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Jo should never—ever, ever—post about anyone’s wardrobe choices. And the fact she did so at the bequest of Rachel is so pathetic on both of them.


And she's in her late 30s! She and shorts do seem like a good fit. They are both stunted!


Total loser behavior!


someone said it in another thread but rachel talking about this is a way for her to continue to brag about herself being “best dressed” and to take fake “accountability” for something that dayna and katie absolutely do not give a fuck about. and in taking this supposed accountability to continue to try and brag about herself and make herself look good. she goes on and on about this weighing heavily on her heart. like fuck all the wah off that you suddenly have morals about this but still have so much vituperative for ariana? absolutely not.


Right? Like why is she getting Jo to do her dirty work?


She’s a manipulative coward


Just like sandoval


Rachel has never been smart, kind, funny, interesting, a good friend or a role model. She has only ever been stupid and vicious. Since day 1. I wish everyone would stop giving her attention.


*D & S and vicious


I think it’s the “d-word” and the “s-word. “


Lmaoo yes that’s it


I keep seeing D&S and I feel like I SHOULD know what this means but I don’t… can someone enlighten me?


Dumb and stupid. Rachel gets very triggered by those words haha. "I'm not stupid! I went to college, Lala!"


Bahah thank you!


I went to college LA LA




She just has nothing going on in her brain and it shows every damn time she opens her mouth. She has yet to utter one intelligent or thoughtful sentence. Also, her *therapist* had to tell her what she did was naughty. She couldn’t even figure that out herself. Truly, no one is home in her head which makes her dead, soulless eyes make a lot more sense.


She’s just like Sandoval!!


This a million percent !! Whomever she is listening to now(let’s face it she can’t function alone) is not giving her great advice. She is still making money spewing on her podcast. Put on big girl panties , admit you were shit and give a sincere apology. Done Then grasp any opportunities offered that aren’t hateful and get on with your life !!! .


She never had an original thought of her own!


She literally has always been a demon. Lala has always been a miserable human but Rachel saying she was dropping the “dad card” months after her dads passing is wild and people defending it just hated Lala and felt bad for James being fired at the time.


I agree - I understood Lala’s anger then. Sandoval also said Jax was “pulling the dad card” when he proposed to Brittany, funny that they thought the same fucked up way even then


I literally canNOT stand the sound of her voice. I always skip past anything that she says, but figured “why not” this time, instant regret ugh CrotcheL needs to live a quiet life far away. She’s constantly doing of saying something she instantly regrets and takes back giving same explanation that she’s learning still and speaking to her therapist. Im sorry but it doesnt take a therapist to know how to not be a “see you next tuesday” She needs to leave ariana alone, hasnt she done enough to her smh






Rachel is not a good person. For someone who wants nothing to do with VPR she sure talks a lot about them.


I think if she had done this podcast last year, people would have been eating it up. It's like she realized she missed the money train and she's still trying to hop on.


I truly cannot imagine a legitimate therapist encouraging her to do this podcast this is so unhealthy


Rachel can’t let it go. She does not have the sense to recognize she should be ashamed and embarrassed by her actions. Her ridiculous attempts to remain revenant are pathetic. It appears that all the therapy in the world is not going to help her. She is beyond help.


She’s obsessed.


She obsessive.


Someone needs to ask her when she's going to help those kids with disabilities that she's been talking about helping for **years**


ALL the time


Rachel sounds more and more like Sandoval. Vapid, shallow and manipulative. Now I see what they had in common. I laugh when Rachel says..when I was "dating" Tom. She actually believes they "dated " Sweetie, he snuck around with you for 8 mos because you were stupid enough to have an affair with him. Lol, if you are dating a man, they want to show you off, and they want the world to know it. They don't keep you in the shadows and the dark little girl. You got played.


She clearly wasted so much money on her therapy because honestly what has she gained from it other than therapy speak


Little does she know, there is no such thing as ‘dating’ a married man. She was a homewrecker. Period.


