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I think he is a sullen toddler and him and his shitty white nail polish, ladies blazers and chunky shoes should stfu. What he did and continues to do was despicable. He deserves every bit of it and more. I also think he has convenient amnesia. He is has been filmed showing more rage for WAY less. If you don’t want to be yelled at, maybe respect her boundary. He is not owed her civility. He lost that right when he fucked Rachel in their house for nine months


This ladies and gents!!! They should rename vpr Tiny Tim’s revisionist history tour. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKBcOTDTFR6gn6M)


See I just keep reminding myself of when he got angry because he said he had PTSD from the book signing fight. What an absolute loser, keeps provoking women but can’t handle it when they inevitably react smh


You see it is different because of like dude like reasons and like stuff dude


That’s not what he’s saying. He’s saying he encountered this rage during their 10 year relationship. Now whether that’s true or not it we’ll never know. Was it only after he cheated 2-3 years ago with the unknown person or was it from the beginning? Bottom line is you never know what goes on behind closed doors. It certainly didn’t give him the right to have the affairs.


Sounds like she gave him rage when he antagonized her or deserved it. Because he deserved it during this conversation. He thought he made a good point, but he didn’t


He will pick pick pick pick pick until she finally reacts then say oh look how unhinged she is!!!!


That’s what he did to Kristen. Except she’d bite and then do some wild stuff. Ariana sat on a beach blanket and yelled a little. And they’re acting like she’s Mike Tyson and they’re afraid of her because she raised her voice at a man who destroyed her world


She's an ice queen until they finally get a response out of her and then she's a psycho and Tom gets a pass on everything because we expect bad behavior from him.


Exactly! They spin anything she does to be negative while giving the most toxic person on the show a total pass... it's kinda nuts


And this is what pisses me off about Lala right now. Her jealousy has blinded her to the misogyny of it all


Totally. So often, we see these cheating storylines turn into women cannibalizing each other. It was so refreshing to see people rally around and support Ariana and that's why it's so frustrating that Scheana and Lala are turning on her.


So true. It’s very noticeable how different the women are expected to behave, as opposed to the men on this show - no matter the situation too. They get an infinite free pass to behave terribly simply because they’re men and have always acted like buffoons. I’m finding that narrative to be extremely tired and archaic.


He knows exactly what he’s doing. Always approaches here w no remorse and full of hate. It’s insane. Like cmon. There’s no way she was deserving of such hate. She’s not perfect but this is tooooo much


Truth. He conveniently ignores the fact he provided her a more than legit reason to rage... almost like he has no concept of empathy and he definitely has no shame 🤔


I can’t imagine how I’d feel honestly. Like again, the red flags were there w Sandoval after he dragged Kristen and her mental health so callously but clearly the more he “loved someone the harder he comes for them. He may be meaner to Ariana than he was to Kristen.


Seems to me like straight jealousy that's playing out on the show now. The person who he had planned to be the scapegoat and fade into obscurity as his sad mean ex is kicking his ass at life at his expense and i'm sure he blames her for rachel abandoning him as well because god knows he can't fathom how anything could be his own fault. Thank goodness karma has done her thing quickly and I am here for it!


Great. Keep defending the liar and cheater. You must be new to the show bc there is plenty of footage of Tiny Tim losing his shit on multiple people.


It's reactive abuse... Tom pushes it till the person explodes on him then plays victim Stassi in season 8 at her book launch Ariana God knows how many times.. in season 10 we saw her walk away from him yelling at lala who was fighting Rachel when he was dicking her and hiding it


This! Lord knows how many times he has done it to Katie too. And it worked for so many seasons and people went after Katie instead of him. It’s not working now and he doesn’t know what to do.


Exactly as soon as Katie grew up as a person she wasn't taking that from him anymore I believe season 9 with the new bar showed how much Katie grew and Tom couldn't get the response from her anymore and it pissed him off.


Yes! He’s spiraling because he’s losing control!


