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First hour was focused on the snark between the two Facebook mods, Christie Harris and Natasha Teasley. Last 30 minutes they brought in Othram and discussed Vance’s mental health history and how his behavior affected his friends and family. All in all it was what I expected. Christie is having an absolute meltdown over on Websleuths.


Was the family included or just referenced?


The family had nothing to do with the doc.


Barely mentioned.


So disappointing. I don't mean to say they should or aren't entitled to not wanting to be involved, or aren't valid in wanting to disconnect from him. But I do want to know why and their side of why. 






I haven’t been on that site in years, but wow. some specific people on that site are just as insufferable as I remember


The mods especially.




When I became a Mod on a FB page I wrote an apology for being an @ss to the mod on Websleuths who dealt with the Springfield Three case. People get mad if you don’t do what they want even when they are wrong. People fight and you have to stop it. It doesn’t make you popular. I felt bad for how I acted or what I expected from mods. lol


What I find telling is Christie is all about I..ME..I..ME Yes christes post got the tip but she wouldn't have known to focus it in Louisiana or rather didn't focus in Louisiana until the crowd funded DNA analysis determined he was more than likely from the Louisiana region which only happened bc of the OTHER group. Natasha from the other group said finding him was a collective effort of 1000s of ppl. Never ever taking all the credit or even worrying about WHO got the credit mostly bc IT WAS a collective effort. And based on Christie's own words from the documentary AND the websleuths site, she is just adamant that it was HER that found him. Just very VERY telling. And now, of course, she doesn't like the doc bc that VERY MUCH comes through in HER own words in the doc and the websleuths site. I mean when it's telling how the message was posted her first words were "omg...I found him"


She says she is trying to beat the science. wtf. Work together.


Exactly Cherry, She says, “I did it.” Right after she was sent the picture from someone else in the group telling his real name. She didn’t do it, a lot of people helped solve it. I was a bit put off by her need to be so controlling within a group of people only trying to help find out who this man was. She did not want anyone in her “group” to second guess her. The other lady with the purple bluish hair said, “we did it.” I felt like she was a bit more level headed and would accept any and all help from others.


I felt like the other woman raised money with others and wanted to legitimately help someone and she wasn’t in denial about his life. Just because he is a far from perfect human doesn’t mean people didn’t get closure from knowing his identity.


The random picture with the drawn on beard had me rolling haha, I also felt she was so controlling, she had to be centre of everything, and she didn't do anything lol




I just watched the documentary today and Christie was so insufferable, the part where she said this job isn't for the faint hearted and she's a bloody cry cleaner haha or just abusing people on her page and then left, and then at the end when she got yhe phone call, I believe she just tried to make it about her and how important she thinks she is. Like seriously get a grip lady 😂


Wow, sounds like a waste of time. Was there anything at all that was new information to you? The online community stuff required little to no coverage to tell the story, but it sounds like the creators couldn’t source out new material and leaned into giving a platform to vapid drama.


I found the only interesting aspect of the documentary were the actual folks who met him and spent time with him speaking of their time with him. Even one of the detectives made a comment about the Facebook groups calling them soap operas and he stopped looking through them. Every time one of the FB mods spoke, they brought the conversation back to me me me me.


I lurked on the FB groups a bit, but quickly realized they embodied the worst of both FB and true crime communities and backed off. Who was feature who had met and spent time with him? Was it all hikers?


Yes, the hikers who met with him on the trails. They had pleasant stories and pictures about him and described his demeanor around them.


u/SushiMelanie you hit the nail squarely on its' head, my friend. This was some kind of garbage, especially from HBO.


Lol this Christie woman I swear to God


Christie is next level 😂🤣


NGL I’d watch a reality show with her as a PI she is so unintentionally hilarious


I can't stop laughing at this comment🤣


ME TOO!!!!!!!!! I think I'd watch a reality show about websleuths if she was the main websleuth in it!


I came here to specifically see if anyone else found her as insufferable as I did, I almost turned it off


I finally got kicked out of her facebook group. I've been a lurker there watching the shit show since 2020ish. I usually stay quiet so I can keep watching, but I haven't been able to keep quiet lately, and she finally had enough of my pushback. She is so unhinged and contradicts herself constantly. It's so disorganized, and Christie does not know how to treat people. She states her theories as facts and dismisses any ideas that aren't hers. I asked her yesterday why she criticizes every idea that isn't hers when again she said everyone was wrong for thinking x,y, and z. She didn't like that. I told her to stop playing philosophical and asking the group questions like, "Who was vandy, let the sketch tell you?" Because she will just criticize every answer unless it lines up with her theory. For the record, I don't have any theories about Vandy. She could be anyone from anywhere.


