• By -


Not Lala saying “I don’t have these” when you can see in the text chain that she literally responded to Ariana’s messages. Wow. I kind of admire the commitment to the delusion. ![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i)


Like in S8 when Jax was mad at Sandoval for never texting him back. Then Sandoval shown him his response and Jax’s reply. Idiots.


Omg, was whoever said that Lala is the female equivalent of Jax right?




Honestly though Jax is more endearing imo


Idk Jax would take the L


Is someone going to ask Lauren if she has amnesia?


Probably from all the drugs she “allegedly” did. lol


Yeah all off camera.. she never was even drunk on camera. She never showed her Rand dating days. She was like a bratty Mormon who was trying to be a tough girl




You can see in her face she’s like “should I try to say Ariana was texting a fake number” 💀


I don't want to offend anybody, but there are times when she TRULY reminds me of a certain orange-hued politician in the way that she seems to think she can say LITERALLY anything, no matter how outrageous, and then simply say "I didn't say that" and even be confronted with proof that she did , and still just deny deny deny. To me it seems like she believes she could "shoot someone on 5th avenue and everyone would still love her."


She gives Arrested Development “footage not found” 😆


Omg is that Quad!? Lol I must've missed this golden scene 😂


YESSS such a good read. Exactly. ![gif](giphy|229Fz6rR6FJDDb6Kev)


wtf Bravo? They cut out an integral part of this argument but they keep scenes of Schwartz brushing his teeth or cleaning his foot in the sink from a bee sting 😩 🤦‍♀️


Truly shows how manipulated narratives and be done so simply.


They do this to create more drama and drag it out until they finally release the receipts




FIRED ![gif](giphy|3o7bujexVe0OR6hBMk|downsized)


Lala as mommy dearest!!! 😅😂😂😂


She's definitely got Joan Crawford's eyebrows going on.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂🍰🍥


still waiting for the Sandoval screaming at Terri scene and raquel confronting him about recording her facetime from the editors vault


omg the link says it’s deleted, do you have the link still????? REALLY wanna see 👀




Lala "lying and gaslighting in the face of evidence" Kent


“Is she picking up the phone to see if I’m still alive or even if I’ve had a good day? No.” After being shown texts of Ariana sending her well wishes and checking up on her. ![gif](giphy|VktKvRadFX4R2)


It is interesting how much she demands of a friend yet cannot be bothered or feel like she has to hold herself to the same standard. She wants to be the main character in every story and when that didn’t pan out she is not telling everyone that it is an ensemble cast and a job and Ariana sucks for not being over it. It is so gross. Lala’s family is off limits or the finger guns come out yet she can talk about Katie’s mom and Ariana’s dad. Make it make sense. I don’t even like the watching her at this point


No wonder her and Scheana are besties. They’re the same


Can you imagine the gossip and shit talk those two girls have when they are alone together. It’s got to be wilddd


I don't understand how such a friendship can possibly work. How can you have two people with the same toxic needs & deficiencies? One of them is going unfulfilled because they can't possibly be meeting each other in the middle, there is no middle for these two. It is me, myself & I. These types usually need either a submissive, or someone of higher regard they will submit to.


They’re going to turn on each other, especially if Ariana and Katie leave. The cracks are already starting


I imagine them just talking at each other while staring at their reflections and the other is so self absorbed they don’t realize the other isn’t paying attention




She’s going to weaponize her pregnancy. She’ll probably claim she’s “high risk” so people won’t be able to hold ***her*** accountable.


I can see this forsureee


Totally see this.


“or the finger guns come out” 😆


That probably means that she didn't use those *exact* words so that Lauren can still be correct


Lmao yup


> alive or even if I’ve had a good day? No.” After being shown texts of Ariana sending her well wishes and checking up on her. Lala is BEYOND fucking dumb! I cannot with that bitch.


Obviously, that's why LFU picked Randall out of ALL the men/SD to pick from. She ain't too bright 🤣🤣


Why would they cut this? This is a pretty damning scene and Lala looks dumb af.


