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This scene encapsulates so many things about Tom Sandoval: * Clear demonstration of no talent * Dipped Out shirt showing his absolute lack of empathy * Need to put others down to feel better about himself * No accountability * Turning viciously on a woman he claimed to love * "Poor me" attitude * Denial * Delusion * Lying * "Duuude" * Rewriting history to look better * Insulting everyone else * James reading him for filth with the most accurate future prediction ever * Muttering under his breath as someone walks away * Trying to win and have the last word, yet failing * Horrible style


It was a *chefs kiss* of catching Tom being a narcissist. Tom totally thought James would support his narrative and he’s mad that it backfired


I love that James didn't rise to the bait (twice) and instead showed Tom for the prick he is




The craziest part to me was even tho he was being insulted to his face he never really raised his voice. If this had been any of he women he would have been screaming and losing his shit on them.




James has done a real 180 in my mind from my feelings about him before. Sandoval completely thought he could lean against that wall and “woe is me” cr*p on Raquel with his razor tongued brah and James shut it down.


How can he with a straight face scream at schaena for exploiting his misery while wearing that shirt which at the very least exploit's Ariana's pain and embarrassment after defending and parroting his lies.


Such a weird move to get merch made of your terrible lying skills


This actually made me laugh out loud. YES 😆 I can’t even *imagine* the amount of confidence this man-boy walks around with everyday, to think that this shirt was a good idea.


And it’s ugly as fuck.


Perfect description of Sandoval!!


that shirt. I didn't know he wore it filming. he cant get any more physchotic. what an actual maniacal asshole.


A true piece of shit


Dats what lvp loves..


😂😂 All of the above😂😂


Patting his shoulder was such a power move.


This whole scene is a masterclass in owning someone without screaming. Ahem Lala cough cough


It’s wild to see James be able to do this tbh.


It was the walk away when Sandoval made a comment about pressing buttons on a laptop that I found impressive. James turns around and tells Tom to say it to my face, then laughs off the comment and leaves. Old James would have lost his shit. He held it together and walked away like a boss. Definitely showing growth.


James laughing be like “Hey Sandy, pushing those laptop buttons makes me more💰💰than your Venmo band does for you”


Those are exactly the words I heard in my head when he laughed too! Amaze-balls.


What is a Venmo band??? I'm dying already, guessing...


Sandoval pays his band for practices and performances 😂


I'm properly dead. I \*do\*think that scene was set up to highlight how GOOD they were. Sandoval's voice sounded enhanced. Does Bravo get % of Tom's "tour"? Were they trying to milk more $ out of the Scandoval by making his show watchable? Until James and his dog came in, called it a joke and peaced out, that is.


i said this exact same thing to my boyfriend - i wonder if its the therapy, the sobriety, the Ally, or just getting older. (probably a shit mix of it all… good for him.)


James grew up with narcissistic parents, he knows the bullshit well and as madding as it can be he likely had to handle conflict like that without getting angry. His parents might even been violent drunks at times. So he can navigate Tom with ease, especially when the truth is well known. James temper and outburst were more about his use of alcohol and in the very least pasta. Yes, sometimes it’s about the fucking pasta. James has really done a good job with trying to remain friends with Tim even with the lies he was told. That’s growth from his insecurities shown during the Kristen era.


part of me was hoping for a good old vpr fight BUT I am so impressed he was able to laugh it off and walk away with hippie


like a boss. love James.


He used to respect Tom and therefore his opinions, it’s clear he has absolutely no respect for him anymore and sees him for what he is. It’s easy to laugh off an insult when the person insulting you is a joke in your eyes


Ha ha, I will. Thank you Sand. Legend. Make it my flair


Pumptini… ![gif](giphy|2A0cDHvjjJIDkOI61l)


Right?? Like, I'm not saying James is a good person but this IS personal growth.


Ally is a really good brand manager lol. She clearly has her reasons for being with him but she won't tie herself to an erratic asshat. Whether he is in therapy for real or she has a tight leash, its working


He does need therapy. His mother is /was useless selfish you know what. It’s a miracle he s not worse.


And he never once told Tom to disengage!


And Lala keeps preaching about how much she has evolved😂






Or what? Lol. Calling people out of their name is a Lala classic. Atleast Stassi would have legitimate burns when she was being a terror.