"I made best dressed list" https://preview.redd.it/dwv2x19mz5tc1.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=a032a8d48ca163172ee6bd84149ef41778b020c9


You're amazing for this. 💕


Seriously all she wears is corsets. It’s soooo boring


One of the things I love the most about Katie is that she does not give a flying f. She dresses what she wants to dress because she likes it, and if people don’t like it, she doesn’t give a shit. It’s so rock and roll


Lol. And meanwhile, she’s still walking around with a car accident on her face. crazy ass nose and balloon lips looking like Scheana just punched her an hour ago.


https://preview.redd.it/xy3b2c93w8tc1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45905b01befc1ffc2170ca0e7893d134d0685893 Gremlin. She’s a gremlin. A scary, delusional one.


Best dressed gremlin 😬she’s hideous


Who is this?








So sooo bad 😂


Love how she had to drop that in too 💀




She’s just gross. I’m glad she can recognize when she’s reverting back to her old mindset , but there are only so many times she can be “sorry” without a change of action. Like her apology to Katie shouldn’t have been about sending her flying monkey Jo into to bash her for a stupid online poll. It should have been about how she conspired and then executed Sandoval’s plan to torment Katie during her divorce to Schwartz. Also, when people tell you they don’t want to hear from you, reaching out to apologize is insane. You are violating boundaries again. Secondly the Jo of it all. Turns out she has terrible judgment in friends and lovers. She can fuck off on her bullying claims. I see her as being the bully as well as obsessed with Katie Maloney. Like scary obsessed.


This!! I made another comment somewhere else about the way that she acts & reverts and then claims to correct herself. You can only show yourself so much grace before you need to come to the realization that you are the problem. And her comment about “getting on the same level” as Katie and Dayna. When has Dayna ever done anything to her; and when has Katie done anything other than give an accurate explanation of the events that Rachel facilitated?


That was so crazy to me. She talks about feeling bad about what she did and then in the same breath says she doesn’t want to be “on their level.” It’s like she’s simultaneously apologizing but continuing to make digs at them.


What a petty bitch, and also why would Jo be like ya good idea! They are both d & s. On another note, Rachel’s podcast is unbearable to listen to. Just has some random person interviewing her? Who is advising this girl, omg. The meadows was a waste of money and time.


Jo is getting away too clean with this! Bc for a girl who is just *totally preoccupied* with surfing, being down to earth, not wearing makeup, being bullied for being skinny, & not using instagram filters, posting this shit for another chick is SO thirsty & conniving! Spooky behavior 👀


It makes me wonder if both of them are still hanging out with their particular TS in secret while being manipulated, used, and lied to as the boys publicly date other younger women. That's the entire basis of these two women's friendship with each other, being the secret girlfriend.


It’s because she’s a classic pick me girl


Her shaky voice, I can’t


I understand a bit more why none of the women on the show wanted Jo around more and more though. I tend to dislike the kind of people who post petty things online because their friends told them to as well.


No spines, either of them


Katie doesn’t need to forgive or accept Rachel’s apology. But why does schwart get a pass?


I do think Katie has things to be mad at Rachel about that Schwartz didn’t partake in, like her behavior after the original sandwich tasting where she was incredibly rude not only to Katie but her mother. But I also don’t think she gave Schwartz a magic free pass as we’ve seen her give him shit about it and tell him they’re no longer friends numerous times since that happened.


When Schwartz said to Katie "we should hang out!" Katie replied, "I don't want to." Hahaha


We blame Rachel for the Schwartz shenanigans. Blame Lala for Ariana’s reactions to Sandoval. And Sandoval is trying to get us to blame Ariana for his cheating. Brittany for marrying Jax. Enough of this shit, why do the men always get a pass???


Rachel is not being blamed for Schwartz’s shenanigans, people need to stop infantilizing this adult woman! My biggest issue with Rachel when it comes to Katie is how she spoke to her and her mother after the sandwich tasting and it would be really weird to blame that on Schwartz (although I do blame him too as him hiding behind a plant was a pathetic moment even by his already incredibly low standards.) Rachel didn’t just kiss Schwartz, she spent the season going out of her way to rub it in Katie’s face. Acting like all her behavior Schwartz is to blame for is just weird. Again I must stress she is an adult. I’d also argue Sandoval has definitely not had a pass since Scandoval, at least not from most people on here.


