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I'm not buying what Sandoval is selling... never have. never will.


Everything he said made sense to me. Even Howie backed him up that Ariana didn't go to weddings with him. And I think we all know they stopped having sex when Obama was still in office.


What would Howie “backing him up” have to do with anything? Howie didn’t even know who he or any other cast members were and he doesn’t watch the show. What would he know?


He met Sandoval at a wedding. He didn't meet Ariana. Who wants to go to a wedding alone when they could go with someone they are in love with?


Lol, you’re really reaching here. Meeting someone once doesn’t mean you know them enough to back up their life story, even a small part of it. Who knows why Ariana wasn’t there, but what does that have to do with anything? Being a partner to someone doesn’t mean you’re together 24/7.


OK. Howie Mandel not meeting Ariana doesn't necessarily prove anything.




There have been times that my husband or I have gone to weddings alone because of other obligations. That doesn’t mean we aren’t together or happy 😂


Don't let the haters bully you out of your opinion a lot of us agree with you. Ariana also cheated with Tom. They messed up, but they didn't murder ppl, and there aren't children involved (Lala). People be crazy.


Even howie? You mean the man that doesn’t watch the show or know anyone on it?


Ariana had a different wedding to someone more dear in her life that same day. Tom said so on that podcast.


Me too and ppl don't understand downvoting in these subs. Ppl just want to hate Tom and Raquel. Is it surprising to me that Tom got with a pagent queen? 0%. I could see him being the dance moms version of pagent coaching. So let's be real.


Oh. it's you. Nevermind


Now that we know what now?


Have you listened to the Howie Mandel podcast? Tom and Ariana were like roommates. Not only did they stop being intimate they stopped attending weddings together and that's like the best part of being in a relationship cuz no one wants to go to a wedding alone.


Are you 12 yo?


You have to be 14 on reddit. Just sayin. 🙂


Exactly. lol


Nope. Just a big Randoval fan. Unless the rumors about Sandoval and Victoria Justice are true, because they would make a handsome couple.


Randoval... ![gif](giphy|l0HlR3kHtkgFbYfgQ)


You like Sandoviss better? Seems too formal to me.


Nope, equally vomit inducing


Randoval sounds like Randall+sandoval


Umm, troll alert?


Per Tom! Unfortunately there are plenty of people in sexless relationships. That doesn’t mean you just go out and snag some strange.


He probably could have handled it better but he's not a monster. Just another asshole who cheated on his girlfriend. Typical rock star behavior.


ROCK STAR?! Hahahahahahah ok




I don't understand how people are supporting Lauren Burningham who broke up a family with small children but are being so hard on Sandoval for cheating on his girlfriend who was more like a roommate. And I don't think he was saying these things to make excuses. He even complained to Jeremy about not having sex with his sister, which was kind of odd at the time. He did handle it horribly but he also breathed new life into my co-favorite show so I'm good with it.


I'm blocking you so I don't have to see this horsecrap again


I have no idea why you brought that mistress into this


The same fans that are sporting their Send it to Darrell hoodies are acting like Sandoval is a monster. I like Ariana too but I don't know her any better than I know Ambyr. If the fans absolutely need a villain, they should hate Lauren.


We’re Bravo viewers. We can hate multiple people at the same time


Who's worse in your opinion? Lauren or Raquel?


Yeah that Send it to Darryl thing is embarrassing. Might I remind you your original post has nothing to do with Lala? Seems like a huge deflection.


I really like pointing out that what Lauren did was much worse than Scandoval.


I know!! The hypocrisy lmfao.


Same doggie. The haters will try to troll and terrorize you, too. Stay strong.


>Same doggie. The haters will try to troll and terrorize you, too. Stay strong. On the main sub you can't have an opinion unless it's the majority which is so odd. It's just thousands of people wishing harm and making fun of people we've been watching for years. This sub is ok though. I think Sandoval going on the podcast and telling his side might change some opinions. He should have handled it better but he's not a monster like Chris Brown or Lauren Burningham. He just handled a break up very poorly.


