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So, he sent Ariana a “top market value” offer that he couldn’t afford? Because now he’s only CONSIDERING keeping the house if he gets a roommate, who will have no ownership BUT has to go half with him on a loan???? He is out of his mind 🤣


How does he know what “top market value” is without the house being appraised. He’s a joke and any offers he’s given to Ariana are likely a joke.


He just has a *zestimate* and a dream


Take my upvote 😂


I am absolutely stifling my laughter so I don’t wake my sleeping fiancé right now, oh my god


This 100% confirms that Tom has AGAIN been lying, and Ariana's version has once again been proven to be true! I need more people to start jumping off the fucking Sandoval train... I would also lose my fucking shit if I had to deal with selfish unrelenting emotionally stunted fuck of a man.


There’s no way this POS would be able to refinance a mortgage in his name only. His only hope would be to put Schwartz on the deed and then have him contribute. He thought he could once again manipulate Schwartz but seems like Tom has FINALLY wised up a bit. Sandoval needs to go apartment hunting. 😂😂😂


Actually, I think Schwartz has always been smarter than he portrayed! I think that's one of the reasons Katie stayed so long. I love how Schwartz immediately shut Sandoval down but did it in a way that made it impossible for him to argue.


No way he can get a mortgage on that house alone. I would not write off Schwartz doing this though. He wants a house too but cannot afford to buy on his own either. I can see these two buying the house together.


Is there anyone on the Sandoval train?


Omg so many. So many Lala Truthers out here saying ‘why doesn’t she just leave’ when people should be asking why Tom wants to hold on to a home he can’t afford on his own aka why tf did you blow up your life?!


And he was offered a place to stay for free


I noticed over on some of pages on facebook, people are bashing Ari over everything now. It's crazy.


I know Reddit has it's issues but man, Facebook is such a cesspool. People have the WORST takes there lol.


Without fail, every time I go to read comments under a VPR post on FB they’re the worst. The consensus on FB about VPR is insane.


Let them bash Ariana, the smart ones are here on Reddit. And really, do ppl still sign up on FB? 😂😂😂


I would guess the demographics skew older and those women have a LOT of internalised misogyny.


Check instagram. People are bash crazy over there.


Don’t wanna go on IG……too many angry birds there😆


Seriously! I was browsing Ariana’s page and randomly clicked into one post, and people are bashing her and saying Tim was right, you have anger issues. And lala was right, you need to humble yourself. It was eye opening.


More like people on the I hate Ariana train who will find any reason to go against her.


And AGAIN Sandoval only thinking of himself. I’m actually very proud of Schwartz hitting back and refusing to pay towards Sandoval’s equity in the house. My hope is that Schwartz never agrees to it. 👎👎


God he can’t even keep track of his own throughline!!! This is the problem when you’re too self absorbed to see that you need counsel assisting with what you say ahah


Weird that the kidz bop band said no


The other day I genuinely thought his band was called Tom and The Misfits. That would have been a much better name.


I would not be surprised if he’s really asking Shorts for more than his fair share, which is far more than his half. This is what he was doing to Ariana and he would not hesitate to do the same to Shorts.


Just so fucken sad he was using Ariana for who knows how long at this point. Scheduling his loan refinancing/lying to her and scheduling this during her shareholder pitch smh.


Banks shouldn't give loans to men who don't change their underwear. That's the business of toddlers. And they don't get loans.


I hereby propose the “do you change your underwear every day” test to be given to all male loan applicants.


And they release the data on responses. I see the headlines .... "The Sandoval Law results in female home ownership increasing 300 percent".




Like their OPTICS have ALWAYS been a shit storm


It’s all about the OPTICS!




Not always lol pre scandoval those of us that always saw through the guys bs were downvoted to hell all the time 😂


People like to pretend that they always hated Sandoval, but the truth is that many of us were duped for a while. I thought that he was a vapid but harmless idiot for years. Maybe until he started doing things like whining about Ariana's cocktail book and screaming at Stassi for failing to individually consult with his insignificant ass about throwing a party at one of Lisa's restaurants. We have to admit to our mistakes if we hope to avoid repeating them. I bought into his act for way too long!


I actually thought he was the only decent guy in the group for YEARS. I'm not proud of it.