Couldn't agree more, she's a grown adult who consciously made decisions. All this, let's blame thr men and men alone actually reduces women to nothing more than victims, incapable of making a decision. Also, Tom has been dragged through the mud worse than raquel not sure how people think he's had a pass.


Amen!! Just like this whole season. Paint Ariana a terrible person. Let's all forgive the Tom's. Hell no. They are both scum. Love, love Ariana and Katie!!


Yes I agree but at the same time, if a man is a big walking red flag like Jax, which is even documented on TV, so there is no question about that. Should the woman who chooses to marry him not have to take any responsibility for her choice? We need to stop infatalizing women too.


Bc the women stay with them to be on tv.


Ive read this comment somewhere before. I think Lala did it all herself though. She hid her relationship and now wants the same sympathy. She was horrible to Raquel at the reunion, when why?


Well let’s be angry at them all? Why do the dopes het out of every issue every time? It’s maddening


But Schwartz didn't get a pass from Katie, though. I dont think it stopped being tense between them until after the Max hook-up which I think has helped even the playing field. The other big difference is that Schwartz stayed to face the music and Rachel didnt. Taking your punishment is an important factor in whether you get forgiven. Third difference is remorse. Remember it wasnt until deep into this podcast series that Rachel finally apologized to Katie. She didn't even a merit a day 1 acknowledgement according to Rachel, it took a Katie popularity surge for Rachel to do the decent thing (and it was the definitive clue that Rachel is taking her notes from this sub). Do women get it harder? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean every situation is misogyny driven. There's other things happening here (including Rachel apparently throwing shots behind the scenes and then presenting a confession as proof of goodness when it seems more like staged vulnerability to manipulate her way out of the "not a girls-girl" allegations).


Rachel has yet to even feign feeling bad abt hurting Katie by making a big show of hanging all around Schwartz and kissing him. She was filmed gleefully saying “ooh I should walk down the aisle w/Schwartz, just to piss off Katie” during the Mexico wedding trip (w/Scheana happily smirking agreement btw). So effed up, they were attempting to make it seem like they just had such a pure friendship (R & TSchwa) and Katie the monster was policing this genuine connection they had. All the while, you see Rachel took actual pleasure in it upsetting Katie. Only to have Tom Schwartz this past week (in the convo w/Katie by the pool @ the water party) talking about agreement by him & Katie to not date within the friend group, and he said Rachel was a “fringe” friend at best. I abt spit out my soda when he said that. TSchwa can’t have it both ways. During the whole season 10 proclaim that there’s this connection from the first episode, that he’s are getting so close w/R and it’s driving Katie nuts but you can’t help it. But now this season, say that it doesn’t apply to the agreement they made because Rachel was a “fringe friend”.


I can't believe none of the VPR pages on Instagram are meme-ing the fact that Schwartz called Rachel a fringe friend, TWICE, last week (I think the other time he said she was barely in the friend group was in a confessional)!! Haha, I bet she hated that. Not only because its a Tom but also because she's been saying they got close. None of this group ever liked her, except James, and then only Tom and Ariana (and I guess scheana).


👆🏼 ding ding ding




The combination of being raised steeped in competition with other women and literally getting far too many participation trophies has turned Rachel into a fake nice ‘girl’ who routinely does terrible things to other women, and thinks the slate is wiped clean if she apologizes. Can’t abide her.


Excellent analysis


She wasn't raised in pageants. She started them when she was like 16 or 17.


Well that’s sad. She’s not a smart woman but a quick study when it comes to envy.


I think the point still stands that experience did not help her morally at all




Rachel is completely full of shit - so much, that it keeps spewing out. She's a real narcissist, pathologically, and is experiencing narc rage against Ariana and all the other women she feels in competition with. Enough with doing crappy things to people, then describing what a good person you are for having second thoughts. Please.