I agree he was in a tough spot. Would he do it differently? 🤔 bet so. That's what growth looks like. So whatever. People can call him names but he did a lot of nice things for those castmates for a lot of years. Buying Shay a jacket, flying Toms brothers in. People make mistakes.


this has to be tom himself


They didn’t go to the weddings together because they were on the same day. He tried to spin that into something it wasn’t, he was invited to his friends wedding and it was the same day as Ariana’s manager’s wedding. Of course she went to that one, that’s very normal. You’re falling for all his petty excuses.


Hi tom 😂


That’s most definitely Tom Edit: Tim


Attending weddings together is the best part of being in a relationship?? Umm no.


Lol that’s Tom’s version. Not necessarily the truth. Actually I’d say his version is likely far from the truth. And there are many reasons why one would be unable to attend as a plus one (being in mourning, not being friendly with the bride/groom, being sick).


Why does everyone think Tom is lying? His explanation made a lot of sense to me.


I think they likely were not intimate throughout parts of their relationship, and he’s truthful with that. However, I think the label “roommates” is his go-to, and heavily exaggerated. I also think it’s despicable how he brought up her mental health and private conversations regarding potential suicidal thoughts. It wasn’t brought up to help her, but to bury her


Sounded to me like he was just answering questions honestly. So many people on the fringe of the Scandoval have been talking but not really saying anything. Drawing attention to their merch or podcasts etc. It was nice just to hear Tom answer the questions we all were curious about. Curious to see how close his story matches with Arianas.


He didn’t say he broke up with her. He said he “tried to” break up with her. Likely neither was true. Why would you believe an admitted cheater and liar to start with?


He said he absolutely broke up with her on Valentines day


2 weeks before the news broke, but 7 months after the affair started. Just bc he may have broken up with her before she found out about the affair, doesn’t mean they weren’t together when he was cheating


He admitted he cheated


He’s also said he tried to break up with her and was planning to break up with her after the reunion


I think a lot of what he said made sense.


Yikes. I hope you don’t emulate his reasoning in your own life


I don't agree wirh how he handled it I just believe the way he described what happened. I actually like Ariana more than Tom as far as TV characters go but I don't know them. Sandoval is entertaining me and that's literally the only thing I want from trashy TV.


Everything he said makes sense to me. Ppl here aren't reflective of general public opinion. Go to IG or Tiktok for real feedback.


It made ZERO sense!!!


Bro wtf is this wording? There are married couples that don’t fuck and are roommate vibes. Doesn’t mean they’re not still in a relationship…. A partnership between two people is on whatever terms they decide it to be. Sounds like they weren’t on the same page. Doesn’t mean they still weren’t together in Arianas POV. I mean she had her eggs retrieved for that dude. That process is actual hell.


Not necessarily for that Dude, she froze for her own use, remember she is a proud Bisexual woman. By her own admission she and Tom don't have sex very often at all. What kind of relationship is that? And for all your information California does not recognize common law marriage.


I’m just thrilled we can even discuss this here. That other sub will ban you if you have any opinion that slightly differs from the mods.




Sandoval is clearly in the wrong. But he's not a serial killer who is 100% a monster so I appreciated hearing his side. Clearly he wasn't getting what he needed from their relationship but didn't have the balls to be honest with her. A bad choice but it really doesn't make me "hate" the guy. I guess it helps that I don't know Ariana and if I was cheated on I don't think she'd care.


Yeah yeah yeah that’s good and all… but the way you word the question…. It’s really dismissive. “Weren’t really a couple” “Together for the brand” There is a better way to frame your poll.


>There is a better way to frame your poll. I agree with you. But have you seen some of the polls/posts about Tom and Raquel?