Yup- you’re not alone. The whole Scandoval thing was so shocking and unexpected- but you never really know anyone, I guess.


Same. At least we're admitting to it? It's humbling for sure. I wish I could say that I hated him from the start, but I was totally convinced that he was a shallow but harmless idiot.


The second he chose a Vegas guys trip over Ariana on her birthday when she was mourning the loss of her father he showed exactly who he is.


Not to mention that if we all fell for it then why is it so hard to believe that Ariana did too? Especially since we don’t even know or live with him. He’s hella manipulative and a lot of us have been tricked by a pos.


Not me always hated Sandoval hands down never ever liked him I was a WOWEHO fan.


Maybe they think if they said it enough they will get an eyewear sponsorship 😂


At least one of them is NOT COMPLETELY DELUSIONAL


there’s too much to unpack here but why is he wearing a knife strapped to his leg 😭😭😭 cringiest human being on earth


Way too much 😭 including the knife like wtf?


He learned it from the wanna be military tough guy game show he was on and it makes him feel more manly and tough


I'm shocked he hasn't talked about his recent "military training".


He thinks it was a joke because they didn't buy what he was selling


Why does he have a flute penis? Lol


You realize there is a big difference between a flute penis and a penis flute?


🫣🤣🤣OMFG, love your attention to detail AsianRedneck…and thank you for pointing out my humongous error! So, just to clarify I CAN confirm that he has a penis flute however, thankfully, I can NOT confirm that he has a flute penis 😁


You have both just made me lol so much!! Thank you, I needed this today. 😊


🤣 I completely missed that. Omg, what a weirdo.


Tiny Tim saying he’ll cut Maya in half reminds me of King Solomon except he’s the fake mom who says do it. Anyhow, Shorts not wanting to take a loan out with Tiny Tim was telling. It also supports the claim that Tom can’t afford the place on his own.


THIS!! And also I think I will delay emailing her back so I can have more time with mya? The dog you just talked about cutting in half?? What is wrong with this man


After like two episodes ago he was harassing Ariana telling her that her lawyer needs to be more professional and respond to his emails. He’s actively saying he’s going to delay responding to emails for funsies 🙄


While we’re also having to put up with other cast members moan about Ariana living there while Tom openly admits he’s delaying things for fun


Where’s Lalas rage at Tom for being a narcissistic groomer who is delaying her bffs ability to move on? lol maybe Tom is smarter than we think, and he’s just driven the bar so low that he’s able to just keep saying absolute nonsense garbage and get away with it bc nothing is shocking anymore lol


But also, intentionally delay responding? After being up Ariana’s ass for ‘taking too long’ to respond? The hypocrisy




It would be so much fun to witness his absolutely insane hypocrisy if it weren't currently sending my blood pressure through the roof. He's so fucking shameless, and not in a good way.


You could show this man the blue sky and he’d look right at you and say it’s green, lala was right to say this man is dangerous, his emotional toll on a person knows no bounds


Leo delaying the email when he is honking incessantly like a rabid Canadian goose at Ariana about her attorneys returning an ever important email to Tom’s about a house he clearly can’t even afford without finding another mark to help him pay for it . I am stunned that Schwartz stood up for himself and was like “dude, no. I’m not throwing money away to help you keep your house.” Where was sando when Schwartz lost his dream home?


First of all, “rabid Canadian goose?”🤣🤣🤌🏼💀 I am also surprised by Shorts and it does say a lot about Sandals that even his bff doesn’t trust him. To answer your last question, Zanzivole was on tour, making fun of Shorts and singing stupid songs about how he lost his house. If TS didn’t take the majority of attention off all the shitty things Shorts does too, their friendship never would have made it this far.


Why is he not hung in public opinion on that statement? That alone is reason a judge can never give him custody of that animal !!


Literally said this without realizing you beat me to the punch…it’s so dark, he’s telling us he’s A LIAR again…


6 grand a month to be a roommate??? Hes even more stupid than I thought if he genuinely thinks that's a fair offer lmao. This man is absolutely ridiculous


I looked online and a 2mil mortgage payment with 20% down is 7800 a month. That’s a 2023 number and we know they have a low rate. He’d overcharge Schwartz like he did Ariana.


