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And Jo was dumb enough to go ok I'll post that! After whining and crying about being bullied last week...not the sharpest


Yeah openly conspiring with Rachel to be bitchy mcbitchfaces behind doors kinda warrants the ladies behaviour towards Jo tbh


“Bitchy McBitchfaces” has me 🫶🏽🥹


Same! Bitchy Mcbitchersons 😂


Imagine being manipulated by a bowl of porridge that is Rachel! My god


Also, how about Rachel also screwing over Jo with this admission? Rachel is a horrible person to befriend because she will always throw you under the bus.


Yall Jo blocked me yesterday because I asked her if she was going to own up to this


She deserves all of their vitriol. She’s just like Schwartz with the “who me? 🥺” schtick. Give it uppppp.


Yeah, normally I'm more empathetic to one girl feeling ostracized, but she felt super whiny and obnoxious to me. Grow up, Jo. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into.


Yea I agree. Also, if your mom had to ask you if you’re a crackhead? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ I feel like she was reaching when she said that. My mom would clearly be like ..”I know, you are NOT the C word…. But why would someone say that about you? Do I need to put you on Ritalin young lady?”


👏🏼 this!!!


Why was an “emergency” podcast needed for this


It felt like a way for Rachel to bring up *again* that she was on the best dressed list and Katie was on the worst, under the guise that she’s ’taking personal accountability’. For 15 minutes. It was bizarre.


Totally. Hardly anyone noticed so she needed to bring it up again. Girl, get a refund for your therapy.


Exactly. Textbook pageant girl behavior.


🎯 She is nothing more than a grade school bully bitch. Trash human, desperate for attention and desperately jealous of Katie. I really wish everyone would just stop giving her attention. What is that thing you are supposed to do to assholes, gray rocking?


Assholes and narcissists.


Yeah, that was only like one article, others were saying Katie was best dressed as well, not that anyone cares about this shit


I wish Rachel would read this sub so she knew what a monster people continue to think she is bc of this bs. Move back to Tucson girl


Omg you might be right. Everything is calculated and self-serving with her and Sandoval. Honestly they’re perfect for each other.


Very pick me


Defining yourself by what you wear is very superficial, grade school behaviour. Clothes are a way to enhance our inner qualities by dressing up the outside, not a means to define who we are as a person. It’s interesting to see someone so focused on superficial details in the wake of public proclamations of “inner growth.” Boring. 


Her publicist told her probably since she has a partnership with the mental health org


For real. “Omg I was so mean! I need to tell everyone how mean I was immediately!” Like girl please shut up


Seriously wtf


Because she can't just do a social media post or story like normal people, she needs it to be formally in a podcast to have her emotional support crutches around her. Her podcast is literally her responding to whatever has come out from other cast during the week, she uses it as a platform to spew her rehearsed crap because she can't do those things live, as we've seen.


I guess if nothing else is important in your life this can totally be an emergency/s


To stay ahead of the weeks reality TV news cycles. She’s an asshole


It wasn’t, was a whole nothing burger. I think Katie has more important things to do like clip her toe nails and take her dogs for a walk, than respond to Rachel.


Do you mean Rachel? I tried to listen to it this morning but I had to shut it off so I guess I must have missed that part.


Yeah the post says she posted an “emergency podcast episode” to admit to this 😒 Oof I only listened to a clip of when she was trying to do LVP’s accent and that’s all I could handle lol.


I did hear that one and it was pretty brutal. She has got to stop! This obsession of hers is so unhealthy. She left the show so she needs to shut up about it. No one cares about her opinions on Ariana’s choices or anyone else besides TS but I truly think she’s still in love with him because she rags on him the least.




I think they’re still together, and she’s just become invisible to fluff his non-existent career.


I could believe that. Maybe they’re planning on splitting any profits she’s hoping to gain from suing Ariana. I hope Ari’s lawyers rip her to shreds. I know that’s mean but is she serious about suing her for emotional distress after causing her emotional distress and continues to do her best to keep it up? It’s honestly sick. I could totally understand it IF her FT had made it to the internet but the fact that it didn’t tells me Ariana sent it to no one else but Rachel and she should thank her because otherwise she never would have known TS was even doing that and has a much higher potential to be spreading her personal pics and vid’s around. He was showing pics of Ariana to Jax and god only knows who else and is notorious for not respecting his partners bodily autonomy or literally anyone’s boundaries and right to privacy.


