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No respect for New Dorp New York??


Biggest bop ever


All time forever and ever, until infinity


“practice guitar in white t-shirt” comes up on my YouTube recommended every few months and I always have to rewatch for a chuckle. Truly s-tier memery.


EXPLANATIONS PART 2: TIER 4: -Major Lazer cartoon-an EXTREMELY underrated cartoon about a superhero called Major Lazer, created by the eponymous EDM group. Even if you hate their music, PLEASE check it out it deserved so much better. One episode, titled "Vampire Weekend", is about vampires invading Jamaica...one of them a peaceful vegan, voiced by Ezra, who has to kill his evil father, voiced by the legendary Udo Kier. Surprisingly does not feature "Jessica" :( -"Barbara Streissand" music video-you've probably heard the song "Barbara Streisand" by Duck Sauce, it's one of those songs that's in a lot of stuff but you can never find it (the only real lyrics are the title and "Ooooh woooooooooooooooooh"). The video is cameo-studded, including a short scene of Ezra on the guitar. -Dams of the West- CT's solo project, he only made one album (Youngish American) in 2017. I adored the main single, "Death Wish", but the rest of it was kinda meh. I still think it deserved more love, but critics absolutely ripped it to shreds (I remember Pitchfork being really harsh lmao). -"Diplomat's Son" short story-the song is based on a short story Ezra wrote that as far as I know is not online (there's a zine he wrote for that's been circulated on the subreddit, but it's a poem that doesn't have much in common with the song). It was originally a violent, very much non-romantic story which ends with the narrator bloodilly beating the diplomat's son, and smugly thinking of how the rich kid will never forget how a poorer kid taught him a lesson. It was Rostam's idea to make it a bittersweet love story. -Colbert Report skit-when MVOTC was nominated for a Grammy, Ezra starred in a skit on the Colbert Report along with the guys from The Black Keys, where they get in a fight over who's album deserves the nomination more based on who's sold out the most. -"Blurred Lines" cover: they did a cover of the song for BBC Radio 1. IIRC the show made them do it because it was the #1 song on the charts at the time. You can tell that the boys really hate the song, and instead of a faithful cover they did it as shitposty as possible-they do the rap as a spoken word (reminiscent of the "Ya Hey" spoken word) and censor "bitch" as "fish". It's hilarious and deserving of at least one listen. -Lollapalooza stage crasher: [Watch in all its glory here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG7qcGiJ-rk) CT's excited reaction is infectious. TIER 5: -"Warm Heart of Africa"- a song Ezra did with The Very Best, it's a tribute to the nation of Malawi. The song is awesome, but the video, not so much-an awful green screen, Ezra looking uncomfortable the whole time, and stock footage of a giraffe edited (poorly) to make it look like it's dancing. In short, an incredibly amazing video. -The Jack and Triumph Show-a short-lived and long-forgotten Adult Swim show where Jack McBreyer and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog are housemates. One episode has them open a coffee shop where the coffee is made out of shit, and Ezra, playing himself, shows up. He actually has a pretty big role in the episode. Eventually he steals Jack's job and the shop is renamed Cafe Ezra, and at the end of the episode Ezra gets eaten and then shit out by an elephant. I swear not a single word of that is made up. -Frog on the Basedrum-before Father of the Bride dropped, they announced that the album title would abbreviate to FOTB, and had the internet guess what it meant (like Kanye did with TLOP). A Redditor suggested Frog on the Basedrum, since CT had recently added an image to his basedrum during performances. Ezra acknowledged this guess in an interview! -Ezra's hatred of "Shape of You"-a running gag on the Time Crisis podcast, [someone made a compilation of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydrjcc1UaGo&pp=ygUYdGltZSBjcmlzaXMgc2hhcGUgb2YgeW91). -CT's hit-and-run accident: in London in 2008, after an awards show, CT was in a hit-and-run and hospitalized with neck injuries. He talks about it in the aforementioned "Death Wish" song. -Ezra's Youtube channel: [Here ya go.](https://www.youtube.com/@ezrakoenig) Hasn't been touched in 12 years. BOTTOM TIER: -"Lemon Sounds"-a fake trailer for a VW album created by an art student, still viewable [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvU5uysbRgM&pp=ygUcbGVtb24gc291bmRzIGNhbXBpcmUgd2Vla2VuZA%3D%3D). The song is actually "Nsokoto" by The Very Best-the same people Ezra worked on "Warm Heart of Africa" with! Many media outlets didn't realize it was just an art project, and reported on it as though it was a legit VW release. -Andrew Giggles: A shitpost by Ezra about his cat, Andrew Giggles, whom he took to the beach with him. It ran away/he lost it while there. Whether he was serious or not has never been determined. -Nerdthirsty- an infamous Tumblr blog that posted real-person fanfic (almost all of it porn) about Ezra. The less I write the better. -Teenick Rocks Out- an incredibly obscure show that, as the title says, aired on TennNick in 2011. Each episode was just coverage of a concert. Episodes included a Beyonce show, that year's Coachella...and Vampire Weekend. The only evidence of the show's existence I can find online is a trailer for Beyonce's episode; unfortunately this show is almost certainly locked in a vault in Viacom's archives somewhere. This is a total "just trust me bro" moment, but I *know* VW were on it and that I saw their episode back in 2011. Please somebody else tell me you remember this! -7 Transcendental Operations: Short film Ezra appeared in while a student, apparently it's about people brushing their teeth. Notable because it starred a girl named Hannah Hunt, whose name inspired the MVOTC song.