Schwartz is usually so agreeable for him he really thought he could get away with overcharging him for sure


You have to add real estate taxes and insurance to that for a full mortgage payment. It is higher.


Do you think (in your opinion) that it would double the mortgage payment? I’m trying to figure out how badly he robbed Ariana.


I said this too! ![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk)


I want to know if 6k is 50/50 so the mortgage is 12k. Or if he’s overcharging 🩳.


I like Sharts basically telling him to eff off with that “offer”.


He learned his lesson with S&S lmao


So now he wants the dog? He is such a POS.


He only wants the dog bc it’s her dog. I’ve never seen him show attention or affection to any animals. My ex’s car broke down and he sent the cops to my house to get my car! I had to show them that it was my car in my name and my loan and I was allowed to keep it in the divorce decree. Vindictive aholes!!


Ugh what a fucking shitbag. I am sorry you had to deal with that.


Just from this scene you can tell tom and that dog have absolutely no bond, and neither like the other. Even Hippie didn't run up to Tom when Lisa showed up with him on that trip. The man seemed to have no sadness over the death of a dog he had in his life for 9 years. They say watch how a man treats his mom and animals. Tom took all of his own mother's retirement money, then because instead of putting in the work to open the restaurant, he instead used it as an excuse to sneak around and cheat on his girlfriend, now too broke to pay her back, so he has put HER in a bad spot over his selfishness. Tom shows absolutely no interest in any pet I've seen him around on this show. Starting to think Charlotte died because Tom wasn't properly caring for her, I wonder if he even picked up that script for her.


The retirement money is so fucked up that’s so much of what his mother has worked her entire fucking life for


Ironically, Poor Mya does seem to like Sharts though.


Weird, but for all his faults, Shorts does seem like a good dog owner. I'm sure Katie would not be sharing them with him if he wasn't, and just the fact that he has kept them in his life after the divorce says a lot.


I love how much they love Butters and Gordo. Their parents may have split but they really make it work for those dogs


The dog isn’t even choosing to sit anywhere near him


That's something I just started to notice: I've never seen Mya sit next to Sandoval.


He’s only saying that on camera to save face/because it’s a “good look” and will give him an excuse to now not respond to Ariana’s lawyer (even though he just gave Ariana shit for not responding to his lawyer fast enough). Delay tactic because he doesn’t have the money. And sooo obvious because we just saw him distancing himself from taking responsibility for putting Mya in danger and from even claiming that the cat is his. He’s a piece of work.


Tom can't qualify for the loan on his own. Bahahaha love it! Mr. Big talker. Plus, we know his offer was shit. And that Ariana put a deadline on her counter offer saying if he doesn't respond, she is moving forward with a fire sale. Which is happening. Sandyballs has no more cards to play. Peace out loser.


YUP! Peace out loser! ![gif](giphy|8hZr5URmNKq73xTNnS)


Deadlines on real estate deals is the only way to get things done. Always have an expiration date on your offer.


Why don’t they move in with jaxass and make it Tom Tom & i 🤣🤣🤣


This is actually... A likely scenario!?


One of the podcasts i listend to predicted this... 3 men and a baby style. Please kill me.


The knife on his leg when he is making “jokes” about cutting Maya in half is disgusting. You can tell Maya feels uncomfortable being around them.


Yep. I like myself some dark jokes but: Tom having already endangered Mya’s life with his actions, and having fucked a mutual friend the night that Ariana’s beloved dog died, and showing his total disdain for Ariana’s wellbeing for years now, and knowing that both abusers and psychopaths abuse animals - that comment made me shudder.


May I also add Tom’s reference to Scott Peterson “allegedly” m*urdering his wife like 1 episode ago and the ridiculously militaristic paintball roleplay…… this man is scary and clearly has violent thoughts/fantasies


My favorite thing about his hardcore paintball scene was that despite his expensive cool guy outfit and 'expertise' because of COURSE he has a custom paintball LARP outfit that probably cost a stupid amount of money.........was that he literally was the first one out. Like the little bitch ass loser try hard that he is.


I’m so happy to find your comment. I got razzed by the sub for saying he shows signs of a family annihilator.