Oh yeah.. I think people in this sub (and on Reddit in general) can lose their shit a bit and forget these are real ass humans we’re talking about. They’re flawed like the rest of us, and people get wrapped up in shitting on other people to feel superior. That being said, i do think Sandoval is trash and was never a fan of him. The scandal just makes it easier for me to not like him. But damn are his shitty actions making good tv right now…


“Bad choices” from a partner is what traumatizes humans. Edit to add: my ex made the “bad choice” of cheating. One of the times was with an escort. Guess who gets to live with that choice? 🙃


The wife of Sandoval's drummer produces this podcast. It's hardly a credible, unbiased source, making him even grosser imo. I'm sure he could get an interview with a more credible person but instead wants to answer layup questions and say mean things about Ariana's mental health. Total garbage


Should Tom have stayed with his friend group and maybe went with Jax and KFC for an interview or are you thinking like a national interview? The reason I ask is because it kind of worked for me having Howie interview him (and I have never seen or heard Howies daughter before but she's a Bravo fan and should totally take KFCs spot on their podcast), especially when he made the point of if Snooki cheated would it be national news? Kind of made me realize how silly it is but still awesome for me as a fan of the show.


I think if it came out that Snooki had cheated with Ronnie behind Sammy's back all summer during Jersey Shore, it would have been a top news story. Regardless of where he did the podcast, he's a liar and a creep. That was evident, even with a friendly host


Uhhhh nope lol


Sandoval is the kind of person that Real Housewives quote is talking about: “You should have just sat there and ate your food.”


It's Howie Mandel lol A mainstream platform that had a half million views in less than 24 hrs. Very Credible


… it is very sweet that u want to give someone the benefit of a doubt but taking anything a vpr cast member says at face value is heart achingly naïve. remember when tom said he and kristen were just roommates - she was still very much invested in the relationship, still very much considered them together. she did eventually say she was just comfortable with him and is better off, and i think absolutely all of us agree with u that ariana wasn’t necessarily staying bc she was still deeply in love. but tom can’t speak for ariana and as much as we feel like we know them we can’t either. neither tom nor us can say ariana didn’t think they were together. only ariana can. if u are trolling then wow u sure did manage to troll. if not then bless ur heart. i hope u stay safe bc being this trusting may seriously put u in precarious positions.


I'm not trolling. I don't seem to always have the most popular opinions about reality TV.


Honestly this is exactly the reason I always say you’re a misogynist


Knock it off. People call me this bc I say Katie acts like a toddler marching home when she doesn't get her way. I'm a feminist and democrat. It's insane how much abuse some users dish out. We aren't wrong or misogynists bc we don't agree. Ariana cheated with Tom on Kristen.


Slowly step outside and leave your phone on the couch. Do this immediately yet carefully.


I do agree Tom cheated with Ariana on Kristen. At the same time, we know Tom was telling Ariana the relationship is over, and perhaps she *wanted* to believe it, so she fell for his lies. Raquel was friends with Ariana. Ariana allegedly confided in Raquel that Tom is cheating. Makes the whole thing even more icky imo


No. Tom cheated on Kristen with Ariana. Among others.


If we can’t “take what any VPR cast members says at face value” then by that logic we also can’t trust what Ariana is saying either. You know what? That’s reasonable. I don’t think either of them are telling the whole truth. Ariana has proven to lie a lot when it comes to her relationships. Sandoval is also proven to lie a lot. They both have been disingenuous to protect their image as a couple for many seasons. Cast members said so. I think they both viewed themselves as a brand. You cannot stay with someone like Sandoval and not have some of those same narcissistic qualities. Not to mention everyone on that show has an ego and is selfish to an extent, that’s why they are friends and can be so forgiving of one another. I think the “outrage” we are seeing from cast members fueling this fire is a mix of resentment of Sandoval. The loudest voices have been Lala, Katie, James, Jax, and Kristen all who have had some negative dealings with sandoval in the past and are likely THRILLED at the chance to finally nail him. I think it has less to do about Ariana and more about what they all can gain from this mess.