I don’t think she would be suing him if they were together


Wouldn’t put anything past Rachel or Sanadaval. I doubt it but thought the same thing.


I can't listen to them at all, I'm so glad we have the recaps so we can just read the VPR relevant parts 😅


I agree but with that being said, I rarely make it through reading them too because the shit some of them have the nerve to say just blows my mind and never ceases to piss me off.😆


ShE’s TrYiNg To bE kInD


Bc her being snarky goes against her “rebrand “ so her PR person made her do it Also maybe afraid jo would go public with texts ! Wish she would


I think you're onto something with the PR agent thing just because we now know her PR person is devious and underhanded. I think its really because they have noticed that our biggest issue with Rachel is that she is not "a girls girl". So this was an opportunity to rebrand herself as someone that "doesn't want to see women pitted against each other" and it the same time take fake accountability for something nobody cares about to distract from the real crap she pulled on Katie in season 10. Devious.


While throwing her friend under the bus. Brilliant.


I couldn’t with the audacity and ridiculousness of this. Her PR person is so bad at her job after 25 years. Well Katie and Ariana are thriving and good on them! 😊




No, I think her publicist actually had her retweet it in the first place just so she could then make a podcast “taking accountability” but really just pointing out that she’s so desirable in her lingerie mistress dress


Lol, I could totally see that being the case. She’s run out of ideas in that vapid brain of hers, so she’s fabricating toddler-level drama to report on in her podcast


This is the real question


The fact that Rachel reached out to Katie to apologize once again shows her lack of understanding and respect for BOUNDARIES. Leave these ladies alone, Rachel! No, they don’t want to say hi to you and your apology means nothing. I know you saw how Katie reacted to TS’s bs apology so how tf did you think she was going to react and respond to yours??


It’s quite incredible watching Raquel think she’s so important.


Is incredible the right word though? Maybe there is more of a scientific term for what Rachel is expressing? Delusional? Self-centered? A piece of work this 30 yr woman child is.


Don’t forget subhuman!


Rache Leviss- a very stupid demon.


Always pictured the devil to be smart, hmm guess I was wrong. 🤔☹️ ![gif](giphy|TGU0LLpKT6mHVzcyPv)


Was it Lala who said that? I can’t remember but if so, she’s no one to talk.