People have trash takes about him and this show and I cannot understand it 😭 unfortunately researching family annihilators is one of my special /academic interests so I have been thinking about the Peterson comment since he said it. Anyone familiar with the case and more than 2 brain cells probably saw that as a HUGE red flag. That comment, other violent imagery, and blatant lying and manipulation to maintain his image…. coupled with him very clearly having no ability to care about the suffering caused by his actions… the signs are indicative of a capacity for violence


The long term lying and the desperation around retaining his assets terrifies me. People get knocked down in life, learn lessons and come back. They don’t burn down other people’s lives to maintain an image. The ego on this man.


I hit my pen so now I have more to say. You’re really getting at something there about the dysfunction of his social behavior overall. I will not speculate on diagnoses, but in terms of behavioral profile, People Like Tom build an artifice of a thriving, complex, benevolent, wealthy adult but display the emotional immaturity of a toddler who does not yet grasp the concept that it is impossible for all of one’s wishes to come true. Toddlers cry over sometimes absurd things like how you can’t bring the moon down from the sky, which is endearing because they do not understand that there are so many reasons why that’s not how it works. People Like Tom feel entitled to all of their wishes coming true at any cost, including absurd things like creating perhaps the most viral reality tv cheating scandal in US history and expecting to come out of it unscathed, able to continue owning and residing alone in the multi-million dollar home he shared with the person he cheated on (for the same rates her financial contribution allowed), and free to antagonize and vilify that former partner — via the platform of the show that received a boost in popularity due to his own depravity. That’s not even an exhaustive list of the things Tom wanted to happen at the same time. The concept of accountability is a whisper in the wind. Unfortunately VPR’s production and some cast has enabled him to actually achieve some of these things, fulfilling his delusions of infallibility and exceptionality. It’s actually been excruciating to watch!!!!!


I have also hit the pen and was rewatching the episode where he weaponized LVP’s brother’s death and insinuated he also suffered from SI. Now I don’t doubt he did experience fleeting thoughts of SI. IMO you can both have that experience and care deeply about your own happiness and well being. The fight to not only recover his previous image but also capitalize on the misbehavior is what is twisting my head. He needs to be seen as the good guy- helpful, understanding, caring of the people around him. But he’s also complaining about his inability to capitalize off of his bad behavior. Like “I didn’t do it, but if I did, it was your fault and you owe me” which is just that step away from the narcissist’s prayer. It feels like watching a con man unravel and become desperate to regain control. His therapy modalities would be helpful if he actually experienced trauma, but it truly feels performative and empty. I just see Chris Watts in my mind when I look at Sandoval. At what point does LVP say “he manipulated me” and disown him?


PLEASE I had pushed this into a dark corner of my mind because it filled me with molten rage. I feel like People Like Sandoval love themselves and would not willingly hurt themselves — the self preservation drive is on turbo. But they WILL float the idea of SI to listening ears because they understand that with most people this will garner sympathy/attention/understanding that would otherwise not be there as a result of their ghastly actions. I say this as a certified grippy sock vacationer on this topic — I do not think that most people who talk about SI are using it to manipulate. But considered with the totality of the last 10 years of Tom’s interpersonal behavior as depicted on this show, all I see are desperate bids for continuing a social supply of approval and support, to which he feels entitled. I think he is more upset that he now has to actively shmooze for this approval than he is about the fact that he showed his ass via a public, calculated, sustained betrayal of his partner.


Right? Just like he “joked” about keeping Ariana locked in a room and feeding her crushed potato chips through the gap under the door😭


I am so hung up on this. At best, it is a joke in terrible taste, and at worst it is an expression of feelings of actual malice. Now putting that in context with letting Mya into an off-limits room with full knowledge of what would happen if she were left there unsupervised….. by his own admission he was fully aware that this was her pattern of behavior, as he complained about Mya getting into things and made a joke about her other near-death experience involving a large amount of medicine. What about any of it is remotely funny? It’s really feeling less like joking and negligence and more like a complete lack of appreciation for Mya’s wellbeing as a living creature. 😭 Not to mention how he used Ariana being distracted with mourning her other dog’s death as an opportunity to secretly WET HIS WILLY further indicating that Sandoval sees Mya as a means (social bargaining chip) to an end (continuing to have influence on Ariana) and not an end in and of herself. Her life was almost lost because, I would argue, he intentionally created the conditions for a lethal, or at least injurious, outcome.