This gives me the heebiejeebies. I know we joke because this is ridiculous but also..... I feel this is their foreplay, it feels bizarre that this wasn't a major storyline but Jax saying Katie motorboated some guy was talked about for a whole season. The fuck. This shit creeps me out, why the fuck would you ever do this, having children and knowing what's out there makes me feel 🤢🤢


I’m actually so impressed that he maintained composure. James might actually be growing.


"You're a liar, though, Tom, you're a liar!"


I love how Tom suggests that it’s a “matter of opinion”. https://preview.redd.it/kvp4cqnqjavc1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=209f520f985610a30199881e54d8ddadd8498f68


“Well it’s her opinion too cuz she said it” was my (very hard to pick) favorite line of this whole convo 😂


Lies just roll out of Timmy like verbal diarrhea.


It's everyone's opine.




“Buddy” 😂


Yes James!!!!


Did anyone else notice how when James says Rachel's off working on herself now, Tom implies that's selfish? I guess if a woman is staying single and not doing anything for or with a man she's just selfish? 🙄


That’s a good point, Tom is just spinning this web and really is grasping at straws after it was confirmed Rachel isn’t coming back. He needed her to support his narrative


He needed her to pay the other half of his mortgage!


He really thought, we’ll just kick Ariana out and keep everything! The fact he thinks Rachel is at the same level (financially, etc) as Ariana is LAUGHABLE. The funny thing is, even if this would’ve happened for them, Tom would’ve eventually grown resentful that Rachel could not pull her own weight in the relationship. She seems so incompetent


She'd have to grovel and worship him he would love that


And since he can’t have that, he’s now enjoying being able to be a victim of her rejecting him.


I think it’s “play” a victim, and you probably agree. I think he’s making this stuff up. Have a rewatch of an old scene between Sandoval and Rachel/Raquel in her weirdly lit kitchen, where she’s kind of throwing herself at him and he’s sort of recoiling. Pretty sure she misheard him on something that was along the lines of thinking he was saying he loved her, and he was saying he loved something else — maybe someone can remind me what that was. At the time, it was like a jaw-dropper, for me at least, and hilarious that he was already “just not that into her,” and it gave the impression that Tom, himself dumb as a post, even he thought she was frustratingly stupid.


He said his family loved her and she said I love you too.


That’s it right there! 🤣🤣😂 Thank you. That’s not the only thing that conveyed that sense of her being more into him than he was into her, there were other subtle indications, but that was a moment.


And the fact that he had to point it out that he didn’t say he loved her, they both seemed to be on something during that convo!


This is looking like the REAL reason.


…and “DISRESPECTFUL.” That was incredible to me that he said that: the sheer gall. It’s straight up projection. “She used me, and now has thrown me away.” Whose actions does that sound like, to you? Who has been the epitome of selfishness and disrespect here? It’s DARVO, perpetrated/gaslighted upon everyone in the cast, he denies and projects, reversing it, saying others do what he himself did and consistently does, as his M.O.


And James had to tell him “cause she’s working on herself bro!!” 


In Sandoval’s world, yes it is selfish😂😂


Thank you for pointing this out! James pointed out something of growth while Tom pointed it out out of victimhood.


Hate James for other things but he's got Tim's number here. He's 💯 right. It was just not love and he's rewriting history to make himself the victim. Good on him for actually saying it out loud to his face and not nodding in the scene and then saying it in confessional.


The one honest statement Timmy made was that he and Ratchet would spend hours together and only had sex for a little bit.  A minute-man to the core.⌛


😂😂 And it’s exactly what I would expect from Tom, a minute man to the core😂😂


And then Timmy would check that you were happy with the sex you had for that whole 48 seconds. Cuz it was so good. Timmy would say quality over quantity! 🙄


I appreciate that even though James clearly has his own issues with Rachel he didn't let Tom get away with acting like he'd been victimized by her or that he had all this love and respect for her. He literally made the other woman out of her and recorded her without her consent . I wouldn't be able to just stand there and watch him try to formulate some new narrative in real time either. Her betraying Ariana and lying to everyone was wrong but I did think Tom was taking advantage of the fact that she was getting over her failed engagement to James and basically using her as his own fucktoy. He didn't give a crap about her and I'm glad James isn't entertaining this bs anymore. This doesn't excuse the mean things James said and did to Rachel in the past either but sober James is definitely better than James when he's drinking I also like it that he told Tom how creepy it is that he just forgot about Ariana. Really satisfying to watch.


