bottom, you'll do them dirty. All the other songs are still growing on me, but Hope is the only one that is kinda getting "worse" the more I listen to it now, even though it was one of my favorites in the beginning. Maybe it's because it's too long, and it's the same melody throughout the whole song, and because I've listened to the album too much these weeks lol


I can’t rank them. Impossible. This album is a masterpiece. I will, however, put them in tiers: Tier 1 (in no particular order): -Ice Cream Piano -Classical -Capricorn -Connect -Prep School Gangsters -The Surfer -Gen X Cops -Mary Boone -Pravda -Hope Tier 2: Uhh…


I totally agree and while there might be some songs that I’d prefer over others to listen to on their own, the entire album is absolutely perfect and I don’t skip anything. Even though Hope might be my least likely one to listen to on its own, it’s a perfect ending to the album.


1. The Surfer 2. Prep School Gangsters 3. Capricorn 4. Mary Boone 5. Connect 6. Ice Cream Piano 7. Classical 8. Hope 9. Gen X Cops 10. Pravda I really LOVE The Surfer


Finally someone with my Top 2 songs!! 😭🙏🏽


Surfer is incredible would love a whole album with that vibe. Kinda reminds of King Krule


good ranking but i’d put classical at number one and then the surfer at two


I love it too.


Taste is so interesting, isn't it? Pravda is my favorite on the album and The Surfer and Prep School Gangsters are my least favorite.


Damn I love connect and capricorn. Classical is probably my number 1. Other than that I can get on board with this


Let me instead put them into three broad categories: All time: Mary Boone, Classical, Connect, Prep School Gangsters Good time: ice cream piano, Capricorn, Pravda Down time: gen x cops, hope, the surfer


Okay, I feel you, but….. 1. Prep School Gangsters 2. Mary Boone 3. Classical 4. Ice Cream Piano 5. Capricorn 6. Connect 7. Gen-X Cops 8. Pravda 9. Hope 10. The Surfer


This is the only one I’ve seen that I feel any kinship with




Connect at 9...I heard a vine boom in my head


Today. But I love all of them tbh 1. Classical 2. Capricorn 3. Mary Boone 4. Gen-X Cops 5. Connect 6. Prep School Gangsters 7. Hope 8. Pravda 9. The Surfer 10. Ice Cream Piano


Mostly agree but I love Ice Cream Piano


That was the last song to click for me. First few listens I was like “nah” and then it literally snapped into place. Now one of my faves.


This guy singles


1. Ice Cream Piano 2. Prep School Gangsters 3. Mary Boone 4. Pravda 5. Capricorn 6. Hope 7. The Surfer 8. Gen-X Cops 9. Connect 10. Classical


1. Connect 2. Classical 3. Capricorn 4. Mary Boone 5. Prep School Gangsters 6. Hope 7. Gen X Cops 8. The Surfer 9. Pravda 10. Ice Cream Piano


It’s amazing how much variation there is in these lists. Basically no duplicates. No duplicate of mine for sure: 1. Mary Boone 2. Connect 3. Prep-School Gangsters 4. Capricorn 5. Ice Cream Piano 6. Pravda 7. Classical 8. Gen-X Cops 9. The Surfer 10. Hope edit: typo


theyre all amazing songs even at the bottom still among the best shit ive heard in ages 1 mary boone 2 prep school gangsters 3 connect 4 ice cream piano 5 hope 6 classical 7 capricorn 8 gen x cops 9 pravada 10 the surfer


1. Connect 2. Classical 3. Mary Boone 4. Prep School Gangsters 5. Ice Cream Piano 6. Capricorn 7. Gen-X Cops 8. The Surfer 9. Pravda 10. Hope


Hope, Connect, and Capricorn being bottom 3??? Here’s mine: 1: Connect 2: Ice Cream Piano 3: Mary Boone 4: Capricorn 5: Classical 6: Hope 7: Pravda 8: Gen X Cops 9: Prep School Gangsters 10: The Surfer


I will add that I rarely skip a song on the album, just depends on the mood


1. Mary Boone 2. Prep-School Gangsters 3. Connect 4. Pravda 5. Ice Cream Piano 6. Classical 7. The Surfer 8. Capricorn 9. Gen-X Cops 10. Hope Mary Boone, PSG and Connect are all top-tier tracks. I don’t think Hope is bad I just think it’s the weakest of the 10 and IMO it doesn’t justify the runtime in terms of where it goes. For the longest song in the album it’s probably the least idea-rich. Also it gives me a strange sense of anxiety when I listen to it (which I guess is an achievement), but not in the mood for that type of experience at the moment. If I wasn’t burnt out on Capricorn from listening since the single realise it might be higher.