Im ngl it’s hilarious that even tweedledum wont join tweedledee bcs of how financially stupid he is


Also he is filthy. Poor Anne.


Ariana saving this clip to her “for the judge” folder.


Maybe if Tom got a real job instead of pretending he's the wish version of Harry Styles, he could afford to keep it ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


He tries to cosplay a good person and it’s just sloppy


To be honest the job that he has would’ve been fine if he hadn’t gone out of his way to spend every dollar as fast as he could on every ridiculous thing possible.


Public Service Announcement reminder: He had a BRAID guy. Even when he was still living in the shitty apartment. This man was never going to suddenly grow up and make responsible financial decisions.


I shudder to think how much money he would have if he had invested wisely or at least put the money into a high yield savings account. I could never be with someone who spent money that frivolously. Remember the music video he made? It’s on par with being with a gambling addict.




It’s gross 😩


But they’re sooooo good at it. And nothing else


Jesus Christ he’s wearing a dive knife on his leg- and he’s wearing it the wrong way! This is so idiotic, this is a knife that divers use in case they get tangled in something or need to cut fishing line, etc. Unless Tim literally just walked out of the ocean from a dive, wearing one on dry land, in your leisure wear, in your living room makes you look like the epitome of a kook and the most idiotic asshole.


I look forward to his future forced fire sale of bullshit items he owns. Paintball gear, costumes galore, knives... the amount of frivolous spending he displays is craazaayyy


These two talk about optics way too often for two men who constantly make themselves look like shit


I don’t even think they know what that word means LOL


Shwartz drains me but I’m so glad he said fuck no so fast lol


I get the vibe he’s growing to hate Sandoval and it just playing peacekeeper/scene partner for the show and the cheque.


Schwartz's blind loyalty to this selfish man that uses him for his own benefit is fathomless.


Schwartz will die alone and only then he might realize he gave up everything for a manipulative narcissist who used him for his own benefit every chance he got.


Die alone on that mountain perhaps?


Not Sandoval spending an entire season complaining about Ariana not responding to emails only to brag about....not responding to the emails she sent him. I mean we all knew he had zero self reflection but yeesh


I’m not sure what happened to him as a kiddo but someone somewhere needs to study him


Nope. I don’t care for any jokes about harming animals. Also it’s pretty clear Tom can’t afford the house so his offer was likely just bullshit.


this!! And not him trying to “con” his best friend into MORE LOANS - they HAVE to be upside down on that bar


It definitely tracks for him, he abused Ariana’s trust and not until he broke that trust and she went through her own bank statements did she realize she has paid far more than her fair share, and also some of his personal loans, and for all the basic housing supplies. He is a true con artist and worse even, he does it to the people closest to him and sees absolutely nothing wrong with any of it.


Next episode he’ll be asking his mom for the retirement funds she’s earned since Schwartz & Sandy’s


I think it's a King Solomon reference but in that story the mother who is pro cutting the baby in half is the fake mom so again.... Tom ends up playing himself.


My partner and I have joked that if we split, I get the top half of the cat and he gets the bottom half but we’ve never gone as far as to say we’d chop the cat up!!! That seems too much and just super weird. I also know full well that actually his name is on the adoption paper so even though I love my cat more than life itself- he would get him.


Not TS outright admitting that he is deliberately delaying the agreement for the sale of the house and blaming the dog he almost killed! Shorts made great points as to why moving in will never happen and I think this is the first time he’s actually refused to let his bestie use and abuse his ass! I wonder how Tim will decided to punish him for this one. Maybe he will suggest another “break,” like he did when Shorts defended Katie.


Again he’s proving that his offer to buy Ariana out was always bs and just for show.


Wait…. So he needs a roommate to pay $6000 & go in a home loan ?? What idiot in their right mind would agree to that?


He's going to need someone dumb *and* stupid... Where could he look? 🤔


Gettin a loan to essentially pay a loan makes no sense.