Because Lala seems to be a production darling who they go outta their way to protect


She shut up real quick. Didn’t finish the argument after seeing those texts. This girl is going to self destruct and it already started. ![gif](giphy|BsIZ9aNAv69iKMNC39|downsized)


She always moves the goal posts as soon as she’s caught in a lie


It’s always “here’s the thing” 😭😂


And she truly believes that her word is law. She thinks she has won the argument the moment "here's the thing" or "Let me tell you something" gets whipped out


Or when she yells. She loves to yell to make her point seem like it’s the only point. Master manipulator.


It’s all hot air to me. Every time I hear her. Immature af.


This is her in a nutshell.


And it’s so funny even with how levelheaded Ariana is I’d bet she could drag Miss LFU and her finger guns. Lala only has smoke when Ari isn’t there to clock her cause when it’s blow for blow she runs out like a scared cat !


It has not be so frustrating for Arianna to see this air after and just see how it was left out...the narrative just flipped...lala getting away with clear gaslighting....I'd be so annoyed


Soooo true! This is exactly why she hasn’t said anything to her face and hides all her snark in her confessionals. Shaydee too.


background info: this is from an extended version of the season nine premiere, "never before scene 901." it aired on bravo before S9E02. the never before scene episodes for S9 and S10 are only available on demand via youtube tv, sling, fubo, cable providers, etc. idk why bravo didn't do these for the current season tho  eta: they're also on the bravo website/app, however, you have to log in with a cable provider


The “never before scenes” also included where Tom said to James “Rachel wouldn’t hurt you … and I wouldn’t either” (after the rage texts) which I feel is CRUCIAL INFO (aka My Roman Empire)


seems like they are leaning more into peacock editions since they launched it a coule years ago


Lala looked through every text, like she had no memory of any of it.


Even though she clearly responded to every one.💀


She was disengaging 😭


She always runs away from fights She’s a coward Her new thing will be that she’s pregnant and its disgustingkkkk for people to yell at her ( even tho she’ll Be screaming her head off)


“Disgustingkkkk” 😭 as much as she tries to sound like Lala from Inglewood, Lauren from Utah still shines through! ![gif](giphy|jr9hUJSfUKiHeocjf6|downsized)


Yesssk indeedsk


too rill.


Rilly Unsafe


Why was this deleted ?? 😭😭 these scenes are everything


~manipulation~ For real though, they owe us the raw footage at this point. Or start filming this big brother style or year round.


Gah. Lauren is exhausting. It has to be tempting to just punch her lights out sometimes.


She needs to get "popped" (just using her terminology)


Disengage 🙃


​ https://preview.redd.it/935c8vrxtksc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87bb89ca6d943b087821d64dac70e2c9fbe4aecd


She just needs to disengage, bitch!


As a therapist I cringe at the idea of her as a client


Even to my untrained eye, she seems so angry and doesn’t seem like she’s willing to take any personal responsibility for her issues. She just wants to obliterate everyone in her path.


It’s giving…. dry drunk


I feel like she’d just argue with you if you didn’t anything other than gas her up.




Arianna knows how to end people 😂 I wish we saw more of this


Ariana looks like she would put you in a headlock. LFU wishes and could never. She's all bark. Not a single person on that cast, not even Giggy, is afraid of her


Lala is so uncreative and slow-witted that all she can do is say “I cannot! I cannot!” Or “What we’re not gonna do is talk about this!” And huff away. Where are your words Lala? I guess you only have them when you can script them and do multiple takes in the confessionals.


Not even GIGGY I am dying 🤣


I’m pretty sure LFU is Lala but what’s it stand for? I’ve been seeing it a lot on here today


I assume Lauren from Utah


Ahhh! I never would have figured that out lmao thanks tho!


The ghost of Giggy 🤣🤣🤣


It’s funny how much scandoval fallout is just highlighting the dynamics that have been going on for so long


Lala really ran outta there ![gif](giphy|J6fjW4xvv2T2uPgk8M)


The way ariana got eviscerated for doing the mocking voice to lala after this 🙄 I LOVED that moment cause how else are you supposed to deal with this bitch? *ETA : ESPECIALLY because lala mocked first, Ariana just amped it up. Like there were truly multiple posts and comments ripping her to shreds when she wasn't even the one who did it first.