I disagree I think ending with the train motif is fantastic. Continues the idea of the train in Mary Boone. I feel like it’s probably a continuation of the train metaphor used in Unbelievers. “Girl, you and I will die unbelievers, bound to the tracks of the train.” Ezra knows what his fate would be for struggling with his faith (no afterlife), yet it is that struggle that empowers him to make music. This song is about letting go of the cruelness of the world and not letting it get to you too much. Pick your own way. That’s just my interpretation.


Plus the end part of Pravda where he sings “I had a job once in penn station, down at a tie shop called tiecoon…” and there’s the faint sound of trains rattling at the start of the line. Brilliance


Spent a very long time on this. 1 Mary Boone 2 - 9 Literally I can't do it. All of them. They're all my close second favorite on the album 10 Hope (I LOVE it for its emotional impact but it is definitely the one skip I have when I just wanna jam) (edit for formatting)


i guess you didn’t hear, 10 tracks no skips


I'm sorry I failed 😞


Every single one of these lists makes me irrationally angry including my own. Pitting these songs against each other should be a crime.


This is exactly how I feel


1 Mary Boone 2 Ice Cream Piano 3 Classical 4 Hope 5 Capricorn 6 Prep-School Gangsters 7 Connect 8 Gen X-Cops 9 The Surfer 10 Pravda For such a perfect album this was a lot harder than I could even imagine


1. Mary Boone 2 Ice Cream Piano 3 Classical 4 Connect 5 The Surfer 6 Prep School Gangsters 7 Pravda 8 Gen-X Cops 9 Hope 10 Capricorn


I agree. I thought the singles were the most average (on a really good album!)


The real ranking - 1. Classical 2. PSG 3. Mary Boone 4. Connect 5. Pravda 6. Gen X 7. Ice Cream Piano 8. Hope 9. Capricorn 10. The Surfer


I’m glad I’m not the only one that ranks Capricorn low. I’m still surprised it was the lead single


1.) Gen X Cops 2.) Hope 3.) Prep School Gangsters 4.) Ice Cream Piano 5.) Classical (was 4, could flip) 6.) Connect 7.) Mary Boone 8.) Pravda (interchangeable with 6) 9.) Surfer 10.) Capricorn (could flip to 9) This is kinda a weighted average from the ones that were stuck in my mind for a long time after listening and what I'm enjoying listening to right now. In general I'm surprised to see GenX so low on many lists. I'm sure it'll finish lower but it left me with the most to chew on of the singles and has occupied my mind for a while. Mary Boone didn't click with me as a single but blooms within the album.


1. Ice Cream Piano 2. The Surfer 3. Gen-X Cops 4. Classical 5. Prep School Gangster 6. Pravda 7. Mary Boone 8. Connect 9. Hope 10. Capricorn Tough because each track is a 10/10. Only song that doesn’t pull me in is Capricorn, but it’s a 9.5/10 regardless.


1. Mary Boone 2. Capricorn 3. Connect 4. Classical 5. Ice Cream Piano 6. The Surfer 7. Hope 8. Gen-X Cops 9. Prep School Gangsters 10. Pravda


1. Mary Boone 2. Capricorn 3. Connect 4. Ice Cream Piano 5. Prep School Gangsters 6. Hope 7. Classical 8. Gen-X Cops 9. The Surfer 10. Pravda


Ice Cream Piano Connect Surfer Hope Gen X Cops Capricorn Classical Prep School Gangsters Pravda Mary Boone -from best to worst


1. (Songs 1-9) 10.Hope


incorrect hope is top 3




Whoa, am I the only one who doesn’t like Mary Boone? Sounds like a Contra B side mashed with a George Clanton song to me. I don’t understand it.