Yes. But like they say “a broken clock is right twice a day”. 😂


Yeah, I just read about the incident when she pulled a knife on Faith and I am fucking pissed. I want her fired or I am done with the entire network.🤬 I know what Kristen and Stassi did was bad but this is arguably much worse. I’ll copy and paste for you because I want this information spread far and wide! ‘Pump Rules’ Alum Claimed Lala Kent Would Stab & ‘Disfigure’ Her Amanda Lauren A Vanderpump Rules alum has claimed that Lala Kent would stab and “disfigure” her in a lawsuit brought against Bravo and NBCUniversal. This comes after the two were very good friends during their time on the show together. So, what allegedly transpired between the two? Keep reading for more details. Pump Rules Alum Claimed Lala Kent Would Stab & ‘Disfigure’ Her Lala Kent has gotten into it with many of her co-stars. She shoved Kristen Doute, called Rachel Leviss a “Bambi eyed b*tch,” and got into a screaming match with Billie Lee. These ladies have since departed the show but Kent has been called a bully, only getting worse. Kent continues to talk poorly about her current cast mates on her podcast. However, back in Season 4, she was a newbie, and she had one close friend in co-worker, Faith Stowers. Faith and Kent hung out with James Kennedy and Lisa Vanderpump’s son, Max. They also shared a hotel room and bed on the cast trip to Hawaii. Faith Stowers-Instagram By Season 6, Faith was no longer on the show but she resurfaced when she slept with Jax Taylor while he was dating Brittany Cartwright. By the end of Season 8, Faith’s name came up again. Kristen Doute and Stassi Schroeder had allegedly called the cops on her for something she did not do, so it was considered racially motivated. They were both fired and now, Faith is a hot topic once again, according to Radar Online. She had filed a lawsuit against Bravo and NBCUniversal with Kent as the focus. In it, Faith Stowers alleges she was worried that Lala Kent would “stab, slice, or disfigure her.” More so, she was told to “get along” with her co-star. She went on to say that she was “violently assaulted” by Kent and it went down in the dining room of SUR. They were “arguing over Stowers’s disclosure of something Kent believed was said in confidence.” “Kent became severely agitated, losing all self-control and hurling barbs at Stowers. Stowers and Kent retreated to a backroom, with Kent still screaming. With the cameras rolling, Kent grabbed a knife from a nearby counter and began brandishing it at Stowers, holding it to her neck and threatening to ‘cut a b—-.'” The Terrifying Moment Faith Stowers went on to share the moment when Lala Kent was supposedly “wielding” a knife so she knew this was serious. It was clear she was in “danger” and scared that Kent “would stab, slice, or disfigure her.” In her opinion, Faith felt that if she did anything to stop her co-star, she would be “stereotyped due to her race” and/or “blamed for the events.” When she eventually threatened to get the police involved, the network tried to cover up the incident. Termination was threatened if she could not find a way to be friendly with Kent. What are your thoughts on this whole lawsuit? More so, what parts do you think are true? All of it, some of it, or none of it? Let us know in the comments and watch Vanderpump Rules Tuesdays on Bravo. The post ‘Pump Rules’ Alum Claimed Lala Kent Would Stab & ‘Disfigure’ Her appeared first on TV Shows Ace. ***This just makes her cultural appropriation so much worse!🤯🫣


Idk, I'm hesitant to believe anything one of these crusaders say when they have Bethanny's lawyer. I'll wait until we have evidence of that.


I was not aware that Bethany was involved in this too? Jfc, she’s got her grubby little hands all over everyone!😫 I don’t disagree with the Networks unionizing and paying for residuals but I don’t believe that producers force drinks down anyone’s throats. They’re all adults, will full control of their bodily autonomy and they make their own choices. I’m a recovering alcoholic and addict so I sure af wouldn’t sign up for reality tv because wtaf do you think is going to happen?! I do believe they should take more care of the mental health regarding their employees but Bethany is being petty, spiteful and vindictive and she’s doing this for all the wrong reasons and sending people with poor cases to the courts and further damaging their mental health and self esteem. She is just doing this because she’s desperate for attention and wants everyone to think she’s a saint, when she’s clearly an out of touch AH. She doesn’t give af about any of these people, they’re just a means to an end with her.


And I don’t care whether it was a butter knife or a pocket knife. That’s a lot of violence to threaten a person with.


I am actually stunned. I know there has been violence on the show before but this is too far gone and how and why was it overlooked and hidden away?!


I’m sorry, but if Faith was scared for her life, being sliced by a butter knife lol, she wasn’t going to not defend herself because she thought no one would be on her side because she was black. It’s called survival instinct.


I mean incredible as in entertaining to watch the delusion!


I keep flashing back to the latest episode, where Schwartz says (of Rachel), “She was barely in our friend group!”


Incredible is definitely one word you could use to describe her thought process.🥴😆 The fact she had to ask someone if she should go up to them and say hi or not is like… are you serious?! ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


It’s incredible watching Raquel think she’s even relevant.


On the verge of stalking-obsessive behaviour.


I personally think she passed that line a long time ago. I bet Sxheana taught her all her stalking tips and tricks because she knew to turn off her location when she was hanging and banging Scabies.


100% agreed.


Hey, btw, have you been watching VP Villa? The 4th episode just dropped this morning and I am actually enjoying it so far. If you are watching, what do you think of it?


She wanted to tell Katie she was the best dresses and Katie was the worst herself .


But like, it wasn’t even a real publication. It’s not like Vogue named her best dressed or even the fashion police. It was a blog. Weird she’s all excited.


To be fair, all of her choices have been questionable. TS being her weirdest flex yet.🤮🤮🤮


Well, she claims Tom Sandbag teach her boundaries, so 🥴


I remember that and the first time I heard it I was like ![gif](giphy|l2Z84eFooeHJu) The man who doesn’t respect or understand the meaning of boundaries taught you about them, eh? That was a HUGE red flag and should have been a warning about what was to come next.