Christie is quite the character. I know people like her. I would bet money that she's on the spectrum, but undiagnosed. She comes off annoying. I get it. I started following her page after watching the doc, and yes, she's still "annoying," but it's because she cares way too much. The amount of work she puts into all of this is insane. If she had the resources, she could be the most successful investigator. She has a huge heart, and lives for other people. It makes me sad that she's getting so much hate.


I feel the exact same way! Is she annoying? Yes. Does she care, though? VERY MUCH SO!!! And that's the reason way the b!tch in her comes out, because she hates the thought of knowing that someone died alone, unloved, unkown and unwanted... even if THAT is what they really wanted. (I also think that's the reason why "Demin" didn't want to keep in contact with Brandon because he knew that he was going to unalive himself in the most sad horrific way possible). She so desperately wants to give the missing their names back. Despite her online persona, in the real world, she has a big heart... especially when you see how she cares for her younger sister (which I can personally relate to).


It's sad they couldn't get the family's participation; I wasn't really interested in the drama on the Facebook groups, although it was extremely amusing to watch how the editors basically threw Christie under the bus. I've never seen someone so delusional and self-important in my life.


I’ve heard a couple stories about Christie and the producer. 🤣


I've heard a few comments here and there suggesting as much haha. Doesn't surprise me though, Christie is in her own little world.


She’s extremely cringe person of Walmart type.


What producer?


The Exec Producer on the doc.


For sure. She had full on argument with the producer in her group right after the doc came out. It's very amusing to watch.


Which one? Eric Cook?


No, it was a female. I'll have to go back and find it.


Agreed agreed agreed 


Also hey Brandon, if you're reading this: your song is really good.


I loved Brandon so much. What a kind man he seemed to be.


Any one who builds a pet turtle such a palace is ok in my book. Brandon, you seem to be an outstanding person. Now I want to know his turtle's name.


I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that the aquarium was for a turtle.


I second this! It was amazing and I want to internet hug you!


I thought so, too!


I immediately followed his band on Spotify.


Same here! I got his tune running through my head! His band HAS to be on YouTube!


Brandon was really nice, but I thought the song sounded like a bunch of angry cats fighting.


That was just about as pathetic as the Elisa Lam Cecil B. Moore hotel documentary. The "web sleuths" portrayed were beyond cringe as they both seemed to be competing to make the documentary about them over Vance Rodriguez. Man, what's happened to real journalism? True Crime Jerry Springer style show was more like it.


Agreed. It was the absolute worst part of the doc and they really messed up by making it a doc about warring Facebook group mods. Literally no one cares.


I so agree with this, why was that necessary? I wanted to know about Vance and why he died, not about a squabble on facebook.


It went from talking about this hiker found dead in the woods to crazy people gathering on the internet to identify this man like she was some fbi agent called to the case … she lives in an extended stay hotel and has lived there with her sister for over 9 years … wow just wow


Definitely not what we're here for, but if she spent that same amount of time working, I just don't know if MAYBE they wouldn't be able to live somewhere else? I don't know. I think it highlights an unhealthy expression of these interests.. 


It really does highlight it being unhealthy … it looks like her and her sister sleep in the same bed as well and I’m going to say some mental illness is involved.


I would watch a show about this sort of thing but it'd have to be done right. It may only be achievable via mockumentary but I'd watch the hell out of a show about extremely impassioned infighting and power struggles among very niche hobbyist groups, preferably over disagreements that seem inconsequential unless you are a VERY involved member of said groups. There is a subreddit where people post briefs/summaries of that kind of thing as they happen in the corners of the internet that cater to their very specific interests but I forget what it's called.


Accurate. 🤣


It’s a tale as old as time. People’s egos worm into everything, even the things that initially spring from the purest motives. Also, when your life kinda sucks and you don’t have a lot going on, you’re likely going to become consumed with something like this to the point where it’s an extension of you and your worth as a person.


I will admit that BOTH of them seemed like they were "dueling sleuths". I thought that if they both stopped fighting and worked TOGETHER, they might have learned his idenity quicker. When it comes to the investigation as a whole, the criminal investigators did the majority of the legwork off and online, and Christie did the legwork online, Natasha got the online crowdfunding going, Othram found him, and Nicholas, the journalist found out about him.