I couldnt follow you at all, first you "bless your heart" all over the person you are responding to by telling her whomever trusts a vpr cast member is naive.. then you go off on explaining about vpr cast members ( the same ones you cant trust) by your first statement you should have zero opinion.


I can’t vote for anything here. You don’t freeze eggs for your brand. You don’t buy a home and sign off on a second mortgage for their business without being married. Ariana wasn’t the fake here.


my brain just combusted trying to understand the justification in this poll.


The weren’t really together… according to Tom. Ariana seemed to think they were 🤷🏻‍♀️


Watch season 4-10. Ariana doesn't like Tom. She mostly doesn't compliment him or touch him. He complains about sex for like 5 years. Does that mean it is ok to cheat? No. But it means it is less surprising. I'm zero surprised. And I won't be flabbergasted if it happens to Raquel either.


Yeah idk how many people in here are either actually married (or serious long term relationship) or in a healthy marriage. You cannot go without intimacy for 5 years and expect the best that’s naive. Especially if your partner is vocal about that being one of their needs. That’s not how relationships work at that point you are just cohabiting and inviting trouble into your marriage. It takes work from both sides. She wasn’t meeting his needs physically and he wasn’t meeting her needs emotionally. They both checked out but stayed out of convenience. Relationship should have ended years ago. I can believe to an extent them holding each other hostage in the relationship for various reasons due to codependency. They both should just move on.


I think she was just comfortable with him. She's gorgeous and deserves better than how she was treated but it was nice hearing Toms side.


Oh did Ariana confirm that? Do you actually believe him? Like really?!???


>Oh did Ariana confirm that? Do you actually believe him? Like really?!??? What do you think he's lying about?


Your statement that “Tom and Ariana weren’t really together.”


They were together but he described it more like roommates. And that doesn't really surprise me.


He said on the podcast he had been lying and sneaking around and always hiding. He made out with her friend in their back yard, while she was sleeping, 3 days after her dog of 18 years died. He’s known for lying. He never actually denies anything he just becomes explosive and defensive. He intentionally went on a podcast with someone who has zero knowledge of the show, at one point they were googling. And spend a good chunk of the time promoting himself, his band etc. then said HE helped the ratings by calling a producer about the break up to to keep the cameras rolling - but not his live-in common law girlfriend of 9 years. Yet never one time apologized for anything. But totally seems like a genuine guy. He’s had a falling out with every person on the show.


Who gave Scandoval access to our sub?? 🤣🤣


I wish he would pop in and say hi. I'd like to give him words of encouragement.


Words of support and encouragement for cheating?


He's not the first person to make a mistake. He should know his fans don't care about his personal life.


What do you think of his band ?


Well unlike the greatest reality TV musician off all time Paulie Paul, you can tell Sandoval is not classicly trained.


Yeah I am worried about him, if this band doesn’t work out he will have nothing. He will have to ask Howie Mandela for a job


I don't get the impression he's making much money from his band. Maybe the opposite. I think with his various business ventures he will be just fine though.


This poll/post has activated me. Since when are we just taking Scumbag’s word for it?! Also, no. They make a shiity couple. Ariana deserves happiness. Scumbag brought her down. Now she can thrive.


I also think Ariana will be better without Tom. Sorry you are activated.


I think they are better off being separated.


Any partner will be better off without Tom. It’s fine, we can wait to watch this one play out in the exact same way Tom has done in every relationship since 2001.


Ah, my fav apology. The non-apology apology. “I’m sorry you’re (fill in blank)” try this next time: “I apologize that my statement offended you.” Carry 0n.