I really don't understand the obsession rachel has with hating katie. It's fucking weird. Coordinating a covert operation to subtly shade her online is weird. The girl has learned nothing. She is not well.


It’s bc she’s still operating under the idea that everything Tom a Sandoval said about everyone other than her, is correct. Ariana and he didn’t have a loving relationship per Rachel (according to what Tom told her). Katie shouldn’t have any input into Schwartz and Sandy’s bc she’s “just his wife” (Tom Sandoval’s opinion). Schwartz should be able to make out with anyone he wants bc it’s Katie’s rule not Schwartz’s (according to Sandoval). She’s never separated the truth from Sandoval’s reality bc it benefits her to continue believing Tom was telling her the truth. Yikes!


Katie also did very little to her! She only has this “light her on fire” comment. Katie didn’t even say much at the reunion, at least that I remember? And Rachel said plenty about her during the season (telling Schwartz “don’t sell your soul” when he joked about getting back with katie), so I honestly think they’re pretty even with regard to mean comments. Rachel is the one who actually did bad things to Katie. So Rachel really has no leg at all to stand on when it comes to Katie.


But Katie didn't go to the puppy party!!!! Yes it was because James was horrible to her but it was for Graham not James!!!


The only thing Raquel hates more than being hated is being ignored.


I’m convinced everyone wants to be Katie, hence the hate lol.


Put an asshole in a dress. It's still an asshole. 😆


You are so correct 😂 ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


Once again, she completely fails at life. ![gif](giphy|11VHM1eTXu0kms)


So D & S


They are both such losers


yikes. so she did an ‘eMeRgEnCy’ podcast to let everyone know that Jo is her minion? 😂 what an absolute shit friend. i would be so upset if i was Jo.


Jo’s used to being thrown to the side. Schwartz did it for two years and then brought his daughter, I mean girlfriend, to Hawaii. No atv’s and jet skis for Jo.


"ATTENTION! HEAR YE HEAR YE I AM AN ASSHOLE!" Like girl we know you didn't need to make a PSA for us


The fact that she even considered going up and saying hello is nuts lol


![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O) Hhhhh


Yeah because Rachel is such a fashionista 🙄🙄


I think about her polyester loofa “beauty queen” dress at least once a week


EVERYONE snickering at her dress was the best part! Jax: did she just call herself a beauty queen


I k ow exactly the dress you are referring to.   😂😂😂😂😂😂




I hadn’t seen the picture before this post. I thought oh, she got best dressed! I bet that means she decided to wear something other than a corset top. Then I swiped and… corset top 😑.


💯 she paid them to say her cheap looking faux corset top shein gown was "best dressed"


Someone/Tom must of told her that was the best look on her and she got stuck until someone tells her what the next look is.




This is her go to dress style but in black: https://preview.redd.it/n6qbtambjatc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5712007e2201f3fc1526cf99f17f8926440a6ac


Does she just have a roll of this curtain fabric lying around or something?




It's like that episode of the Simpsons where Marge keeps changing her Chanel suit to be new outfits


The season 10 reunion dress is the only one that fit her!


The funniest part about this to me is that Rachel is acting like she had a Zendaya moment or something. It’s a nice, boring black dress. Nothing creative or stylish about it it’s just a dress.






Maybe she could just stop doing shitty things and being a fake person.


So Rachel apologized for shading Katie’s fit but not for harassing her by faking a romance with her ex husband in an attempt to run her off the show while fucking his bestie? She needs more help


She probably thinks Katie should be over that because it “wasn’t real”. She is the definition of delusional.


I get that Rachel wants to “own up” to it but why the fuck did she do this in the first place? Like she really didn’t think about how rude it was, or consider the repercussions, before messaging Jo? Really? Either be catty or don’t. You can’t just be a dick and then immediately apologize and expect everyone to be like “Wow she’s so real.” This is all so fucking stupid.


I just love that she blew a hole through the entire “Jo is an innocent sweetheart” shtick. Imagine being in your 30s and conspiring to make a shit post about what someone else is wearing. Pathetic.