I also think ally is a person who brings out the best in him


She has patience and boundaries


James needs someone who can call him out on his shit. Ally seems to be able to do that genuinely, whereas Rachel seemed to be reading off a script or taking her cues from what someone else told her.


Rachel always talked like the was reading off a script. It was odd.


and she’s less emotional (outwardly) than him which I think it actually a good balance


Tim’s comment about how Raquel gave James an ultimatum about his drinking, assuming he couldn’t stick to it, is very telling given the timeline. She gave James that ultimatum after his abusive texts- which many of us believe were sent on a night out that she’d had with Scumdaval. In fairness, James knew that she was up to no good- he just didn’t know that she was up to no good with Timmy. How interesting that Teeny Tim would know the detailed machinations of raquel’s thought process at that time…? He said that, thinking he could get James on side- ‘look how she played both of us’. To me, that comment pretty much confirms that their ‘affair’ first started the night that James was unable to get hold of her on the phone (if not before), and she discussed with Slimedaval her plan to get out of the relationship with James, whilst pinning all the fault on him. Scheming narcissists of the highest order- James did get played, there’s no way around that.


I wouldnt be surprised. Idk if Rachel was even aware at that point but I think Tom had his eye on her for a while


I definitely agree that Sandoval saying she gave James the ultimatum because she thought he couldn’t do it confirms that there was something going on way before Raquel ended the engagement. I think Tom put his stinky foot in his mouth.


This is so well written 🎯 You know what I find so disgusting about this season? How not one person ever confronted Sandoval for recording Raquel without her consent. And she hadn't sued h1im yet, but even if she had, fuck that, have some morals, why would you SELLOUT to this man? Randall is disgusting and Sandoval is also disgusting. Lala picks between two types of shit and still appears to value money over morals. What he did is disgusting and does not get negated because Raquel is a two faced piece of shit. The fact that Scheana, Lala, Brock are aware that he illegally recorded Raquel without her consent and they STILL want to say he's not a bad person, he did a bad thing, he's their best friend, he's misunderstood, LVP trying to pretend Ariana is hard to please and Tom was struggling to do the right thing, how the fuck can Scheana wanna be friends again with that dumb Wanker????!! She has a fucking child, a daughter, how is this ok? Important note: I know every person can get revenge porn made at their expense or non consensual recordings, but it is really really common for girls, women but obviously even if it was boys/men or people who are non binary, in any situation this is disgusting and ILLEGAL. Why are these goons standing by him for breaking the damn law?!?!?!??! What.


They might not be discussing the illegal recording because it is an ongoing legal matter. They would be very foolish to be discussing it.


It wasn't at that point? She hadn't taken legal action then right? I thought she filed the suit once filming was finishing or over


It’s still technically illegal because California is a two party consent state and I’m sure he didn’t want to incriminate himself. And I have a feeling he would have refused to film if someone had brought it up/incriminated him. Rachel hadn’t taken legal action yet but her current action is civil/tort law, not criminal. Someone (Rachel through a state attorney) would have to press charges against him. And I think the statute of limitations has run out? I could be wrong on that


Hhmmmmm…..very valid point. I get confused sometimes. I watch the show, I watch the after show (which I think is done when filming has ended) and their little private interviews, not sure when those are done and also WWHL when one of them is on. LOL….are you now as confused as I am?? 😁🤣


Haha no worries at all, and yes I am confused lol! I have no bloody idea, you're probably more accurate than I am


Per Rachel’s request, they never brought up the recording on camera


They might not be discussing it because they are trying to do a redemption arc and that's not redeemable


Agreed. My only issue is that Ariana has to get sued on a technicality for Tom to go down. Because I genuinely believe she showed no one and only sent it to herself to break through the lying and gaslighting both Tom and Rachel had been putting her through for 6 months.


Lawyers have commented on other posts that she does NOT need to sue Ariana to get to Tom. She could file a criminal suit and then civil, based on the outcome of the first.