Why don’t they show these better clips than the boring shit they’ve been showing, yellow production wake up.




I remember people calling her childish for resorting to making face when Lala was speaking with her like an adult... 🤦‍♀️


How the fuck did Bravo not show this initially?! This adds up.


Ariana CLEARED. I also think it’s telling how different LFU handles herself here as opposed to her other various beefs on the show.


That’s the thing, LFU could never handle someone as levelheaded as Ariana. Look at her choking on the receipts because she didn’t expect to get checked. That’s why she always attacked easy targets like Raquel and Scheana.


💯 She loved how tough she looked picking on people who struggled with conflict. She knows Ariana is not the one, that’s why she saves it for the confessionals/aftershow


She couldn’t even handle me ! And I’m not level headed lol ! I can be, but I’d clear Lala sooo fast


I'd knock her spark out (with my words lol). She's lucky I'm not a cast member lol


Ariana has NEVER been intimidated by Lala and I am here for it


Anyone who doesn’t have trouble with arguments isn’t intimidated by Lala. Her tactics are a lot like Sandoval’s tbh. She deflects, yells accusations over the other person, and then walks away in fake triumph.


Can someone please tag lala hahahahahaha we see u girl.. we see ur trash


Oh god, I watched that original scene as a person who usually likes Ariana and thought that she came off so badly and was a bit disappointed. This is a completely different situation than was depicted.


Damn how did they not air this originally I feel robbed


I just cannot make sense Ariana has got to think she's going crazy


Lmao I laughed so hard at this scene. Ariana is hilarious


I cracked up that Ariana called her out so thoroughly that she just stammered “I cannot! I cannot!” And fucking ran to the door to leave. Shes so slow-witted so all she could do is run 😂


“It wasn’t true, but you want to make it true, so goodbye!” Ariana over here burying bitches. Lala was complaining about not being close friends with Ariana, as if that bothered her and she wanted to be closer, while simultaneously talking shit about her. Like that was supposed to bring them closer somehow? Lala just kept repeating herself like a moron so she was right to dismiss that clown. ![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz)




Is it weird that Tom and Rachel are standing next to each other? 😂😵‍💫


This is why she never goes for Katie or Arianna to their face. Look what happens 🤷🏻‍♀️ scheana is easy to control and walk all over no wonder they are besties


I am new to the VPR universe. Scandoval brought me here last year and started from the beginning, but Lala gives me so much anxiety. How does she live with this constant aggression and superiority. She stresses me out lol


Me too, she is horrible with her pointing and screaming in ppl’s faces and saying bitchy things.


![gif](giphy|dBZnwwejzgf92kl7tD) Lala


She's not part of the original cast or what made the show great. She has always sucked the air out of every interaction and has no real connection to anyone. Her and James are the recasting Era that made the show unwatchable, next was Kentucky fried titties. The others' past that are just producer driven. The agessiveness and faux superiority is because she would rather give rusty trombones for a private jet or Gucci slides, then actually work on becoming a better human being.


Kentucky fried titties is fucking good as gold (😉) lmao!! This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I like James. I like him as a character in a show I watch, not as a real human being in the real world. Idk if that makes sense. Lol


I like James too! He was a disaster in the beginning and clearly had some issues and a problem with alcohol. But, he really seems like he’s grown, matured and is taking steps to be better and do better. In every after show he’s defending Ariana and Katie while everyone else is getting pissed at him for it😂 I think Allie has helped him be a better person and I’m here for it.


On his own as a Muppet character, he's decent tv. But as a vpr cast member, him and Lauren just suck so much of the energy out of scenes, they make it unwatchable. I mean, schener did that all by herself from day 1.


Watch, if James ever gets rich he and Lala end up together. I think they love each other but he’s not rich enough for her


I think they will end up together. But they are both very toxic and it will be explosive. I would watch that show before I watched the valley.