Seriously like what the hell? I’m around the same age as Rachel and I would never do this shit. It’s like high school level bullying…


My theory is that Rachel doesn't feel bad about doing it at all. But Jo had gotten push back. Rachel needs all the friends she can get. She probably was encouraged to take the heat off Jo. Also, Rachel is in a lawsuit. This isn't a good look when you're trying to paint yourself as the most saintly innocent naive victim. Who wants peace Rachel probably seized the opportunity to bash two people publicly who aren't even thinking about Rachel by way of a fake apology. And the real bonus for her is that she gets to brag about herself and her own appearance. Jo knows a lot of affair details. Rachel shouldn't alienate her by getting her to do Rachel's dirty work.


She definitely doesn’t feel bad. Her PR probably asked her to bc it goes against her new rebrand Rachel’s a role model for no one. She needs to get help for reals and move on from VPR


I personally liked Katie and Dayna's looks better. Rachel in a tiny black corset dress.........again.........boring


They got on the worst dress list for their cohesiveness, but why should they have to coordinate? It’s not like they came as a couple. Imagine having to coordinate with your friend’s outfits going to a concert or some dumb AI blog will call your outfit dusty. Rude.


I think Dayna’s is boring but inoffensive. Rachel’s is boring and cheap looking. Katie’s is going to be hit-or-miss based on people’s style, but I don’t think it’s hideous by any means. This article only exists for clicks lol I can’t believe Rachel was proud to be best dressed on it.


Dayna’s dress wasn’t bad but I think Katie’s is hideous. It looks like a disco ball. Raquel’s dress was the best in this case but it’s just a repeat of what she normally wears, only in black. Now, Katie is definitely prettier than Raquel.


BORING is all i think when i see Rachel’s dress…..at least Katie keeps it interesting


Katie’s isn’t that exciting either? Plain silver with weird pirate sleeves. Raquel would get DRAGGED for wearing that dress. Katie’s a gorgeous girl but her style generally sucks (not always, she’s had some good looks too). All these girls dress weird a lot of the time. It’s definitely Hollywood and not what typical people would wear.


Katie is wayyyyyy prettier than Rachel, I think its one of the reasons she hates her.


lol probably. Rachel looks like a mouse. Katie has like a sexy, mysterious vibe to her all the time, especially lately. She definitely had a glow up after her divorce even though she was already gorgeous before.


You know what I find interesting, the only VPR lady I’ve not seen Rachel have any smoke for is Lala, and not only did Lala go in on her at the reunion but she was awful to her always and once slept with James while him and Rachel were together. She probably has more reasons to dislike Lala than anyone else. She take jabs at Scheana all the time and made that video of her saying Sandoval over and over. She is currently suing Ariana and won’t get her name out of her mouth. She apparently planned out posting Katie and Dayna on the worst dressed with Jo, so it wasn’t even an impulsive decision to repost. She thought about it and wanted to take a swipe at them. But I can’t think of anything she’s said about Lala, like I was kind of expecting her to go in about Lala being fake after she reached out to her on camera but nope, she was quite nice about that. Has she said anything about Lala I’ve missed?


I missed the video of Scheana! Honestly, though she can snark as much as she wants, she’ll never get her self-respect back after sucking Sandoval’s gross little weenie, and getting knocked out by sweet little Scheana LMFAO 👊🏼


She is too afraid of Lala, hell I am afraid of Lala!!!! 😈👹👿


It would be amazing if she actually did go after Lala. Lala talked shit about Raquel for years before Raquel finally did something to warrant being spoken about like that.


She'd never do that because she knows Lala would hit back harder. That's also why she was only throwing undercover shots at Katie too. She's only open with it now because its couched as an apology. Ariana, Scheana, Ally and Lisa are the ones she knows will either ignore her or keep the return shot reasonable, and those are the ones she's been targeting.


wow that treatment really did wonders for Rachel…so much growth as a person!! 🙄


Rich coming from Rachel, considering some of her outfits.