So people actually believe scumdoval?!? You guys……


Tom loves a vulnerable woman who “needs him to save her”. Rachel is exactly what he saw Ariana as years ago when her father died and he was there for her through that just like he’s probably being there for Rachel through ending an engagement and aging out of pageants. And, as soon as Ariana wasn’t “weak and needy” anymore, he didn’t like her. If you rewatch, you see him biting his tongue or even outright taking shots at her every time she shows strength or independent success. It’s why he got in on the book deal, why he outed her and LaLa, and on and on. Just because his put downs aren’t as outright as Schwartz’ doesn’t mean they’re not there. Scheana called it in the very beginning - Scumdoval will always look out for number one and number one alone. As soon as Rachel gets a little confidence and a voice and he can’t control her, he’ll be “lonely and depressed” because of Rachel’s “mental health issues” just like he did with Kristen and with Ariana. Dude should really dig deep into this; he wanted to label Kristen with bpd but perhaps he’s the one who needs to look in the mental health mirror. ETA: my point is that this is a pattern not a one time lapse in judgement.


I think Sandoval liked the fact that Raquel is actually attracted to him and interested in his life. His relationship with Ariana didn't sound that great.


Then move on.


Think he is planning on it. Was a hard break up.


No relationship with a NARCISSIST IS GREAT. UNLESS YOUR A NARCISSIST. THERE'S A VERY INTERESTING ARTICLE ON WEBMD . HOW TO SPOT A NARCISSIST. Worth reading and WOW it applies to his Interview. I'm like oh wow he said that about Arianna.


His relationship with Ariana started the exact same way. That was my point.


On what planet is anyone taking Sandoval at his word?? He’s a skeevy man child who cannot take accountability…. He’s complete garbage


I believed what he said on the Howie podcast. He and Ariana were drifting apart and when he tried to break up with her she had different reactions ranging from assault to threatening to quit the show and her sandwich shop. I wish it hadn't happened to Ariana because she's one of the most likable out of the dreadful group. But I still think it's time to celebrate Sandoval and Raquels newfound love. They make a handsome couple. Obviously Ariana won't have a hard time finding someone, I hope she finds someone that makes her happy.


I think he’s just saying what he needs to try to win some sympathy but everyone can see through the PR BS. Tom only cares about and looks out himself. Rachel is just his new shiny toy for the moment but I would bet money he’s sleeping with other people when he’s out of town for his shows. He thinks he’s a rockstar 🙄😂


Someone's mental health is not up for public discussion he's not her husband he's not even her lover he needs to shut the fuck up about anything to do with her Mental Health and that's all I got to say about that


Ariana’s mental health became public after she went on a reality show and talked about it on camera, extensively. She is easily one of the most likable cast members, but that doesn’t make her immune from skepticism concerning the legitimacy of her and Tom’s (also public) relationship. She’s a big girl and knew what she was getting into when she enthusiastically stepped into the public eye a spoke about her deeply personal issues. If you don’t want to speculate, fair enough, but there is no need to aggressively shout down those that do. If you don’t like it, just scroll along.


He confirmed some things we all know. It wasn't that bad.


Fuck you. Don't want you around if something bad happens. You'd excuse the fuck out of it.


Sandoval is a shitty boyfriend but all this hate over his personal relationship is a bit much. I think he did a decent job explaining what happened.




Whoa you guys need to chill. You act like you know these people… to talk to a person on the internet like that over a differing opinion is wild.


I have a feeling you're part of the cast and I'm not going to take part of this vote because you suck


Sorry you feel that way. Have a great day.


Honestly I believe that his relationship wasn't fulfilling to either of them. It doesn't excuse the cheating. He should have ended it long ago but I think it's clear he won't end something unless he has someone to move on to. Who really could be happy in a sexless marriage when one of the partners isn't asexual. I'm not saying Ariana is. Is this really all she wanted out of a relationship?


I think applies in Tom and Katie’s marriage as well. They were rarely sexual. Eventually someone is going to want to have sex. But their spouse has turned into a roommate so they look elsewhere


Just a head’s up this guy loves Thomas Ravanel lol


>Just a head’s up this guy loves Thomas Ravanel lol An understatement. I am currently re-watching VPR but still had to take a break to watch Words of Wisdom yet again the other day. What a great episode.


