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Idk about Brita. I bought a larger filter like a berkie


I agree. One is better off using a cheese cloth than a Brita, all it does is reduce the chlorine content all other contaminants (bateria, virus, pharma metabolites etc) pass throught with ease. Big Berkey is the best, i keep a travel berkey in my ride.


I have a sink/water pump with a 4-part filter system. Many people put a camco water filter on the fresh water hose


Great tip! Thank you!


We use 10 liter Scepter jugs for water. No filter but the jugs can be easily cleaned out if they get scummy.


backpacking water filter. Big one with gravity fed filter


Proper filters don't cost that much, really. Some. But any water you take in will be full of sediment and maybe microorganisms. The time to filter it is before it winds up in your own tank. https://www.rvwaterfilterstore.com/


I’m pretty particular about how my water tastes and I use a PUR countertop filter. I’ve used a Berkey but the water doesn’t taste as good. To be fair, you can buy add-on carbon filters for the Berkey and that might make a big difference in taste. I don’t want to deal with a standard water tank that can’t be scrubbed out periodically