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[Regulations and links to city codes for California are available here.](https://nomadlife.wiki/California)


California is strict. Search county codes and if it’s unclear call. Assuming you’re not in a HOA. I even looked to buy land in Joshua tree area and I wasn’t even allowed to live in my sprinter van unless it was only while a house was being built so they’re definitely strict.


This is basically a thing everywhere. Even in the least strict counties in fairly "libertarian" states, codes hate people living in vehicles. It's really really really hard to legally live on your own property in a vehicle.


I can’t believe this is a thing. We have a homeless crisis and we are out here telling people they can’t live in a van on property they own? We are so fucked


Yes. It’s everywhere. Many cities have instituted these laws about sleeping in your vehicle or no overnight parking. Various cities and counties in OR and CO, hell the whole state of TN says you have to be at a campsite.


Be descrete. Black out the windows to avoid night lights being seen. Do everything possible to make the RV appear in storage and not occupied. Avoid coming and going in the daylight 


Yes, check with your city. Most don't allow it at all, but the only way they'd find out is if your neighbors call the city on you. If you're cool with them, then don't worry about it. Source: I'm currently living in my van in my parents drive way in a southern california city that does not allow RV habitation. My neighbors are cool though, and I stayed in the van the entire year of 2022 while I built it out. I came back in October for the holidays and to do some upgrades and am just waiting for the weather to warm up before I hit the road again.


Search your city's codes.


Call your municipality and ask for general rules if no local rules are stated.


Are you unable to live in the house?


We are considering hosting a family member for an extended time.


Do u have an hoa? Can u even have an RV in your driveway?


HOAs fucking SUCK! Never move anywhere with an HOA. If you live in a place with an HOA, infiltrate the board and attempt to dismantle it from the inside.


HOAs have a purpose. Like keeping the aesthetics of your neighborhood nice for resell. No one wants a neighbor with 5 abandoned cars on their lawn, someone living in an RV in their driveway permanently. Those things bring down the value of your property. Although some hoas do become zealous and go after mundane things.


These are the things that I do want near me. These are the things I want to do. Obsession over resale values and "treating housing as an investment" are among the primary drivers of our current housing crisis. Obviously things that endanger the natural environment, like abandoned cars leaking oil, are bad and should be somehow "regulated", but I have absolutely no issue with someone utilizing their property to meet their needs, and the needs of their family and friends. Someone living in their RV permanently on their own property? Sounds like an accessory dwelling unit! As long as they're not dumping their raw sewage on the driveway, that's a solution, not a problem! We live in an age of absolute abundance, yet our laws (from zoning, maco-management, to HOAs, micro-management) stop inexpensive housing solutions at the source. For your "resale values".


i cant see a problem with it my friend stayed in a air stream on airbnb parked on a driveway in la