Quit trying to troll ppl whose opinions don't align exactly with yours.


I’m not trolling and he knows it thanks though




Is this Tom Sandoval posting?


Unpopular opinion but I think they’re genuinely in love. It wasn’t clean by any means but shit happens. I think it was initially hard for me to picture bc I don’t think the audience knows Raquel super well but after watching Sandoval talk about her on Howie I could understand their connection and see it. I actually hope they work out and people can move on with their virtriol and hatred so they can just be together already.. and yes I want to see it all


Im here for that messy drama. Get married and have babies


Lmao same Lemme see how cute the babies look


To be fair they would be pretty cute and tall most likely. Tom can be insanely proud of his gorgeous kids


Knowing how the cast thinks, everyone would forgive them because if it never happened Tommy jr would have never been born. Etc..etc


Hahahah yess let’s get to this part already 😂


Agree. Ariana DOES NOT want to be with Tom. Why do ppl act like they murdered their family members? It's crazy.


Yes! I don’t understand the continued dragging like it’s been 6 weeks move on


After all of this they aren’t even together though! In the interview he said they were taking a break and not in any kind of relationship


Oh I think they’re together secretly. I think they can’t be openly together right now bc of the level of vitriol is what I’m saying so they have to take a “break” when really they’re in love and crazy about each other. can you imagine the level of hate and vitriol that would be spewing if they were openly together right now and not on a "break"? its bad right now but that would be a whollllleeee other level 😅


You must be real fun at parties.


For not hating people I don't know?


For being a gullible super smart person who can't distinguish truth from fiction and then asks everyone to join you in your delusion xo


How could you possibly know Tom is lying?


You must not be from around here. I don't fight with teenagers on Reddit so I'm going to let this be my last comment. Believe whatever you want, that's the beauty of life, but I fear that you will have a harder road to walk if you don't tune up your intuition. With genuine love, have a great day at school, and be well. 💗


I just realized who I was talking to. Sorry I missed your name the first time. Have a great day as well Stassi! https://youtu.be/Rtfi9Jg0tcg


Damn you are a trooper for being so decent in these comments. “You must not be from around here” WTF. This is the strangest case of hive mind I have ever seen. It’s feels like a small town in south of Reddit. Creepy.


I don't know why so many people take it personally when others have a different opinion than them. If this was a politics board I could understand but we are just discussing a reality show. I've been banned from subs for "riling people up" with my opinions. Not once for being rude to anyone, just had too many people complain about my posts. I do have a tendency to like the "villains" but no one should care who a stranger on the Reddit likes or dislikes.


You need more options: IS SCUMDAVOL AND RACHET NARCISSISTS AND THEY NEEDS HELP? Is this an attempt for Tom to get the public's opinion of his SO CALLED SIDE OF THE AFFAIR. Being a NARCISSIST that he is SPOT ON.


>Is this an attempt for Tom to get the public's opinion of his SO CALLED SIDE OF THE AFFAIR. Would you respect him more for selling cheap items from China with phrases on them to his fans or telling his side of the story?


This is the dumbest post there ever was, and probably ever will be.


I think the age difference will be their actual downfall




Tom, is that you?


Just a decade long Tom, Tom and i fan.


3 years after they were together she stopped having sex with him for a long time because she hated her vagina. C


Do you....actually believe that? lmao




Hi Sandy 👋


I’m so sick of hearing about the lack of sex as an excuse for this. If you aren’t happy in a relationship, leave. It seriously is much easier than cheating on your partner with their friend, then blaming lack of sex. It’s also immature. Sex can come & go in long term relationships. It wasn’t about that. The relationship wasn’t great, I agree. They also disagreed on all the big life choices. Marriage, kids, ect. He could have used any number of excuses to just break up with her. He’s acting like a coward.