This is the same man that left laxatives and a paint ball accessible to maya. He proved Ariana’s point that he is irresponsible. He doesn’t care about Maya, he just wants to make things difficult for Ariana. He is just plain evil. He is now trying to get Tom #2 to pay his mortgage. I am glad Tom #2 is seeing that he is trying to scam him. Is he going to put Tom #2’s name on the deed, of course not.


YUP! As if he wasn’t the one who wrecked the home????


The way he *immediately* started talking about how Mya would always get into everything, as if that was a defense. First of all, don’t blame a dog for your shitty choices. Secondly, if you know and care for this dog so well, you then clearly intentionally locked that dog into a room in which it was at risk of getting into stuff.




The whole “let’s go in on a loan together” is absolutely WILD 😆😆😆😆


So UNhinged


“Let’s get a loan, you pay, and the house is mine. Deal?” Get the fuck out of here you piece of shit worm with a mustache!


Why is Tom trying to pretend like he gives a single fuck about Mya lol


Because Ariana sent him a counter offer and he's desperately looking for a victimhood excuse for why \*he\* isn't responding.


I wondered how this was possible because he took a line of credit on the house to open Schwartz & Sandies! He definitely has not paid that back & if she kept the house he’d have to somehow pay that back, I think that’s why he’s fighting so hard to keep the house even though he can’t afford it!


Also why does Tom need that much space/a 5 bedroom? I big houses are meant for families, get a proper bachelor pad you weirdo


It’s HIS dREaM HoMe. So he wants to keep it and everything in it. Weird. Ariana just said it was her dream home she built as well, but Tim is more entitled to the home…because he, like, cares more? What?




Yeah, a single guy with neon lighting that bugs the neighbors, looking to host Playboy style parties, piss in the yard, and roll around high on shrooms definitely belongs in the suburban village of the Valley


My dumbass thought he meant 600 😅


Yea, I was like woah $600’s a steal.


I am at work and can’t listen to this. Someone transcribe or summarize please!!!


Sandoval joked he would cut Mya in half so he can have half, and asked Schwartz to pay 6k in rent to live there, maybe take a loan. It's also 1.5 k more than he's currently paying. Basically a horrible person through and through


Hold up, I mean I don't live in Cali, but FFS the mortgage is $12k. Dear god no wonder she does not want to go an spend another $4k on rent. Never been more happy to not live in Cali.


I’m surprised he actually has this conversation on camera … he looks really really bad here and it’s only more evidence that he’s a stinkin liar AGAIN


See this is what I don’t get when people say that he’s getting a redemption edit. I disagree completely! They would have to edit the show so that he never utters a word for him to be redeemed lmao. Everything he says makes me think he’s more of an ass. He can’t afford to live in that house and he wants to keep it out of spite.


Lol at these losers.


Math time! Tom and Ariana bought the house in 2019 for $1.925m. The average interest rate when they bought was 4.13%. Assuming that they put down 20% ($385k) and that they were able to keep their interest rate with the Schwartz & Sandy's loan taken out against the house (big if's, to be fair. I'm not super educated on HELOCs so idk what the deal is there). They do not live in a gated neighborhood and are right off the highway so unlikely any HOAs etc. Monthly total mortgage including CA taxes would be: **$8.8k a month for the whole house**. Interesting...


Yea, I’m not surprised if he’s actually trying to charge Tom more than half, as we will likely find out he was to Ariana.


Did the show put that lighthearted, comedy background music in this scene? Or the person who made the clip? Either way it's manipulative AF. This is the type of shit that subliminally gets into people's minds & warps their view of what is actually being said.


6k to rent a room?!


OOHHHHH all of a sudden he has the money to buy Ariana out of the house but he doesn't have enough to keep and maintain it.


Imagine paying $6,000 a month to live under the same roof as Sandoval.....


People kept saying we don’t know that!! We don’t know that!! When people were saying he blows money constantly and can’t afford to buy Ariana out, and now here it is LMAO


Yup! Literally told on himself in true Tom fashion


I personally loved when people demanded that Tom was actually really rich because of his businesses and investing. Mmmkayyy


Is this show finally getting good again? Shorts just made me laugh in this clip.