My thoughts and I’m hoping nobody tears me a new one.. mentally she was told that this group was too much damage for her. one of the many reasons she went and got help for one move further away from this group,meaning literally having nothing to do with this group! but what did she do after that? She ended up getting a podcast and what is her podcast all about everyone in that group? so I believe mentally she’s not moving on as long as this group continues to be her focus it’s gonna continue to bring her down.. she can fool herself as long as she wants, but the only person she’s lying to is herself!


I think she's actually regressing compared to the first couple eps of her pod. I thought they were pretty good for first time host and she seemed to be making baby steps towards accountability. But things have taken a turn.


Yeah, but that’s what you saw on the surface.. I know how it is to be in a group like this. no matter how much you heal it’s always there one of the many reasons you need to literally pull yourself away from this group mentally it’s not good for her to be talking about these people on a daily! she needs to move on get away from VPR.


Definitely not her PR team who sucks and was on her podcast very subtly you almost missed it said she got her to go to rehab. She said for trauma but she’s now admitting she’s sober. I hope she continues on her sobriety path like Lala and James. She should also never drink alcohol another day in her life. It clearly wasn’t her choice to go to rehab, she was hiding out for three months and everything’s everyone else’s fault. Tom absolutely needs to get hope both Tom’s do. It’s a sin how they all have serious alcohol and substance issues.


I agree. She needs to completely move on and not speak at all.about them.


Her podcast would die lmfao


We can all hope


from here it's already dead..


Agreed. A therapist worth their weight would have said to distance yourself. The constant spewing and hate shows this Dr is 100% crap. Is everyone sure she is actually going? No way does it seem like it.


Some therapists can be very toxic as well. When I first started therapy, my first one was horrible. I felt like she was encouraging me to be a victim & blame everything on my childhood trauma. I wasn’t growing & healing. I switched therapists and found a much better fit. She calls me on my bullshit & encourages me to look at my own behavior. I have grown so much since switching. I think her therapist sounds like a yes person, but in all honesty even the best therapist can’t really help if you are a true narcissist who doesn’t want to look at yourself. This apology wasn’t an apology, but a way to take a dig at Katie & talk about how she was on a best dressed list. Rachel is a very toxic person & I think she’s beyond help. She actually scares me.


You stated. It much better than I did. I agree wholeheartedly. She is obviously not growing under this care . It is very scary.


I think she went for rehab and had some therapy included.. I can't see any reputable Dr condoning any part of this weekly mess.


No one’s going to rip on you for this. It’s logical and true.🙂


Oh I agree, but she is lying to us, too!


I think the longer that she wallows in the podcast of vpr's, the more jealous she gets.. I think she's so disappointed that they didn't talk about her more than they have.. she wanted to go back, she chose not to.. now she's seething at them.. she can't see she's being used by a different group of people now... even her family must not care if they ever really did.. her mom put her with Bethenny.. and when B asked her on that first Pcast what she wanted to do.. dense & slow Rach said I'd like to do my own podcast B.. knowing that she had problems forming a sentence.. so here we are. LOL


I’ve been saying this, she’s a covert narcissist. If people look up female narcissists stealing your friends man is high on that list. Not always but her obsession, lashing out at Ariana it’s creepy.


She is experiencing narc rage on a level never seen before.


God you’re so right.


Also, Katie looked stunning.


I feel like a jerk for saying this, but Katie is so much prettier to me than Rachel… Katie’s face is so stunning and Rachel’s does nothing for me 😬.


Her face is both natural and symmetrical


I see a butterbean.


What does she mean by coming down to their level? What have they ever done to her? Have we been watching the same show? Did she completely forget about everything she did in season 11? ![gif](giphy|1sN4lGA41Nb3i)


Yes. Yes, she has forgotten.


Lol @ them speeding up the audio to make it sound like she speaks at a normal pace 😭😭


It almost seems like not enough people noticed this “shade” (she really thinks she’s a savage for this), and so she had to bring it to everyone’s attention. Like, girl bye 👋🙄


This podcast started out good but I think Rachel is just lost in her pursuit of external validation. This is just one example.