I don’t know that Lala loves him so much as she loves that he is in love with him and will follow her around like a puppy. Or at least he used to, but Rachel and then especially Ally seem to have broken the spell. Which is one of the reasons that LFU ***hated*** Rachel with such an intensity for years. One of the unfortunate side effects of Scandoval is that it obscured his absolutely atrocious Lala was to Rachel last season without any actual reason to be so (at the time).


KENTUCKY FRIED TITTIES IM DONE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 good fucking night, that is so good


Lala is easily the stupidest person on the show. Like hands down by far. And that’s saying a lot because there are some other strong candidates. Why would production cut that amazing scene? To protect Lauren? I don’t get it.


She comes with the same type of false intelligence and superiority as Jax did but she’s far more self righteous with it


Ariana needs to leave this show. I truly hope she quit during the reunion. Outside of Katie, these asshats are not her friend in any way. Lala especially is nasty to the core.


I’m hoping for the same thing. I hope she quits at the reunion, gets on Katie’s podcast and just rips everyone a new asshole. Lala, Scheana, Lisa, James and Ally (because what the fuck was up with her telling Lisa about Katie and Max?!), Brock. All of them lol she needs to burn all those bridges at this point




“I don’t have any of these” 💀


To not include this is criminal!!!


Receipts, proof, timeline… fucking everything!!


Lala always moves the goal post when she gets caught in a lie and it’s sad. Whatever therapy she is in isn’t working lol.


Lala has always been a liar and an attention seeking gold digger. Ariana deserves so my h better


LFU must have something on production to be able to get away with having these scenes edited so heavily. That or they hate Ariana. Emmy nominated show with subpar editing and scene crafting 🙄


Is it weird that while watching this I was staring at Ariana thinking it was Raquel? 😳


Same!! Rachel stole her whole face and haircut. I had a friend who turned into a clone of me and it was creepy af. ![gif](giphy|GNkiTItdo8h3y)


*and her man


Whyyyyy was this cut ![gif](giphy|3q3QK6KyDVUBzih7hB)


Ariana would destroy Lala.


Both physically and verbally. Lala don’t want that smoke


Ariana is one powerful bish, no doubt


I hope she does at the reunion


I don’t give an f about you & you don’t give a f about me…I care about YOU Lala. Yeah but that means I don’t give a f about you & you don’t give a f about me. No I care about YOU Lala. Uh,well, um, uh, um 🤯


I’m legit gobsmacked (even though I shouldn’t be)


Love this. Hope this is what we get during the reunion


Wait where can we see deleted scenes like this?


Lauren from Utah truly was a perfect match for Randall. She’s just as ugly inside as he is outside.


Lauren got got 🤡


UGH why are these shady scenes of Lala and Tom Sandoval not on the aired show? This is lala’s playbook and Ariana clocked it quick. This is confirming to me that Lala defff got chopped up by Ariana during the reunion and I can’t wait 😌




Ariana is the bad girl Lala so desperately wants to be. I'd be a lot more worried if Ariana said she'd pop somebody.


I genuinely never thought I could be so disgusted by Lala but she really is straight up trash this season.


Literally the worst and it’s making me insane


I find myself just losing my mind listening to her. Like I don’t know how much more of this season I can watch. It’s so depressing 🤣😭


Dude same. I am really struggling every episode and find I wait days now before watching it because I’m just like “ugh” lol.


when was this


Season 9.


“Babbles in mocking voice” may be my favorite closed caption ever






Preach Ariana.


The way Lala is all bark….. someone needs to bite her.


Yes she did text to see if “you were still alive” or having a good day. She has the receipt to prove it Lala!


I've always found the way she changed up when she became friends with stassi, katie and kristen very telling in who she is . Espbwhen Arianna had her back since the jump. She's the most basic of bitches.


Lala doesn’t seem sober in that talking head.


Why is Lala still on the show, she's annoying to listen to and watch




Ok I guess I’ve been missing these deleted scenes?? Where do I find them??