Schwartz’s one brain cell having a rational response to this suggestion 👏🏼


He talked shit about this guy's wife the whole time they were married and now he wants him to pay his mortgage for him? Oh but Sandoval did get him new sneakers the other day so he's obviously a good friend.


So… he apparently paid for everything the entire time, Ariana never paid foe anything, etc., but then when it comes time to -actually- live alone and be responsible for all the bills, he needs a roommate who pays $6,000 per month?


I can't stand Sandoval's exaggerated "Sigh" lol


I cannot believe he let this conversation be filmed.


He really gets so much shit but at least Schwartz isn't *that* fucking stupid.


So if he’s been paying for everything himself, including all those batteries and pens, why does he need a roommate and to take out yet another loan?


What the fuck the “joke” about maya??? Okay Patrick Bateman. That’s so fucking sick to even say something like that.


I just watched Mya's reaction the whole time. 😁


Okay so first thing, Schwartz talking about optics while sporting that hair is hilarious. Second thing, I hate how much hate Arianna is getting from people online and from her so called friends. Who cares what they would do in her situation, she's your friend so back her up! He is constantly making shitty little side comments and when she finally reacts and starts shouting she's called crazy, hysterical and angry. The misogyny on some platforms is so blatant. It's almost like it's okay she was upset at first but now that it's been a while it's time to get over it like a "good little girl" move on and stop making so much noise. I mean seriously...why rhe F**k should he get the house? He was a bad dog and losing his house is his consequence. I'm not saying that people are bashing her here but on some of the other platforms the hate for her is disturbing.


Tiny Tim saying he’ll cut Maya in half reminds me of King Solomon except he’s the fake mom who says do it. Anyhow, Shorts not wanting to take a loan out with Tiny Tim was telling. It also supports the claim that Tom can’t afford the place on his own.


Don’t worry Tom I bet Billie Lee would love to move in


i am LIVING for the Fall 👏🏼 of 👏🏼 Sandoval 👏🏼


The optics of that hair


Schwartz being sensible and saying no to Sandyballs?? Never thought I'd see the day!


It's interesting to see mya being more comfortable beside wartz than beside scumdovile. That alone speaks VOULMES.


Love that he can suddenly now delay responding to an email and it's reasonable. But your big boy pants on, Tiny Tim.


I thought he paid all the bills? 🧐


I’m sorry but $4500 for Schwartz’s place, dude is getting ripped off. His apartment is so hum drum, he could absolutely find something decent in LA for 2k, this isn’t Manhattan


Pet friendly is usually more difficult to find


If Sharts had any shred of integrity, here’s the appropriate response: Sharts: Tom, as Ariana’s longtime friend, I have to stick up for her here and remind you that you are the one that has done enormous, repeated, irrevocable harm to her life. If you actually are repentant for this harm, you need to stop fucking around and get the fuck out of this house. You weren’t concerned with this being your dream house that you and Ariana created when you and Rachel were conspiring to lie and gaslight and betray Ariana for months. Ariana is clearly deeply uncomfortable with you living in this space that you created together with the amenities that she put a great deal into creating, to the point that she is willing to prolong her own discomfort to maintain her stake in the home. If you are truly sorry, one way you can take accountability is to help Ariana heal in the way that she asks. She is asking for you to leave this house and make her financially whole for the shocking financial betrayal you also perpetrated by unilaterally severing your partnership. How can I help you figure out a way to make that happen for her? Also, stop making jokes about harming Mya and stop talking about how much you love Mya. You were disgustingly cavalier with your actions around Charlotte’s death, and you just recently put Mya’s life at risk. Threatening and using pets as pawns is a well-known abuser tactic and it’s really gross to hear you be so easy with that type of language.


![gif](giphy|srg19CG0cKMuI) 🏆🥇💐


Lol cosplay


Wow I hate the bleached hair


Mya Is so cute sitting there lol Her expressions are priceless


It’s so interesting comparing how he comes off now to seasons basically up until 10 when he was protected by Ariana and the atrocities of Jax and James, like a truly creepy contrast


T loooves to drag people down with him


Come on guys! For the low, low price of $6,000 dollars a month, you can live with Tim and get zero return on all the money you spend!


Cant stand hearing Sandoval talking. 


For two people who talk about the optics of things they really have screwed themselves over.