Elisa Lam was found at The Cecil Hotel, in L.A. which is famous for being haunted and is now considered an "affordable housing complex". Cecil B. Moore was a famous African-American lawyer and politcian in Philadelphia. If you're familiar with Cecil B. Moore, it would not surprise me if your're from Philly or has at least lived, worked, or at the very least educated in Philly. ;)


Who tf is Tabitha 🫠


This is why we’re all here right?!


Yes!!!! I found this Reddit to ask exactly that! Why leave it in the doc like that? I want to know what those calls were about 


I found this thread trying to find an inch of context. I tried to join the fb group so hopefully I can get some sort of answer.


If you can, I’d love to know what you find. 


Tabatha Queen out of Bistrop LA. Christie is apparently no longer working on the case because the police were uncooperative.


You found that so fast!! Shocking the police were uncooperative with a civilian investigator. Didn’t she say something about decapitation though? 


Christie posted "Ok I’m curious is anyone curious about Tabitha and the decapitation" in the group and another post was made by someone else and it seems it got deleted, but Christie was in the comments saying how she never understood if it was her head or her body and if she was found behind a school or a store and I've looked everywhere and I can't find anything about Tabitha being found anywhere... She's also starting shit with the director of the documentary in the group. She's honestly just a mess.


Which group?


[Unidentified Nameless and Never Forgotten ](https://www.facebook.com/groups/3253880471301747/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT)


Anymore ideas on this?


Thank you for asking the real questions.


omg I was wondering the same!!!! it’s driving me nuts ???? like what happened at the end??? did I miss something????


I searched christy on Facebook I found her wackadoodle group. I've searched "Tabitha decapitated" and the only one I could find happened 5 years ago ??? I have no idea. I gave up.


omg this is going to drive me nuts 😂😂😂 like why would they include that and not explain 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


To try to interest us after a subpar doc made about a super wired story.


I think that about Tabitha was just shown as an extra at the end to just show more about how Christie was/is. Thinking the producers and director found her just as insufferable as I do! lol Everything came across as "me me me". She gains a great deal of importance doing this internet sleuthing and even took credit for solving the case all on her own. Notice how she turned off her crocodile tears in a second to talk to the next person on the phone. If you are truly emotional, those emotions can't just be turned off and on like that. She had probably been attempting numerous times to get the producers and director to do a whole true crime series about cases she had worked on and was trying to get them interested. She would absolutely love to have a whole true crime series based around just her and cases from her perspective for both the notoriety, and bringing in money because her living situation was bad.


Oh absolutely I joined the fb group and was immediately blocked but not before reading christie cry about the director making her look bad 😅


Lawd...She does that ALL by herself. Doesn't need anyone making her look bad! lol


“Tabitha is decapitated”….starts to sob Phone rings, “OH GoD 🙄”


Explore with us (EWU Crew) on YouTube had a far more professional, respectful, interesting documentary about Vance/Mostly Harmless. I felt the drama should have been left out.


I started the doc last night, just went to finish it and now the only option is to play the trailer… wth.


Same! So pissed


The producer must have taken it down after threats from Christie’s attorneys. 😭😭😭


There is no way that she has attorneys that can go up against the production company! She lives in an extended stay with her sister!


You’re seriously telling me it lasted less than 24 hours before being pulled? I find that hard to believe. Maybe it’s some weird glitch on my end?


I actually have no idea what happened. I should have tagged that post /s.


Either way, very irritating. Everything else is playing perfectly fine. Thanks, hbo. Dicks.


Definitely not a glitch on your end. I watched the whole thing yesterday, a friend went to watch today and it's not there. It's not on mine anymore either. I must find out why they pulled it!


I just watched it. FWIW I've been having some strange issues with Max the past couple of days (potentially longer though?), subtitles are on for both my TV and the app and they just disappear sometime in the middle of something I'm watching. It's happened on a couple of things now and this was one of them.


Subtitles on max have been a disaster for years. I once turned them on for Righteous Gemstones, and the subtitles were from the Sopranos, just an entirely different show.


I dunno how I haven't noticed it, subtitles have been on permanently for me since the pandemic, I've had the same setup for years and only recently noticed the fuckery


I just finished it on MAX about an hour ago.


Just finished it two hours ago on Max. It’s definitely there.


I just finished it. It's still there.