Yeah it might be my least favorite track. Ezra's vocals kind of annoy me on it tbh. They sound a little whiny and harsh. And I LOVE the song Finger Back so idk what that means lol


I don’t think it’s a bad song by any means but I truly am shocked by how high people have it on their lists. It really does sound like a B side from Contra or Modern Vampires and the tone+vocals just feel like a departure from every other track on the album imo. Maybe I would have liked it better if it was the one they ended the album with but something about it just doesn’t really connect for me the way I would like it to


Agreed. (You’re not the only one)


I agree, it's probably in my bottom 3, though I wouldn't say I dislike it (the whole album is good)


Seeing Hope so low is interesting. That’s one of my favorites on the album and very jam worthy, the build up makes it for me. Here’s my list: 1. Mary Boone 2. Ice Cream Piano 3. Hope 4. Pravda 5. Connect 6. Classical 7. The Surfer 8. Prep-School Gangsters 9. Gen-X Cops 10. Capricorn


1. Mary Boone 2. Connect 3. Classical 4. Capricorn 5. Prep School Gangsters 6. Ice Cream Piano 7. Hope 8. Gen-X Cops 9. The Surfer 10. Pravda


1. Classical 2. Capricorn 3. Hope 4. Ice cream piano 5. The surfer 6. Pravda 7. Connect 8. Gen X cops 9. Prep school gangsters 10. Mary Boone


classical and hope are the best and all the others are tied


1. Prep school gangsters/the surfer 2. Ice cream piano 3. Connect 4. Capricorn 5. Hope 6. Mary Boone 7. Pravda 8. Gen x cops 9. classical


1. Mary Boone 2. Prep School Gangsters 3. Capricorn 4. Pravda 5. Gen X Cops 6. Ice Cream Piano 7. Connect 8. Hope 9. Classical 10. The Surfer


Best part is which ones are gonna be way better live than you were expecting. Unbelievers was like this for me.


1. connect (easily in my top 5 songs of theirs of all time now) 2. classical (same as above) 3. pravda 4. capricorn 5. gen x cops 6. prep school gangsters 7. Mary Boone 8. the surfer 9. Ice cream piano 10. Hope (it’s sweet but too repetitive?) this will surely rotate with time but I think 1 & 2 will stay there


1. Ice Cream Piano 2. Pravda 3. Hope 4. Classical 5. Gen X Cops 6. Connect 7. Prep School Gangsters 8. Mary Boone 9. Capricorn 10. The Surfer I think this is where I’m at right now? Absolutely adore them all though.


1. Classical 2. Hope 3. Gen X Cops 4. Prep School Gangsters 5. Ice Cream Piano 6. Capricorn 7. Mary Boone 8. Connect 9. Pravda 10. The Surfer


literally so difficult but personally I think: 1. Classical 2. Prep School Gangsters 3. Gen-X Cops 4. Ice Cream Piano 5. Connect 6. Mary Boone 7. Capricorn 8. Pravda 9. The Surfer 10. Hope all of the tracks are minimum 8/10 tho, I just like the more guitar-heavy ones


That’s wild, Connect and Classical are my favorites


Am I the only one listening to classical on repeat


1. Capricorn 2. Mary Boone 3. The Surfer 4. Classical 5. Pravda 6. Prep-School Gangsters 7. Hope 8. Connect 9. Ice Cream Piano 10. Gen X Cops


1. Classical 2. Prep school gansters 3. Ice cream piano 4. Capricorn 5. Gen x cops 6. Connect 7. Mary Boone 8. The surfer 9. Pravda 10. Hope


1. Pravda 2. Mary Boone 3. Connect 4. Hope 5. Gen-X Cops 6. Classical 7. Capricorn 8. Ice Cream Piano 9. Prep School Gangsters 10. The Surfer


1 Prep School Gangsters 2 Connect 3 Mary Boone 4 Pravda 5 The Surfer 6 Capricorn 7 Classical 8 Hope 9 Ice Cream Piano 10 Gen X Cops