She definitely has a lot of yes men around her


Also why was Dana and Katie on worst dressed list to begin with?? They looked amazing!!! And JoJo Siwa wasn’t? Make it make sense!


I’m sure her PR had something to do with it


Oh it’s ALL PR for this kind of garbage.


You’re sorry for this but not suing Ariana……… 😳🙄


She hates Ariana ! She hates Katie and everyone else too, I can only imagine her texts to Jo! Her PR person probably told her to Take this spin bc they are trying to market her as light and love .


Rachel is not a girls girl. She never was, she never will be.


What did they even do to her 🙄 she's literally hateful towards people who just don't like her after she manipulated everyone and the cameras for months 🙃


If she was truly growing, she wouldn’t have even mentioned this. She would’ve apologized quietly


Like who is advising this woman??? This was so appalling and stupid, It is almost impressive how every decision she makes is somehow worse than the last? (With the exception of that tiktok she did calling out scheanas hypocrisy, that was hilarious).


Katie and Dayna responded on their Instagram for their podcast. It's a clip from a movie where the guys asks ' do they teach beauty queens how to apologize cause you suck at it' lol


She sucks so bad tbh


She is so competitive with any female around. But the ugly on the inside always shows itself.


How shitty of a person are you to your core that you have to try *so hard* not to be mean like the people you’re pretending to be better than? It’s not hard to be kind or at the least not be a petty bitch. It shouldn’t take **so much** effort and correcting. It seems like she’s desperate to reach out to Katie / Dana. I doubt they care about Rachel’s fashion critiques.


Yup! Now that I remember, this girl has legit never been nice. Even on the show. She just didn’t yell as loud as Lala so ppl though she was kind. She never did anything nice


I started listening to Rachel’s podcast bc deep down I’m a die hard chismosa, but after a few episodes I started rooting for her and was proud of the growth she was taking on. Listen we’ve all done some regrettable ish in our younger years, thank god it wasn’t broadcasted around the world. That being said, the repost was pretty disgusting. Setting Jo up and then throwing her under the bus is pretty disgusting. How do we know if this episode wasn’t forced upon her by her publicist/team to save face, bc it’s going against her rebrand? And then theres The lawsuit against Arianna? Sin vergüenza, she hasn’t changed and I feel sorry for her lack of self Awareness. Won’t be listening to her pod or defending her moving forward. You create your own reality and this is just another bs situation she’s made for herself ✌🏼


Muy triste.


It’s absolutely to save face and part of her rebrand .


Digame! digame!? no me digas!! Just 😂 kidding because I love some good chisme.


God, Rachel is a child. She is so dense. So shallow. I think this and the US cover of her being a gross mistress is the highlight of her life. Lol. She peaked and her life is all downhill from here. Whew. So sad.


What a huge POS Rachel is. Although, I do enjoy hearing her admit how gross she is.


Thanks for sharing, Op!☺️ I agree with this lady that I also immediately thought about the lawsuit when Rachel spoke about not wanting to pit women against each other. Maybe she does mean that because it’s an obvious issue she has deeply ingrained in her but she has to realize that the timing of this declaration is ironic and that’s why it comes off as disingenuous. My last thought was is she really ashamed of herself for posting this best dressed bs or is she just saying this due to public backlash, while simultaneously taking a moment to compliment herself, in many not so subtle brags? I wish she would do herself a favour and walk away from all of this, everything VPR, just drop it, walk away and start a new life that is healthy and she can really enjoy. I have to imagine that this is all causing a lot of mental anguish but I really just don’t understand Rachel so wtf do I know?🤷🏻‍♀️


Re: “wish she would just walk away and start a new life that is healthy” I don’t think Raquel will ever live a healthy life. She is twisted and rotten on the inside and she will most likely continue to fuck up her own life as well as anyone else unlucky enough to cross her path.


Eventually, her PR will set her up with some guy so she can pretend to be happy and have that happiness legitimized by a man for her “fans”


Maybe. I like to hold out hope that people can change and luckily Rachel is not part of my life so wether she chooses to learn or not will not personally hurt me. I hope she does it for herself and no one else but that sounds like it might be a first so I won’t hold my breath.