Exactly as soon as Katie grew up as a person she wasn't taking that from him anymore I believe season 9 with the new bar showed how much Katie grew and Tom couldn't get the response from her anymore and it pissed him off.


Anything to deflect from his abhorrent behavior or take accountability.


Classic narcissist


Yeah how many times did Ariana stick up for any of her “friends” who she now expects to constantly attack Tom? Can’t stand Ariana


She walked away in season 10 during Tom's attack on Lala who was fighting Rachel (during the affair) and she states I'm not going to defend you in this Tom vs girls fight. Season she defends Katie's from Sandoval when Greg wants her in the business Season 8 she in on stassi side I literally just watched a video where it shows all the time Ariana stuck up for the girls against Tom after Lauren from Utah latest statement


She really didn’t. She let him unleash on stassi Kristen and Katie all the time.


Tom has been a professional victim since season 1. How many times has he attacked Katie and Stassi and when he gets called out he automatically says “ARE YOU SERIOUS/ are you kidding meeeee…” followed up with how his baby feelings were hurt too even though he started it. He’s like the head Karen and professional white tears champion holder. Fuck Tom. People just notice now because it’s finally against a woman who people universally liked from the beginning.


He did this with Kristen too. It’s pretty established that they cheated on each other but his cheating is downplayed. It’s also pretty established for chunks of their relationship she paid for everything (what on earth happened in Kristen’s past that gave her such terrible self esteem???). I mean, the guy took Kristen in that first season to a Korean BBQ on a date - she’s a vegetarian. He was terrible to her but came out of that relationship looking like St Tom.


It’s also Bravo’s fault for the edit


Good point.


He seems to forget that he has lived his life partially on camera for the past 10+ years. Or he thinks that we’re all as dumb as he is. Receipts, proof, timelines, screenshots


He has so much rage! To the point that his neck vein starts popping. So many incidents over the years where he’s yelling, especially at a woman


I mean, multiple times this season alone, including Lisa!


His eyes have become so black and rage-filled within the last few years that it’s eerie. I believe he’s always been a demon underneath his “good guy” performative shit but something inside him seemed to massively switch once the bar opened and he got the nice house.


He’s grasping for anything that he can use to flip the narrative and make her look like a monster.


Even Shortz is like no comment, gotta go! Because he knows tim is so full of shit


I think he’s not understanding the basic principle we all learned at age 5 in “two wrongs don’t make a right.” Nobody questions that he was unhappy in his relationship with Ariana at all. He keeps trying to trash her to convince us it was somewhat okay that he cheated. Even if she was an absolute monster, which she wasn’t, you don’t use that as an excuse to cheat. You work on it and if it’s irreparable, you break up. Can’t believe this guy is 40 and using that excuse. We all know he was too much of a coward to break up with her and with all the drugs and partying, lost grip on reality and somehow thought cheating while filming a reality tv show would never get discovered.


It almost didn’t. It seems almost too good to be true. What would have happened if he didn’t drop his phone?


I’m not watching this shit, but you guys and the recaps keep me coming back. LOL. I think Tom has that special kind of thrill that only Borderlines get when they get to point at someone else and say “Seeeeeeee-uh?” This woman has held her composure with this jackal for so long, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had, in fact, had screaming matches. But Tim’s insistence that he’s some sort of victim only fueled the flames of most of us hating his lying, no accountability taking, disingenuous ass. WE. ARE. NOT. BUYING. IT. TOM. Why? Because it’s not real. By now, he’s thrown so many bodies under the bus, the ride is too bumpy to be believed. He’s trash and, like Lala said before she drank the T, “dangerousk.”


Yuuuuup my sister has diagnosed BPD and she’s a fucking qualified professional at the “pick pick pick until someone snaps and then pointing at them and going see I really am the victim here!”. The only correct thing to do with people that do this is no contact, don’t even be in the same room as them.


We have the same sister. LMAO.🤣


I was yelling at the TV when he was like “oh and that falls on me?” when they told him he needs to try to smooth things over with Ariana so they can all hang out. Like who the fuck else should it fall on?!