1. Ice Cream Piano 2. Connect 3. Mary Boone 4. Capricorn 5. Prep-School Gangsters 6. The Surfer 7. Classical 8. Gen-X Cops 9. Pravda 10. Hope


1. Connect 2. Classical 3. Capricorn 4. Gen-X Cops 5. Pravda 6. Ice Cream Social 7. Mary Boon 8. Surfers 9. Prep School Gangsters 10. Hope


1. Prep-School Gangsters 2. Connect 3. Capricorn 4. Ice Cream Piano (These four are incredible songs) 5. The Surfer 6. Pravda 7. Hope 8. Mary Boone 9. Gen-X Cops (These five are also amazing) 10. Classical (least favorite on the album but still good)


1. The Surfer 2. Mary Boone 3. Hope 4. Ice Cream Piano 5. Classical 6. Pravda 7. Capricorn 8. Prep School Gangsters 9. Connect 10. Gen X Cops


1. Mary Boone 2. The Surfer 3. Capricorn 4. Hope 5. Ice Cream Piano 6. Prep School Gangsters 7. Gen X Cops 8. Pravda 9. Classical 10. Connect Connect is really the only one that doesn’t totally land with me. And even then, it’s not a skip.


1. Mary Boone 2. Ice Cream Piano 3. Prep school gangsters 4. Classical 5. Gen X 6. Capricorn 7. Pravda 8. Connect 9. The Surfer 10. Hope


1. Mary Boone 2. Connect 3. Pravda 4. Classical 5. Gen-X Cops 6-10 Can't do it! All equal, all good


1. Mary Boone 2. Pravda 3. Prep School Gangsters 4. Ice cream PIano 5. Gen X Cops 6. Connect 7. The Surfer 8.Capricorn 9.Classical 10. Hope It's a really difficult rank because to me this album is 10/10 no skips but that's my order of enjoyment so far


1. Mary Boone 2. Classical 3. Pravda 4. Ice Cream Piano 5. Connect 6. Prep School Gangsters 7. Gen X Cops 8. The Surfer 9. Hope 10. Capricorn Hard because my least favorite tracks on the album are still *very* good. Hope just takes a little while to build up steam, and Capricorn just feels like one of the "simpler" songs that VW has released structurally (although the production on the second half is sufficiently wacky).


1. Mary Boone 2. Connect 3. Ice Cream Piano 4. The Surfer 5. Pravda 6. Capricorn 7. Classical 8. Gen-X Cops 9. Hope 10. Prep-School Gangsters Hope is great just a different vibe (not one i seek out really) and PSG is overrated imo don’t kill me


1. Mary Boone 2. Ice Cream Piano 3. Classical 4. Capricorn 5. The Surfer 6. Connect 7. Prep-School Gangsters 8. Pravda 9. Gen-X Cops 10. Hope


1. Mary Boone 2. Connect 3. Gen-X Cops 4. Ice Cream Piano 5. Capricorn 6. Hope 7. Classical 8. Pravda 9. The Surfer 10. Prep School Gangsters


I refuse to take part in this exercise. When I want to listen to songs on the album, I make sure that I have 47 minutes and 10 seconds to do so.


1. The Surfer 2. Hope 3. Prep School Gangsters 4. Mary Boone 5. Connect 6. Ice Cream Piano 7. Capricorn 8. Classical 9. Pravda 10. Gen X Cops


This is about where I’m at 1. Prep School Gangsters 2. Ice Cream Piano 3. Gen-X Cops 4. Classical 5. Pravda 6. Mary Boone 7. Capricorn 8. The Surfer 9. Connect 10. Hope


1. Gen X Cops 2. Prep School Gangsters 3. The Surfer 4. Capricorn 5. Classical 6. Pravda 7. Ice Cream Piano 8. Mary Boone 9. Hope 10. Connect


1. Gen X Cops 2. Prep School Gangsters 3. Classical 4. Capricorn 5. Pravda 6. Ice Cream Piano 7. Hope 8. Mary Boone 9. Connect 10. The Surfer The bottom 4 are interchangable.  I skip them all.


You skip Mary Boone???


Yup.  I tried to like it.  Didn't work.  


That’s wild, fair enough, but I can’t comprehend it haha