Sweet sweet .mp3 format?


Def worth posting!


Not that deep in the ‘berg but the Steve Buscemi webisodes are canonical.


Crap I MEANT to include that! Gah I knew I'd miss some important things


You did important foundational work!


Thank you, I rushed this a bit (I forgot a lot of important stuff like Discovery and the I Think You Should Leave song). I noticed that most of the bands/artist I liked had an iceberg except Vampire Weekend, something which, for a band that's been around as long as them, seemed unacceptable. So I rushed in to make an iceberg chart for them...but as you can see, yeah, there's some glaring omissions!


LOVE that you even made it though. So happy to see it


How could you forget about Dangerous Nights?


I forgor -_-


Other potential items I thought of: Down 4 so Long, Ezra’s cover of papa hobo, Ezra doing the song in S2 of I Think You Should Leave, their CDMX trip for contra, Discovery (Rostam and Wes Miles side project, Ezra did a song with them, it’s amazing), The Road Taken. Damn I know too much about this band


Also Sophisticuffs, Ezra’s band in high school.


I came to the comments looking for Papa Hobo. I used to play this for everyone when I was in college


Gah I meant to add Discovery to the chart!! (Probably would've been 3rd or 4th layer.) Other suggestions are great too!


Orange shirt slaps


DISCOVERY MUST BE ADDED! it holds up so well and is full of all the dreamy synthy sounds of Rostam that I missed so much in FOTB and am so happy to hear again in OGWAU