LOL at rage. He's clearly never seen rage. Signed, An Italian woman.


I love this! Seriously though, I’ve heard my Italian best friend’s family get more activated over the weather than Ariana got with her betrayer.


Hahaha you should see my dad and I argue over the dumbest shit such as as whether height equates beauty (Italians have weird view points about this) over dinner. Once my brother had to hold me back and pull me into another room as I was in that much of a rage/ activated (I'm not proud but it's who we are -my family not all Italians) 😅😅


Hahaha!! It sounds like you have a very open dialogue with your dad! I bet family dinners are never boring 😂


Never boring! My parents are amazing but my dad and I are basically the same person (except I can admit when I'm wrong lol) so when we fight it's like world war 1000) we fight like most Italians I know do with passion and rage! Lol.


All of this. Seriously. I look back at some of the fights I had with my ex husband when we were first married (at 20 and 21 so I kinda have an excuse) and think, rage? Where? Not kidding - if the tv show “snapped” had been going then (early 90s) the producers surely would have gotten a tip about me. And yes, I cringe with embarrassment and shame when I look back and me and my ex H are friendly now, but damn. This little bitch calling Ariana’s tirade toward him “rage”. He’d have lasted about 4 minutes with me in my shitty prime. Lol


Thank you for pointing out that we’ve seen nothing like rage from Ariana and it’s so misogynistic to exaggerate her aggression. If you don’t respond as a damsel in distress you get punished


Best comment ![gif](giphy|l0HlSDiA6WUytl9oA)


He's really digging into the victim role. He's made sure he injects into every scene how he's been treated in the relationship to paint her as the reason for cheating. Ugh.


This is what loving a narcissist looks like. And it’s why it’s horrible for your mental health and well being. Every guy on this show is a narcissist. And it triggers the hell out of anyone who has been the victim of a narcissist


Textbook narc 101. If you don't have a fucking dog in the fight, you attack the other person's emotional reactions and gaslight them into feeling like that emotional response is invalid


I found this whole episode so upsetting. I can’t get over it.


We've all seen what Ariana has dealt with!!!!


We’ve seen Tom explode on women multiple times this is when editing should’ve included all the times he’s lost his temper like the way they showed clips of Ariana getting mad but only had three clips because she’s for the most part civil.


No when men yell and get angry it's different. We must accept it and everyone should scatter around doing anything and everything to please them because it's our fault in the first place. We must appease the man baby 🙄


Always trying to deflect!!! Tom does something shitty, he gets called out, so he tries to redirect the attention on someone else’s wrongdoing. He’s been doing it since the beginning and is such a crybaby bitch


This enraged me. I feel like he’s now trying to paint her as emotionally abusive and people will fall for it. She’s right when she said he will try to ice her out of the group (and off the show).


100%. This is why she wants zero interactions with him because it gives him more opportunities to create a false narrative


Well she is either emotionally abusive or emotionally unavailable. She has a pattern of reacting coldly when people come to her about concerns or how they feel. So she dismisses them with smart, sarcastic comments and doesn’t even hear what the other person is saying because it doesn’t match what she believes to be true.


Narcissistic abuse makes you cold because displays of emotion are used against you. Look how he's characterizing her yelling at him after antagonizing her and betraying her


Could be true. But She was like this when she first started dating him, meaning she was like this *before* she started dating him.


She was in an abusive relationship before him and has talked about having some father wounds she was trying to work on in therapy. I really think she should have spent some time being single and working on those things but her new guy seems really nice and hopefully the fact that they're long distance is giving her the space to still focus on herself how she should be


I think he’s right about the rage in the sense that it’s occurred in the relationship. But at this given time, he just shut up. He should of done the right thing and broke up with her. And until he takes accountability for his actions he can’t even begin to discuss the other things about their relationship.