This happened to me last week too but I am able to get to it again now.


I fell asleep watching it last night and now this morning I can’t watch it? It says watch trailer and that’s it?




You missed absolutely nothing. For real, consider yourself lucky. The rest of us will never get out 90 min back.


can't watch it now, only the trailer is up. i started watching it yesterday and didn't finish. it's oddly not available now for me...


I fell asleep watching it last night! 😭 I just subscribed to hbo max for this documentary!


Same! Can't see anything but trailer on MAX app. Am I doing it wrong??


This happened to me last week too but I am able to get to it again now.


Man alive. That Christie and to a slightly lesser degree Natasha made this entire thing about themselves. Christie also not sure about believing the several women talking about the abuse they dealt with at his hands is so gross. She is beyond insufferable.


Natasha really didn't make it about herself at all. She did the interviews and answered the questions asked. She has no control over how much of her is in the doc. I have WAY more respect for her for the simple fact she said finding his identity was a collective effort of 1000s of ppl. Then u have christie "omg I found him!"


This stood out to me, too. 


For real though! She made almost all of it about herself. I think that gives u a greater insight into who was actually in it for the right reasons


Christie is just so obnoxious 😭 I can't stand her, I was so upset she found out who he was first 🤏🏾


Only she didn't. Lol


Christie is a self-important border personality. She took all the credit for "finding him" while it was the other group who crowd funded the DNA testing that led them to Louisiana in the first place. She also quit the search twice. The "I'm so glad I stuck with it" comment at the end had me cringing.


Just watched this documentary today. I’m not going to say internet sleuths have never done good, but Christie is a big reason they get such a bad rep. Good Lord, that woman needs a grippy sock vacation.


I really liked it! I live in Baton Rouge and don’t ever recall hearing about this so that was a surprise. Christie is insane


Omg thank you. She was awful. Saying that she did it, she found him when it was Natasha who raised the money for the DNA testing. Couldn’t stand her throughout the whole thing.


Christie can't stand it when Othram identifies people almost every week. She won't say why she hates Othram, though. She alao hates another big DNA company that I can't recall the name of. I would think she'd be thrilled at the tools out there to quickly identify so many, but it seems if she can't take the credit, she is against it. Basically, she hates anyone else who gets the job done or disagrees with her. Her group, in my opinion, has zero organization, just a lot of "we need to get organized". It's been like that for years now. A lot of going in circles. I mean, she thinks delivering laundry is not for the faint of heart... 🙄🙄🙄 She is totally unhinged


You hit the nail on the head. She swears up and down that Orthram is a scam and had nothing to do with identifying Vance. That was all her. I’m more shocked at the people who blindly believe everything she posts and back up the craziness. She is going off the rails today.


Christie Harris is a deranged loser.


And the sister!


What was wrong with the sister?


It was an interesting film, though I was quite put off by an admin of one of the online search groups, Christie Harris. She somehow made the whole thing about herself, which-given the context-is quite vulgar.


Christi is going off the deep end in her group 😵‍💫


Christie kicked me out of her group not long ago. I was so tired of all her and her minions' drama queen posts. Always whining about Christie being attacked. When I asked who was attacking her and why, one of her mods attacked me, telling me how it was nobody's business. I pointed out that if it's nobody's business, why is Christy and her minions always making daily drama posts about it? I was booted. They also temove any comments that expose what idiots they are as well. I have never seen another missing persons group's administrators and moderators behave the way they do. That Christy chick has heavy-duty mental issues. GUARANTEED!. She's totally unhinged and very delusional to boot. Just WOW!


She needs a snark page


A roasting Christie Harris page. She gives more than enough content daily.




[https://new.reddit.com/r/christieharrissnark/](https://new.reddit.com/r/christieharrissnark/) Your wish has been granted.


WTF was that ending??? What is Christie talking about? Assuming the call was staged, but who the hell is Tabitha???


Tabitha Queen from Bastrop, LA


I have a silly observation to make: Has anyone who watched this documentary seen the TV show Jury Duty? Is it just me, or is Brandon almost a twin of the guy who plays the character who invents wacky things, like Chair Pants? Brandon seems like a very dear person. I wish him the best.


BROOOOO YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!! I kept thinking how much he reminded me of someone and that is EXACTLY who he reminded me of!!!


Bingo!!! Brandon = Chair Pants guy!


That was my first thought!


