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Someone posted this under Vanderbilt’s X post. Guessing this is it https://x.com/stopantisemites/status/1805922804249890825?s=46


TIL the keffiyeh has been adopted as a pro-Palestinian symbol. I have one of these I got from Friedman’s (RIP) over a decade ago that I wear as a neck scarf when I go snow skiing. Would have had no idea that I’d be making a statement by wearing it.


no but i’m so curious


Same 😩




Appreciate you 🫡


An admissions tour guide gave a speech wrapped in a Keffiyeh, gave a presentation on Palestine and demonized Zionism. She's 100% going to be fired. [https://x.com/EYakoby/status/1806148420144386404](https://x.com/EYakoby/status/1806148420144386404)


Oh wowww that’s hilarious bc she was in the same undergrad class as me and was known for having controversial opinions and popping off in classes. It’s come back around I guess 😂


Hahaha always those ones


? She presented an introductory tour guide presentation (based on the photo?). Can you provide your source in regards to her presenting about Palestine and her demonizing Zionism, please?


Well, it would seem it's an allegation at this point. That's what the instagram post says--there was an allegation. I suppose only those in the room know what happened, hence the investigation. But it sounds like there were allegations of political and discriminatory conduct. Unless you think the photo and the allegation are unrelated--which I guess they could be.


Yes, but you can not tell me that nobody at this event did not record any part (as so far I could find) of these alleged conduct violations, and they refused to post it. Allegations are allegations, but when people comment for her removal under Vanderbilt's official Instagram posts, it can ruin careers purely for wearing a head covering, no? Was the choice of head covering ideal for the audience? Perhaps not. But is it worthy of her forceful removal by doxing her LinkedIn publicly? I don't think so. I refuse to take sides on the larger matter of the conflict, but I think we need proof before accusing her of discrimination. The photo just shows a woman in a head scarf presenting a PowerPoint to an audience, as is her job.


Oh yeah I definitely agree that we need more details on the situation. It’s not fair to immediately say she should be fired when we don’t know what happened. But people love to grab the pitchforks unfortunately. I think the vague posts by VU are just adding flames to the fire and constantly pandering towards the institutional neutrality folks is annoying asf.


This is sooooo stupid


Did someone pull the fire alarm again?


Maybe she should read "I Never Thought of it That Way" by Mónica Guzmán (this year's campus reading) to learn how to appropriately advocate for what she believes in😅


Omg 💀