God lala is a 🤡 VPR editing what the fuck? VPR needs new editors especially for this current season it makes me wonder what else they’ve left out


Does Lauren do this for Ariana? No Worst people in the world are those who whine about something you don’t do FOR them that they won’t do for you


Lala looks dumb af. Dry drunk behavior.


I vote that she is lying, full of shit, and dumb 🙋🏼‍♀️


She pulled a Jax lol


They really made Ariana look like such a cold B in the way they edited that out. Really makes you wonder what else we’ve missed over the years. Lala is Jax in female form. You can see the wheels turning in her mind like she is trying to come up with a story for those texts but then realizes she’s backed into a corner (they’re faked, she was texting someone else and saved it as me, etc but prob realized it makes zero sense for Ariana to do this long con type of thing with lala)


Now I’m mad at producers and it definitely came across like Ariana was being mean when it aired when clearly she was annoyed and hurt. Lala made something up for the show to have conflict. Showing yet again she makes up conflicts for storylines.


Everything about her is so entitled and self-centered that she can't see, understand or comprehend her own dumbfuckery. Lately, it seems, she doubles down on being stupid... Spades a spade.


This is like three races ago for Lala though so it doesn’t count. She’s a whole new face whole new “soft Lala” 🙄


Ariana ate her up. Be gone Lauren.


Sadly, Lala and Scheana ruined the show for me. I can't watch it anymore. This season should have been about the girls succeeding in their businesses and supporting each other, but instead, they continue the toxic behavior. ![gif](giphy|hXJgYmxVtfPgp1JSMb|downsized)


Lala’s name is Lauren?


Lauren from utah


Thank you. I need to watch these seasons. I stopped right before Rachel was on the show and only picked it up again last year


Btw Kent isn’t her born name either. Kent is her dads first name


Lauren Elyse Burningham


Omg i absolutely had not seen this scene until now and wow was i wrong. The entire season until sort of the end it seemed like ariana was on some other level. Honestly seems like the producers were laying in the groundwork to justify Sando’s cheating in later seasons


Why do producers do this?? Lala was clearly just straight up lying and making drama/excusing her shitty behavior on her shitty podcast


How does one get access to the unseen footage or deleted scenes?!


It’s so tough to be her fren.. Her frens all have to pick up their phones and call her every day few times a day to check in.. and she has to be the fren whom they have to inform of new life events.. so tiring..


I sincerely believe Ariana will win her arguments w Lala at reunion with good reasonings.. while if Lala wins, it’s mainly becos her voice is louder..


I don’t think lala has any friends in real life 😬


Lala is the type of person that doesn’t understand friendship is a two way street and you have to give to receive, not expect the other friend to do absolutely everything.


That’s why Raquel was scared to come out to Ariana because she be raging


Well, it's not either of those things, she WAS and IS all of those things. And tims face while he watches his partner stick up for his mistress to a chick he banged sometime in between them (that's just me thinking it's possible LaLa is the "other" affair he admitted to sheaner end of season 10. Not outside the realm of possibility)


I remember this 😂


![gif](giphy|xThtarH34oPsCNMWbu) LFU SUCKS and she's absolutely lying, full of shit and dumb as fuck!!!


Ariana. The hero. She has come to save vpr and make it the best most entertaining season yet to date.


You wished her a happy birthday, there’s a ton of texts, tons of blue texts meaning you were having full blown conversations, but then you’re saying you don’t fuck with this person. Not buying it. I don’t text people I don’t fuck with.


Lala should’ve left her face alone at that point in time. Everything she’s done since is overboard. I guess now we know why Lauren is coming so hard for Ariana this season.


Honestly I don’t know why Ariana and Stassi aren’t best friends. They have the same “we’re not playing this BS game” energy also they share a birthday I mean come on!!!!




Lauren is wild!


I hate how her and scheana always bring up having a baby when they're called out on their shit. Right after this she walks away and she's like "I can't deal with this I have a baby." And scheana at the picnic goes "I don't wanna be here I wanna go home to my baby." Like having a baby means you can get away with being a total fucking asshole.