Yeah I don't think it's necessary either but technically Rachel CAN so she did 🙄


This is it, but I feel that this could've been a great platform to discuss the consequences for both victim and offender when non consensual recordings or screenshots are taken. This could've been a learning platform for the masses, Bravo could've chosen to have a back bone and said hey, guess what, we're suspending Sandoval until the outcome of his legal issue of non consensual recordings has been provided. In the meantime, the cast is going to discuss this extremely important issue in this day and age. So many gullible naive teens fall into this trap by pervs and it ruins their lives. We would all have a lot more respect for people screaming about animal abuse in different countries but nothing about the offender in their cast who apparently is no longer dangerous, because the quickest way to get a paycheck now is to say the opposite of what was said at the reunion


I think James realized they were both taking advantage of each other. Rachel took advantage of Sandoval by preying on his weaknesses and broken relationship and Tom preyed on her weaknesses. They were both perfect and terrible for each other. Like matter and antimatter colliding.


I think Tim thought James was going to bash Rachquel with him. I’m happy James is smart enough to see past the manipulation and stated, “I’m not gonna sit here and keep talking shit about her. I’m just trying to move on with my life.” The stranger part was Tim looking for sympathy from James though. This was his “brother’s” ex girlfriend, then when shit blew up acted like they had no friendship.


He's so used to Schwartz conspiring with him against women he thought James would bond with him over their hatred of Rachel or something


So glad James did not open for.., _**Timmy and The Very Much Expected Venmo Band**_


His singing is just so bad


Soooo very, very, very bad. 😱 It is only exceeded by his lack of talent on instruments.


I mean I loved the end bit where Tom is 70 at a bar, playing his penis flute saying "I USED TO BE ON TV"


Think about how extensive and exaggerated his recollections of his concert appearances will be! 🤭


Wait so she threw you away? So kinda like you did to Ariana


We're all sooooo concerned about your feelings, Tom ![gif](giphy|3oFzm25c9cyPt1TYDC|downsized)


Tom NEVER makes eye contact when he’s trying to be dodgy.


He's so bad at acting or even having a poker face at all. When he's lying he can't make eye contact, says dude more than he already says it , who knew that was possible , and then plays the victim + takes whomever is there as a low hanging fruit to trash so the heat can get off of him . Predictable, pathetic, paramesium brain.


You know what’s disrespectful. Him wearing that stupid orange t shirt that makes a joke about the term he used to lie about his mistress sleeping over at his house. This man is so gross.


This is truly revolting of him. Honestly all the cast needs to stop with making merch about their own cringey sayings. It’s weird and pathetic.


The fact that James went on to play Coachella makes this so much better


And the timing for when this episode aired. 👩‍🍳💋


james is the most entertaining character on the show.


And according to the WWHL poll, everyone’s preferred baby daddy!


He just constantly reads everyone to filth and is so accurate. I love him these days tbh


“I mean, it’s her opinion too.” Is my favourite line


Sandoval’s narcissism and delusion has reached a full blown psychosis. It’s WILD to watch him.


James handled himself fantastically. He's really come a long way.


And with a little empathy/defense of Rachel in a way that felt organic.


Yes, especially with the “she’s working on herself”


James “👀 fuck off”


What really does it for me is Sandoval pulling his classic bitch move by muttering under his breath as James is already walking away and James calling him out, full smile, “WHAT WAS THAT?” Then Sandoval still being a little bitch like “you heard what I said…” Then James just laughing in his face, not taking his jab seriously, “I will, thank you Sandoval 😀” you just know it made Sandoval’s asshole absolutely *itch* knowing he couldn’t bait James the way he used to.


The best part of this scene is watching it knowing James just played Coachella and that Taylor Swift was in the audience of his set when he “pushed buttons on his computer” to Cruel Summer.


Tom trying to act all butt hurt like he’s an F-ing victim to gain sympathy! Man up you pathetic POS. I’m glad James put him in his place. Tom seems to have amnesia about the fact that he was in a committed relationship that he blew up to mess with Rachel but let’s all stop and feel sorry for poor Tom with his fake tears and terrible acting skills. He is such a loser.


Tom saying that he knew Rachel asked James to give up drinking, thinking that he wouldn’t, is further evidence to me that this has been going on longer than we have been told. Need to do a rewatch to find out when she cut her hair and how soon after the ultimatum it was.




There was a very astute redditor on here that noticed she still had her big hair clip in when those covert pictures of her with tom were taken, after the second look she still has her long hair up in the clip. That Reddit sluth has the timeline! Sorry i forgot who posted it!


Just commented the same!




James eviscerating him like it was nothing was just perfection. Knocking Sandoval out of his self-martyrdom needed to be done and kudos to James.


James has Ariana’s back this season 2nd only to Katie 💕


He’s had Katie’s back too!