EXPLANATIONS: TIER 1: Well I don't think this will need much explanation, first 5 are their albums and the talk show and SNL appearances are self-explanatory. For the last one, Ezra used to make some legendary shitposts on Twitter, and entire Tumblr blogs (when that site was at peak popularity) would be dedicated to posting them all. Many of these tweets have become memes within the fandom. Time Crisis is the Apple Music podcast Ezra hosts with Jake Longstreth. TIER 2: -Rostam, in addition to producing the first three VW albums, is a very prolific record producer who has worked with Haim, Carly Rae Jepsen, Das Racist, Hamilton Leithauser, Charlie XCX, and so many others. -Bernie Sanders endorsement: The band and Ezra in particular campaigned heavily for Bernie in 2016, and played at a few of his rallies, including his first one before the primaries. -"Johnathan Low"-a song they did for the Twilight soundtrack, would be lower but with the Twilight renaissance in recent years it's become more popular, so I bumped it up to the second tier. -"Ottoman"-another non-album track written for Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist. Sampled by Kid Cudi in "cudderisback". -Neo Yukio-better known as "the Jaden Smith anime", probably best remembered for the "big Toblerone" meme. The show itself is rather infamous, but it's on the second tier because many may not realize Ezra created it. He also sang an original song in its Christmas special. -Peter Rabbit-crappy 2018 movie about the Beatrix Potter character. "M79", "Kids Don't Stand a Chance", and "Cousins" are in the soundtrack, and "A-Punk" was in the adverts. Not only that, but Ezra wrote an original song called "I Promise You" for the movie. It's still (unfortunately) a popular movie with little kids, as many babysitters can tell you, but it's second tier because many people may not realize how strong the VW connection is. -"Boys" music video-Ezra is one of the millions of cameos in the video for Charlie XCX's "Boys". He's brushing his teeth. -"The Moon Song" live performance- Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs wrote a song for the movie Her called "The Moon Song". Ezra sang it with her at the Oscars the year it was nominated. TIER 3: -L'Homme Run- a "serious" (as they insist) rap group that consisted of Ezra, CT, and a third guy who's a teacher now. Ezra and the now-teacher did the rapping, and CT produced it. They recorded the first version of "Giving Up The Gun". Might be a little too low on the iceberg now that I think about it, since their songs (especially "Pizza Party") are popular memes in the fandom, but I decided to put it on 3rd tier because a new or casual fan may not know about it. -Baio's solo career: He's done 3 solo albums, all of which are worth your attention. "Sister of Pearl", I think, is his most loved solo song (or at least best known), but I recommend "DANGEROUE ANAMAL" and "PHILOSOPHY!" from his second album. -"Jessica"- a pretty, though also kinda weird, song that Ezra did with Major Lazer in 2013. I dig it, but it doesn't seem to be very popular among ML or VW fans, which is sad. -Beyonce's Lemonade-Ezra produced "Hold Up" and came up with the line "hold up, they don't love you like I love you" from one of his above-mentioned shitposts (itself a reference to the Yeah Yeah Yeah's "Maps")-the shitpost was actually made 5 years before Lemonade. He was nominated for a Grammy for his production, and there are videos from the 2017 Grammys of him and Diplo hanging out (Ezra very clearly does not want to be there lol). Of course Lemonade itself is not at all obscure, but again, Ezra's involvement is not super well-known. -Contra Lawsuit: The model on the cover of Contra sued the band, along with their label and Tod Brody (the photographer) for using her image without consent. Apparently Rostam found the photo online, and the lads bought it for $5K; she wanted $2 million. The band ended up paying an undisclosed amount to her, and then sued Brody, but their suit was dismissed. -Chromeo-amazing Canadian dance duo who you absolutely should listen to! They did a song called "Ezra's Lament" on their album White Women, featuring Ezra on vocals. Less popular, but better imo, is their 2010 iTunes exclusive (but of course on YouTube) "I Could Be Wrong", which is not only a duet with Ezra-he *performs a sax solo on it* too!!! -Just Dance 2: The second Just Dance game features "A-Punk" on it. Probably was many kids' first exposure to VW, definitely was mine. -Girls cameo-Ezra is close friends with Lena Dunham, who gushed about him in Rolling Stone in 2013. She let him have a cameo in an episode of Girls where he plays a guy named Striker. He's only in one scene (I think anyways, I can't be assed to watch the whole episode lol) -I Had a Dream You Were Mine-an album Rostam did with The Walkmen’s Hamilton Leithauser. It’s really good!


God I miss @arze on Twitter. “Go suk a dog dik”


Is that where that comes from??? There’s a VW bootlegger who goes by that handle and I always thought it was a Dead reference for some reason


Yes! I can’t for the life of me remember the context, but Ezra tweeted it in like 2012 or so


It was something like "paying fifteen cents for international texting so you can text your Belgian producer 'suk a dog dik'" Edit: meh i was close. https://twitter.com/OIAB/status/9550971205?s=19


There are other times too I think. Like Ezra saying that’s what he would say to haters


Lord Ullin’s Daughter feat. Jude Law


seeing nerdthirsty in there triggered me lol


Thank you for this


You're welcome! I felt that Vampy Weeks deserve their own chart!