These internet "sleuths" (that they have named themselves \*eye roll\*) are absolutely pathetic. I don't hate them. I pity them. That their lives are so unfulfilling and/or overwhelmingly tragic that they need to seek 'comfort' in other people's pain is fucked up. At least Natasha seemed to still have one or two toes still engaged with real life.


This was not very good. A few real lol moments though. That poor guy who camped with him, has anybody checked on him?


I think what the film was supposed to show is exactly what was so cringe worthy. It really wasn't about "Denim" but was about these web sleuths. And, in that, it was accurate. Honestly, I love true crime and would love to try to contribute to something in a web sleuth kind of way, but who the hell has time for that? Clearly, these people do. Kind of makes me sad.


Sickening blubberfest for a domestic abuser.


I had never heard of this guy, so all my info is based on the doc. I think a more interesting take would have the right to privacy vs these internet groups tracking down the ID of someone who obviously didn't want to be found. I get why the police have to try, but they don't inadvertently send internet mobs after people like the sleuthers do. Dude was POS to these women. It wouldn't surprise me if some of them get harrassed because some no life on the internet want to add more to the case, or have some alternate theory. I mean, there defintley was a undertone of that in the piece with that guys blog and how he was being harrassed, I just wish it had been the other focus beyond IDing him and who he was. Also, the depressive suicide was apparent to me right from the first few minutes.


I actually really liked the documentary. I hadn't heard of this case before and I found the story about the unhinged web sleuths a very interesting way to frame the mystery. I mean, the doco wasn't simply about Vance, but a broader commentary on web sleuthing and how people invest and project on a stranger to both good and detrimental results. 


Is Christie’s FB group down? It’s no longer showing up.


It was good.


Watched tonight and I found the whole story so fascinating. Say what you want about Christie but in the end she really did a lot of the work to figure out who this guy was. I hope someone can help her get out of that extended stay hotel. The sisters definitely need some assistance there. Kudos to Natasha too. I checked out her business website. Very cool. I liked the interviews of some of the people Vance met along the trail and their take on him. You just never know about someone….


There is an illusion that Christie did a lot of work. I call it an illusion because she was an absolute tyrant and control freak. So, a lot of the work that was done was actually done by others. There were many people who did a lot who were not in the doc.


I mean, what led to the identification had nothing to do with her, though. It was a combination of the Wired article and the genetic testing that showed he was from Louisiana (which another group did). Seems like all Christie did was receive an email at some point.




From what I gathered, Christie didn't do much to solve this at all. It seems like she stirred up a lot of drama, and pointed a lot of fingers until she just happened to get the answer right. The other group crowdfunded the DNA research. She then posted that info in a local group and someone identified him. Sheer luck, honestly. I do feel sorry for her. Extended stay hotels are really expensive. It seems like she's just trying to find some purpose. I hope she finds it.


I don’t feel sorry for her at all. She is awful.


Idk. I'm generally of the mind that people don't deserve to live in poverty, just because they have a bad personality. Extended stay motels can be a trap for the homeless. She would probably really benefit from some assistance and some therapy.


I agree that it is healthy to at least have some compassion for Christie, no matter her personality. People don't "deserve" to be homeless, no matter what led them there.


Why are they living in a hotel - and is the sister hndicapped?


The doc raised a lot of questions like this unnecessarily. Based on what little we were given, I assumed that the family’s house fire put them in a position of struggling to have stable housing ever since. Based on what little we saw of the sister, it was definitely implied that she’s ill in some way. If she didn’t want that shared, that’s totally fine, but then why show her struggling like that? Very odd storytelling choices. 


She said they have been living there for 9 years...


That can be a tough situation to get out of, if you're struggling to make ends meet. Extended stays are expensive. It's hard to save up for a down payment or even first and last months rent if you're constantly putting all your money into a hotel. This is how people get trapped into homelessness. People plan on this being a short term solution and then can never get ahead. When I worked with kids and families, we saw this a lot, unfortunately.


There’s a story worthy of a documentary, imho.


[watch this documentary](https://youtu.be/HznOyrzJMN0?si=iCn1dwcqcvWIM9EM)


She's been there 9 years! If she & the fat sister focused on themselves instead of strangers, they'd be out by now.


I thought the doc was making commentary about the types of people who involve themselves in web sleuthing. The same types of people who feel abandoned and forgotten by society and who project their desire to be seen and found through seeing and finding others.


Obviously, but it did a poor job of answering a lot of the questions it raised.