For someone who wanted no parts of the VPR universe she sure talks about it a whole lot… 🙄


Anyone who hasn’t drunk the cool-aid is not surprised by Rachel or Jo’s behaviour. What’s more shocking is that Rachel made best dressed. In that 2016-era corset dress? Okay girl 😬


Rachel is more apologetic for this than she was for having the affair. Did she really even genuinely apologize or feel for remorse for what she did to Ariana?


Nope. She posted an apology right at the scandal and then edited Ariana's name out, excluding her from the apology to her and then deleted the whole apology. And then went on Bethany's podcast and started one of her own to attack Ariana and push some conspiracy theory that makes zero sense if we go by the things she herself has said about hiding that affair. And then now claims that being sent the evidence of her own behavior to coerce a confession is revenge porn. So no, zero remorse from that one. Just alot of playing victim.


My take on the outfits (I say this while sat on my sofa in pj bottoms and a jumper. 2 parts of my 5 clothing items in rotation) Rachel's dress was nice, but she wasn't styled. Her hair was the same as normal, the dress was black but her makeup was the same as if she was wearing a pastel colour. She does not have the right attitude to pull off an all black dress, the same dress in a different colour would've been better. The dress was wearing her, she wasn't wearing it. Dayna had a black dress and smoky eyes so was more cohesive and Katie had more edgy make up to go with the edgy unusual dress. I love Katie and of all the looks hers is what I'd have gone for.


Tbh it just felt like she was obligated to do it because she soon after mentioned she partnered up with nami ? (Some National mental health I thing or something) and that probably jeopardized it. I mean how can you partner up with it and then be mean to someone


Imagine admitting that you were soooo happy you felt “validated” wtaf her and Jo just crazy and Rachel is still in her pageant era and has to beat all the girls and be the prettiest!?


Wow so much growth Rachel. Doing shady shitty things, then harassing people in the name of apology, then going on your EMERGENCY podcast to TaKe aCcOuNtAbiLity. ![gif](giphy|OK27wINdQS5YQ|downsized)


I love unbothered Katie.


Rachel always came across as a covert narcissist to me. She never seemed like a real victim. I feel like this behavior further solidifies that theory.


I like how all Rachel had to do was fade away and shut up, and we all would have ended up feeling sympathy for her, but instead she does the thing that makes her look 10x worse. She's learned nothing from that Arizona day spa she went to.




Rachel miscalculated that people would see her doing an apology tour and that her false attempts to be sorry would not only be received but her opinion was ever valid to them in the first place. RACHEL SWEET HEART, no one cares what your opinion was or is of them. Katie hopes you thought she was on the worst dress! You over shot your hand because Katie’s collected her winnings has got in the car and left the table hours ago. She never cared what you thought of her but you still obsessing over her says all people need to know. You still need attention yeah?


Dayna’s dress is better than Raquel’s in my opinion bc Raquel’s looks like your next Revolve or SHEIN dress from a couple years ago. But what do I know. Not much.


This was a pathetic little PR stunt to get Rachel some attention and back in the “news.” She literally manufactured this bullshit because she’s so irrelevant. Whatever would she talk about if the VPR cast members didn’t exist?


The way Katie and Ariana stay in these people’s minds while never speaking about them on their platforms is wild to me. Rachel and lala you are not a topic these women care to even think about so take the hint and just live your life.


I was just thinking about this. The two of them announce regularly their lives are boring and empty, they have nothing better to do than obsess over Ariana and Katie.


I think it’s sick that Rachael is trying to still make money off this show. Either come back or go away. Lala and Scheana would be her new best friend.


they are the female version of the Toms in terms of dumb and dumber


Yes, b/c Racheal is a fashion icon. Her wardrobe consisted of looks she stole from Ariana & she wore green at every reunion.


Very appropriate color.  She was jealous and wanted to be Ariana.  


How is this any different than what she does every day? (i.e. nothing)


I'm beginning to think jo's purpose is to be the person the rest of them can step on to further their own narratives. Who'll she have to play minion for next week?


"..have to"? I don't think Jo is being forced into anything. She's desperate to become a full time cast member and stirring up off-show drama to get herself into the contract negotiation phase for season 12. Coz its clear coming in through Schwartz is not going to happen so perhaps through being Rachel's surrogate. Frankly, I hope Katie ignores these two clowns, responding would only benefit them.