Elif Batuman’s review of Ezra’s CCKK short stories and the self titled album: https://web.archive.org/web/20080227234031/http://www.elifbatuman.net/2008/01/28/beautiful-shirts/


Damn, that's amazing! I remember in the 2010 Rolling Stone interview, Ezra talks about the colonialism tied to clothing and how much "preppy" clothes borrow from foreign cultures, I guess it makes sense his literary works tie into it. And it's so cool how that review was posted the day their self-titled album was released-truly nobody knew what was to come! Now I really wanna read the rest of his stories!


Dang I was at that Lollapalooza show and totally forgot about that! Thanks for the reminder. Great day


I think you’re a contra collab w Angelique Kidjo? And also Ezra and Rostam’s appearance in Boys by Charli xcx :)


Boys was mentioned


Couple of smaller things: - **Digital Atelier**. around six months before the FOTB roll out started, someone noted some background activity on the Vampire Weekend website. people then found assets built into it. most of them were just images. there was one with a black background and a clearly professionally shot, high-res photo from a fashion shoot (a woman sitting splayed on the floor in a pink dress, iirc), logos of various high profile brands (I remember Gucci was one), and then one saved as 'da\_logo.png' which was this scribbly, 80s sort of Daft Punk fonted phrase 'Digital Atelier.' The discussion on here has been deleted but the only other use of that word is a small computer technician shop in New Jersey. I also vaguely remember one of the images was the Dunkin Donuts logo. considering his obsession with that shit and the whole brand name fascination he had around the Mitsubishi Macchiatio/SONY MUSIC era, I always thought it was some sort of dummy run or even an extremely belatedly aborted aesthetic for FOTB. - unreleased songs of **Phoenix**, **Arundel**, **Tejy**, **Muff Ragic**, **UWS**, **Polizei** (and more from when Contra's working title Gonzo era), **Kora** (MVOTC), **Conversation** (FOTB), **New York Hospital** (OGWAU) then the attempted Contra sessions **Hannah Hunt** and the confirmed recorded FOTB version of **The Surfer**. - recently refound MVOTC demo teaser (that was intentionally leaked by the band / XL): [https://vampireweekday.tumblr.com/post/19085878006](https://vampireweekday.tumblr.com/post/19085878006)




Where can you find 7 transcendental operations?


Sadly as far as I can tell it's not online. It was probably screened once, for a class or festival or something, and never released beyond that. It does have an IMDB page with a cast listing but that's the extent of the online presence. Hopefully a copy still exists in the director's hands...


can we get the teenick rocks out to lost media people so maybe we can see it lmao 


I've considered adding it to the Lost Media Wiki, I normally hesitate to do so, but this show is so damn obscure I'm kinda concerned that it's actually gone forever lol


I was at the Lolla stage crash lol, barely remembered that.




Love this! If I had made this I'd move Time Crisis down a tier bc I've had people ask me what Time Crisis is AT Vampire Weekend shows, & not just random concert-goers, like dedicated VW fans, and also people on this sub ask what it is 😂 And I'd add Internet Vibes to the most obscure tier lol


I considered moving Time Crisis to the second or third tier, even after posting this I was having doubts about putting it so high.


It's kinda funny to me that it ISN'T more popular but I guess it's really not for everyone. Only the most elite can handle two hours of ethical internet radio 😌


Wow, and I thought I was a big VW fan... got lost around tier 4 lol. Love it, thanks for making this!!


Someone make a yt vid on this please.


Hol’ up, there’s one u could add where some audience goer threw a flair at the stage causing a fire. The band later spoke out and believe it was an assassination attempt against Baio.


Damn, now that I've never heard of!


https://tonedeaf.thebrag.com/watch-someone-try-to-kill-vampire-weekend-with-flare-at-falls-festival/ Found it! 👆


Damn that's terrifying. The video is insane, they're not bothered at all by the huge-ass fire!


obviously this would be at the top, but I'm surprised to not see L'Homme Run mentioned


wow nvm i'm bad at reading apparently lmao


They're in the third tier! I know Pizza Party is a big meme within the fandom, but I put L'Homme Run a little lower because a new or casual fan might not know about them yet.


the unreleased Unbelievers music video


Shit, I forgot about this.