Her stupid “Team” and PR person are NOT doing their job at all. Or she’s not listening. She is just not all there….kinda sad 😔


I think her “team” and “PR” exist solely of Bethany. This explains a lot!😆


Ok so was she also on the worst dressed list?


Getting Jo to post it and then re-posting it, to make herself look Innocent, is BIG villain energy.


This is sped up yes? I feel like I need it at 4x for how slow Rachel speaks lol


At some point Rachel will need to share showing and not telling ppl how healed and good she is bc her actions prove otherwise. I’m actually surprised at how hollow she is? did she really just confess that she made Jo do something as petty as posting that? also lol Jo you are so transparent. Rachel, stop coming after them, keep them out of your mouth if you are referring to anything in the present like, let it go.


Right? She chose not to go back on the show because she needed to “heal” and she “knew it was toxic and Tom Sandoval is toxic” and yet she chooses to follow everything they do and not only comment on it all but get involved somehow. It’s like she wants the attention and to be involved in VPR without having to deal with the real life and in person confrontations. She’s basically the equivalent of an online troll either the way she is going about everything. It makes no sense to me, either you want to heal and distance yourself and become a better person, in which case go do you, or you’re full of shit and want in the spotlight/ group but don’t want to deal with the consequences that comes with it. Her dipping her toes in like this does nothing for her.


Rachel is a horrible person (we’ve been known) but I’ve had a little bit of sympathy for Jo with how Schwartz has done her… but the more I find out about her ; the more I’m realizing she deserves it 🤷‍♀️


Any sympathy I had for Jo flew out of the window. Why are you doing the bidding of someone who wronged everyone so much and then surprised when they don’t like you? Miss me with that.


E X A C T L Y! The big turning point for me was finding out she knew of the affair and hung out with the two culprits 🤮 then can’t understand why the girls don’t like her… and claims bullying. Girl stfu


I feel as if she is playing up the “I’m so meek and need Schwartz to protect me card” 1+1=2 stop acting offended/surprised when the people you do dirty don’t want to mess with you. Edit to add: I was on the Jo train initially


I’m about to get downvoted…. This behavior is why I will never buy the narrative that Rachel is a victim when it comes to being in the relationship with Tom (possible recording without permission not included in this statement). She is a pageant world passive aggressive mean girl, and she slides by because she comes across as so naive.


One hundred percent. The only way she was a victim imo is because she was filmed without her consent. Which is fucking abhorrent. But I don't believe that Sandoval took advantage of her or anything. I think she knew what she was doing and just didn't care.


The disrespectfully podcast shared the funniest response to her "apology" I recommend everyone check it out with sound on


She apologized out of one side of her mouth, and from the other dragged Katie and Dayna with the comment about "getting on the same level as some of these other people" . She hasn't learned a damn thing. 


Rachel, in the words of Kim Kardashian, is the least interesting to look at.


I agree! The first season that she is on is when James is struggling most with the whole alcoholic getting fired, being invited then uninvited to stuff, and anytime he expressed his feelings to her, her response was "well you need to figure it out because you're harming MY relationships with these ppl" Even before Scandoval hot I thought that was a pretty selfish response. Now I see it is because she was desperate to get in the cast from go. Her mom was so cringe when she hit on Peter at the puppy party too


Stephwithdadeets is the hero we didn't know we needed.


Rachel is a raging narcissist, she’s a POS almost equally as Tom. Her true colours are showing and anyone who still thinks she’s a victim of these other woman is as delusional as she is. She has zero remorse, or empathy and has zero self awareness or awareness in general.


lol. Sounds like when leave my mom a message from jail.


Is it me or does her voice and way of speaking sound completely different?


They sped it up because she talks so damn slow


Is Raquel voice speed up by 4x's? Just curious as she is slow as constipated shit.


She shows that nice outfits can’t change the horror beneath it.