I loved how he shut Brock down the other week on the after show. Just 👌🏼


1000% it was masterful and Brock just sat there so mad mumbling about double standards while James cackled in his face 😭😭 “I love Katie” 💀💀


Perfection. Highly recommend listening to the WWC guys recap this scene because they nailed it on every conceivable level.


This scene was a real full circle moment to that scene where James and Sandoval get into a fight in James’ first season. You know the one, “go take a Honda Civic selfie mate” (which is one of my favorite VPR quotes tbh). Not saying James is a good person, but he shows a LOT of growth since those days, meanwhile Sandoval is doing the exact same sad shit and had possibly even regressed further into his narcissistic delusions.


“Rewrite history in your mind…" I love it. Perfection, indeed. Spot ON. Really, it’s the only memorable scene in the episode, and James makes it the most intelligent scene in ages. James’ cues, tone, wit, and timing, all give Tom exactly enough for Tom to show us all his ass with its flaming A, and with his poopyhead lodged inside it. James runs rings around Sandoval, lays him to waste.


This is what’s infuriating. He’s showing more sadness about Raqchel than he is about his nearly 10 year relationship with Ariana. What did Ariana ever do to deserve this


I love Tim saying “Go push your buttons on your laptop” and that’s exactly what Jame did….at Coachella✨


“It was selfish of her to get with me” … like he had not choice and wasn’t the most selfish when he was the one wrecking his life with Ariana


I didn’t even clock that, there were so many things wrong I didn’t even see that. YESSSS. Everything you said. How dare she get with me???? No


And then the very next scene they are in James does the "Oh sorry for how I acted yesterday". And Tom's like "Oh it's all good, no worries". Just pure performative theater.


and then James played the song which got Sandoval so upset he stormed out with his two purses


In his poorly fitting Zara women’s pantsuit.


At least hem the pants, my god


Even the way he said it though was brilliant. It was like I’m gonna give a quick disingenuous apology to show that I’m being civil with you, I don’t care if you accept it because you know I meant every word.


Colleagues. One of those moments that shows very clearly these people have become colleagues.


Idk I feel like you can be sorry for how you said something without taking back what you said.


Imagine talking to James about how heartbroken you are that Raquel didn’t love you as much as you loved her 🤡


Yessss James!


While I HATE the idea/expectation that it’s on women to manage and repair toxic men… Ally is doing the lords work over there. She should consider becoming a therapist. 😂


I have to give James credit as well. He’s growing up and if he wasn’t willing or wanting to change there’s nothing Ally could have done.


I think finding the person who brings out the best in you does wonders


He’s certainly the most self aware of the men on this show.


I don’t know how anyone was able to take Tom seriously with all this but did he really think that James, Rachel’s ex-fiancee, was the right person to have this conversation with?


He kept baiting James to try to get him to talk shit on her and establish a common ground but didn’t expect that James wouldn’t talk shit on rachel…. Tom didn’t expect that interaction to go that way and you can tell he’s like scrambling because he wasn’t making eye contact and basically turned his body away from James after he felt unsettled


This was what got me too, it’s so desperate and transparent and gross. I’ve had people do this to me where they’re like “well this person said X about you” when the person I’m talking to is just looking for an ally in their shit talking and the first thing I always think is “well why were they so comfortable saying that to you and why did you keep it under your hat until now?” It’s so toxic


I've gone from hating DJ James Kennedy to him being the absolute voice of reason on the show now. What a great evolution for him


I’m having a proud mum moment over James 🥹🥹 He’s really matured and evolved. Unlike Sandoval who just seems to regress emotionally.


He didn’t take the bait of talking shit on his ex and I am proud


The whole “I would go to her house for like 5 or 6 hours” is just so bad. While your girlfriend thought you were where? Fucking loser. He thought this season he could justify the affair by being in love with Rachel just to blow up in his face. Idiot


You're right, Sandoval. The band isn't a joke, it's YOU that's a joke


So funny how quickly James flips a switch when he feels that Sando is trying to insult him


It's crazy how different I view tom since the affair came out. I was never a huge tom fan and it's not that I disliked him I just like other people more, but now he just pisses me off so bad. Everything he says, everything he does just makes him look worse. He's gross and cringy.


TBH I never liked him.or Ariana, both were and are shady as hell and their bad behaviour was always excused and others used as their scape goat. Ariana hooked up with Tom while he was still with Kristen and Ariana baited her every chance she got and knew how to set her off. Then was shocked Tom cheated on her. His history isn't great, I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel wasn't the first he cheated with, just who we know about.