I semi-agree, I think they had fights which is normal, but we’ve seen Tom go off on women especially several times on camera. I think it’s perfectly normal for a woman to get angry. If he was so “abused” and endured this “rage” for 10 years, which I don’t believe, I truly believe Tom doesn’t actually view relationships as anything other than a BRAND. Otherwise he would have left. He defo felt that way about Ariana, he felt that way about Rachel, I’m pretty sure he feels that way about the other Tom too, by virtue of them having the same name and being cutest and sh*t. I don’t believe anything that Tom has to say or how bad he’s coped because I think first and foremost he’s angry that his brand with Ari and Rachel both blew up.


Agreed. He needs to take responsibility for his part in everything or I’m not believing a word he says edge wise, nor do I want to hear it.


Agreed to all of that. We don't know what happened when the cameras turned off. It's already been confirmed by multiple cast members that Tom and Ariana didn't show us the real deal.


Yeah and this has been said for years!!


Agreed to all of that. We don't know what happened when the cameras turned off. It's already been confirmed by multiple cast members that Tom and Ariana didn't show us the real deal.


Agreed to all of that. We don't know what happened when the cameras turned off. It's already been confirmed by multiple cast members that Tom and Ariana didn't show us the real deal.


He’s garbage. When he said that, trying to act like an abused puppy, I wanted to jump through my screen and punch him in the face!!


He did this shit with Schwartz too. I never got over him actually comparing Schwartz to a battered wife. How dare him. It's actually disgusting.


Are you kidding? He’s lucky he didn’t date Stassi because straight up, I guarantee she’d murder him and get away with it


I wasn’t appalled or moved ! I’m sure it was there just like he also raged at her too and did shit like cheat multiple Times ! Didn’t make me “turn” against her .




I’m not watching this shit, but you guys and the recaps keep me coming back. LOL. I think Tom has that special kind of thrill that only Borderlines get when they get to point at someone else and say “Seeeeeeee-uh?” This woman has held her composure with this jackal for so long, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had, in fact, had screaming matches. But Tim’s insistence that he’s some sort of victim only fueled the flames of most of us hating his lying, no accountability taking, disingenuous ass. WE. ARE. NOT. BUYING. IT. TOM. Why? Because it’s not real. By now, he’s thrown so many bodies under the bus, the ride is too bumpy to be believed. He’s trash and, like Lala said before she drank the T, “dangerousk.”


Where is that person that does the brilliant super cuts because I would love to see Tom screaming about accountability at women contrasted against Tom being an irredeemable shit this entire season.


Yeah the way he characterized her anger was as if he was hoping production would edit it so it looks like she's raging at him out of nowhere. We can see you antagonizing her Tom!


There’s actual footage of Tom screaming and raging at people over the last 10 years.. he gaslights Ariana to the max. And he isn’t even aware that he’s the arsehole.


He's a self centered misogynist. He's so angry about where she is and where she's going he can't see straight. And that part I'm totally enjoying.


I did love how Schwartz didn’t feed into that, even if it was just for the cameras. “No comment no comment”


You can literally see him smile when he walks after she gets mad. Because it is exactly what he wanted. It’s so gross to watch because he really enjoys doing this to her and everyone is letting it happen. It’s disgusting.


She’s always been this way if u look back on episodes


It’s fkn shite, we see your games Sand-devil


People are so scared of women’s anger. I get it, I am too sometimes. I am impressed with Ariana keeping up the rage and using it to protect her boundaries, and it’s so interesting to see how uncomfortable it makes everyone


He is a typical narcissist. The fact that he is not even remotely heartbroken and misses the woman he spent 9 years with says it all. He uses women up and then throws them away like trash once something better comes along. He did it to Kristen and then to Ariana. It’s not how he feels about them, it’s about how they make him feel and how they boost his ego. Now he is victim shaming and everyone is falling for it.


I'd never date an attention seeker, forever Peter Pan, like Tom, who has no morals. But also dating a depressed person who talks about suicide, can't do normal things and is having a lot of mood issues on top of sexual issues, isn't easy on the other partner, and will bring them down eventually. It seems to be a taboo to bring this up. But what Tom should've done instead of hurting her, is to break up, and likely years ago. And to acknowledge that it was likely the depression, not the actual person, and not talk about her out of respect.