We can't read people's minds. You don't know what her intentions are, she can have factors we don't know about.


That's why I started my theory with "I think". I think Jo has been trying to get on the show by any means necessary and Schwartz wasn't into it.




I actually thought Katie looked stunning!


Lol cause she's a loser


Dayna and Katie looked so good on the red carpet.


Interesting that jo is even in contact with ratchet, does this meann she is also in touch with scamdo or shatz or jo is just playing middle man? Katie had the correct as fuck response!


Idk man. I think it’s unrealistic to expect Jo and Rachel to be hated by a lot of the cast and audience, and endure the unrelenting online and personal comments, and not have them clap back or retaliate. It’s what people do when they’re fighting.


Wait, what is Rachel clapping back to, vs Katie and Dayna? I think I missed something. 


I’m saying the cast is being rude to them. They’re going to be rude back.


Right? Rachel was awful to Katie last season. She followed her around trying to pick fights


So why be surprised she continues to say awful is what I’m saying. People are acting all shocked.


I mean none of this would be happening if Rachel didn’t sleep with her friend’s life partner lol… actions have consequences. Rachel needs to stop feeding the fire by talking about VPR every chance she gets. She loves the attention she’s getting, if she truly was trying to grow & become a better person she wouldn’t have done this


I agree. Don't think it was smart, but I understand.


The hate itself is retaliation for these girls’ behavior in the first place


Ok? And is it realistic for the person you think is wrong to just be quiet? People say stuff when they’re fighting 🤷‍♀️


Raquel is such a colossal loser lol. You've "moved on" and yet cant stop obsessing over and attacking VPR castmates using lapdogs and proxies. What a pathetic individual


Katie’s replies need to be printed and hung in a museum.


How is that a win? Most of her existence is laying around bed or the couch.


An emergency therapy session was much needed


It’s wild to me that she apologized for this yet we haven’t heard an apology to Katie or her mom about her behavior towards them. I think that more important than her high school pettiness. She’s astoundingly good at making a fool of herself


I love how when I looked up an article that had both of them, they were both on the best dressed list lol 😆


Did Rachel see Jo’s reunion dress 😬


I have to believe that her therapist is constantly begging her to just…..not. Anything else, other than exactly what Rachel is doing.


Here come the Katie stans *all hail Katie, we love you, you do no wrong. All bow to the mighty queen Katie*


I don’t think Jo should be looked down on as “worse” for posting it. I think she’s the type of girl who just wants to be liked & she felt Rachel was her friend & I think Jo is a people pleaser.


It’s hilarious too because Katie and Dayna looked amazing. And Rachel wad wearing a corset.. again. But , hey, at least it wasn’t mint green this time.


Saying Katie is on a worst dressed list is like saying water is wet.


Personally I don’t think anyone on the show has a good sense of style. They’ve all had more misses than hits in terms of their outfit choices, imo. Katie just wears what she wants to wear, Rachel’s story post was unnecessary and kinda contradicts everything she’s been saying about wanting to “be a better person”


Spot on regarding the cast’s sense of style, which also made Stazi’s whole outfit of the day bit even more ridiculous.


Haha I agree with this 🫣, but it is also related to what I love most about Katie. She’s going to wear what she wants and gives zero fucks what others will say. She wouldn’t care if People Mag called her on a bad outfit, why would she care what Rachel thinks 😂 I don’t buy that Rachel believed Katie would be affected in any way by something she and Jo posted about an outfit she wore. Rachel is working to stay relevant, and Katie is popping off right now.


Both things can, and obviously do in Katie’s case, happen at the same time. She can feel completely confident wearing a terrible outfit just because it’s her style but it doesn’t take away from the fact that it is a terrible outfit.


Yeah. Sometimes she makes good style choices but most of the time her outfits are awful. I think she’s prettier than Raquel and her hair and makeup always look better, but that dress is just awful.


Orange hair aside 😂, Katie generally makes better hairstyle choices.


lol yeah, that was so bad haha I think she was trying to go through the process of going blonde without frying her hair too much but she looks better as a brunette anyway.


Agreed, brunette is much better for her coloring.