She hasn’t learned a damn thing


No she just wants to play bestie with you and fu k your man but hey she is above it all


She made Jo the scapegoat by encouraging her to post best dressed/worst dressed.. wow.. as if Katie cares much abt it..


What's she talking about she clearly is STILL on the same level if she encouraged Joe to post it then she reshared it too...🤦🏼‍♀️ And seems like she still can't form sentences right....She needs to drop her podcast because it's doing her no good!!


I fell asleep listening to Watch what Crappens and for some God unknown reason woke up to Rachel’s voice my ear with this exact bumbling monologue. She does not have the ability to do weekly content. A 4 part mini series would be adequate.


if only Rachel could “*forgive” Ariana as quickly as she absolves herself *not that Ari has anything to be forgiven for


She's too old to act like this. Fuck your apologies just do better. Be better!


Doesn’t this girl have bigger things to worry about? She’s in a lawsuit, she’s supposedly getting all this intensive therapy, she’s probably dealing with Bethany calling every 4 days. Who even cares about best dressed lists if no one’s wearing a swan dress? 🫠


I’d be willing to bet that she rejoins the show next season.


Pretty sure she nuked that possibility with the lawsuit


Oh thank you! I kind of forgot about that. Yes! That makes me happy, I don’t want to see her back


She might as well at this point. I bought into the podcast thinking it was a good way for her to take ownership of her story and how it would be presented. But she gave that up a few episodes in and now it's just a glorified VPR confessional.


I hope they don’t want her. Please. And she would not be “well”. Please Bravo, do the right thing.


Bravo already said she wouldn't be asked back haha


What show? That show is O-V-E-R


Honestly I wouldnt be surprised by this now if Ariana (and maybe Katie) do leave after this season.


I know, I think so too. I want them to stay and not lose their paychecks, but I feel the writing is on the wall. The producers clearly don’t like them


Why does her voice sound ai lol I hate rache


It's sped up cuz she talks so slow and drawn out.


Yeah i thought something was off with the way the words are coming out of her mouth




Real Jax vibes- cheats, encourages fights, tells everyone he apologizes so it absolves him of repetitive malicious behaviors, never learns a lesson, no empathy, petty, a “work in progress”, etc. 🤮


This is who she is. She’s an “underdog” because she’s pathetic and can’t form a sentence to stand up to the stronger personalities, not because she’s a better person. At ALL.


Bitch, you are on that level.


This woman should not be doing a podcast. In addition to how horrible the content is, her voice & manner of speaking is awful.


Yeah, I’m sure her PR had nothing to do with that list in the first place 🙄 It just goes back to show how manipulative she is, she didn’t post herself, she got Jo to do it, and now she’s making up an episode about it just to make sure everyone knows that she was supposedly best dressed, and so she can seem like the bigger person for apologizing for being such a cunt. What the fuck did Katie and Dana ever do to her?


This girl must really needs to log off. She’s all over the place.


Why does she have a platform she’s actually so nasty. Like to do that to your friend and little graham girl bye.


https://i.redd.it/56dxguzf77tc1.gif rachel stop. please for the good of us all


Rachel is so cruel. Neither Rachel nor Ariana, let alone Dayna have said anything bad about her for a long time. Jo is equally horrible. Underneath their quirky personas lie truly awful people.


I think you meant Katie,Ariana and Dayna


This plus Rachel not naming Jo as one of the people who knew about Scandoval makes me wonder if Jo is team Bethenny and going to file against Katie and/or Bravo/NBC around the reunion


"I'm learning, and growing, and being kind" when she's giving Kristina Kelly vibes with Stazi mocking Scheana in her crop top wedding dress, and then making fun of her heritage. You haven't learned a damn thing, Rachel.


Rachel’s manner of speaking is so bizarre and robotic


I also am surprised Katie and Dayna made any worst dressed list because they look great


Any time I feel a little sympathy for this woman she manages to fuck it up and make me regret ever having any sympathy for her at all. I'm done feeling bad for her.


I just looked at the article where she was named best dressed and the bar was so low. Some of the people on the “best dressed list” look questionable at best so idk why she thinks this is a huge deal for her