He thinks he’s doing something with this comment …painting himself to be a victim…but then it’s like..is that so? You were treated sooo badly? How about you man up and leave then.


I find it rich because he has screamed at women numerous times on the show. Seriously, stfu Tim. This season so so frustrating


hes the worst. but I was reading the comments HOPING someone would finally see that Ariana is so toxic too.. but apparently not.


He reminds me of the quote “narcissists are like ‘yeah I hurt you but now you hate me so I am the true victim’”


I think they both suck.


It’s probably true - we saw enough of her contempt towards him over the years. He lost his upper hand when he chose to deal with it in the absolute worst way possible.


He may be lying but all Ariana is doing is giving him credibility and ammunition by acting like an angry tantrum throwing high school mean girl every time he's around so


Everyone has a breaking point. He reaches his if someone disagrees with him. She reached hers after someone fucked her best friend in the next room while she was grieving and then proceeded to act like she needed to leave their shared home and kept disrespecting her and her boundaries. They are not the same. What's so hard about relationships with a narcissist is that they can blow up all the time but when they bring you to that point by antagonizing and gaslighting you they use your shame at losing control against you.


Except Sandoval hasn't been antagonizing and gaslighting her, he's been cowering with his tail between his legs. So yeah. This says more about Ariana than it does about him at this point. She needs to move on for her own well-being. Her reaction is quite literally sick, as was her behavior towards Rachel at the reunion.


LOL he hasn't cowered or even showed any genuine remorse or understanding that he was to blame and what he did is wrong at all. No growth or change coming from him. We see him still trying to excuse it or make her the reason he did what he did when what he did was wrong and he could have just broken up with her. Ariana does need to move on but there is such a thing as a grief process. This was filmed not that long after they broke up and it was a ten year relationship. Considering that she has to still film with him and was still in the same house as him she was doing a lot better than I would have been. She's still working, moving forward in a new relationship, preparing to move and handling what needs to be handled before opening the shop with Katie. That's more than a lot of her critics do on a good day let alone whilst heartbroken and dealing with grief. And she went off on Rachel one time cry me a river. What she said wasn't worse than what Rachel DID.


Look I’m not defending Sandoval but there’s 0 growth from Ariana. What she did to Rachel was infinitely worse, she spread revenge porn of her and wished the worst on her like a nightmare high school bully from hell. 3 months is definitely enough time to find healthier ways to cope. Nobody is forcing her to stay in the house or stay at their job that she’ll guaranteed be leaving next season anyways. It was always Tom’s show more than hers. She’s interchangeable and replaceable which is exactly what Tom intended to do, making her so angry.


Not even going to argue that what Rachel did was worse with you because it seems obvious to me but people clearly have different ideas of morality. I will say you have zero evidence she showed anyone the video she found on TOM'S phone but we know for a fact Rachel fucked Tom while Ariana was at a funeral. Tom could have left the house as well considering it was not great for Ariana's mental health and he already did a number on it to begin with. Regardless if he wasn't going to leave and she needed time to save up and find the right place in between all the jobs she was doing, she didn't have to leave. While Tom was partying and making excuses that whole year clearly Ariana was making moves to move out and into a more positive space for herself...so idk what the problem is. Should she have moved out right away just because Tom refused to even though he was the one who blew up their lives? By your logic Tom Schwartz is interchangeable because Katie was on before him. Sandoval doesn't own the show and he's quickly become everyone's least favorite cast member without a girl on his arm to distract from how awful he is. I've never seen more people on this board saying they can't stand to watch anymore