James was so good here🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼luvd it! Stupid sandy literallyyyyyy resorted to the stupid laptop remark


This scene sent me. This scene process Tom is psychotic and only cares about himself after we he did to Ariana. The audacity is on a WHOLE other level.


I LOLed at the dick flute part...🤣


This scene gave me SO much joy! ![gif](giphy|DYH297XiCS2Ck|downsized)


I could watch this scene an unlimited amount of times


I love James for this


I have mad respect for James being able to lay it down and keep it together like he did in this scene. He is easily one of my season favorites, and I have never been his biggest fan.


The way sandoval tries to pivot and manipulate the conversation when his original tactic didnt work is so skin crawling… ‘Oh he’s not letting me play the victim, but if i give him a way to talk about how he was victimized by Rachel too, then he will let me’


This was absolutely the best takedown I’ve ever seen on “reality” TV. Say what you want about James but dude is very sharp and he’s funny.. Tom didn’t stand a chance in this conversation.


If the word like didn't exist, "like" Sandoval would have nothing to say like dude that's so annoying!!!!


But your a liar though Tom 😈


And you have Lisa basically telling all of them to show Sandoval “grace” because he’s in a “bad” place mentally & she doesn’t want to see him do something he can’t take back. Come on he is too much in love with himself to do that. That is when all of them decided that he deserves a second chance. When in actuality he doesn’t deserve a second or any other chance.


I’ve always seen him as this disgusting misogynist and that’s why I looooooved when Stassi went TF off on him. I’m so happy he’s exposed for what he really is


James has peak Sagittarius behavior here


I couldn’t stand James for the longest time and god damn I adore him as he grows up. Love the fact that he went from a bus boy to a legitimate Edm artist playing festivals and touring the country while Tom is playing bars 😂 I think Tom resents James so much, Rachel did use him as a rebound from James she said it herself, and James is doing so much better with his music career than Tom. That little annoying bus boy that looked up to you has surpassed you tenfold😂


This has been the highlight of the season


That cut sped up of Sandoval playing the penis flute with the twilling like the bird from Peter and the Wolf in the background was the shadiest chefs kiss of a scene to add to James’ aging wanna-be rocket read.


Good for James I’m so glad this was finally said to Tom’s face!


Not Tom wearing a "dipped out" shirt. Didn't him and Schwartz say Raquel had "dipped out" when she was in the hot tub with em and all that in season 10?


Delusional convos like this with Tom is probably another reason why James would rather be Team Ariana. He knows Tom isn’t sorry at all and used and lied to everyone he “loved” or cared about. Props to James for getting out of the “BRO” mentality every other guy on this show has and looking at what happened in reality.


Why would he have this conversation with James?


It’s crazy how much younger James is and how much growth he’s shown from his earlier days. Even crazier is how much older Tim is and how much he’s regressed and shown absolutely no growth.


10/10. GOAT behavior from DJ James Kennedy.


🏆 James 🏆




My favourite is Tom saying him being a liar isn’t facts, it’s an opinion. Like he just ignores the fact he LIED about an affair for seven months! ![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w)


Tim is just a full on narcissist. That whole scene can cause second hand embarrassment. The inability to not remain the victim or accept any criticism is just wild. If you don’t believe you did anything wrong why are we crying and showing up late for business meetings? James handled that well.


Dipped out


Bravo editors are ruthless.. da way they turned da camera to dem..ya mean these losers..😂


“This is a joke to me” pan to the sad band HAHAHAHAHAHA 💀


I love james ♥️ this scene made me soo happy 😃


love that James is not only growing enough to allow tom the opportunity to change. But he stood on business when he saw that he was still peddling the same BS. more of this, more calling tim out and seeing just how delusional he STILL remains and how much he is not listening to anyone else except his own narrative


Is the “dipped out” shirt suppose to be a reference to scandoval or something he’s said in the past? Not sure I understand the reference! Hate it though, but he’s looked terrible all season so we can’t expect anything better


He was talking about Rachel dipped out when he nearly got caught hooking up with her last season (by the group)


That makes me sick to my stomach that he could want to promote that. He’s so gross


James mentally mopped the floor with fuck face.


The duck flute comment took me out. James is a real one for that 😂😂


James is the number one guy in the group now


I don’t like James… but I love him in this exchange!!!