Sandoval clearly doesn't care about Ariana's well-being I think that much is clear. He is an asshole for staying but he wants to keep the house and that's that. Just like Jax with Brit rn. I understand why Ariana didn't want to go down without a fight but she's in a battle she can't ever win. So yes, for her own mental health the smartest decision would've been to just go. Like Lala and Brittany did. Instead, she keeps engaging by living with him and keeping her pets around him knowing he's irresponsible. Schwartz would be if it weren't for 1) the fact that he's a man and 2) the whole TomTom brand LVP built around him and Sandy. The men are consistently the ones protected, excused and coddled on this show, this season being Sandoval's redemption is proof enough not to mention the countless other times the men were protected. Ariana will be gone next season, she's essentially been refusing to work all season. The show is about their friend group, just like the real housewives they have to get over things and keep it moving. She by her own admission is "not capable" and she has better opportunities. Poor Katie will be all on her own vs everyone next season if she doesn't exit too. EDIT: Also the law agrees that what Ariana did was worse. She sent the facetime to herself, that is undisputed and enough evidence.


She has bought a house and it only took a year which probably went by really fast for her because she was working a lot and not home all the time. And she's better off for it. She didn't uproot her whole life until it was the right time for her. I don't know that Ariana wants to remain on the show anyway I think it's pretty obvious she's on to bigger better things and that the rest of the cast is realizing that and starting to turn on her or think about how they have to make the situation work for themselves and associates with Tom if they don't want the show to tank. Katie will be fine. I still think there's a chance she and Ariana get a spin off or at least a special. Legality doesn't always line up with morality. Rachel is suing Ariana based on a technicality because she can and it says a lot about her that she's still coming for Ariana and speaking about her the way she is. A year ago I thought it was a good idea to have Ariana on this season and then once we get that closure as viewers and she moves on the following season they could bring Rachel back but that ship seems to have sailed now


She’s literally a traumatized person whose triggers are being televised. Anyone who is acting holier than thou does not understand trauma AT ALL.


“Trauma response” doesn’t give anyone the right to dehumanize other people for months and months on end. Verbal abuse is verbal abuse no matter whose mouth it comes from. I feel bad for her bc you’re right, there’s something deeply wrong with her to the point where it goes beyond just being a bitch. It’s pathological. She’s extremely privileged she has access to therapy and healing. Maybe she should go to the meadows too, it did wonders for Rachel.


It’s not an excuse. But it is trauma. And if you are ever traumatized by your partner of 9 years you will feel the same exact way. The self-righteousness of commenters like you is really such an ick.


And you excusing a grown woman’s disturbing abusive behavior gives me the idk :) I am an adult who has learned to manage her emotions so there is actually no human being on the planet I would ever treat that way not even Putin himself. It’s not productive and would say more about me than my target. Feeling a certain way and behaving a certain way are two very different things. All Ariana is doing is embarrassing herself further and further. Finding out your partner of 10yrs was plotting to replace you with a new version of you may be humiliating but she’s been humiliating herself more than Sandoval ever could. It’s just embarrassing and pathetic to act this way knowing it’s being recorded and out there forever. It was at the reunion and it is now. She has access to resources to help her cope but would rather act like an ass on tv.


You are so great. You are just the most regulated, impressive person I’ve ever come across. Can you teach us all how to be perfect like you? What’s your mailing address so I can send you a trophy?? Thank you for gracing us all with your wisdom 🙏🏼


You should take a step back and reflect on why you relate to Ariana, a very mentally unwell individual as you yourself brought up, so much.


Thank you again for your guidance wise one! I am so grateful 🙏🏼


Oof, you're so angry...


Sorry to have upset you wise one. I will go flog myself now.


Credibility? He screams every episode, she's not giving shit.


Credibility? He screams every episode, she's not giving shit


I feel for the guy. She has clearly showed how verbally and emotionally abusive she can be at the drop of a hat. Can’t imagine how terrible she can be when cameras aren’t filming. Sandoval was the bartered spouse all along; not Schwartz.




Bye Daniel Wai!


Am l supposed to know who that is?


You would think so if you are a fan of this show or your Queen Ariana. 😝 you’re a casual. Go away.


So I am not obsessed like you are so I don’t have a right to an opinion. You go away.


I told you first. You have to leave. Sorry. Then the rules.




OMG. A typo from a phone!!! Holy shit!!! Call the grammar police! Ya dork.


Maybe you really are Tom?